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Y&R Discussion: Week of March 12th

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Neil is not currently on the board. The last time he tried to get a seat on the board of directors, Victoria weaseled Brad in and also gave him the Granville Global account that was supposed to be handled by Neil. Dru barged into Victor's office and told him off six ways to Sunday. Afterwards, Victor gave Neil his private jet and promised him a seat the next time one became available.

Brad is so slimy. The way he tried to flip the script on Phyllis saying things could backfire on her. Like he is REALLY concerned about how Nick will feel about Phyllis not telling him. He couldn't give a damn how Nick feels. :rolleyes: He knows good and damn well he is just attempting self-preservation. How do you equate cheating on your spouse with someone else knowing about it and not telling?

I could have done without Amber/Colleen/JT/Adrian today. All of that was boring.

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Don't you mean, Nikki?

I LOVED Phyllis today. She is constantly putting the fear in Brad. "I hope you do everything you can to make Vicki's pregnancy less stressful like Nick did for me." The look on Brad's face was like "oh sh!t!"

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Adrian, Colleen and JT both are all getting on my nerves, and it's obvious that Rocky will just be used as way to get Brad and JT off Colleen's back.

Brad need to get somewhere and sit down somewhere...he thought his mouth could do all that fast talking when Phyllis dropped the bomb on him, but unlike Nick and Neil, he's out of his league..Loved how he 'thought' he was getting in on her, and Phyllis didn't even bat an eyelash of defeat, cause she knew she got his sorry butt good.

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I'm just going to comment on the first scenes I saw on today's show so far.

Adrian and JT both come off sounding really stupid and childish. I want to like Adrian, but so far, he sounded like a moron going toe-to-toe with JT, and JT sounds like a moron all the time, so it's no wonder the scene kinda sucked for me.

Loving Phyllis putting Sharon on the hot seat...Brad thought he was going to get over on her, but got punked in the process...I'm loving it...anything to shut Bradski up I'm all for it.

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ITA DruRocks. Amber looked like she was gonna die and I loved it! Boy do I wish Jill would slap the snot out of Katherine. She's working my nerves, BAD!

Oh, how I LOVE Phyllis today. The way she played Brad when she called Vicki and his ass was quick to hang up the phone. Phyllis has him by the balls. "Phyllis-1, Brad-0." :lol: And if I have to hear that damn sond from Sharon ONE more time that "Phyllis took advantage of Nick" I'll scream. That b!tch is just bitter that Nick feel in love with Phyllis but if Brad had decided not to marry Vicki on their wedding day and ran off with her, she'd be as happy as a clam.

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That's because Adrianne stopped with that damn coat. I read one of her interviews and she said that on GH she always wanted to wear the coats because she loves winter and I think she did the same on Y&R.

I loved Adrian calling JT and "ignoramous" and JT saying that he's figured out Adrain and Colleen's relationship, "she's your translator". :lol:

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