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AMC: Wednesday

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The show overall was boring.... typical middle of the week show :lol:

The Kane Women scenes were as always a treat and touching... Zach and Zoe meh. I wasn't all to enthralled by them and Babe and Josh can go to hell.

Josh is being backed into a corner, I hope he is written off!

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Aww, really enjoyed the Josh/Babe action today. Anyone else swoon when he described what her life could be like on the run with just Little A -- with Josh or WITHOUT Josh?

Now THAT'S love!

Beat THAT, JR.

In other news, excellent chemistry between the Kane women and couldn't you just die every time Kendall called Bianca "Binks?"

Zoe, on the other hand, ticked me off a little. Julia and Bianca TOLD her that women aren't safe, alone in a graveyard and night. But did she listen? Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but Zoe, in her mind a woman, was seen in the graveyard, at night -- all alone.

Not very smart, Miss Thing!

Also, I thought it was rather brave of her to go hug Zach like that. I mean, especially since she couldn't have known whether he was "okay" with her condition, unlike JR. It was a daring move. Quite shocking to say the list.

As for Annyan, the proposal we've ALL been waiting for!!! Thanks, AMC!!! :wub:

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I just wanted to smack Erica, after all Kendall went through and she still can't keep her damn Ryass loving mouth shut, UGH!

Erica uh did you forget that Ryan did leave his pregnant wife when she needed him, so STFU!

Other than that loved the Kane women scenes, and Zach & Zoe were great

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Sorry, but I've been giving this a lot of thought. So of course I disagree.

That was Zoe in the graveyard.

Think about it: she already came out. That means that, from this point on, better or ill, she is a woman.

If "Passions" diva Lindsay Korman Hartley entered a grocery store dressed as a man, we wouldn't say she was Galen Gering, who plays her brother, Luis. No, we'd say "Lindsay's at Wal-Mart!!!"

The same is true for Zoe.

Let's face it: she broke the No. 1 rule for a woman by going in the graveyard alone at night.

I can't protect her. It's all her fault and we shouldn't use kidgloves just because she's transgendered.

It was HER bad.

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I try to cut Erica some slack on her Ryan love because I think most of it is guilt for the way she treated Chris, who she then believed to be his father Erica doesn't handle guilt well and it manifests itself in odd ways. I don't she's really a Rendall fan. I think it's more that she needs Ryan to be happy and she hates Zach.LOL So by default, that makes her a Rendall fan. Erica is a very messed up lady. She puts on a good front, but she's got more issues then I'd care to know about. LOL I remember her not long ago (a year and half, two at the most) ago, falling asleep on Chris's grave. A man she hadn't mentioned or thought about in months. I just came out of nowhere with her. That's where a lot of [!@#$%^&*] with her comes from.LOL

Zendall fans, don't shoot...but I think Susan and Thorsten have amazing chemistry, and I'd still give my right arm for a little Zerica lovin'. Yummy. :wub:;)

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