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The Both and the Beautiful: week of March 19

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This is a big week for the show so I hope somebody will discuss it with me! Also check out CBS SID which has a 17 page spread on B&B turning 20!

I thought Mondays show was actually very good. I loved seeing Taylor and Ridge interacting on a non-romantic level. I hardly ever enjoy seeing that cow Taylor, but I loved her today. I'm also glad that she is finally showing some interest in Phoebe. It's strange that this story has been so one-sided.

Rick and Phoebe are still vomit inducing, but those scenes were well written and I loved the cliffhanger at the end. I just hope that she truly is giving him that much needed haircut. He was gorgeous on DAYS with his short hair. I want that Kyle Lowder. Then after he dumps Phoebe I can officially be on the love train.

HATE HATE HATE Jackie and Donna together! These two are so bizarre in their obsession with Nick and Brooke. They need to get a fricking life, a psychiatrist or something. I truly don't understand these two at all. I used to enjoy both characters, but the writers have killed Jackie for me and Donna is on the way.

Hopefully the rest of the week is as impressive as this Monday episode. B&B is the only soap that I'm even remotely enjoying, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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Josh, so far you will enjoy it! This is one of those times when Brad Bell seems to be trying. I just hate more cast members couldn't go to Australia.

I wish they would find some reason to have Felicia and Ashley fighting in the Sydney Harbor!

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Unfortunately, I read the spoilers, and it killed any interest I had in watching the show. It's bad enough the anniversary is built around the anemic Ric/Pheebs relationship, but I can't believe only four characters will be in Sydney.

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I'm looking forward to the Australian episodes, especially Kyle Lowder getting shirtless(yes, I've seen the pics, and he's only in his swim shorts YUM!). B) Ridge will discover Rick/Phoebe in bed together and violently attack Rick, which causes an angry Brooke to break off their engagement, and go running back to Nick, who is now engaged to Taylor. LOL!

So, the usual Brad Bell complicated mess, but I love this stuff, so I'll be watching! :lol::lol::lol:

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Ridge, don't worry! Once you see these same stories told over and over again you will know ever detail! :P

This is so true. Thats why I'm so confused about why Taylor and others aren't more concerned. She looks like a baby with him. Not sexy at all.

I wish Brooke would get a new man. She needs to kick both of those suckers to the curb.

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I'm torn.

This is the first remote shoot ever I'm not looking foward to - don't care for any character involved or their story. On the other hand even the crappiest stories get watchable on B&B with the usual camp value and the fabulous dialogues. So who knows...

Can't comment on the show because I haven't seen an episodes in quite a while. They're all put on DVD and ready to watch as soon as I'm done with my current project. I only follow Y&R and GH these days which I can let run on my TV without proper looking but B&B deserves my fullest attention. :)

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I just hope Sheila returns in the form of Kimberlin Brown and Brad Bell can write for her like he did in the early '90s. I would also like to see Ashley in a great story because ED is great and more drama between Stephanie, Brooke and Taylor.

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And me! B&B viewer since October 1987.

Well chosen remote given that B&B is so big down under. But did they have to focus it entirely on two "young lovers" who are total newbies?

Hopefully the remote will include some shots of Ridge getting his ass kicked all the way across Sydney Harbour. Much as I love Ronn Moss's press interviews, I am sick of the abusive, womanising blowhard he plays.

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I'm so devastated! I just wrote a long reply and it didn't save. :(

LOVE LOVE LOVED seeing Traci Abbott on B&B. I *never* expected that and Brad Bell gets major props for that! You don't see any B&B crossovers on Y&R and we have Sheila and Amber shoved down our throats. Hardly any mentions either which is ridiculous. I hope Traci means we have a good chance of seeing Jack and some of the other Abbotts stopping by.

I'm glad Taylor is finally taking interest in her daughters life. I still don't like her (RIP Darla), but this is helping matters. Ridge is such a hypocritical idiot that I don't blame anyone for not listening to him. What I don't understand is why Stephanie loves him so much more than her other kids who she SHOULD be more proud of. Ridge should be the black sheep!

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Steph loves Ridge more (I think) because she always secretly knew he didn't have Eric's DNA.

I was TOTALLY stunned that Traci popped over to talk to Ash. Good for them!! And I just remembered, Darcy Byrnes started out on B&B playing Hope.

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