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Beverly Hills, 90210 Discussion Thread


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I've been watching s6 since it came out on DVD(this was the season where I first started tuning out), and I'm lovin it! The season is so much better without Dylan, Toni, and Ray IMO.

The Val/Kelly feud is great(it's funny how tolerable Kelly is with out Brenda around).

Susan Keats(Brandon's girlfriend, and really lame Andrea clone) sucks!

Steve & Clare, Val & David are great!

The only things I don't like about this season are the awful rewrites(Turns out Rush really is your dad Steve, in every sense of the word :rolleyes:) and Kelly's lesbian haircut.

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LOL. It's baaaad. I hate her part in the opening, with that atrocious top. It's atrocious because it's on her...anyone else would have looked decent in it.

The Dylan/Toni stuff was so quick and blink-and-you-miss-it to me. Maybe it was better when it originally aired because it was spread out more? All I know is that their little romance came and went over about a week and a half. How is it that Dylan and Toni knew each other for only several episodes and then got married, yet everyone knows that if, say, David and Donna had upped and got married during the first or second year of college, everyone would have shat bricks all over Beverly Hills.

I'm loving Val and Kelly too. I love Val because she says what needs to be said to Kelly...like when Val, Kelly, Donna, and Clare went on the road trip and got lost, and Kelly was making all kinds of snide comments about Val sleeping with Ray, but then Val brings up the whole summer of deception, and so Kelly just brushes her off, "You don't even know anything about that," blah blah blah. There's not much more to know about it, Kelly. You fooled around with your best friend's boyfriend while she was away in Paris, and then the both of you proceeded to lie about it for months. In the words of Brenda, "I hate you. Never talk to me again!"

Susan does suck. Boring as hell and Brando deserved better.

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ITA! I was really liking them til the episode "Violated" where all of a sudden they're so in love. I just felt so rushed. I will say though, Rebecca Gayheart was fine as hell, and her and Luke's chemistry was off the charts(it just the writing wasn't there).

Oh, I love that episode(Donna and the nun were hillarious), and again, ITA about Val & Kelly. Out of all the 90210 characters, Val seemed to be the only one able to put Kelwhore in her place(for some reason, even on the new 90210, Brenda is never allowed to get the last word).

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Since I recently upgraded to digital cable in August, I finally am able to catch up with the entire series of BH90210 on SoapNet. So far, I've managed to watch most of Season 3 (Brenda/Kelly/Dylan triangle really started to heat up when I first tuned in), which season 3 is probably the profound season for the series I would say, and I think, the most watched. Season 4 was a bit of a dud for me, the only things I really remember from this season is David's addiction to meth and his eventual breakup with Donna, Andrea's surprise pregnancy and quickie marriage (which, when we were first introduced to Jesse, I really thought those two could stick it out for the long run and be a 'top couple' but obviously, both exit in season 5 and at the end of that season, I started to realize how rushed Andrea's storyline was and what an incredible turnaround from when we first met her (I did not watch the first three seasons, but I have seen a few of the very first episodes.) Obviously, the big storyline in S4 is the firing of SD and I really started to see the limitations on her character that season, she barely had a storyline. I remember her vaguely having a romance with a very wealthy guy by the name of Stuart, they were going to get married or hitched in Vegas and I really don't remember seeing him again (he was definitely a bit shady.) Now watching the A&E Biography on 90210, they spoke about how SD would constantly show up on set late and I really noticed that toward the end of that season. I thought one of her best episodes was the 1970's flashback when she admitted to Cindy how much she truly loved Dylan.. and of course that cliffhanger! I'm not sure what the future holds for those too (Dylan/Brenda), but I do know now SD doesn't pop up again until 2008.

Now, season 5. How I LOVE this season. This really is the season when things really start to change on the show and you see how it turns into a true soapy dramatic series, which I think I'm really going to enjoy. I love love LOVE Tiffani-Amber Thiessen! Val really made a lasting impression on me in her first few episodes and I really am excited to see what trouble she stirs up in the coming seasons. Dylan and Val were sexy, they had some great chemistry there. In this season alone she went after Steve, Ray (who I LOVE, what a shame, I really am not looking forward to see Ray push Donna down the steps.), and even Brandon to an extent. I love her feisty attitude, how she makes no mistakes for who she is and how she is always planning her next move. I really hope they do not change her character into a Kelly-clone and make her sweet and adorable. More quick notes about season 5: I like Brandon/Kelly, however, I feel there's something missing between them, I really like the character of Clare, I've heard some rumblings about her and Steve, that should be good because Steve, to this point, hasn't really had a steady girlfriend in sometime, expect for the girl he met on that dating show years ago.

This weekend, SoapNet is wrapping up season 5 and start season 6 (Luke Perry's last season until he returns later in the decade.)

Edited by tina m
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  • 2 months later...
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I just finished watching season 5 and I also think that this is the show's best season although I found it quite strange that some cast members (Brandon, Kelly, Donna, Valerie) were heavily featured throughout the whole season while others (Steve, David, Andrea) didn't have a major storyline. Dylan has been bugging me since season 3 and I think he has to be the most unrealistic character on the whole show.

It's also striking that Ray was heavily featured – more than David and Steve – and I think that Spelling initially had huge plans for this character. I also read this an interview with one of the shows' executive producers a while ago.

I don't understand why Donna started dressing like a slut, when it doesn't fit her character. Valerie at least wore decent clothes most of the time.

My character ranking for season 5:

1. Valerie

2. Brandon

3. Kelly

4. Donna

5. Ray

6. Clare

7. Steve

8. Andrea

9. David

10. Dylan

11. Jesse

12. Jim & Cindy

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I really need help! lol It's been a year and a half since I started season 1 and I've only managed to go through 8 episodes lol And I'm thinking of just skipping to the very end of the show and continuing with Season 2, but I never know when an episode like the one with Kelly's mom will pop up and I don't want to miss it.

Any great stuff I should look out for before I move on, or should I go straight to the end of the Season?

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Thank you so much for this. I actually watched "The Gentle Art of Listening" a few hours ago and it was a good episode--so we seem to be on the same wavelength :lol: I'll definitely follow your list.

When this season is boring, it's unbearable.

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The best years of 90210 were 1991-1994. While the show started slow, it really picked up midway through the 1st season with the Brenda/Dylan pairing, and the jump the shark moment was when Shannen Doherty was written off after the fourth season. Instead of recasting Brenda, the writers created a replacement character in Valerie, and she was no Brenda, that's for sure. Aaron Spelling learned his lesson 10 years earlier when Emma Samms replaced Pamela Sue Martin as Fallon on Dynasty and there were alot of fans who felt that was a JTS moment for that show and he probably didn't want to make the same mistake again. Seasons 5-8 were the decline and after Jason Priestly left in the beginning of the 9th season, the original premise of the show, a midwestern family adjusting to life in Beverly Hills, was gone and thus became pointless to watch until the last episode.

Edited by KateW
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Yeah, I'm with this. Possibly because I liked Dylan/Val way more than I ever liked Dylan/Brenda, or any of Brenda's pairings, really.

I watched a few episodes online a couple weeks ago, and it really, really is starting to become clear to me why there's a huge faction of Brenda haters. She was hell to deal with sometimes. Not that this makes me like Kelly any more, because post-season 2 Kelly is my least favorite 90210 character (that I actually care about -- Matt, Janet, Noah, Gina, Hilary Swank, etc, need not apply).

Edited by All My Shadows
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