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AMC: Rate the Characters 2007 Edition

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That is the reason I like doing these to show everyone's opinions and bring them together. Of the ones you mentioned I only like Myrtle, Tad, and Janet - the other 3 could leave Pine Valley tomorrow along with Babe, JR, Josh, Ryan, and Jonathan and I wouldn't shed one tear - not one tear at all and would hope that they never returned.

But that is my opinion just like you have yours.

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OMG, I thought votes were sacred and secret, Steve! :o

Oh well, I don't care if people know. :lol: I just tried to type that last sentence in such a way that everyone couldn't figure it out -- if in fact we were bound by rules to keep our votes secret.

But since you asked, I put my favorite lipstick lesbian with a heart of gold for my No. 1 -- BIANCA. :)

But don't worry, Babe is in my top 5 -- or at least, should be! :o This was my first time to participate in this kind of contest so if I made errors they weren't intentional. But I'm pretty sure I got it right for all my faves. ;)

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The great JR is my No. 2.

I have to say, Babe is still VERY high on my list, but rumors of Alexa's leaving made the character's stock go down, in my view. Alexa's powerful portrayal of the character is a LARGE part of why I like Babe. Don't get me wrong I love everything about JR and Babe's dysfunctional marriage and the tug of war and war of wills between the two -- such classic soap opera, the likes of which I haven't seen in QUITE a while! -- but Alexa is Babe for me, and I can't imagine accepting another actress in the role. But we'll see.

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We ususally don't reveal them - at least not our top 10 until the end, but I highly doubt who we pick would influence anyone anyway. I just didn't want you to be given a hard time by people thinking you voted for Babe as #1 when you didn't and I could attest to it.

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A final report before bedtime.

All day we have been running with 8 characters who had less than a 10 average at this point in the game. After several votes coming in tonight, now there are only 2 who have less than a 10 average. There has been basically a 4 way run for first - right now there is a new leader and he/she is way out front with almost 4 points separating him/her from thier closest competitor.

What is funny about his character is that he/she is the only character from the list of 34 who has not been chosen in anyone's bottom 10. In the last round of this, we have 5 people who were never placed in the bottom 10 but this time it is only 1 and it is still early in the game. This person was also not one of those 5 in the last round of this game.

At this point in the game:

Most times named in Top 10: Adam, Babe, Bianca, Di, Erica, JR, Jackson, Janet, Joshua, Kendall, Myrtle, Opal, Palmer, Stuart, Tad, Zack, Zarf/Zoe

Picked at least once as the favorite character: Adam, Babe, Bianca, Erica, JR, Jackson, Janet, Kendall, Tad, & Zack

Most times in Bottom 10: Annie, Babe, Colby, Del, Derek, JR, Jeff, Joe, Jonathan, Joshua, Krystle, Livia, Marian, Ryan, Sean, Zarf/Zoe

Picked at least once as the least favorite character: Adam, Babe, JR, Josh, Julia, Kendall, Krystle, Marian, Opal, Ryan, Zack, Zarf/Zoe

At this point there are only 3 characters who have never been picked in anyone's top 10.

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I left Barbara off because I thought we had seen the last of her. I may have missed it but I haven't seen any spoilers saying she was coming back. I knew when it first broke they said she would just be around for a few episodes - so I thought it was over.

I knew in spoilers that Janet was coming back so I kept her on.

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I missed that she was going to be on more. Sorry about that gang. I just assumed she was through and put her out like Dixie and some of them who have been on this year.

Sydney is still listed as a contract player by several sites but hasn't been on in forever so I left her off too.

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