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GH: Thursday

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Again it goes back to her brother. It doesnt matter what one does, its only human anture to want to stand up for a sibling or loved one. Yes Lucky screwed up last year but Elizabeth up until recently wouldnt let him forget it. She came down on him hard and made him feel guilty for all his lies and his cheating. Lucky really beat himself up over it and desperately tried his hardest to try and prove himself to her, all the while she was smug and calling him out on his ish but never once revealing her own. She seems like the biggest hypocrite for doing what she's doing and I can see how Lulu is thinking. How dare Elizabeth come down on Lucky for lying and cheating when she cheated and has been lying for months? Lulu almost went off on Liz, for Lucky, since he cant right now as he doesnt know whats up. Id have done the same had I been in her position

Maxie has been trash for months. What a worthelss case

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Lulu knows she isnt perfect and admits to her own faults, sometimes coming down on herself too hard. She doesnt try to pretend like she's some saint or good person. She isnt malicious and genuinely tries to do the right thing but usually ends up making things worse bc she is impulsive

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I didn't even pay attention to anything but the Craig and Alexis scenes! :wub:

They had so much chemistry! Smart, sexy, flirtatious, he was totally smitten from the minute she walked in Wyndemere!

And Alexis said she's working for Cassadine Industries? YESSSSSSS!!!!!


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I loved this episode so much!

I loved when Lulu slapped Maxie! I love Lulu and I love to hate Maxie. So I hope they continue this storyline with their feud, cause I will enjoy it!! Also, it's nice how Maxie figured it out immediately that Lulu isn't on Liz's side anymore. And what's the deal with her and Coop? Are they a couple? Cause I don't remember seeing them kiss ever!

Funny remark by Lulu (to Maxie): Could you please go get hit by a bus? :lol:

I liked Robin and Patrick scenes. Well, actually, at first it was a bit boring, but then they started to make out and the nice music and suddenly Georgie walks in and the music stops and they fall off the couch and Georgie screams.. lol It was a nice funny scene.. And I was really surprised to learn that Patrick and Georgie played the whole thing just to get Robin to move in with him. It was a nice little twist. But I understand Robin. Maybe because I am like her.. I don't know if I would move in with someone if I'm not sure about it.. Oh, and I too, don't like her hair.. lol She was much cuter before.

Why did Carly have to be at the wedding? Why? To get Jason there? They could have found a different way to get Jason there if they wanted to.. God, Carly is annoying..

But it was nice drama at the wedding... Hated that Liz cried over Jason again... I mean, please!!! If she loves Lucky, why would she cry over Jason?! That's the one thing I didn't like today.

Nikolas/Craig scenes were boring, until Alexis showed up... I really like how they are involving more people into this... I can't wait to see where it goes with Alexis and Craig... :)

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Word. Maxie's not clean either but she owns it and at least she's entertaining. Both the heffas get on my damn nerves though.

I respect Lulu's anger on her brother's behalf and I agree with her, Elizabeth is Wrong Wrong WRONG but I reject her lashing out at Elizabeth and demonizing her and completely blaming her while dismissing the hell Lucky put her through. Her flippant attitude about Lucky shoving her and shooting her in the head was disgusting. As well as dismissing her own role in what she did to Georgie.

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