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Have faith Cheap! Jason does not love Liz, he is doing it for the baby. Liz said today "You love Sam and I love Lucky." When she said that, I wanted to smack her, because she has been saying for months that she doesn't love Lucky anymore, so go figure! Also, if Jason was in love Liz, he would have been with her already, because that is just the type of person he is. And I don't by it for one second that she would accept his life style. That is complete BULL. If she can't handle Luck's drug habit then how can she handle a man who kills people???

I have a feeling (not a spoiler), that she wants to know if Jason will stop loving Sam or if Jason can love her like that. Jason is going to say (honestly) that I will always love Sam and that's not going to change, but I need to do what is best for the baby. Then Liz not wanting to settle is going to turn him down when she realizes that he may care for her deeply, but he doesn't love her the way that he loves Sam or the way she wants him to love her. Just my opinion. Let's see how it plays out.

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I never bought Jason's "love" for Sam. I just can't buy it cause of how he acts around Liz. He seems human around Liz, moreso than anyone else IMO.

He wouldn't have cheated on Sam so easily if he was madly in love with her, and he wouldn't have let Alexis force to leave Sam, even if he thought it was for a good reason, so easily if he was so madly in love with her.

I'd say Jason's as much in love with Sam as he was with Skipper ;)

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I don't buy Jason's love for Sam, either. I used to. I liked the idea of JaSam, but then came her acting as Alexis described as pathetic and degraded, then the Pass Around Ho spread 'em for her stepfather, and I was just done. Sam lost major points with me during the whole Alexis Bashing/Sleeping With Ric storyline.

When Jason and Liz were together the night of the blackout, Jason, as Zen Fan mentioned, was so much more human. He was tender and his eyes lit up. I've always felt a connection between them. The only, only, only problem I have with Liason, is that I don't want Liz involved in Jason's lifestyle. Sam can handle it because she has no self-worth. :unsure: I just can't picture my girl, Liz, patiently waiting up for Jason as he goes out to do a hit. That part of Jason's life is not her. So do I want them as a legitimate couple? No. But do I want them to share that unspoken bond that ONLY the two of them share, by the way they simply look at each other or help each other without expecting anything in return? Yes. Jason and Liz is what Carly wishes she and Jason had. I love their scenes together. To me, it's classic "maybe in another life" type of love story.

Sam sucks. I hope Sam gets run over by a mack truck. Sam's lousy. Sam sucks. Sam should die.

- R Sinclair 1965

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no he doesnt love Liz. With the exception of this marriage crap, everything that Jason has done and shown has proven that he loves Sam. He is not into Liz like that and is ONLY interested in her for the baby. I hope she's not pathetic enough to go and settle down with him when he clearly wants someone else. She will only be hurting herself in the long run.

I really hate him right now. Im sure I will settle down, but not today. I know most hate her and want him with Liz, but that was completely disrespectful of him to do to Sam. If the man that you loved, were planning a future with came to you and told you he is having a baby with someone else, is getting married to her and he's done with you, how would you feel? He already has a fiancee who he loves and just a few days ago, was tearing up and talking about how he cant wait till they get married and have their own children together. He finds out he got another woman pregnant and is quick to propose and hasnt even given Sam a second thought. Like where does she fit into this equation? If he can disregard her that quickly, that makes him one of the biggest jerks out there. If a guy did to me what Jason did to Sam today, Id tell him to go to hell. This is the second time he's done this to her. He hasnt even spoken to Sam first! He pretty much threw her to the side with that "proposal". She hasnt done anything to deserve this and has done nothing but love him and stand by his side for the past 2 and a half years

He never cheated on Sam. They were not an item during the ONS
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Awww... thank you, both. :P

The reason I love Liason is because, unlike Sam and Laura Wright's Character, Liz doesn't go around yelling and making sure everyone knows just how important she is to Jason. Liz knows where she and Jason fit in each others' lives, and that's that. But the other two banshees are soooo insecure and have virtually non-existant self worth, that they need to scream at the top of their lungs JASON LOVES ME! I'M JASON'S BEST FRIEND! JASON LOVES ME! I'M JASON'S BEST FRIEND!

It's like, great, girls. Fabulous. Do you want a cookie? :unsure:

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Jason and Sam are just forced. That's all it is. Forced.

Liz and Jason were AMAZING today. I thought today's episode reminded me of the old General Hospital. Steve and Rebecca were brillant. I had chills when he said "Just marry me" Ahh!!!! PLEASE! Put these two together!!! Haha.

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Thats because he doesn't love Sam anymore, today proved that. When he and Liz slept together, both of them acknowledged that they still had feelings for their ex's and Jason is scared that Liz still really loves Lucky and she's still scared he loves Sam. What I think is going to happen is, Jason will agree to let Liz and Lucky pretend that he's the father but its going to burn him up and he will be the one who outs it to Lucky and Sam. Jason won't get Liz unless he fights for her. Thats what she wants. Jason proved today that he has never really gotten over Rick and Sam sleeping together and he doesn't trust her. But she was a security blanket also when he thought Liz didn't want to be with him like that and he was scared to lose her.

I don't doubt that Jason loved Sam but its in the way that you love yet dismiss someone who will break their neck to do something for you. You never respect them. And everyone knows that's true, when you know someone adores you. But Jason is unsure of Liz. Its a position he's never been in before, being the one that has to beg and fight for a woman.

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Damn Sin, thats exactly how I feel. I love the fact that at the end of the day, Jason and Liz share something special, and they have that baby. Will it last forever? I doubt it because soaps never do, but I will enjoy it while its here. And Liz being the one that finally carries Jason's baby to term is just RIGHT. Its perfect.

But I like that Liz is the one that has that little piece of Jason noone can take. He couldn't even stay mad at her. He admires her too much and knew where she was coming from. He said "I can't hate you." Sorry but that was beautiful. Jason actually had tears in his eyes. He called the baby a miracle.

I'm sorry gang but I was a puddle on the floor at 2:59 pm today. February 20, 2007 was a day for Liaison Lovers.

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