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That's not exactly the rhetoric coming out of her mouth at the moment, but adding the disqualified states to the vote count is a new idea being talked about for her benefit. She absolutely acts like the only contests worth considering are the ones she wins, though. How many times have we heard that one of her losses was insignificant? Instead of acknowledging the places where she loses, she's off to the next state to start campaigning. She wouldn't even stay in South Carolina to give a concession speech. On election day she was elsewhere for the following primary. Not the most gracious loser, eh?

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Clinton Camp Accuses Obama Of Plagiarism


Media outlets are treating the controversy over Sen. Barack Obama's use of Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick's words in a speech Saturday night in Wisconsin as a major story -- one that could affect the tight primary race in Wisconsin. The Boston Globe reports that in his Wisconsin speech, Obama said, "'I have a dream' - just words? 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal' - just words?" The Globe says those lines "are very similar to statements Patrick uttered during his 2006 campaign." CNN's The Situation Room reported, "In an hour-long conference call pushing the issue with reporters, the Clinton campaign said for Obama to use Patrick's words without attribution -- quote 'calls into the question the premise of Obama's candidacy.'" The Washington Post notes Howard Wolfson, a senior adviser to Clinton, told reporters, "The point we're making overall is that Senator Obama's record as a senator and as a public official is thin. ... If you're asking an electorate to judge you on your promises and you break them, and on your rhetoric and you lift it, there are fundamental problems with your campaign." The Politico adds that Wolfson said, "When an author plagiarizes from another author there is damage done to two different parties. One is to the person he plagiarized from. The other is to the reader."

The Financial Times reports, "In an attack designed to remind people of Joe Biden's withdrawal from the 1988 presidential campaign after his uncredited use of passages from Neil Kinnock, leader of the Labour party opposition in the UK, the Clinton campaign said it raised 'fundamental questions' about the integrity of Mr Obama's campaign." The Los Angeles Times reports that Clinton, "in response to a question from reporters on her campaign plane, added her voice to her staff's criticism of Obama. 'If your whole candidacy is about words, they should be your own words,' she said. 'That's what I think.'"

The Washington Times says Patrick, "an Obama supporter, dismissed the copycat charges as bogus since he has helped the campaign with speechwriting and the two are close friends." The Chicago Tribune reports that "Obama's campaign quickly countered that Clinton had borrowed some of his phrases in her public appearances, such as 'Yes, we can,' and 'Fired up and ready to go'" but Obama "appeared defensive when asked whether his words are his own."

The network news broadcasts last night were not particularly sympathetic to Clinton's charge, with two of them playing down its importance. The CBS Evening News characterized it as a broader attack on Obama as Clinton struggles to remain competitive, and shows a Clinton supporter in Wisconsin saying, "There are things that are more important, I think. I don't think it is that big of an issue." ABC World News noted the Clinton charges, then showed former presidential adviser David Gergen saying, "Plagiarism is way over the top. Borrowed, yes. A mistake, very definitely. Acknowledge it, dumb mistake, move on." Leading with the story, NBC Nightly News went a step further, and showed Clinton engaging in similar behavior. After noting Clinton's charge, it included, as part of its report, footage of Sen. Clinton at Coretta Scott King's funeral, using rhetoric previously delivered by her husband. Clinton was shown saying, "And we asked ourselves, will we say when the call comes 'send me'?" NBC added, "Turns out that same phrase came out of a different mouth just two years earlier, her husband's." Bill Clinton: "Say to him what he has always said to America? Send me." NBC noted "it's a biblical reference and a popular one but it shows just how hard it is for anyone these days to be entirely original or entirely even keeled, especially with so much at stake."

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That is the way the rhetoric is being interpreted.

By me and many others that I have spoken with. And......if she doesn't stop, the same people she's ticking off now.....

Are going to be the same people that stay home in November, if she wins the nom.

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I think it means that the primary is open to anyone to vote....a closed primary is one where only members registered with that party can vote for a member of the party. But non binding sounds as if it is one where it is open for all (or it could be open primary or open primary is the same as non binding)

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This plagarism smear campaign the clintons cooked up is a total bust. The guy obama supposedly copied from said today on Good morning america that he gave obama permission to take things from his speech and he said he didn't mind if hillary took things from his speech either. It would be one thing if he took from someone he didn't know but obama personally knows this person and he was right behind him when he said it. :lol: I can't say the smear campaign is a total bust because the new orgs having been playing this story all day. I still don't think it will hurt obama. The clintons just look like bullies when they try to drag obama through the mud, perhaps they should of just let the media come up with this story and stayed away from it, it would of made them the bigger person instead of bullies.

Devoted did you see that idiot bill clinton yelling like a lunatic at those anti-abortionist people in the audience? Hillary needs to leave his ass at home, he is not helping her campaign at all. An poor chelsea looks like a deer in the headlights when the media tries to talk to her.

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Better than being self righteous and sanctimonious. She did nothing wrong...your hatred is showing, once again. Hillary made the smart move to keep her name on the ballots in Michigan and Florida with also swearing to not campaign down there, as agreed with the other candidates. Obama should have realized that there could be a scenario where the votes in Michigan and Florida would count and therefore not take his name off the ballot (he kept it on for Florida but not Michigan)...they are now counting for Michigan. The voters should not be disenfranchized in those states because they broke some rules.

Why should she not set up a website to get superdelegates? She is in this to win.

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I really don't anymore, I thought she might of had texas but now the news orgs are saying its a tie now, which works in obama's favor. She might have a shot at Ohio though. 10 straight losses in a row is overkill, Hillary needs a debate badly. I really think hillary sells herself when she debates, and she hasn't had a debate since the the CNN debates just before Super Tuesday.

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