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DAYS: Talk about a slap in the face!

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If they weren't going to immediately use it, they should have either catalogued it as "John/Marlena New Penthouse Sheets," sent them back to the person that spearheaded the campaign, or just trash them.

I'm sorry, I'm not a really big fanbase person myself, but the fact that people didn't even consider that fans may notice that their gift was used on a supercouple getting way more airtime than their favorite couple is just ridiculous and just wrong on every level. It's tacky that John/Marlena fans, who spent their hard-earned dollars trying to get their favorite couple a love scene ended up getting screwed over by the writers, who have a fetish for "Payla." And it's not Patch/Kayla's fault, or even the the writers...that falls on the production end of things. Those sheets should have been used for what the fans sent them for or not used at all. It's that simple.

I'm not even a huge fan of Marlena/John or Dee/Drake. But that is just wrong!

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I think it's more than a bit of a stretch to say that the writers have a fetish for "Payla" just because Steve and Kayla are finally getting a story after being back for six months. If you look back at their airtime over the last six months, that's clearly not the case. In fact, since their return last June, theyve only managed to crack the top 10 in episodes ranking two times: November and January. We're simply seeing the cycle move around to allow S&K a frontburner story, for once.

Courtesy of Jason47:

January Episode Rankings. Here's how many episodes each actor has appeared in this month (1/1/07-1/31/07), out of a total of 23 episodes. Ties are noted with an asterisk.

Rank. Actor (Character) # of Episodes

1. Brandon Beemer (Shawn Brady) 17

2. Martha Madison (Belle Black) 16

3. Farah Fath (Mimi Lockhart) 15

4. Blake Berris (Nick Fallon) 14

*. Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Benson) 14

*. Stephen Nichols (Steve Johnson) 14

7. Mary Beth Evans (Kayla Brady Johnson) 13

*. Peter Reckell (Bo Brady) 13

9. Darin Brooks (Max Brady) 12

*. Alison Sweeney (Sami Brady) 12

11. Ashley Benson (Abigail Deveraux) 11

*. Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts) 11

*. Josh Taylor (Roman Brady) 11

14. Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans Black) 9

*. Jay Johnson (Philip Kiriakis) 9

*. Julie Pinson (Billie Reed) 9

*. Ava & Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis) 9

18. Kristian Alfonso (Hope Brady) 8

19. Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts) 7

20. Judi Evans (Bonnie Lockhart) 6

*. Eileen Galindo (Beverly Healy) 6

*. Drake Hogestyn (John Black) 6

*. Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton) 6

*. James Scott (E.J. Wells) 6

25. Annie Burgstede (Willow Stark) 5

*. Renee Jones (Lexie Carver) 5

*. James Reynolds (Abe Carver) 5

*. Shayna Rose (Stephanie Johnson) 5

29. John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis) 4

*. Noah Segan (Connor Lockhart) 4

31 Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady) 3

*. Rhasaan Orange (Tek Kramer) 3

33. Christopher Gerse (Will Roberts) 2

34. Brody Hutzler (Patrick Lockhart) 1

*. Frank Parker (Grandpa Shawn Brady) 1

*. Lisa Williams (Lisa) 1

December Episode Rankings. Here's how many episodes each actor has appeared in this month (12/1/06-12/31/06), out of a total of 20 episodes. Ties are noted with an asterisk.

