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GH's 24...

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GH's production values continue to be effective, it was a solid ending. I really liked the Luke/Mac interactions today.

I'm not sure Robin would be dead, for us it's been days but for her it's been inside of 12 hours (not a medical expert so I'm not sure if even that time period is unreasonable, in fairness).

It's Friday, I'm slow -- what was in the briefcase?

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It's never said what is in the briefcase.

Anyway, I have to say that I am thankful that I watched all 16 episodes, because now it totally makes sense, and even adds more meaning to the scenes -- which was a brilliant idea by the creative team. It seemed soooo random seeing the explosion 16 days ago, but seeing how the stories all played out and synched up, they did a fantastic job.

Sure there were slow dragging points, but that happens. This storyline took a lot of strategy that just isn't found on daytime these days. GH has an award or two coming up during the 2008 Emmys.

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Yes, right! Lucky and Cruz also went in...

Well, after all that has happened, there were some dragging moments, like some have said, but I think the story in general was great! I have completely became a fan of GH through this... I'll see what comes next, but right now I sooo wanna see the outcomes of several stories...

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really good production values, i agree. they're doing a good job overall with this at GH.

luke got on my nerves bigtime today. he really didn't seem to be himself -- he was this contrived and immature luke, written so that epiphany would have someone to deliver her "sister girlfriend" act to.

do we really need to see epiphany call everyone on their b.s. and set them straight?

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The ending was superb. Great job by all.

The rest of the show was slow but it was all buildup so I was ok with it. I will give credit to GH. This is the first sweeps stunt of theirs that actually worked on every level despite it dragging in spots. More characters were involved and it was really gripping. I am anxious to see the aftermath and what happens from here.

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