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OLTL Discussion: Week of March 26th

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I do too, and if Carliavati is writing the story, perhaps it will work. Dena's efforts at social awareness have been, as ES said, "events." We had the Daniel reveal, well-acted suspensful, but not very fair to gay men; the Jessica reveal was tastesless; we had tasteless jokes about rape victims; so I am worried.

I would love to see it done well, Perhaps if Carliavati is writing, it will be.

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If Ron helms the story, the story could be excellent. After all, it's the first thing on this show in a long, long time that has started out with some kind of element of suspense, meaning we don't really have any clue who the arsonist is.

If Dena Hackley is at the helm, expect things to deteriorate at any moment. Every social issue storyline she has penned has been saved by the cast. Some of the best moments in the show's history have come out of her attempts at storytelling, and those moments were solely the credit of Hillary, Bree, Erika, Mark Dobies, etc. The cast has saved Higley's ass time and time again.

Everything good from the past two months, which has been a lot, I am crediting to Ron. All the crap I am attributing to Higley. Might not be fair or accurate, but that's how I feel about that woman. Friday is a show that smacked of Higs, from the hammy acting of TSJ and CC to the non-entity that is Cole to the fact that John was the center of attention even when the pitiful Romeo and Juliet story doesn't really involve him.

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She has some good days, but she tends to stumble over her lines and go a little too broad in her portrayal on others. In a way I don't blame her. She's been on a lot, too much really, and most of her scenes are quite intense, combative. Lately she's been duking it out with Miles, Cole, Todd, Blair and when not duking it out she's been on the verge of tears. Even her scene with Evangeline was loaded with aggressive, adversarial undertones.

I'll give her credit for trying but Dena Higley et al are really expecting too much from her.

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I'm warming up to Miles too. I loved the melodramatic scene when he looked in the mirror and saw the old, deformed version of himself. There was a truth to it that worked. He's vulnerable. I hope they don't turn him into the next disposable psycho.

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Out of all the newbies I enjoy Miles the most. The biggest thing he's done is make Marty tolerable. The two of them have great chemistry. I wouldn't mind seeing them together, but I have a feeling she'll end up with John.

As far as Christina Chambers goes I'm still on the fence. She has her good and bad days. She took on a tough role and she's had some dramatic scenes as of late but she hasn't been able to pull it off. Her voice gets all high pitched and then I end up tuning her out.

I don't like Tate. You're right Scotty he does seem out of shape and I wasn't impressed when he took his shirt off. Rex and Cris have better bodies.

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Ok Fridays show, I am just not liking Cole or maybe the actor who plays him. I cant get into this storyline of Starr and Cole. I love Kristen but the boy who plays Cole sucks royally.

I actually like John when not around Natalie. He is actually enjoyable. I dont know quite yet about John and Marty since it seems they are going on that direction cause I cant get into this Marty. I find her toerable when with Miles but who knows where they are going.

I have no sympathy for Natalie at all. I mean she did everything in the book to get John and now she has him he is treating her like an idiot and making her look stupid. Honey wake up and smell the coffee you are not in need so he is not into you. If he did this crap with Vangie he is going to do it with you.

The arsonsist case please dont mess it up. I really hope Ron is writing it and not DH. I am so scared if she is writing it. We learn a little more about Vangie now that she is not with the idiot.

I find it interesting that Todd calls Vangie and not the mother Blair. Anyway TSJ rocks as Todd for me podd an all. I was actually cheering on him when he was choking Starr. Boy I am a twisted sista.

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