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Y&R Discussion: Week of March 12th

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Sharon has a point though. The man was grieving his daughter, that's not the most solid ground on which to build a relationship. And Phyllis' complete disregard for Sharon's pain is certainly part of Sharon's disdain for her.

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Grammer Error? O RLY?

I kid because I love. Phyllis on her high horse is the most irritating crap in the world. I get it, Phyllis is super, sexy cool. Sharon is "hypocrite". Fine. Whatever. Drive it home already.

I am so sad that this watered down Victoria is carrying the gadget to leap from Brad's loins. She's such a...dishrag. So incredibly dull and merely reactionary. Why is it that both Victor and Nikki's kids suck now? It was fine when it was just Nick but Vicki too? Heather, where are you, baby?

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I am really warming up to Cane, now if he would just ditch Amber. I like this storyline more than I thought I would, Jess Walton is bang on as usual.

Wish JT had more to do than spar with Adrian and Colleen, they can both take a flying leap for all I care.

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You have a point on some levels...so I will agree with you on that.

However, Sharon was doing the exact same thing that she is accusing Nick of... When she said that he went to find someone else to fill the void, um...she was doing the same thing....the only thing was that Brad was milking her grief to his advantage, just like his dog ass always do; sees someone he can tap the tail with, and does whatever to get them to focus and swoon over his empty words... Sharon at first was looking for a friend in Brad; but Brad's punk ass couldn't have been satisfied until he got all up in her goodies.

Sharon and Nick are both in the guilty boat...they both turned to others to fill the void...Phyllis and Brad both saw the opportunity and took it. Didn't like how Phyllis kept trying to justify it all; didn't like how Nick was doing the same thing....

David Chow is probably is marking that datebook already. Datebook probably reads like this:

Thursday, March 15, 2007

9:00 AM Work on strategy to get Jack to break news he must sideline relationship with Sharon Newman

11:00 AM Find Sharon (must determine by her mood if I should 'console' her with lunch or sway her to understand why her past

could harm Jack's chances)

Noon Dig up whatever I can on Sharon's past with the men in her life... (*I think she'll be a hot little bedmate at some point

and time*)

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I totally agree. They were the best scenes of the week and esp. the day. I am so loving this new twist and esp. seeing how Amber is struggling to hold on to her little game. I so hope she loses everything. I am liking Cane too, but I don't want him to be Jill's son just so Amber loses all that she hoped to gain. She has played this so well thinking she was going to get the Chancellor money and now it is all slipping through her hands.

I loved when she yelled that he was Violet Montgomery's son and then told Kay that they all knew she gave Jill's baby to Violet. Amber is so desperate.

I hope the skank loses it all and is sent packing out of Genoa City.


I forgot before to say that today's show should put an end to those who feel that Jill is forgetting all about the other Philip. I truly felt for her today when she said that just giving birth was not the only thing that made a person a mother. Jill is truly torn - she loves the son she raised so much but still has that attachment to the child she gave birth too. She really moved me when she said she never wanted to be that sad again - referring to the day she lost Philip to death.

That scene alone was beautifully written and very well acted.

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It was sad to see Traci gone already but at least she got an exit story this time. Last summer she simply disappeared - not to menion she missed LOADS of Abbot drama. I take what is given to loyal viewers and won't complain now that is made halfway sense.

Overall, Y&R has gotten a little bit better these past days. They seem to try to tell stories.

Yet, it's still a plot-driven mess. Sigh!

People who are getting on my last nerve: David Chow & Phyllis Scummers - both being hypocritical and having no motivation whatsoever for their doings. Overall, the show still sucks.

Nothing as sweet as an insecure couple trying their best or a woman trying to be happy for them...



LINE OF THE YEAR went to Dru though: "Brad is pathetic"

BTW: As I usually criticize that woman posing as Victoria Newman, I have to admit she looks lovely so far this week. Would she play a different I could even like her.

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Tonight and I believe tomorrow SOAPnet will focus on Young and the Restless on this special episode of Soap Talk

It comes on again at 12AM EST/PST

In the special is:

Peter Bergman

Don Diamont

Judith Chapman

Eileen Davidson

Jerry Douglas

Victoria Rowell

Tracey E. Bregman

Jeanne Cooper

Jess Walton

This is a little bit old, since they are showing clips at the time that Davetta Sherwood was on the show.

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Is it possible that Cane knows what Amber is up to? Just the way he was talking about taking her to the Outback (without the face paint and fancy frocks lol) made me wonder if he's on to her and messing with her a bit.

I love seeing Phyllis put the screws to Brad. Couldn't happen to a nice guy.

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