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AMC: Monday

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Well today's episode was pretty good. I loved how Erica just told Tad and JR everything about Babe as if she didn't care about Josh's feelings, even though she's telling Josh she had his best interest at heart. Haha - yeah right. And I love how she's trying to get the goods on Krystal and Babe from Tad.

I liked the friendly scenes between Julia/Di/Annie, even though it was all worship the great Ryan. Still enjoyed their scenes.

I'm glad that Kendall finally told Zach about her being pregnant.

The first glimpses of Real Adam have come...can't wait for more.

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How I wish I could just fast forward to the end of the week. The 2nd coming of Adam Chandler is going to be MUST SEE TV! I like how we saw glimpses of it today. Adam was all decked out in a suit today too! Since he married into the trailer park he has become rather sloppy :blink: and does not suit him. Adam looks best all decked out with his hair perfectly combed.

Erica Kane, long live the woman. That's all I can say. I love how now she is gonna investigate the Carey women.

Megan McTavish is obviously still writing. That whole J.R/Babe reunion was all about J.R=Monster, Babe=Love.

I am so sick of it. Babe, don't be so quick to judge J.R. I mean you were about to run off with your son, again. But that's ok because you are the "victim". You were a victim when you made Bianca think her child was dead, you were a victim when you did the same to J.R. You were a victim when J.R tried to kill you, only you took him back!

J.R and Babe are both stupid fools and both are guilty of all their sins. It just seems Babe's sins are out of love and J.R's are out of hate. Its this merry go round that has ruined a perfectly good couple for me.

End Rant LOL :)

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I saw today's show. I am just glad Megan is out. Because the show has many flaws. The Cambias stuff is stupid and boring. The outcome to the murders was dumb. It's always good to see JR and Erica. But the rest of show was blah.

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The film effect has to go

Jacob Young can't act; he gets worse by the day. The more complex the scene, the more painful his attempt at acting...sorry. He used to be cute to watch, short hair and shirtless. I guess the actor is trying to walk the walk and talk the talk and be straight, but it ain't working honey, you can marry the armpiece but you are still Steve's lovah.......

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IA. I think the actor is awful. It boggles my mind how he has been on THREE soaps now. Personally, I can't stand AMC actors with the exception of David Canary and Michael E. Knight. The rest seem to be acting, and there is nothing authentic about it.

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