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OLTL Discussion: Week of March 26th

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I think MA looks great and I look forward to see her in a story without John. The show has returned to snooozze

By the way, poor ol Christian Chambers does need a day off. She is on every day and involved now in every story. Dena's female John.

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Well, well, well....I just got around to catching up on my OLTL viewing for last week and I got a pleasant surprise when I watched the Wednesday episode. I was not expecting to see Scott Bryce and Dr. Ed Crosby. It was great to see him once more.

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I was just thinking that watching Thursday's episode -- her blue eyes really contrasted beautifully with her red hair and creamy skin. I just wish Wardrobe would put her in something other than jeans and a long-sleeved T. Steal something from Christina Chambers's "Marty" wardrobe, Melissa!

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I guess I'm one of the few who didn't feel sorry for her. I thought it was pretty funny that she accused Marty of doing the same thing she did when John was with Evangeline. It just goes to show that what goes around comes back around.

As of late CC has been more miss than hit for me.

I too enjoyed the Jessica/Miles scenes.

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Scotty, that isn't a ringing endorsement for the week. LOL.

OK, I'm only kidding. I love Scott Bryce and think OLTL missed out not putting him on contract. I think Dr. Crosby and Nora would have been fun. I would have loved for Nora to fix Dr. Crosby up with Viki. ATWT got him though.

Anyway, I've thought the last few weeks have been dull, that is the reason I found your post funny. Sorry.

Hey LSkreet. I don't feel sorry for Natalie, I just want to see her with someone else. I just really never want to see her cry again. It's not MA's best acting skill.

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I know what you mean. Her face takes on that look of a baby taking a dump, but she's not alone there. Most younger soap actresses would be wise to study Dee Hall for crying scenes.

I do feel sorry for her though. Not that I want to identify with her, it's more like pity.

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I can't say I really pity her either. John is still emotionally unavailable and someone mentiond here that she's too needy for him and it's true. They are dragging out this break up but it's something that's needed to happen for a long time. Hopefully once it's all said and done these two can move on and maybe Natalie will get her self respect back.

I would have loved to have seen Scott Bryce full time on the show. Oh well.

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I don't feel sorry for her either... and it would take a lot for me to feel sorry for her concerning John. She's getting what she asked for. I have been finding myself thinking, that Natalie is looking as pitiful, sniffing around him, as back then when she busted up John and Evangeline's relationship making it all about her.

I do think through this whole thing, they have been making her look stupider than normal; and that I don't like. They always like to make Natalie appear that she's a strong woman, but all she ends up looking it like a weak child when it comes to John. She might voice her opinions with John, and John might listen and talk with others about her and his feelings for her... but when it comes down to it, John's decision will be about him and Natalie will concede to it and follow him like a puppy. With John, she's always look like that weak woman/puppy by going with the flow when he wants to.

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I don't think it's anyone who's already on the show. It's going to be a memeber of the white supremist group but not sure if that person has been cast yet. I will say I'm a little nervous when it comes to this story. In the hands of a good writer it can be a powerful story, but this is Higley we're talking about.

So far, it's been good and it's effected a fair share of people on the show from minor (Vincent, Talia) to major (Antonio, Nora). I think at some point Evangeline or Layla will be targeted, more so Van since she's the one who figured out they were behind the fires.

I wonder if this story is more Ron or Dena's idea.

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In the beginning, I would have to say Dena... and that's because it seemed to be all about Vincent, and his "attraction" to Natalie and his "vendetta" with the Vegas. It didn't seem to be shaping up to be an interesting story to me, until Antonio, Talia, and Nora were brought into the storyline... especially Nora, and that I would say is more Ron than Dena.

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I'm not optimistic about this story for that very reason. I don't think the current writers know how to handle a sensitive story. So far, it's been a way for Talia, Nash, Jessica, and Nora to need rescuing. I haven't seen much in the way of storytelling. I think it will appeal to some of the board nuts who yell racism all the time.

So nope, I'm not looking forward to this one, not at all. I suspect we will see Vangie the Victim, Kidnapalie and any slew of other female victims sooner than we think.

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