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AMC: Tuesday

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Haha - I'm loving these boardroom scenes with naked Adam waking up. He doesn't even seem to care or be embarrased and I love that. I like how Tad got Aiden and Jamie to get Adam in his naked state. I love the one-upping, but Adam does look psychotic. I loved how he screamed "BOO!!!" in that one guy's face.

I'm enjoying the Jack/Zach scenes - and then Lily coming in after seeing the mysterious stalker lady. I like how Zach is escorting Lily into Cambias for her first day of professional work. What a good boss!

Erica/Jack are to divorce today :( I hope Sean can convince her not to show up....

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I'm not enjoying these cheap theatrics at Adam's expense. He's got every right to be pissed off at that whore and her merry band of conspirators. he shouldn't be made to look incompetent because God forbid osmeone have enough sense not ot buy into "Carey is love" propoganda.

Tad sickens me to no end. At least Adam never tortured anyone by buriying them alive.

Erica gets what she deserves. She had her chance.

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Well most of these theatrics are thanks to Tad - not really Krystal. She's trying to get the theatrics to go away......but I think if you keep watching over the weeks, you'll see that Adam gets even in a really good way ;)

These Sean/Erica scenes are surprisingly really good. This is the best acting we've seen from Sean (finally). I loved that Kane women hug too.

JR needs to STFU. I've never been so annoyed by his character...I really hate how McT has ruined him for me lately. I'm loving Colby today though. At least she's sticking up for her father and trying to keep peace. She's not annoying doing it either - I think that shows how much Ambyr as matured in her role.

Oh God - ANOTHER reason to hate Jeff Martin. Could we pretend he didn't just come into this episode? Ugh.

I'm loving Nancy Drew..errr...Lily. She's cracking me up today with her ruler.

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JANET!!!! Haha - how freakin' hilarious was that last scene?!?

Adam sitting in a straitjacket: "They'll regret this! I'll make Hannibal Lector look like a cub scout!"

Janet enters room: "Adam Chandler!!!!!! AWWW - What brings you to my neck of the woods????"

Adam: "Oh no. Oh my God...."

***THE END****

Awesome episode - I'm loving AMC this week.

And Hannah Nichols debuted today too. I actually had no idea what this woman would look like. But she could definitely pass as Kelli Giddish's (Di) older sister. Take away the hair, and they look VERY similar. Can't wait to see her scenes tomorrow with Zach.

I loved that last scene with Erica/Jack. No words, but full of emotion.

Sean: "You are embarrasing!"

Barbara: "Well then don't look!" :lol:

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Amen, amen, amen, hallelujah... with a generous heaping of WORD! :lol:

Adam has nothing to do with ANY of this, so I don't understand why the hell everyone is painting him the villain. All he did was, I dunno, stand by Krystal and love Krystal and give Krystal both of his testicles... and then she sleeps with Tad and gets pregnant with his Baby, and all of a sudden, Adam's the bad guy because he's PISSED OFF AT THE LEVEL OF BETRAYL?!?!

Are these people serious?

None of this would happen if Krystal would MOVE THE HELL OUT!! Why aren't these people getting this?

I hate the way this storyline is being written. What should be a "Welcome Back, Adam Chandler. Here's Ya Damn Balls Back" storyline has turned into "Adam is a Psycho Lunatic" storyline to, surprise surprise, prop the barnyard hayseed Carey whores!

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As much as its going to hurt this week for we Jack&Erica fans, I think the show has shown us that everyone knows they are supposed to be together and how much in love they are and they WILL end up together at the end of this story no matter how long it takes. That's the only thing that's getting me through. The kids see they belong together; their friends do; Myrtle does; even their lawyers do which is a good sign for their future. I can't wait to see Susan/Walt do their stuff :)

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UGH I am so hating Tad right now. He needs to FOAD! <_<

I was rolling in the nekkid Adam scenes, DC rocked those scenes :lol: :lol:

Kendall, Bianca and Erica, loved their scenes.

Zach & Lily those two rock! Loved Lily's "Don't believe a word she says, write it down and I'll fact check it for you" Love Lily and her BS meter

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Tad's a dumb ASS! He justifies his actions because he wants his baby away from Adam, and since Krystal won't leave, he'll destroy Adam?! Is that what this is all about?


Didn't Adam offer to join forces with Tad to get Krystal out of the mansion and the baby away from Krystal, but TAD EFFING REFUSED TO WORK WITH HIM?!? Instead, Tad exacerbates the situation by moving in to the home of the man whose wife he slept with and impregnated -- and somehow, Adam's just supposed to be happy about this, or be locked up in Oakhaven against his will? :rolleyes:

Martins suck musty ass. Plain and simple.


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David Canary is keeping me invested in this storyline. I refuse to be manipulated by the Carey propping. Go Adam Chandler Go! Loved the last scene and then Janet enters and his utter shock :lol:

Adam Chandler simply effin rocks and David Canary is still showing us why he has won all those emmys!

I really enjoyed the Kane women and then Sean and Erica. I like the relationship those two are developing and all the nods to history today! Bianca's eating disorder, Travis! Love when the show at least gives me that. Barbara is so transparent but oh such a trip. She is so hilarious. I really hope she sticks around.

I love Hannah already! And Lily has been on 4 days in a row, what on earth is up with that? :o

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