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Kirk has now gone full on WHACKADOODLE!! Holy cow, Joseph Bottoms was downright terrifying!!! I didn't see much of this originally. How can CC be so stupid? Kirk is so NOT the right man for your daughter. 

Although, I had to laugh at Mason trying to set Augusta and CC up on a date. And the looks shooting between Augusta/Lionel/CC/Sophia at the casino were awesome! Also enjoy any screen time given Mason and Augusta. 

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This makes the show's ending possible story threads come full circle. Just before SB was cancelled, I recall hints the show was throwing out that Warren was not Lionel's son [which would have been ludicrous under John Allen Nelson's version of Warren, who looked and sounded like Nicolas Coster!] and there were threads regarding CC/Augusta.

Which would have intensified the Mason/Warren rivalry [started with Cassie] and made the family tree very weird for Mason/Julia [remarried by then!] with Warren as her nephew and Warren as POSSIBLY [as the story was never completed, naturally!] Mason's half brother.

Sort of glad the show ended before that dumb mess could happen, as those hints seemed to point that way...

Edited by Wendy
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Oh! You're right. (Can't sleep, hence the insanely-timed reply.) I must have blocked that out, but it's returning to me. Yeah. So, that sucked. (As did Warren treating Lionel like s-h-i-t to make it fly. Now I do remember, although I'm fuzzy as to whether Warren apologized for being such a turd to the only man that ever raised and loved him!)

I do know the rest I talked about before the cancellation was being hinted at, with CC/Augusta/Warren. (Sort of an inverse Lionel/Sophia/Channing [Brick]). But, yuck.

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I'm also glad that they didn't have time for that. It would have thrown even more dirt at the viewers who were loyal from the start. Augusta and CC at the beginning clearly had no idea that Lionel and Sophia had an affair at the start of SB. And CC and Augusta barely spoke to each other. Augusta having an affair is something that I can buy. She had several and owned it. She knew Lionel had them. The problem was that Lionel loved Sophia. And whew boy howdy was that ever a problem. And such a delight to watch. 

BTW Hope you both eventually got sleep 

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There were huge hints that they we're going to go the route of making Warren CC's son with Augusta as the show built up the Mason/Warren rivalry. I'm glad they ultimately never went there, and it felt like the whole thing was sort of swept under the rug and forgotten about by the end. 

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Augusta admitted to having an affair with CC back then to Mason I believe so they were planning on making Warren their son. However by the time Warren found out Lionel wasn’t his father, Augusta was long gone which took the bite out of that story and Warren never looked into who his real father was after Mason told him he didn’t know.

Warren’s antagonism towards Lionel, which was centered around the fact that he’s known the truth all this time, didn’t last that long. I think they made up after Lionel almost died the time that Cassie tried to poison Angela and got Lionel by mistake. 

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I may have to switch over to old episodes of Another World before I get to Augusta admitting to an affair with CC. If I never see it, then it never happened. Lol

I still see even the Augusta CC affair as a slap in the face to original viewers. This is the problem with constantly trying to one up the previous stories. Eventually there is no place to go beyond ridiculous. Also, I see it as a problem with constantly changing showrunners. The show was NOT THAT old, there were far too many people who remembered the beginning. And I hate recounting. I know that is just me, but when something is seriously cemented, I don't like changing the past. Change the future is fine. This is part of my problem with Gina suddenly having a niece. How many times did we hear Summer was my only family. Now, that is not true? I could have bought distant cousin, or daughter of old friend. I roll with it because the rest of the stuff coming has me sold. But it bothers me.

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I don't. One of the reasons I can't stand B&B is because they make it look like they're only five people in Los Angeles! What's wrong with bringing in new people who can make great partners for current on screen stars? The constant back and forth on that show is a huge ick factor and I would never watch

Speaking of B&B, the show premiered in 1987 and by 1989-1990 it was hugely successful. I do think it contributed to taking away some of the ratings that SB was trying to capitalize on that point and helped stall its momentum. I mean, the whole changing of the show writers issue did destroy SB at the end, but I'm sure many viewers fled for B&B even though they weren't in the same time slot

Edited by Lex S
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I recall hearing that Mason/Julia weren’t supposed to be a pairing and the baby contract was actually just supposed to be that. Lane Davies more or less confirmed it in an interview where he said they only happened because he and Nancy were bored with their current storylines and played up their scenes together. Does anyone know when they made that decision to pair them together? The overall storyline leading to Samantha’s conception scream romance. Why did they decide to actually have sex and bond rather than artificial insemination?

Mason’s scenes with Victoria during this time do show him starting to fall for her but things changed pretty quickly. He became very aloof once they actually got married and worse so once he found out Julia was pregnant. I wasn’t much of a fan of Victoria when I originally watched. She suffered by being a spoiler for Cruz/Eden and then ran into some bad luck once Mason/Julia gained traction. However, Mason was a pretty terrible husband to her. He was absent, dismissed her work, emotionally and later physically cheated on her with Julia while stringing her along in the process. 

Edited by Beach Climber
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