Rank. Actor (Character) # of Episodes

1. Peter Reckell (Bo Brady) 17

2. Kristian Alfonso (Hope Brady) 15

3. Drake Hogestyn (John Black) 13

*. Josh Taylor (Roman Brady) 13

5. Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts) 12

*. Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans Black) 12

*. James Scott (E.J. Wells) 12

*. Alison Sweeney (Sami Brady) 12

9. Ashley Benson (Abigail Deveraux) 11

10. Darin Brooks (Max Brady) 10

*. Farah Fath (Mimi Lockhart Brady) 10

12. Brandon Beemer (Shawn Brady) 9

*. Mary Beth Evans (Kayla Brady Johnson) 9

*. Brody Hutzler (Patrick Lockhart) 9

*. Stephen Nichols (Steve Johnson) 9

16. Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts) 8

*. Martha Madison (Belle Black Kiriakis) 8

*. Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Benson) 8

*. Ava & Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis) 8

20. Blake Berris (Nick Fallon) 7

*. Julie Pinson (Billie Reed) 7

22. John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis) 6

*. Rico Simonini (Rico) 6

24. Christopher Gerse (Will Roberts) 5

*. Renee Jones (Lexie Carver) 5

*. James Reynolds (Abe Carver) 5

*. Shayna Rose (Stephanie Johnson) 5

28. Annie Burgstede (Willow) 4

*. Judi Evans (Bonnie Lockhart) 4

*. Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady) 4

31. Rhasaan Orange (Tek Kramer) 3

32. Lisa Jay (Lauren) 2

*. Jacee Jule (Sandra) 2

*. Frank Parker (Grandpa Shawn Brady) 2

35. Kale Browne (Dr. Berman) 1

*. Eileen Galindo (Beverly Healy) 1

*. Bill Hayes (Doug Williams) 1

*. Susan Seaforth Hayes (Julie Williams) 1

*. Jim Lunsford (Benjy Hawk) 1

*. Frances Reid (Alice Horton) 1

*. Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton) 1

November Episode Rankings. Here's how many episodes each actor has appeared in this month (11/1/06-11/30/06), out of a total of 20 episodes. Ties are noted with an asterisk.

Rank. Actor (Character) # of Episodes

1. Peter Reckell (Bo Brady) 19

2. Kristian Alfonso (Hope Brady) 17

3. Brandon Beemer (Shawn Brady) 13

*. Mary Beth Evans (Kayla Brady Johnson) 13

*. Stephen Nichols (Steve Johnson) 13

6. Drake Hogestyn (John Black) 12

7. Brody Hutzler (Patrick Lockhart) 11

8. Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts) 10

*. Julie Pinson (Billie Reed) 10

*. James Reynolds (Abe Carver) 10

*. Shayna Rose (Stephanie Johnson) 10

*. James Scott (E.J. Wells) 10

13. Farah Fath (Mimi Lockhart Brady) 9

*. Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans Black) 9

*. Josh Taylor (Roman Brady) 9

16. Annie Burgstede (Willow) 8

*. Kahlil Joseph (Dr. Jim Myers) 8

*. Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady) 8

*. Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Benson) 8

*. Alison Sweeney (Sami Brady) 8

21. John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis) 7

*. Ashley Benson (Abigail Deveraux) 7

*. Darin Brooks (Max Brady) 7

*. Martha Madison (Belle Black Kiriakis) 7

25. Blake Berris (Nick Fallon) 6

*. Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts) 6

*. Frank Parker (Grandpa Shawn Brady) 6

*. Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady) 6

29. Judi Evans (Bonnie Lockhart) 5

*. Renee Jones (Lexie Carver) 5

31. Christopher Gerse (Will Roberts) 4

*. Ava & Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis) 4

33. Tanya Boyd (Celeste Perrault) 3

*. Rhasaan Orange (Tek Kramer) 3

*. Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton) 3

36. Jacee Jule (Sandra) 2

*. Jim Lunsford (Benjy Hawk) 2

*. Tammy Tavares (Dr. Karen Bader) 2

*. Lisa Williams (Lisa) 2

40. Kale Browne (Dr. Berman) 1

*. Colleen Clinton (Brooke Bettis) 1

*. Kavi Faquir (Theo Carver) 1

October Episode Rankings. Here's how many episodes each actor has appeared in this month (10/1/06-10/31/06), out of a total of 22 episodes. Ties are noted with an asterisk.

