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American Idol: Discussion Thread


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You're absolutely right. If you've got the "it" factor in this competition, you're going to be recognized and get a record deal, anyway -- win or lose. There are both positives and negatives to both winning and losing. If you win, you get thrust into the spotlight even more, and immediately. However, you're also stuck in a contract that may or may not be artist-friendly. As for losing, you get your choice of any recording contract at pretty much any label out there, but you don't get the immediate spotlight like the winner does.

Whether Blake or Jordin win/lose, it doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure that both will have success, because both have very passionate fans. I'm just hoping that Jordin wins because I want to see her in THE spotlight with THE title.

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LMAO! I watched it laughing, too. I was watching it with my sister and my grandma, and we were all looking at one another like, "Whaaaa?!" It was great, because it was THE moment I had been waiting for... watching Blake fall in his face with the final song. It was so delicious!

The whole time he was singing, I was just hearing in my head the way Jordin would sing the same notes, and his paled in comparison. Then, when it came time for her to actually sing, it sounded even better than what I had imagined! Our girl ROCKED it tonight!

As for those who say that the final song was tailor-made for Jordin... everyone knows what the final song is like! It's always a sappy, sweeping ballad. Viewers know this, and Blake knows this. He should've used his time on the show to polish his vocals in order to tackle it successfully when the time came. Unfortunately for him, he didn't do that, and so he deserves to lose. This is a SINGING competition, and he can't hit the power notes. Failure! :P

Meanwhile, can you imagine Blake winning the competition and having to release that final song as a single? LMAO! He can't sing it! Can you imagine him on Leno, Letterman, Conan, etc. trying to belt it out? Wow. Co-me-dy!!

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Does anyone (other than me) have a sneaky suspicion that Blake Lewis and Paula Abdul are having an affair? As I've said before, he could get on stage and take a steamy sh!t into a cast-iron skillet, and she'd be all over him with a wet cooch.

Meanwhile, did anyone notice her review of Jordin's final song? She said a whole lot of nothing (does she ever? why is she even THERE?). All she said was, "Look how proud your family is of you!" That's not a critique, or feedback... that's beating around the bush! She knew she'd sound like an idiot if she gave negative feedback, which she was DYING to do. But she didn't want to come out and praise her, either, because then her lover Blake would get p!ssed. So she just decided to comment on how proud her family looks.... BOOOO, PAULA, BOOOO!!!

Paula so obviously favors Blake in this competition. I think they're loooovers.

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I just hope that Randy and Simon's preaching about this being a SINGING competion for the BEST SINGER didn't do damage to Jordin and create more of a frenzy with the rabid Blake fans. I've been voting like mad for two hours and only got 10 votes through so far for Jordin. It amazes me no end when people say they voted hundreds of times for a contestant. I only got two votes in for Bo Bice the whole time I tried for him. Goofy way to vote.

Jordin was beyond fantastic tonight. I thought Blake looked like he just gave up.


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If Blake wins, it's because of crap like THIS and this alone...

From the Official American Idol message board:

"A friend of mine has set up all the computers in his company (40, with a T3 line) to call non-stop for Blake this evening. He did the same last week and got well over 100,000 votes through in total! It's not like dialing, but much faster."

If only one vote was allowed per person, I think we all know who the winner would be. However, because of cheating (really... MACHINES doing rapid votes for you?), Blake will take it home.

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I'm confused. Are the final two from the same state/city? Or did they just AUDITION in the same state/city?

If they are from the same state, it might be an advantage for Jordin because, IMO, Blake would lose the home state advantage because I'm assuming most people would follow the judge's advice and vote for Jordin.

Although this has been a season in which the judges have not gotten what they want so who knows. It could be Blake.

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I think they just auditioned in the same city. I read someplace that Jordin had auditioned for AI in another city, and she was rejected (can you believe that?!). After that, she won a singing contest someplace, and the prize was a trip to audition for AI in Seattle, hence her being at the same audition as Blake.

I also saw Sanjaya in the line behind Blake. Anyone else? I didn't really pay close attention to the audition episodes.

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