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AMC: Friday

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Here on channel 7 in Chicago,AMC was being shown in filmlook since the

ConFusion bar opening on July 25th and today was the first time the

normal live video look has been seen since July 24.

SOAPnet also has been showing the filmlook version the same amount of

time. The previews at the end have always been shown in the live video

look,even though the whole show was filmlooked.

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Something definitely was different about the episode's filming/look today. I can't tell if it was back to normal though. Why? because I was a little jarred by the look and I wouldn't expect to be by the normal look - but it's been a while. always, I don't think they stopped the opening-of-Confusion look in the fall (rumor was that they would change it back, but they didn't), I think the camera work just got less shakey.

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Babe, you lying selfish B--CH! I cant believe she is going to kidnapp Little Adam and let JR think he is missing and/or dead AGAIN! She said this was one of her biggest regrets and yet when things get tough she resorts to it. She gets ZERO sympathy from me and I want her to lose it all. What a worthless tramp. She is worst than her "kidnappers". Her azz needs to get hauled off to jail and I hope she attempts this little plan before someone can stop her so she can be charged with attempted kidnapping. She has learned NOTHING from her past mistakes

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What gets to me is when JR thinks of stealing a baby or doing something like that, it's spelled out that he's Satan more or less (hair, clothing, music, choir). When Babe is plotting to steal a baby and to tell their parents that the kid is dead it's painted as the greatest act of love mankind has ever known...and JR's/everybody else's fault.

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Oh, I know. Oh, how I know lol. It's just that the act is fairly equal and should be seen as equally wrong, no matter how the writers want you to see the characters. Just because JR's painted as the evil villain doesn't mean that what he's doing is more right than what Babe did.

I'm so totally over both characters anyway. They both suck.

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