Rank. Actor (Character) # of Episodes

1. Brandon Beemer (Shawn Brady) 18

2. Peter Reckell (Bo Brady) 17

3. Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts) 15

4. Farah Fath (Mimi Lockhart Brady) 14

*. James Scott (E.J. Wells) 14

*. Alison Sweeney (Sami Brady) 14

7. Kristian Alfonso (Hope Brady) 13

8. Martha Madison (Belle Black Kiriakis) 12

9. Annie Burgstede (Willow) 11

*. Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts) 11

*. James Reynolds (Abe Carver) 11

12. Judi Evans (Bonnie Lockhart) 10

*. Drake Hogestyn (John Black) 10

14. Christopher Gerse (Will Roberts) 9

*. Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans Black) 9

*. Brody Hutzler (Patrick Lockhart) 9

*. Renee Jones (Lexie Carver) 9

*. Julie Pinson (Billie Reed) 9

*. Shayna Rose (Stephanie Johnson) 9

20. Mary Beth Evans (Kayla Brady Johnson) 8

*. Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Benson) 8

*. Stephen Nichols (Steve Johnson) 8

23. Kyle Brandt (Philip Kiriakis) 7

*. Josh Taylor (Roman Brady) 7

25. Darin Brooks (Max Brady) 6

*. Christie Clark (Carrie Brady Reed) 6

*. Rhasaan Orange (Tek Kramer) 6

28. John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis) 5

*. Austin Peck (Austin Reed) 5

*. Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton) 5

*. Ava & Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis) 5

32. Ashley Benson (Abigail Deveraux) 4

*. Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady) 4

*. Frank Parker (Grandpa Shawn Brady) 4

*. Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady) 4

36. Colleen Clinton (Brooke Bettis) 3

*. Lilas Lane (Dr. Ross) 3

*. Rolonda Watts (Cameron Reese) 3

39. Kale Browne (Dr. Berman) 2

*. Marsha Clark (Judge Karen Fitzpatrick) 2

41. Lorenzo Caccialanza (Nico) 1

*. Jacee Jule (Sandra) 1

*. Tammy Tavares (Dr. Karen Bader) 1

*. Lisa Williams (Lisa) 1

September Episode Rankings. Here's how many episodes each actor has appeared in this month (9/1/06-9/30/06), out of a total of 21 episodes. Ties are noted with an asterisk.

Rank. Actor (Character) # of Episodes

1. Peter Reckell (Bo Brady) 15

2. James Scott (E.J. Wells) 12

3. Kristian Alfonso (Hope Brady) 10

4. Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux) 9

*. Melissa Reeves (Jennifer Deveraux) 9

*. Josh Taylor (Roman Brady) 9

7. Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts) 8

*. Farah Fath (Mimi Lockhart Brady) 8

*. Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts) 8

*. Rhasaan Orange (Tek Kramer) 8

*. Austin Peck (Austin Reed) 8

*. James Reynolds (Abe Carver) 8

*. Alison Sweeney (Sami Brady) 8

*. Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady) 8

15. Christie Clark (Carrie Brady Roberts) 7

*. Brody Hutzler (Patrick Lockhart) 7

*. Renee Jones (Lexie Carver) 7

*. Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Benson) 7

*. Julie Pinson (Billie Reed) 7

20. Kyle Brandt (Philip Kiriakis) 6

*. Darin Brooks (Max Brady) 6

*. Jason Cook (Shawn Brady) 6

*. Judi Evans (Bonnie Lockhart) 6

*. Stephen Nichols (Steve Johnson) 6

25. Ashley Benson (Abigail Deveraux) 5

*. Drake Hogestyn (John Black) 5

*. Martha Madison (Belle Black Kiriakis) 5

*. Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton) 5

*. Ava & Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis) 5

*. Lisa Williams (Lisa) 5

31. Shayna Rose (Stephanie Johnson) 4

32. Mary Beth Evans (Kayla Brady Johnson) 3

*. Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans Black) 3

*. Frances Reid (Alice Horton) 3

35. Brandon Beemer (Shawn Brady) 2

*. Kale Browne (Dr. Berman) 2

*. Christopher Gerse (Will Roberts) 2

*. Jacee Jule (Sandra) 2

39. John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis) 1

*. Marsha Clark (Judge Karen Fitzpatrick) 1

*. Kavi Faquir (Theo Carver) 1

*. Wayne Heffley (Vern Scofield) 1

*. Lilas Lane (Dr. Ross) 1

*. Marilyn McIntyre (Jo Johnson) 1

*. Tammy Tavares (Dr. Karen Bader) 1

*. UNKNOWN (Jack Deveraux Jr.) 1

August Episode Rankings. Here's how many episodes each actor has appeared in

this month (8/1/06-8/31/06), out of a total of 23 episodes. Ties are noted with an


