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Once again, loved it!

It was really good!

I didn't see too much of a problem with Natalia. Like someone said, she isn't the best actress, but she's not THAT bad to me, like everyone's saying..

LOVED Spinelli!

LOVED Maxie & 3! Hope he stays! They could make a really hot couple! He kinda reminds me of Heath Ledger...

LOVED the Quartermaine drama! Don't like how everyone's jumping on Skye.. it's not her who brought the case to the vault.. sure, she's married to Lorenzo and kept it a secret, but would saying everything right from the beginning of the crisis really help? No, since no one knows the code but Lorenzo... But I guess it will be fun to watch Tracy and Skye face off.. :)

LOVE Julie Berman forever...

Now the things I found ridiculous was.. how is that no one managed to get that guy on the window shot.. lol I mean, he was on the window most of the time, they were ALL shooting at him, including Luke, who was shooting at him from even closer range and no one managed to shoot him.. my, PCPD has some bad shooters... esepcially those sniper guys..

And I do agree that they could have had more shooting of the vicitims.. I mean, they have a bunch of hotel staff there and I though they would shoot them! I thought that's what their purpose was there! To get shot! But oh well.. I can live with that.. I find it intense enough as it is.. :)

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No, that is not going to happen. Sam has been with Jax, Sonny and Jason. Lucky is not even in the same catagory. He is too boring, that is why he is perfect for Liz. But since she is "in love" with Jason, both Liz and Lucky are going to end up alone.

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STFU Luke! How dare he have the nerve to judge Skye? I hated his line about how he cant look at her the same bc she's not the person he thought she was. This coming from the man that has done alot worse to protect his loved ones? Just last year he was willing to let numerous people die during the epidemic in order to save Lulu. He doesnt care about anyone but himself and his family and isnt above selling anyone out in order to make sure they are okay.

Loving Sam. Seriously she owes Liz nothing yet in this crisis is standing by her and giving her words of encouragement and tried to help her and her baby. I loved that she could crack jokes and laugh with her. It was nice and big of her

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