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AMC: Tuesday

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I wish I could just fast-forward to next week when the real fireworks begin....I'm a little bored right now with this buildup.

Anyway - I'm enjoying the Ryan/Annie stuff. Flirty Ryan is the only Ryan I really like, and he's doing a great job with it today. I like these two today.

Erica and Tad - I always love it when these two are together in scenes, bc it doesn't happen often enough. But their dialogue is a little tedious today.

I am tired of the Cambias Curse thing, so I'm happy Zach is accepting of the baby. I'm glad he accepted it quicker than I figured he would. The Zendall scenes are getting better as the episode goes along.

If JR is going to thank Josh, then the writers better not write him later down the road as getting upset all over again and vowing revenge on Josh and Babe. I'm tired of the forgive then vow revenge crap between JR/Babe/Josh. It's OLD.

Why in the hell did Jeff have to be on today's show? I was enjoying the Bianca/Zoe scenes until he had to pop up, and then Bianca has to apologize to him for meddling in his business with Erica. GAG.

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Ok things are getting better...I love how Zach is friendly towards Zoe. I also like how he went to Bianca to get advice on having a Cambias kid. I'm really liking Zach today.

Aww, poor Josh. NOT - I hope he feels bad.

LOL at Erica. I love how she told Bianca about Babe. So meddlesome and gossip-y. I love how Erica is being used to spill the Babe secret slowly to all the PV residents. Looks like Susan Lucci may finally crack the Top 10 in episode counts this March. She's been on lots, and I love it!

Again with Erica! haha - I love how she !@#$%^&*]ed out Jeff. Jeff Martin just needs to STFU and I love how Erica just dismissed him.

That ending segment sure set up a great tomorrow - introducing Alex, Krystal, and Amanda into the episode there at the end. I love how Zoe remembered Amanda and told her about Babe being alive. It's nice to see they haven't forgotton her. I can't wait for the Adam/Krystal stuff tomorrow. Also, I liked the way Jonathan just broke the news about Ryan proposing to Annie when Kendall was in the room. I'm glad Kendall knows and I hope she doesn't let it her bother her. I couldn't tell from the previews whether it truly does or not.

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I hate today's "Babe is love," episode. Its making me gag, and tomorrow looks even worse. I'm glad erica is still giving jeff the cold shoulder, I don't like how he took advantage of her when she thought josh was gone forever, knowing full well where josh was. An I actually thought erica made sense today in saying that jeff should try to be a father instead of a buddy. No father would want his son with a slut like babe and why would jeff support josh kidnapping little Adam???

I can't believe binks today, erica tells her like five times that babe was planning on kidnapping little adam and she says nothing. Instead she overjoyed like babe is the mesiah that she is alive. Binks is dead to me. Its a sad day in pv when erica kane is the sanest person.

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Back To The Future Ryan

Well today on the show he announces that he wants to go to the future with Annie Fanny and gosh I just wonder what he will find there. Maybe they will have found a cure to the stupidity virus that has affected so many people that his holiness helped spread to make them think President Bush is smart or that England is in Asia or there are no kangaroos monkeying around and making love with their super duper hopper feet down in the land down under (speaking of which, I hope Annie ignores Ryan's fungus down under). Hey the future holds a lot in store for St. Ryan but gosh it will be full of things that will benefit him and have him lead an easier life that is the Ryan way of things and by easier I mean instructions on how to use the microwave to make Dynamite Kiddo pasta full of sauce that came from Annie's period but like Ryan would know the difference heck he cannot tell a horny mountain lion apart from a virgin hawk!

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Maybe there is something to be said for R Sinclair's Agenda L. Beall theory.....

The Babe is Love mantra was really being driven home today. It was almost too much to take. How Tad whisked in and sang her praises. Prayers have been answered. I guess Babe being alive trumps a Dixie resurrection. Tad would be like "oh its you again" I don't get why he takes to this girl so much? She dragged his son into such a huge mess by kidnapping Little A, then dumped him with a fake affair and all she has done to J.R. Wait a minute, I am thinking character driven... something ignored by McTavish. My bad. This is the same character who put Madden in a box for god sakes.

The only thing I enjoyed about the episode was Zach and Kendall and then Zach talking with Bianca.

Other than that, it was pretty much a dull and boring episode. And aggravating.

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OH, GOD, guys, I'm not even five minutes in on my tape and Ryan is bugging the [@#^$#^]ing [@#^^@#] out of me!

"You make me crazy."


*sexy whisper* "You make me crazy."

GET OVER YOURSELF! Stop trying to act so sexy, you arrogant ASS!

Keep him waitin' longer Annie!

I love Annyan and all but NOT like this.

Get over yourself, RYASS!

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Annie has always seemed like a smart woman. I guess McT is dumbing her down so it makes sense for her to bow to Ryan.

I like Ryan and Annie, they have chemistry, but the way they are being written its very bizarre. Its all rushed I am sure in preperation for Greenlee's return.

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Erica hasn't had her own story in years. Makes me sick, but it's MMT's MO. Strong, indpendant women are a terrible sight on AMC. She could never put that message out there. Yet, she unaborted the first legal abortion in Daytime history. Lady is cracked. :blink: At any rate, Erica hasn't been Erica since before she got married, and I miss her terribly. I hope one day she finds her way out of her Martinization, her Montgomery Mandhadling, and her Fetus Fluffing. I think she still can at least I hope so anyway. :)

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