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OLTL Discussion: Week of March 26th

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Welcome to the One Life to Live Discussion Thread for the week of March 26th, 2007. This week looks pretty action packed, so set back and enjoy the ride. OLTL has been rockin' lately, so I'm sure we'll all have a lot to talk about. Hope you enjoy your visit and are prepared to discuss the interworkings of Llanview, PA and OLTL. If so, then you're in the right place.

So, let's begin our discussion of the good, bad, and ugly that is Llanview, Pennsylvania & One Life to Live...
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Ooooo that will be something to watch! I have alot of issues regarding OLTL but they seem to have been dedicating lots of airtime to the vets. Any word on when we will see the Nora/Bo/Lindsay story start up Scotty?

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You're welcome. I too am glad to see Hillary sticking around. OLTL has been very lucky the last couple years in that they haven't lost the vets like their two sister soaps have. I am also enjoying their increased usage of vets. I hope they keep it up.

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I loved it today when Viki said: I'll start some adventures of my own. I'm ready for Viki to have some adventures. I think Clint and Dorian is a dumb storyline, and, I don't understand why, but it seems OLTL always chooses the wrong couple first. At least thing time, I think Viki will come out OK. I don't want her going back to Clint now. Let that be done.

I love Nora and Viki being friends again.

Podd and Evangeline once again were unnecessarily holier than thou. Ol Vangie sure does call a lot of other people names. Right now I'm glad they are putting Podd and Evangeline together because I can fast forward right through them. See comment above about OLTL's propensity for bad couples.

I really liked Cris and Blair today. Of the four, those two were honest and not the least bit judgemental. They make good friends.

I'm lookng forward to Jess and Nash being a couple. I hope we aren't in for much longer of Jessica and Antonio. But then again, see above for comment about bad couples.

It was painful watching Natalie today. However, I really don't like McNostrils and it will be nice to be able to watch Natalie in the future without him. It would be nice if OLTL could figure a way to split up a couple without making the Buchanan woman an idiot.

The Buchanans are the core family of this show. Perhaps if Frankie would stop talking about growing up on the show and his love for the show and start demonstrating it through better writing for the Buchanans, I would be convinced.

The highlight of the show was Viki's one line. Oh please give her the story that she deserves. I'm loving Nora, Viki and Lindsey. I'm also really liking the return of Blair.

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It wasn't as hard as I thought to watch the Clint/Dorian, because I loved Clint taking up for Viki when Dorian started spouting off about Viki. He made it clear to her that there was something more between Viki and him other than their children.

Dorian's fantasy was so damned cheesy, but so Dorian.

Vangie got some spunk today where Blair was concerned. Loved Blair and her snarky self.

At the end I felt so bad for Viki and Clint. She loves him. He loves her. She hurt him. He hurt her. Can't wait to see what happens next with these two.

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Ok Vicki Clint aint worth it, move on cause there is something better for you around the corner. Dont waste your breath or time.

Natalie seriously honey wake up and smell the coffee.

My TREW is back, I dont care how she got there or who pushed her there thank you for coming back and calling a spade a spade.

Blair thanks for doing the ultimate move and freeing Todd for ever thinking he would want you back right now and move completely on.

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I agree with Jess that Cristian and Blair were the truest characters today, and I thought his defense of her was sweet. Evangeline has been ticking me off to no end lately with her self-righteous crap, and today she took the predictable route of calling Blair a whore. Van and Todd must feel proud that they know such BIG words, LOL. Evangeline should really stop throwing the word whore around. It's lame for her to use the term, especially since she was making out with Todd while still involved with Cristian. Talk about a hypocrite, and her self-righteous smirk has been wearing on my last nerve. Thankfully, Renee Elise Goldsberry is a first-rate actress, so I am still able to feel a bit for the character.

Nora and Viki were very enjoyable, but NOTHING in today's episode topped the moment when Viki said that maybe she is ready to have her own adventure. Believe me, sweetie, WE are ready for that too. Go rope yourself a nice, handsome man!

Although I have zero interest in Dorian and Clint, I find myself intrigued by Robin Strasser's performance in this "storyline." She is really doing her best to convince the audience that Dorian cares for Clint, even though we all know her soulmate is David Vickers. So bravo to Robin, as usual.

Found myself moved by Christina Chambers today (I know, I know, somebody slap me) as Marty flashed back to the rape. Seemed kind of silly to have her suddenly traumatized after all the insulting whitewashing they have tried to hoist on us, but this is more realistic, and I found Christina to be quite moving today!

Any episode with Erika, Hilary, REG, Robin, and Kassie is fine with me. Good show.

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Poor Viki. I can't wait for this new doctor to come to town. I had a feeling he was going to pick Dorian. I like Dorian, but Viki hasn't had any love since Ben..

Natalie and John! Geez..

Marty needs to tell Miles about the rape.

That's about it..

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