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AMC: Tuesday

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I hate it when I don't get dialogue. "Passions" does it a lot but AMC did it again too!

Just what the heck was the point when Adam said he left Krystal "dead on the floor," and JR said, "That's not funny, dad" and then said, "What makes you think I'm joking?"

Um, he didn't lay a HAND on her! What does that mean? OH YEAH-- the DAMN LINE MADE NO SENSE!

Only a villain who ACTUALLY did something would say, "What makes you think I'm joking?" Because in his sick, twisted mind, he'd be proud and bragging about the fact that he beat the woman.


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I must be really out of sorts today because I'm anti-Annyan and for Zendall, the doubple I had grown to love, well, Zach just made me want to stop BOTH of them in the eye with his "whatever they want to be when they grow up, they can YAK YAK YAK YAK. "


Kendall, you should have been poisoned by the Satin Slayer!!! DIE! DIE! DIE!

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LOL I think it was the highlight for many :lol:, it would have been complete of FetusBoy was arrested right along with them. God I loved it!

Such a good show today! Zendall saying the new baby could be a train conductor :wub: I love the continuity they give Zendall. One of the reasons that makes them such a super couple. I want a lobster scene soon!

LOL I know there have been discussions elsewhere regarding Zendall fans hating Ryan/Annie and I have stayed out of them but I will mention something here. I love them together. I have always loved them together. Part of it being, it gets him away from Kendall and another part is they are so damn hot together. I see the old Ryan with Annie. She makes him enjoyable and she is a good match for him. I don't see Ryan being written as a spoiler to Zendall anymore. He will always care for Kendall but everyone involved has made peace with what has to be. I like it.

Tad and Julia now have had two alone talks recently... CHEMISTRY TEST... if it comes down to KWAK or Julia for Tad, I'd pick Julia any day. Plus it would get her away from Lamie. I loved JR and Adam calling Jamie out on his baby stealing days.

Adam is our hero!

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ITA with your whole post. I just don't know why so many Zendall fans hate Ryannie. He's out of Kendall's orbit and Zendall's happy and expecting a baby. I haven't liked Ryan this much since he was with Gillian. IMO, this is RealRyan. I like him when he's not a jerk. Annie somehow brings out his softer side.

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For such a long time there Ryan was portrayed as this ranting, raving jerk who you wanted to STFU everytime he opened his mouth. You don't see that anymore. He accepts Zendall. He has Annie. He has a new daughter. He finally is being a Ryan I can enjoy. Ryan and Gillian were the it factor for me and when Gillian died, pretty much Ryan did too. He gets something with Annie that is very similar to Gillian. I really think they are adorable and I look forward to their continuing story.

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I feel no sympathy for Tad or Jamie. What a bunch of hypocrites. Where do they get off getting mad at Krystal and JR for keeping him from his child and letting another man raise the baby. Seriously WTF? They seriously need to shut up, especially Jamie

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What was the point of Jonadick? :unsure: Does he not talk to his brother? Ryan has been shouting from the rooftops how happy and free he feels now that he's not at Cambias -- so where the hell was Jonadick coming from with his indignation?

I mean, I understand the character's a total dick, but still. It just seemed out of place. Jonathan's living in the home of the man he murdered WHERE he murdered him, yet he gets self righteous? Yeah, the boy's a Lavery all the way.

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