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Y&R Discussion: Week of April 30th

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no Adrian would be the perfect age. Its been established that Jill's son is 31, which looks to be about right for Adrian. He looks like he's in his early 30s to me. No way is he the same as JT. He's definetly older by several years

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Okay, I don't know all the history on Y&R but Nina and Philip married when she was out of highschool (didn't she drop out), right? That had to be in the mid eighties, correct...? Yeah, I could see it....but then again, I've been somewhat disappointed at how they just threw this storyline together.... If Adrian is a Chancellor this won't have any affect on his relationship with Colleen correct?

Can you see Amber's hopes of her prized cash cow slowly disappearing before her eyes if Cane is in fact a fraud just like she is? HAHAHAHAHA

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In real life, the actor who plays JT is one year older than the actor who plays Adrian, but you are right that on the show Adrian is in his early 30s which would make him the right age to be Jill's son.

The confusion about Phillip's age stems from the fact that the Phillip who died was SORASed so he could fit in with the Cricket/Nina crowd. If Jill's son is alive, he would have been born about 30 years ago on the show.

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SORASing and DESORASing happens so much it doesn't even phases me anymore. However, I draw the line at a situation where Jill believes Cane is her son and then a few weeks later believes it's someone David Chow's age. If they did something like that I woulkd really be pissed (for all the good that would do me). Adrian and Cane are at least in the same ballpark when it comes to age.

Now if they were going to be consistant with the Philip who married Nina, then David Chow would make perfect sense. The guy who played that role has to be in his 40's by now.

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The BIG screw-up actually happened when Jill found out Kay was her mother. They showed her birth cerfiicate and it said she was 46 then. That was the FIRST mistake and therefore I think LML went with that age frame for Jill and decided to deSORAS Phillip III back to his original age on 31.

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deSORASing Phillip here has caused a major problem for the history of the show in the long term. Say we get a good writer to replace Latham, how can they bring on Nina and Phillip IV without causing confusion?

nuPhillip will be 31 with Fake!Phillip's peers being in their early 40s and his son would be at least 18. You can't be 31 with an 18 year old son. And how crazy would it be to have Phillip IV hanging out with the teens along with Phillip III? Or worse, can you imagine Christine and Nina hanging out with Lily and Cane/Phillip talking about the old days? It would look so crazy.

Phillip III should be involved in the adult business stories leaving Billy and Phillip IV for the teen scene. This whole story is a half baked disaster and it's obvious they aren't devoted and have no idea how it will turn out. Nina should be there in some capacity and Phillip IV and Billy should be on contract.

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The only choice is to DESORAS Phillip IV if they choose to bring him on. That's not such a huge issue. The real problem is if they ever want to bing Trisha Cast back as Nina. I guess they just won't because I don't see how that could work.

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Billy is the heir. Nina's son isn't even a real Chancellor. If they do decide to bring him back somewhere down the road, I don't see what difference his age will make. At this point I'd much rather see a good Billy recast.

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Well, since we are no longer living in the 18th century an heir doesn't have to come from the paternal side of the family. Billy and his future children and the future children of the real Phillip will be the Chancellor heirs just as much as Phillip IV. Actually, that goes for Mac and her future children as well. Not that I see what this has to do with DESORASing Nina's son or why it would be a problem.

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Billy's an Abbott, not a Chancellor & Katherine has always wanted Phillip's heir to run CI.

RealPhillip is the one who died. FauxPhillip (Cane or whoever) is the imposter.

Billy (along with Keemo, Kyle, Abby & Colleen) will be focused on runnin Jabot, Mackenzie won't be runnin CI since business has never really been her thing & desorasing Phillip further only serves to screw up an already screwed up timeline even more.

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That's your opinion. I disagree. Billy is an Abbot and a Chancellor (Kay is a Chancellor, even if it's by marriage). Last time I checked women contributed half the DNA that make a child.

Katherine herself has referred to Jill's biological son as the "real Philip". It's pretty obvious that she intends Jill's biological son to run CI and his children after him. If that doesn't happen, I don't see why Philip VI would have any greater claim then any of Katherine's heirs. I'm pretty sure Jill for one will be in Billy's corner. It's not like they even mention Philip VI these days.

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