Rank. Actor (Character) # of Episodes

1. Alison Sweeney (Sami Brady) 19

2. Martha Madison (Belle Black Kiriakis) 18

*. James Scott (E.J. Wells) 18

4. Austin Peck (Austin Reed) 16

5. Farah Fath (Mimi Lockhart Brady) 15

6. Kyle Brandt (Philip Kiriakis) 14

*. Christie Clark (Carrie Brady Roberts) 14

*. Jason Cook (Shawn Brady) 14

*. Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Benson) 14

10. Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts) 12

*. Julie Pinson (Billie Reed) 12

*. Peter Reckell (Bo Brady) 12

13. Renee Jones (Lexie Carver) 11

14. Kristian Alfonso (Hope Brady) 10

15. Drake Hogestyn (John Black) 9

*. Shayna Rose (Stephanie Johnson) 9

17. Ashley Benson (Abigail Deveraux) 8

*. Darin Brooks (Max Brady) 8

*. Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts) 8

*. Stephen Nichols (Steve Johnson) 8

*. Melissa Reeves (Jennifer Deveraux) 8

*. Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady) 8

23. Mary Beth Evans (Kayla Brady Johnson) 7

*. Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans Black) 7

25. Julian Berlin (Eve Michaels) 6

26. Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux) 5

*. Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady) 5

*. Rhasaan Orange (Tek Kramer) 5

29. Judi Evans (Bonnie Lockhart) 4

*. Brody Hutzler (Patrick Lockhart) 4

*. Josh Taylor (Roman Brady) 4

*. Ava & Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis) 4

33. Christopher Gerse (Will Roberts) 3

*. James Lancaster (Father Tim Jansen) 3

*. Frank Parker (Grandpa Shawn Brady) 3

*. Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton) 3

37. Lilas Lane (Dr. Ross) 2

*. Elena Lyons (Della) 2

*. James Reynolds (Abe Carver) 2

*. Lisa Williams (Lisa) 2

41. UNKNOWN (Jack Deveraux Jr.) 1

July Episode Rankings. Here's how many episodes each actor has appeared in

this month (7/1/06-7/31/06), out of a total of 19 episodes. Ties are noted with an


Rank. Actor (Character) # of Episodes

1. Christie Clark (Carrie Brady Roberts) 17

*. Austin Peck (Austin Reed) 17

*. Alison Sweeney (Sami Brady) 17

4. Farah Fath (Mimi Lockhart Brady) 15

5. Jason Cook (Shawn Brady) 14

*. Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts) 14

*. James Scott (E.J. Wells) 14

8. Darin Brooks (Max Brady) 13

*. Martha Madison (Belle Black Kiriakis) 13

10. Kyle Brandt (Philip Kiriakis) 12

*. Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Benson) 12

*. Shayna Rose (Stephanie Johnson) 12

13. Ashley Benson (Abigail Deveraux) 10

14. Mary Beth Evans (Kayla Brady Johnson) 9

*. Renee Jones (Lexie Carver) 9

*. Stephen Nichols (Steve Johnson) 9

17. Kristian Alfonso (Hope Brady) 8

*. Brody Hutzler (Patrick Lockhart) 8

*. Julie Pinson (Billie Reed) 8

20. Andrew LaMond (Dr. Randall Jaynes) 7

*. Peter Reckell (Bo Brady) 7

22. Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux) 5

*. Kathleen Mary Carthy (Nurse Betty Grainger) 5

*. Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady) 5

*. Melissa Reeves (Jennifer Deveraux) 5

*. Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady) 5

27. Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts) 4

*. Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton) 4

29. Frances Reid (Alice Horton) 3

*. Josh Taylor (Roman Brady) 3

31. Judi Evans (Bonnie Lockhart) 2

*. Christopher Gerse (Will Roberts) 2

*. Lilas Lane (Dr. Ross) 2

*. Tammy Tavares (Dr. Karen Bader) 2

35. Julian Berlin (Eve Michaels) 1

*. James Lancaster (Father Tim Jansen) 1

*. Rhasaan Orange (Tek Kramer) 1

*. Frank Parker (Grandpa Shawn Brady) 1

*. James Reynolds (Abe Carver) 1

*. UNKNOWN (Jack Deveraux Jr.) 1

June Episode Rankings. Here's how many episodes each actor has appeared in

this month (6/1/06-6/30/06), out of a total of 22 episodes. Ties are noted with an


