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Writer's Strike Thread

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^Y&R's done a ton a social issues, but Bill Bell tended to write them from a neutral standpoint (Ashley's abortion being an exception I guess). Y&R was never preachy when it touched on social issues, like how Latham tends to write them, it tried to provide multiple views of a social issue for the audience to judge.

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QUOTE (Chris B @ Jan 31 2008, 12:44 AM)
LML is unpredictable and demanding based on what we know of her Knots Landing and Y&R stints. I'm sure AMC fans would fall in love with her initially, like the foolish Y&R fans (like myself), then she'd cement her place at the show, then project her true vision.

Exactly. LOL LML sold me her initial few months.... little did we know though little by little she'd replace long time writers with FOL and then little by little the show wasted away into nothing.

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You and ChrisB offer PERFECT descriptions of what happened to me. I loved early LML..waxed poetic with bliss. I didn't realize that she was being tempered by Alden, Smith, Scott...

As time went on, it degenerated into utter hell. All those jokes about LML at AMC really clearly, clearly highlight how bad it got. I hope the era is over.

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Toups, any idea who is scab-writing for B&B?

The dialogue is slightly less astute than under the regular writers but at the same pleasantly corny and feels like a B&B history book with acknowledgements to the past in every single conversation.

Could it be Jack Smith who’s penning the scripts?

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As much as I screamed from the roof tops in the fall of 2005 that Smith was burnt out and I wanted his ass removed from Y&R......during Latham's time post Alden/Smith, I would have given my right arm to have his tenure back.

The show has suffered creatively big time since Bell gave up the day to day in the late 90's but it never sunk as low as it did in 2007 under Latham. The show pretty much became totally unrecognizable like the rest of daytime. Even now that the little things that make Y&R tick are coming back it just makes me feel so hopeful for what is to come. This potential Kay/Jill storyline has the makings of a classic Y&R tale. Nikki running Jabot and Jill and her squaring off. Love it :D

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Be very careful with what you wish for. And by that I mean wanting Alden & Smith or Alden or Smith back. Yes, I despised the stories Latham wrote and I am so glad she left (although it's still unconfirmed), but I also didn't like many of the stories written by Kay & John.

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Didn't Bill bell publicly come out and trash some story Alden wrote at one point? :lol:

I agree Sylph, Alden and Smith were both reviled by fans on message boards for years, but now some are hailing them as saints and have swept their mistakes under the rug. Granted they weren't as bad as Latham, but still....

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I am one of those fans who actually loved the Kay Alden years...not one of her stories (including the Sperm one) irritated me in the slightest. I was a happy, contented Y&R fan. It was only when Jack Smith hopped aboard that things started to go downhill...and then we got LML and the show went to utter sh*t.

And yes, Y&R never was the same after Bill Bell stepped down but with Alden, I felt it was as close as it could get. Jack Smith just dropped the ball in so many ways (Kay and Jill are Mother and Daughter being the prime target of my disgust) but compared to LML he was Bill Bell reincarnated.

But Sylph, I love ya, but I have to disagree. The degree of badness is totally relevant...I mean LML...I rest my case!

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I agree.... the degree of badness definitely does matter because Latham's Y&R can't even be compared to Alden/Smith. IMO. Sure yes they MADE mistakes and strayed away from the Bell vision in some ways..... but the show never lost its roots, history and overall feel like it did with Latham. The show was totally unrecognizable.

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I will be crushed if the strike ends and Latham comes back to Y&R. The show has been so good and stable lately, and to have her come back and dismantle all its progress would be a total shame. I almost want to strike to last forever just so her hack ass can't screw with another show or something...

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Yeah, I can't picture her being too happy about working under Griffith and if she comes back, I can see her leaving because of "creative differences," since her ego appears to be too huge. I think Y&R's writing team will be interesting to look at post-strike. Since Griffith is FiCore, and the WGA turned their backs on those who went FiCore, I wonder who he'll hire as the next HW if Latham doesn't return. Also, I can't see him keeping all of Latham's friends on board, I mean 18 writers, seriously? I expect a much smaller writing team. Griffith also appears to be moving the show in a more traditional soap opera direction, which clashes with Latham's distorted "bringing primetime to daytime" outlook.

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