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October 1-5, 2007


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Frons is an @SS! After reading his Fall Preview and his personal stamp on certain couples. How can this show not fail! It sucks! He can take his Skate love and Lulu and Spin love and shove it! I'm sick of what he has done to my beloved GH!

I can't wait to see this weeks rating for GH they should fall another .1 or .2! I had more fun watching my septic tank being drained then watching this "ish"!

I'm excited to see what the rating look like for CBS the next few weeks! Y/R is going to be sooooo good!

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Hits his head on the wall. :lol: I am happy that the actors are getting rewarded with a higher ratings. Maura West, Michael Park, Van Hansis, Martha Bryne and Jon Hensley have been great as of late. But storylines are still so damn choppy. Part of telling Luke he wasnt going to be able to walk was done off screen. Come on writers!!! That is [!@#$%^&*] writing!

:lol: love ya Alvin. :D

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Days does not deserve this at all. NBC fucked it over big time. I know Days itself is responsible but the show had the right people on last week. It's like others have said. The show could be perfect in every way and still get fucked by the Nielson's.

The ratings haven't reflected quality in years, if ever. !@#$%^&*] THE RATINGS!! It seems like there have been issues with them anyway the past year. Primetime numbers have been screwy at times in 2007 too. I know they are what networks look at but Days needs a miracle and it breaks my heart to see this. It breaks my heart to see all the soaps like this.

It's getting worse and worse and it seems other shows are falling with Days now. I say !@#$%^&*] the numbers and let's just watch our shows and hope for the best. It's not even worth it anymore. It's just more and more depressing.

I agree with jcar too. Those that are happy about this clearly never gave a damn about the show in the first place. it's one thing to say you feel it's deserved and then hope for changes but to sit there and laugh is another. If anyone has ever felt for Days, they would not sit there and laugh. Period. It's fair to disagree if you feel the rating was deserved and that the show is crap but to keep wishing the worst and even cancellation, like I have seen elsewhere, is really deplorable.

I just hope to enjoy all the shows and hope for the best. It's not even worth it anymore. I don't think it's Sami being a lead because she has been lead for years, only now she is all on her own. I think the stories were hit or miss and that hurt the show more then anything, along with NBC. Last week, nearly all the right players were used and still nothing. The show goes down. Horrible.

Days needs a miracle but I won't let it ruin my enjoyment of it. I won't let this ruin any show for me. I will just cross my fingers and hope it works out.

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Hmm. Well, uh I hate to be negative nelly but I honestly did not expect much from DAYS numbers this week. DAYS is still far from great, IMO. I mean, last week as far as pacing and action was just awesome, but again the writers insist on focusing the stories on the wrong people. They've also contorted and moved so far away from history it's almost like i'm watching a new DAYS. I certainly don't know what I am watching sometimes, so I could see why viewers who have tuned out aren't going to magically tune back in and know what show it is. This vendetta, Colleen/Santo, Sami's personality change and thrust into frontburner, Jarlena's non-appearance(until recently...but...ya know...)and an extensive host of other things...I mean it's just different. Not good, not fully bad...just...a new vibe(?) People are not gonna tune in for a week to see the end to a story that sucked in the first place. Now with all that said, I do hope DAYS rises at least a little for this week, because I tell you what! This week was the first time in a LONG time where I felt like some of that intensity/buildup I used to love about DAYS returned and everyone was slowly starting to act somewhat like themselves. Maybe these ratings gave TPTB a serious wakeup call.

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The overall problem with Sheffer, and it may or may not be related to his "masculine" style depending on your philosophy, is that he's very unemotional. JER was very manipulative with the viewers' emotions and he was very simplistic and un-nuanced but he knew the basic buttons to push. Sheffer doesn't know or doesn't care. And as for women, if you look back in Days history it seems to me women are so much the movers and shakers, from Julie to Laura to Marlena to Hope to Jennifer to Sami, this show will tank without girl power.

But Sheffer's pacing, build-up/payoff's, emotional beats, etc, are all off and at this point I don't care if its because of his own limited talent or if it's because of interference, the general viewer doesn't sit down and analyze that when they think about giving the show another chance. At best, Sheffer can write well but doesn't want to write for the characters that would help him get the ratings up the quickest.

From best to worst, our choices would be:

1. Good writing for the characters people know, while new characters are introduced moderately

2 (or 3?). Good writing for characters people don't know as well, while familiar characters' POV's are missing

3 (or 2?). Bad writing for the characters people know, while new characters are introduced

4. Bad writing for characters people don't know as well

The best Sheffer has arguably done is #2. And it's not enough. Accept it, for the last ten years people have been tuning in only for favorites. The writing has sucked for a long time, the only reason people tune in is that "See what happens to those people we know" factor. It's the fault of the previous writing regimes, and there's nothing they can do to magically change it now just because they don't want to deal with their mess. They need to accept that, fair or not, logical or not, it's reality. Fighting reality is not going to get ratings up.

The first thing I can think of is give Bo and Hope an actual storyline. It's what they should've done all year, they should not have wrapped up the Zach storyline so craptastically and should've actually invested in a deep and well-paced reunion *headshake* Anyway, now, they need Bope. People like Bope, people want Bope, give them Bope (and no I don't need to hear if you're the one person on your block who hates them, bully for you and congrats on being so unique, but I'm talking generalizations and big numbers). Get to know Bope, get to love Bope, and write them a storyline. Do it Sheffer, you need them, you arrogant arrogant man. Bope on the canvas makes a whole lot of issues easier to deal with.

Exactly. We need a good story from top to bottom, THEN people can complain about undeserved ratings. Until then, a fun couple of weeks isn't going to cut it.

PS -- F* the ratings? We have no money then, guys. I know it's hard, but lets just get practical about this, once and for all.

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You can call me another vindictive ex-DAYS fan! I haven't forgiven Corday and Reilly/Sheffer for their treatment of Jack/Jennifer fans. :angry: Drake's fanbase are learning what it feels like to have your favorite shafted and stabbed in the back. I'm rejoicing at the crap ratings for DAYS, it's just what Corday the hack deserves! :lol::lol:

B&B: far from perfect, but I agree it's improved in recent weeks, and this upcoming Taylor/Nick/Brooke SL will be great.

Y&R: Deserved No 1 soap!

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It's not hard to beat Frons' ABC. Even their top soap GH (which is bad but has been much worse & gotten higher ratings) is sinking and/or getting dragged down by its lead-in. OL is basically a handful of the same characters in 1 sl. If you weren't interested in that 1 sl last month, more & more of it won't make you tune back in. Looks like CBS is benefitting from Frons' great executive skills. Go, ATWT! If only GL aired before/after it all over the country like they used to.

NBC just announced a syndicated daytime version of Deal Or No Deal for Fall 2008. It'll be on NBC stations, some CBS & others. Wonder what this show will be, a replacement for extra hour of Today Show or (eventually) Days?

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