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Y&R Discussion: Week of April 30th

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Oh, that's right. I forgot about Korbel. I bet you're right about that. I don't find the possibility very exciting though. For some reason Korbel doesn't interest me. How ironic that the ultimate goldigger (Brad) is unwittingly discouraging his daughter from landing the heir to the Chancellor fortune. :lol: I bet Brad will be changing his tune on Korbel soon enough.

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Kevin and JT are both too young. JT is Billy's age and it was established when Kevin came on the show that he was 25 (ten years older than Lily).

I can see Adrian being "Phillip III" because we know NOTHING about his background.

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WOW do you guys realize what a HUGE SHOCK this would be!? I'd be back in love with Y&R fulltime if this happened although I'd be sad that Jill still hasn't found her son yet. But still imagine Amber's face when she finds out!?

I have a dumb question. Is it true that Nikki told Brad to turn Phyllis in? And if so WHY OH WHY? I'm so confused right now...the writers are stupid it seems like.

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Yes, Nikki made Brad turn Phyllis in to mess with Jack's run for the Senate. Now it looks like he knowingly was a part of it because Clear Springs is a major part of his campaign platform. Plus the scandal of his wife being a cheater.

Jack was treating Sharon like dirt again today. Meanwhile they were actually talking about Jabot. The man has some set on him!!. :angry:

I just realized that Jill is going to be really angry with Ji-Min for lying to her about Jack owning Jabot. Damn!!

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OH okay thanks for that. That makes so much more sense. So it really wasn't against Phyllis although I'm sure shes disappointed in Phyllis. I am too. She should have just stayed out of Brad's business cuz the idiot is not worth the trouble. Neither is Victoria to be honest right now. She just did it to mess with the slut Sharon.
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I absolutely cheered when Cane showed his hidden agenda. I don't like him at all and don't think me makes a good son for Jess Walton. Therefore, let's hope that the StupidAustralianSonImport is just a con artist after all. This also opens the door that Cane and AMber will eventually be tossed out of GC - a boy can dream at least...

Hopefully, things won't get even worse with David Chow becoming the Chancellor heir though - my worst nightmare right now.

Except for the last 5 minutes with the Cane revelation, Lauren (What is LML doing to the character!????) overhearing Glo & Golden Snitch and Jill/Ji Min the episode was pretty lame. Who gives a rats ass or isn't turned off by such annoying characters/actors like AMber, BlandLilly or FauxVictoria...

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its not about the Fishers vs Jack. its about what's morally right. There were more people hurt by Gloria's actions. Ashley, Abby, Jill, Katherine, the dead woman and her family, etc... You are right in that Michael is her husband and she will support him regardless, but it still makes her look bad by association. I used to like Lauren, but these people are bringing her down big time

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I really think Southern Honey is right about it being Adrian. If Latham is going to be consistant about the age it can't be David. No way are Cane and David in the same age range. That said, I wish they had kept the character the original age so that it could be David. VI could have risen to the challenge of being Jill's son. I can see him giving Jack and Victor a run for their money when they mess with the Chancellor's. Cane and Adrian...all I can say is time will tell, but I don't have much faith.

And I love Victoria and I like Amber, so I guess I give a rat's ass. :P

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My story would have been David as Kay's son, then sister Jill and her new half-brother bitterly fighting for control of Chancellor and Kay's affections. Best of all, there's NO Amber in my story! VI and JW are too close together in age for me to buy them as mother and son.

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Vincent Irizarry as much as I love him, is a total dud on Y&R and I'd hate to have him connected to the Chancellor's now. He has chemistry with no one, is connected to a newbie everyone hated and there is very little story potential. Hopefully they do the right thing and fire him soon.

It's a shame because the two new characters that click and have story potential (Ji Min & Maggie) are largely wasted. Yes Ji Min has a story these days, but they cram it all into two or three episodes. David on the other hand always seems to be there with this Senate story.

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Wouldn't Adrian Korbel be way too young to be the son of Jill? Especially considering that Jill's son is to be the same age as the 'son' she thought was hers who was married to Nina... Adrian has to be about the same age or a tad older than JT...to me that would be definitely history assasination for Jill/IKay...but hey, LML trashes history at every turn from what I can see.

I think I know what Adrian holds over Brad's over-sized head..... :lol: and it was the one thing that I wanted NEVER repeated again.

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