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Y&R Discussion: Week of April 30th

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Nikki forcing Brad to turn Phyllis in would make more sense if Nikki never accepted Phyllis as Nick's wife. It's unbelievable that as obsession as she is when it comes to Nick she'd accent such a loon. Of course this is bad writing, just like Victoria being such a doormat.

The writing is so inconsistant and plot driven and I'm not really enjoying the show at all now. What happened to Jill/Ji Min? Two big days of development and we haven't seen them as a couple for two weeks. They had the perfect chance to contrast Paul/Maggie having a date or Maggie meeting Mary before arresting Phyllis, but they've obviously forgot about that relationship.

Even the worst soap writers are better than Latham because at least they know how to write a soap. Latham drops things constantly so it's a waste getting invested in a story. Romantic pairings and character development has 100% been thrown on--ON A FRICKING UBER ROMANTIC SOAP OPERA! And worst of all all the big events/reveals are rushed and thats one of the best parts of a soap!

Watching it may not seem that bad, but this is truly the worst soap on air and one of the worst ever. If Latham hadn't fired Jack Smith and Kay Alden it would probably be very good. Her ideas aren't terrible she just doesn't respect the history of the show or the characters. She's all about showcasing herself with her dreadful plot driven writing.

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I can't believe my eyes. They must be deceiving. You found the light *pun intended*, Chris. LOL!

Your what happened to...-list could be made much longer: Ji/Jill, Paul/Maggie, Janas disappaerance, the Extreme Catwalk-stuff (although I saw a casting spoiler that indicates that story is still alive), Kay&Jill...

As you said, the show has become a sole purpose of showcasing LML's plot ideas and her favorited characters Gloria, Phyllis, Amber ad Michael (although I think the latter could just get airtime because he's popular and Mikey & Lauren still have tons of support)

ETA: MTS looks indeed stunning and make me forgot that Nikki is quite a lot tarnished these days. I was never one of her biggest fans and I love waht she's doing with Phyllis but it's deinitely out of character... BUT I still hate David Chow. He needs to be killed ASAP. Actor and character add NOTHING to Y&R. Buh-bye!

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Speaking of Amber where is she? Is AF off on her tour or something?

I love David. I think he has potential, but they need to give the character some depth if he's going to be sticking around.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Jack is being a huge hypocrite right now. I want ghost John to come out and remind him that he's not the poster boy for honesty these days. Maybe the reason he hasn't found lasting love is he can't forgive, even when he's guilty of the same exact thing!

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Why did I let you all trick me into watching this show today? The clips of Phyllis getting her behind handed to her and people talking about Y&R having an old timey feel made me think oh okay maybe Y&R is back, but I see its the same ish, different month. :lol:

Someone please tell me, why in the hell is Lauren that much of a bitch where she is now all gung ho "get Jack?" :huh: Does she know how crazy she looks married to Michael who gets away with every thing and just coming off of killing Sheila herself? Are they just setting up Michael and his little band of merrymen for a fall? Everybody gunning for Jack makes me think so.

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The whole Fisher/Baldwin clan needs to be in jail. Yesterday Michael told Gloria she could be roomates with Phyllis, but now so can Lauren with her hacking into Jabot's security camara.

Today's show seems like a filler, but there is some movement in the "Bring down Jack" s/l because Michael and Lauren found without a doubt proof that Jack owns Jabot and we got some Jill/Ji Min stuff.

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Uh oh...Lauren just found out Gloria tampered with the face cream. This should be a good confrontation.

And Michael and Victor rolled up on Ji Min in the GCAC like it was NOTHING! I think Ji Min shitted himself. :lol:

ETA: I can see it now. Cane and his uncle are scamming Kay and Jill. And I really liked him too. And here we were thinking Amber was the schemer in that "marriage".

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If Lauren found out about the Skin Cream Killer, would she even care? I can see her getting mad at Michael keeping the secret but then going along and protecting them all and being the hypocrite that this family is

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Why wouldn't Lauren choose the Fishers over Jack though. He's nothing to her these days. I can't even remember the last time they shared a sceen. Michael is her husband she should be on his side. At least, I think she should. It's not as if Gloria intended for the tainted cream to get out into the market place. She's guilty of stupidity more than anything else. If I were Lauren though I would make an effort to not know what they are up to. Easier to avoid an orange jumpsuirt that way. :lol: Has it even been proven that the skin cream was responsible for that woman's death? I thought her husband tried to sue a restaurant or something first?

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