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n.branco's offensive in "the rules"

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nelson branco has once again stooped to new lows in his newest "the rules" article. it is full of his usual bias and he has found new ways to be offensive.

he wants more representation for white lgbt characters on daytime and claims to be against racism, sexism and homophobia in daytime. yet he wrote this regarding b&b:

"*Incestuous pairings will get you high numbers — especially in the red states."

i'm not from a red state but this just proves his hypocrisy. but of course he does not diss oltl at all. big shocker! he instead disses abc daytime regarding his perception of how abc daytime "treats" oltl. his blatant favoritism of oltl continues. it's bad enough that he calls everything the scabs on oltl wrote is bad. but then he claims that it is not the scabs but carlivati who wrote the "good" violent todd scenes on oltl. yet this was during the writer's strike material being aired! he continues to praise carlivati in his usual biased ways by writing this:

"*Follow Douglas Marland’s rules, and watch your ratings drop!

*Air on a network that doesn’t know you exist. Being promoted and marketed is highly overrated."

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branco even continues to bash passions, which is so typically unclassy of him, since the soap is cancelled.

he wrote:


*Don’t hire actors. Models are cheaper. And much prettier to look at.

*Never change with the times."

hello? i guess he considers his all time favorite actress andrea evans (ex-rebecca) as a model preteding to be an actress. same goes for juliet mills (ex-tabitha), lindsey korman (ex-theresa), galen gering (ex-luis), etc.

and never change with the times? all passions did was rebel against the status quo of soaps. DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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i know right? LOL! remember his old columns how he would write that carlivati is a soap god, looks as good as his cast and should be in the soap hunks calendar because he'd hang him by his mattress! beyond tacky and TMI! and then he'd deny lusting after carlivati! lame.............

those columns were pick up lines for carlivati, and then for valentini! he wrote how valentini is his new crush and he's glad 2 italians are running oltl! now he keeps saying anything bad on oltl is automatically written by the scabs, BUT he is already praising may sweeps oltl/carlivati material! and it isn't even airing yet! his professionalism is down the drain!

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Bakedghoti, don't you think you are giving Nelson Branco way too much standing and coverage? Half his stuff is so tongue-in-cheek and campy. I'm LOL just thinking about that "two hot Italians" comment about Carlivati and Valentini. It's just not to be taken seriously! As for this article, his point was actually in support of Douglas Marland's rules on writing soaps -- he was taking the shows to task over it. Something we on this board do on a near-daily basis, no?

:lol: OMG, I just had a thought. bakedghoti = Nelson Branco! :P

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That list is a joke. I mean, a literal joke. He's having some fun with how terrible the soaps are right now, what's the big deal?

And how does making fun of Passions make him a bad guy? Passions insulted the entire Genre. It was a 9 year long joke.

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Branco always bashes Passions. :lol:

Passions has very talented actors and actresses and they are way good looking than other daytime stars. James E Reilly wanted to take Passions where no soap has ever been before and he accomplished that. I don't care if it dissed the genre, so what?! I love my Passions and I will miss it dearly.

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you think my writing about brancon now after weeks of not writing about him is giving him " too much standing and coverage"? i write about b&b all the time, not branco.

and his writing is full of hypocrisy. he claims to want to end racism, sexism and homophobia in daytime and yet all he wants are white lgbt characters. he wants b&b's ridge jr., b&b's storm, atwt's brad, oltl's sara to all be lgbt and they are all white. he wanted b&b's katie and felicia to be lgbt, and he suggested there were homosexual undertones between oltl's john and david. all of these characters are white. branco has clearly shown that he thinks there is no need for lgbt characters of color to be represented on soaps.

branco's writing is not campy. it's trashy and desperate and sexually starved. there's a difference.

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