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AMC: Tuesday, March 18th

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My problem with today show is less Krystal & Babe & more how Frankie & Colby got kidnap. Did their parents teach them not to talk to strangers. & since Frankie didn't have any bruises how did they get in that situation.

Krystal is right about one thing Adam shouldn't have try to sell Jenny. He should have stole Krystal on the streets. I bet he'll find out she is worth more money.

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Finally there was movement in the JA story. The first half was boring but the second half of the show for them was good with them finding out about Colby and Frankie.

Love Ritchie but I had to FF his scenes. That nightmare looked dumb as hell

Ugh! Jenny is Adams child I can so see it. JR made that comment about her not looking like Tad.

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I loved the suspenseful ending with everyone realizing Frankie & Colby were kidnapped.

I'm with you, Cheap, on Richie. I usually watch his scenes but today I ff'd through most of them because they were just too over-the-top.

Adam snarking at Babe was the best part of the show, imo. I loved when he said Babe's swag stood for Service With A Grope. :P

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I wish we knew what Babe did. We don't even know what the positions are for the Fusion crew. We just get random bits of information that contradict the other. First we were told Babe worked with finances and accounting, then we were told she worked with advertising and we were also told that she was at some point the "CEO" now she is "head of a department" and we still have no clue what they hell she does.

Annie was said to be a head of finances and accounting but I don't know how reliable that is. Di was said to be apart of advertising but she "moved" to New York, just like Mia left to California. I am guesing Kendell and Greenlee are the owners. But I have no clue what anyone else does. I guess Fusion is just a plot point any way no sense in trying to understand it.

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LMAO at Adam today.

Loved the suspenseful ending with everyone finding out about Frankie/Colby.

Other than that - this show is BOOOOORING. And no, it wouldn't help to put in the Kendall/Ryan/Zach/Annie/Greenlee/Aiden bunch. It was a nice break not having them on my screen today....although I'd love to just have a day without all 6 of them AND JR/Babe/Ritchie. Could we get that to happen for once?

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