Rank. Actor (Character) # of Episodes

1. Kristian Alfonso (Hope Brady) 20

*. Peter Reckell (Bo Brady) 20

*. Alison Sweeney (Sami Brady) 20

4. Melissa Reeves (Jennifer Deveraux) 18

5. Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady) 17

6. Renee Jones (Lexie Carver) 16

*. Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Benson) 16

*. Austin Peck (Austin Reed) 16

9. Jason Cook (Shawn Brady) 15

*. Stephen Nichols (Steve Johnson) 15

11. Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux) 14

*. Mary Beth Evans (Kayla Brady Johnson) 14

*. Farah Fath (Mimi Lockhart Brady) 14

14. Darin Brooks (Max Brady) 13

*. Martha Madison (Belle Black Kiriakis) 13

16. Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts) 12

*. Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts) 12

*. James Scott (E.J. Wells) 12

19. Ashley Benson (Abigail Deveraux) 11

*. Christie Clark (Carrie Brady) 11

21. Kyle Brandt (Philip Kiriakis) 10

22. Julie Pinson (Billie Reed) 9

23. Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady) 8

*. Rhasaan Orange (Tek Kramer) 8

*. James Reynolds (Abe Carver) 8

26. Julian Berlin (Eve Michaels) 6

*. Christopher Gerse (Will Roberts) 6

28. Brody Hutzler (Patrick Lockhart) 5

*. Marilyn McIntyre (Jo Johnson) 5

*. Frank Parker (Grandpa Shawn Brady) 5

31. Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton) 4

32. Garrett & Spencer Fraye (Zack Brady) 3

*. James Lancaster (Father Tim Jansen) 3

*. Ray Laska (Dr. Butler) 3

35. Tanya Boyd (Celeste Perrault) 2

*. Judi Evans (Bonnie Lockhart) 2

*. Frances Reid (Alice Horton) 2

*. Josh Taylor (Roman Brady) 2

*. Ava & Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis) 2

40. John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis) 1

*. Kavi Faquir (Theo Carver) 1

*. Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans Black) 1

*. Drake Hogestyn (John Black) 1

60. Arloa Reston (Joelle) 1

*. UNKNOWN (Jack Deveraux Jr.) 1

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Okay let's look at the evidence as it appears to a J/M fan. Using the stuff that GBB put there. John & Marlena had just come off of a longgggggggggggggggg period of being apart that started in 2003 with the SSK story, then the Island story, then the castle story, and then the Alex North story. Okay in May they get back together - very rushed - and are shipped off. To a J/M fan they have only been looking for their reward for sticking with their couple, and they do feel very betrayed by the show already. Then they are shipped off for 2 months, and now backburnered again. And then this slap. But as you will see below S/K have had quite a few more appearanaces, and now they do have a story and J/M have not had a story and no story in the near future. They are on the peripheral edge of everyone else's story.

S/K - 158 collective appearances since June 06

J/M - 104 collective appearances since June 06

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I don't care if Steve and Kayla were on 250 episodes in 2006 and J/M were only in 2.

For starters, the Alex North story was so horrible that I couldn't wait to see John and Marlena shipped off for two months. I needed a serious break, and the characters had been so horribly destroyed that they needed a rest.

Drake cannot act his way out of a WalMart bag, and Deidre seems so stuck in Reilly-land that she can't get out. I've loved Deidre for years, but her acting has been totally cornball for more than a year.

A huge problem with John and Marlena is that their obstacles always have to be external. Some sort of external influence always has to create their dilemma (Satan, Stefano, kidnapping, Kristen, mind control), because both characters are so flat anymore that internal struggle is next to impossible with them. It's played.

I do enjoy them when they're in a good story, but I watch the show for the show. Not for a couple, not for a character. I watch for the soap opera. The ensemble. I do appreciate when the veterans are used, but I don't mind when younger characters (or recently returned) characters are on the frontburner so long as I'm enjoying their stories. Days still uses their veteran actors better than any other soap on the air. And they're not just tossed on screen for the sake of being on screen... they're actually used.

Unfortunately, there are so many people who watch this show ONLY for one character or couple that unless the entire show revolves around them, they're not happy and nothing else matters. The use of other veterans suddenly goes out the window as if it means nothing, and that's just not the case. I think the show deserves a round of applause for keeping it a veteran-rich ensemble.

