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OLTL Discussion: Week of March 26th

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Die Tate Die. What a jackass. Kick his butt, Rex! Andriana should do the same. He's slimy and pointless.

Marty/Evangeline = FF.

Jess/Nash = FF.

Cole/Starr = isn't this that Travis guy all over again, except Cole is a better character than Travis?

Nora needs to calm down. Incredibly rude of her to attack hardworking Talia like that. I'm glad Bo put her in her place. Bo/Matthew and Bo/Rex were good, as well as Rex/Roxy.

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JMO but if anyone needs to DIE DIE DIE, it's John Mcbain. He is a millstone around the neck of this show. Every other story, sub-story, whatever, no matter how lame, is better than anything involving him.

The most ill-conceived, badly written, and badly acted lead character in daytime right now. OLTL could be a powerhouse show without him.

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Depends on the viewpoint. I felt that Travis was a far better match personality-wise for Starr. Starr falling for a high school athlete just doesn't seem right to me, especially not a very bright one. The actor that played Travis seemed far stronger (Paolo?) : he left for a role in the movie Troy.

Cole does have more Llanview connections: they are building a set of high school characters, where Travis was only a short-term role.

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I prefer Tate, John, Adrianna, Miles, Marty, Cole and the teens all be gone, now, today and be done with it.

The big trouble with the teen scene is none of them are related to any of the core families. Why isn't Langston or Brittany related to the Lords, Bukes or Cramers? How about a long lost child for Kevin, and bring him back.

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This post says it all. These people are all strangers. Marty is the newest newbie airhog. What is the deal with Frank, Dena and their newbies? There is no getting around it that it has been one set of newbies after another since Frank took over. He always brings them in about six at a time.

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Actually I wasn't crying about anything, and I'll come back anytime I want. LOL. I will also continue to complain about Marty. As far as McBoring. Yes he is an airhog, yes he is boring, yes he should be dumped. And Marty is also an airhog, who can't act, in a boring story.

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So Jess did write Nash's name down on that piece of paper. I figured, but I was still glad to see it.

I like NuMarty ok. I also like Miles, but the way they show him having meltdowns makes me thing they are going to go the predictable route and make him Llandviews next nutcase. <_<

I hate to fastforward, but Cole and Starr are forcing my hand. I hate them together.

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Ugh I can't stand Adrianna and the fact they went out of their way to hire Tate just to cause problems for her and Rex is insane. I used to think Duke was dull but as soon as he broke up with Adrianna he was fine and I used to like Rex and now he's dull and it's because of her. Why she's still around is beyond me.

The only newbie I've liked is Miles. I wouldn't mind him and Marty as a couple. She has more chemistry with him than she does John.

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What was the purpose of the show today? I think a rerun of the OJ trial would have been more intresting. LOL.

i do like Kassie dePavia's voice, but I laugh because this show just bursts into song for no reason. It's OLTL's cliche ending. And, who was that man today? Oh yes, the new sissy Podd.

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