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OMG…..Ive never cared for Andy's tennis or antics on the court but he sure threw major shade on Patrick….hahahahaha…..Its was like the blind leading the blind with the USTA program..and they also have two other clowns like Jay Berger…ugh...

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I think McEnroe felt free to chastize Andy because he was under the illusion that people believe that he left, rather than the reality that they didn't want him to continue in the position and that he was fired. I think the USTA mistakenly allowed him to spin the story that he didn't want to move full time to Florida so they parted ways. Good for Andy for chucking his failure in his face. Patrick should have kept his yapper shut.

Could you imagine how his brother John would've reacted had some tennis commentator said to him what Patrick said to Andy after a loss?

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I remember when they made the announcement about Patrick leaving the USTA and everyone on ESPN was so pathetic going on and on how great he was blah blah blah stuff….

I wonder what John thinks about the Andy vs his brother….LOL

Curious to hear Patrick comment on Andy's next match…LOL….should be interesting…or if they interview him…or next encounter at a major…LOL

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Also in the category of deleted tweets, apparently Brad Gilbert had to hastily delete one of his about the U.S. Men's Claycourt Championships. Supposedly, he got the twitter handle for the USMCC wrong and accidentally tagged a gay men's porn site in his tweet! ohmy.pnglaugh.pngblush.png Maybe this mishap will cause him to take a look at his misspellings of words too and maybe proofread a little before he tweets.

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I'm telling you, anyone who misses the good ole' fashion DRAMA that Daytime Soaps used to be about, should really check out tennis these last several months. Starting with the Swiss! That stuff with the Davis Cup last year, now Stan and his estranged wife releasing dueling statements about their separation and impending divorce and Stan's wife really got her burn on with that scorching statement she released in retaliation for Stan's initial statement.

Throw in Martina Hingis trying to woo Roger or Stan for mixed doubles in Rio (remember her storied love life?!

I didn't even get to the whole Romania's Fed Cup team hates Genie Bouchard thing...

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Stan and his wife had separated before and got back together. There were rumors that Stan wanted to concentrate all his time on tennis and nothing else…I think this was last year…right when he won the Aussie Open. What did his wife say? As for Martina…it was nice seeing her play singles again for Fed Cup…I wish she would return to the tour full time…I loved her game.

As for Genie…ugh…she is full of herself …I never liked her and the non handshake well…..bad on her……she was getting bashed on Twitter this weekend for the non handshake.

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Halep had a few words about Bitch Bougie including her lack of proper upbringing. Dulgheru's handshake was simply a matter of sportsmanship not wishing your opponent luck. After Dulgheru beat Bougie, she mocked her on court.

Stan is a [!@#$%^&*] idiot. How do you ditch your family for sports? Fed and Djoker are making it work!

And RIP Stefano Capriati :( :( :(

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Oh my goodness, Stefano Capriati passed away!! Oh man, poor Jennifer and her brother and family! That is sad. I wonder whether there was any connection between Stefano's health and Jennifer's twitter rants?

@soapsuds-- Stan's wife Ilham dragged his azz! It's really none of anyone's biz but sh*t, it's juicy! She said that people shouldn't blame her or the marriage for Stan's recent spate of downgraded results since they've been separated for months now and Stan won Chennai even though they were separated. She also stated that players with better results (*coughs* Federer and Djokovic) are married and have committed family lives. She also basically intimated that Stan wanted to mess around like a single man, using words like "betrayal".r

JMO but I think that marriage was doomed from the very start. The fact that they separated then reunited around the time she was pregnant, says that he did not want to be married. Some people are not meant to be married. I think Stan might just be one of those people.

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Yes poor Stefano died of cancer..it was reported on the Tennis Channel on Sunday I believe…..and I knew Stan was scum when I heard last year he wanted all his time spent on his tennis and nothing else. I have to sY I don't care for Andy Murray as a tennis player but he said it best… he wanted someone to spend the rest of his life with because tennis isn't forever….there is life besides and after tennis.

Edited by Soapsuds
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I'm not going to judge single minded people but I'm just saying don't get married then and don't have kids if you want to focus solely on tennis. If you do end up having a child, liked Stan did, just accept the fact that you have to be a parent regardless of your hopes and ambitions-- just hope you can work it out as a co-parent with the other person--still no need to get married. Seems like Stan wanted to be like Roger but they are two different people and Roger's relationship seems a lot more solid than Stan's ever was and clearly Roger is not at a loss to commit, seems like Stan wanted the respectability of a marriage and family life but deep down wasn't truly about it.

Honestly, I don't think that his wife would've said anything until Stan put out that cheesy statement trying to cast himself in the best light as trying his best, which must've ticked off his wife and she busted him. He should've tried to release the joint statement or not say anything at all.

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