So Marlena and John are on the backburner. BIG DEAL. It happens. They got frontburner story after frontburner story all through the 90's. Steve and Kayla fell off the backburner and behind the stove for fifteen years. They're back, and their fans deserve a story. If that means John and Marlena have to take a backseat for a few months, so be it. There's no law saying that John and Marlena must be frontburner for 12 months out of the year. When Steve and Kayla's story plays out, or another story finishes up, I'm sure the characters involved will rotate to the backburner and someone else will get frontal exposure.

Meanwhile, why wasn't anyone calling for John and Marlena to be hanged when they were frontburner in the serial killer story and Jack/Jennifer were lucky to get an episode a week?

Rotation front frontburner to backburner happens. People should get the hell over it.

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ITA Kenny. It seems DAYS is the only soap that has these rabid fan!@#$%^&*]es who do nothing but whine, complain, and start wars with other fanbases and people who watch for the entire show. Enough is enough. People who only watch for one couple or a certain few don't help the show or the industry as a whole.

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They already took the backseat for several months. And I'd love to have watched the Days Of Our Lives where John & Marlena were frontburner as they should be (with the rest of the supercouples) year after year. John's been frontburner for years, Marlena was not.

I dunno, I guess some of them were busy calling Deidre Hall names to bother. No one's saying M&M weren't treated crappy. They were! I wanted Deidre and Matt both to just say sayonara and go do other shows when they were backburner for six months and stuck in a goddamn castle, appearing once or twice a month if we were lucky. J&M were frontburner for three months during that story. Then they were backburner... well, since then.

Rotation should happen. The SAME supercouple being backburnered everytime should not.

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If I'm not mistaken, there was a period of time last fall sometime when Shawn and Belle were on the backburner for a bit, while John and Marlena fans got a bunch of great material. I enjoyed it. Now, Shawn and Belle are on the frontburner while John and Marlena are on the backburner. From things I've read, Bo and Hope are about go come back to the forefront of the show again, as well. I think the rotation has been fine. Yes, J/M have had their fair share of backburner status over the last year, but if it wasn't them, it would just be some other couple for THAT fanbase to b!tch about. It's a lose/lose situation with the couples fanbases, IMO.

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Sami has never been on the backburner.

Belle wasen't on the backburner ONCE during the time KS played her, same for Shawn with JC.

Start with Sami, put Sami on the backburner for a change. Lucas and Sami are having a kid and planning a wedding. Great chance to give them time to just have cute stuff like a baby shower or wedding prepping once in a while. John & Marlena, however, had a story planned for there. There was a story, they redid it.

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I can't blame anything under Langan, Brash/Cwikly, Reilly, Higley, etc. on Hogan. I'm talking about Hogan's choices, at the moment.

Anyway, you're wrong about Sami. She's been on the backburner before. It was in 2001. She went six months or so without a story at all.

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Kenny, I didn't say I didn't agree with you. I don't watch for just one couple. Someone said look at the evidence in this and I was just pointing out that from a J/M fans point of view who were waiting for their couples reunion after waiting for 3 years the last 6 months was a letdown. I do agree with that part. And I can see where the J/M fans could be upset about that. I mean their couple gets back together and they are not even see at all for 8 weeks.

I think that is partly due to the writer changeover and the transition but it is still there. For years Days has been about putting their couples through trials and then the fans of that couple are rewarded with a reunion and making up. That pattern has been broken.

Even Bo & Hope's reunion after a year of being broken up has been dull due to the fact that after they got back together Hogan really backburnered them.

This is a new trend for Days fans after following a set pattern for years.

I am seeing both sides of this, because even though I don't watch for one couple, I know how disappointed I am that I have waited for Bo & Hope to get back together for a year, and now I hardly ever see them. And I mean that baby is so big now and we haven't even been rewarded with a scene where the damn baby gets a name. But yet we can get scenes with Hogan's faves Willow and Chelsea.

My last comment here is about your last statement. I wouldn't count on that under Hogan. Anyone that has watched Hogan for the last 6 years knows that his faves are never backburnered. NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He could change but I very highly doubt it. If he likes a character you better believe damn sure you are going to see that character ALOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sickening alot too.

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