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Which recast had a POSITIVE influence on the character?

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Now that we have heard many of the recasting horror stories in daytime history, what about those rare experiences where a recast actually enhances the character? Did an actor actually make you forget the previous actor?

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It's hard...trying to remember straight recasts, not when an actor left and had to be replaced.

How about going from Brenda Dickson to Deborah Adair as Jill on Y&R? Dickson was so over-the-top campy, it was painful. Adair gave Jill some credibility in the "I'm not just a bimbo" department.

Oh...and Jerry Douglas taking over as John Abbott. I don't even remember who originated the role, but I floved Jerry Douglas.

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Natalia Zea as Gwen on PSSNS. Liza Huber was horrendous when she started and I hated teh character of Gwen. NZ was a breath of fresh and made the role likeable. I can now appreciate the character of Gwen under LH and thats bc NZ helped me change my opinion of her

Davetta Stewart as Lily on Y&R replacing CK. I think this one is pretty much self explanatory

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Martha Madison (Belle) on DAYS from whoever that awful actress was before her. I did like Storms when she was Belle in the beginning, but Madison just seems to be a much better actress. I love the character now! When she is happy, I feel it. When she is hurt and angry, I feel that as well.

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JESS WALTON as Jill Abbott: Some may really disagree with me as Brenda Dickson was the original Jill but I really feel that Walton gave the character so much dimension. She gave Jill a sense of humor and a touch of humanity which Dickson's haughty demeanor never quite managed. Walton has always played Jill as a real person, not a caricature. Walton's Jill is sensual, fiery, determined, angry and experienced. To me Walton's Jill is how Bill Bell truly envisioned the character and perhaps it could be argued that Walton has the Emmys to prove it.

LAUREN KOSLOW as Kate Roberts: When Koslow took over the role from the splendid Deborah Adair she re-invented the character. She made Kate a no holds barred bitch with enough style and attitude to hold her own against Marlena or Vivian. Koslow, in my view, did the impossible: she made a peripheral character a core cast member by playing her opposite to history.

JERRY DOUGLAs as John Abbott: I can't remember much of the other actor either...but Jerry Douglas owned that character and played the hell out of him. I loved John Abbott and couldn't believe it when LML killed him off.

and last, but by no means least...

JOAN COLLINS as Alexandra Spaulding: Yes, Beverlee McKinsey owns this role and yes she is an amazing talent which GL could never replace. Marj Dusay, while fabulous in her own way, however, is nothing compared to Joan Collins. The writers may as well have given Collins a new character to play because she was *that* different from the way McKinsey and Dusay's portrayals. That being said I think Collins was simply fantastic on GL, she gave the show a shot of Hollywood style razzle dazzle which it hasn't had since she left. You could tell Collins took GL seriously, she committed to her scenes fully and seemed to be having a blast. What a horrible pity Mary Alice Dwyer Dobbin didn't get along with Collins, her presence on the show was wonderful.

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Dan Gautier as Kevin Buchanan - In my opinion, the best Kevin Buchanan. It's a shame that the great Victoria Lord's sons have never had it easy in the performer department, but Dan Gautier was absolutely phenomenal in his complex, often tortured portrayal of Kevin. Falling in and out of love with Kelly, losing the son he didn't raise correctly, and ultimately making peace with his mistakes, Gautier will always be Kevin in my eyes.

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Davetta Sherwood as Lily on Y&R. I actually was proud of Lily. I actaully could see young girls especially black girls growning up with Davetta Lily. Like people grown up with VR as Dru.

MG as Daniel on Y&R. I remember the first guy looknig like a monkey.

I liked the girl who took over Theresa when Lindsay went on her maternity leave on Passions

Michael B. Jordan as Reggie Porter Montgomery on AMC

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Great Thread! I'm just going to list the ones I think are good influence:


Lily Winters: Christel Kahali (part 1) to Davetta Sherwood

Colleen Carlton: Lyndsy Fonseca to Adrianne Leon

In fact, Davetta and Adrianne were great as friends.


Bianca Montgomery: Nathalie Paulding (i liked her until she released that press release about the fact that Bianca's Anorexia was her storyline and that Paulding should have gotten more credit than Susan's Emmy win. Bitch! Susan's win was years in the waiting.) to Eden Riegel


Bridget Forrester: Agnes Bruckner to Jennifer Finnegan

Rick Forrester: Jacob Young to Justin Torkildsen

Phoebe Forrester: Addison Hoover to Mackenzie (or MacKenzie) Mauzy


Lizzie Spaulding: Mackenzie (or MacKenzie) Mauzy to Allison Hirschlag (Julia Barr's daughter)

Crystal Hunt to Marcy Rylan

Alexandra Spaulding: Marj Dusay? to Joan Collins (I might have her first episode somewhere)


Rosanna Cabot: Yvonne Perry to Cady McClain

Lily Walsh Snyder: Lucy Deakins to Martha Byrne

Heather Rattray to Martha Byrne (short answer: Byrne OWNS!)

Craig Montgomery: Jeffery Meek to Scott Bryce

Paul Ryan: John Howard to Scott Holroyd

Luke Snyder: Jake Weary to Van Hansis (both good but Van is awesome)

Passions (Holy S*** there good recast?):

Jessica Bennet: Mary Elizabeth Winstead to Jade Harlow

Kay Bennet: Gina Marie May to Deanna Wright (though her religious exit makes no sense)

Ethan Winthrop: Travis Schuldt to Eric Martsolf

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Priscilla Garita, LOVED her as Gabi on Sunset Beach. I love Lindsay as well but..

I liked Priscilla because she took the character to another side. It made fans think that Theresa could actually be a villain that Gwen makes her out to be. This was when she was pregnant with the twins (only Jane was born.)

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Alicia Minshew as Kendall Hart

Michael B. Jordan as Reggie Porter Montgomery

Jill Larson as Opal

Amir Williams as Jamal Cuddahy

Amelia Marshall as Belinda Keefer

Chrishelle Stause as SORAS'd Amanda Dillon

Robin Mattson as Janet Green

Tanisha Lynn as SORAS'd Danielle Frye


Constance Towers as Helena Cassadine

Lindze Letherman as SORAS'd Georgie Jones

Chad Brannon as Zander Smith

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Hillary B. Smith to Ellen Dolan (Margo)

I think Hillary had her moments, but a lot of the time she could come off as a chicken with her head cut off. Incredibly chatty and representative of Margo's impulsive nature a little TOO well. I can't imagine her playing Margo's rape or disconnecting Casey.

Melanie Smith to Kelly Menighan Hensley (Emily)

I just found Melanie Smith to be average, and far too pouty. Kelly brought a wealth of vulnerability to the part, and that's rare for someone so beautiful. Then again, all that put together helps justify Emily's relationships with men.

Kim Onasch to Jennifer Ferrin (Jennifer)

It's not really hard to see why! Kim's version was totally annoying, mostly because of the false emotion. Even with bland writing, Jennifer Ferrin was believable.

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PG's Theresa was a cold hearted bitch and she not only knew it but she owned it. She simply did not care and I respected her. I hate LK's Theresa bc she is also a bitch, but then she goes and either cries, whines, puts on the pouty face or a combination. its like they are always trying to make us feel sorry for her. Not with PG. She was so good at being bad and had no shame. Had she stayed, Theresa could have been an amazing villianess and I would have loved to have seen that new direction with her

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