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DAYS: Source e-mails list of writers fired....

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Alot of what EK4L is saying makes sense. As I've said before, soaps are a business. The staff, cast and writing team don't get up and come in every day just for the sheer hell of it. It's a business. It's about profit.

In some cases, yes... you have to take the 'emotional impact' into account when making a decision. If Hogan thinks that firing Renee will cause the ratings to slide too much to where they'll end up losing more money than they'll make by getting rid of her large salary, he probably wouldn't do it. But you have to look at both sides, the positives and negatives. Ratings might dip a bit because of Renee's departure (though I very seriously doubt it), but they might not go down low enough to lose more money than they made/saved by letting her go and saving budget... and in that case, the decision still would've been a good BUSINESS success. Creatively? Maybe not. But money's the bottom line. Sad, but true. Hogan's in there to balance things both creatively and budget-wise. But he just might not have the money to do certain thing he'd love to do (and that we'd love for him to do) and he just might not have the money to give certain people huge stories because the budget isn't there to have them working everyday, despite the fact that he'd love to use them more. Every actor/character/couple has fans though, so no matter who gets slashed, SOMEBODY'S going to be pissed. There's no getting around that, and it'll happen every time no matter how great or terrible a writer is. It comes with the territory.

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If Corday allowed Hogie to fire his darlings of the writing staff, SLG and Brash, then why wouldn't Hogie have the amount of control to fire one of Corday's acting darlings, Josh Taylor. What's the difference?

I hope that Hogan can use some of his leverage to fire Josh Taylor--that's all I ask of him, assuming that what you're saying is true....

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Unless Hogan has special privileges, like Gabe suggests, firing members of the writing staff is COMPLETELY different from firing members of the cast. His writign staff. Hogan's writing staff. Corday would certainly have final say, but that's generally something that most headwriters tend to mold themselves, regardless of 'darlings'.

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Thanks, Kenny.

Because these folks aren't realizing that I'm a HOGAN FAN.

I love Hogan.

I'm not saying anything against him, I'm just being realistic about how soap operas

are run and what the decision making process is.

And if Jason's reporting turns out to be false---then everything I've said goes out the


I'm just "speculating" based on years of experience of how these things are done.

It's obvious that Hogan is being allowed to do things HIS WAY, and because he said he would give

the show its PENIS back---he probably likes good ol boys like Roman.

Look how he's giving Abe a story instead of Lexie who is younger, more attractive and

more interesting.

He's for the guys more, so John and Roman may not be in trouble. But maybe they are.

I am a Hogan Sheffer fan, however. I'm not dissing the guy.

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Why do you keep ASSUMING that Hogan wants to fire Josh Taylor????

Since he's bringing a "PENIS" back to the show---how do you know what the MEN of

Salem will be called upon to do in upcoming stories??

Somebody has to fight E.J. and the DiMeras, and Hogan usually writes about GROUP COPS.

Not a single cop.

Roman may be an intricate part of one of Hogan's new "macho" stories. You never know.

And then again, he may very well turn around and fire Josh Taylor. We have no way of

knowing what's going to happen in the future. We can only go by what's in front of us

right now.

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I was just giving you my wish list with Josh Taylor as the #1 person on the top of my list to go. I want Josh Taylor gone. IMHO, Roman outlived his purpose after he was no longer the interloper b/w John and Marlena right after Kristen brought him back.

They could still have the cops: Bo, Abe and possibly Steve now that he's going to have his memory back with John in the mix as well. Also, I almost forgot about Hope. How many cops/private investigators/ISA people does the show need to go after the Dimeras? 6? Well, I say they could use 5 and that's taking Roman out of the mix. HE'S NOT NEEDED and it's TIME FOR HIM TO GO NOW!! Especially with these massive budget cuts. What purpose does Roman serve on the canvas right now? I mean really!! Lecture Sami when she goes astray? John and Marlena could serve that purpose. Sami is his only child on the show now that Carrie has left. He's in his own island and other than the cop stuff, what does he do now that Abe or Bo can't do? He's useless and I'm hoping/praying that Hogie gets rid of him NOW!!

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I totally agree with you Ademption.

I think Roman is dead weight and I wish they'd cut him loose, but then from hear, he and Hogan

are thick as thieves. Who knows what will happen.

One thing I can do is talk to Hannah Shearer. I happen to know her, but I will have to talk to her

in person to get anything out of her, because it's the "facial expressions" and body language that

really answers all when you're trying to probe these type of people. Their lips are like glued shut,

but I can run by her this week provided she doesn't frequent this board. :lol:

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I am not happy AT ALL about SLG, Brash, and Schoettle, and I have no idea what Hogan is thinking. With that said, I'm thrilled that the remaining JER lackeys are gone. All these rapid behind-the-scenes changes are making me really uneasy, I have to admit.

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I don't think the character of Roman is unuseful, I think Josh Taylor as Roman Brady is unuseful. If they could find another role for him other than Roman, it would be fine, if it made sense. But, he's just not for that role, IMO.

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if this is true than this is bad!

Sophia Landon Geier is without a doubt the best writer on the staff. I had a feeling since she's not written much lately. And Peter Brash ... who brought Days back from the brink after Langan. Who wrote the scripts for the episodes where Sami was "executed". What are they thinking??

Schoettle ... I was not impressed with. Her script for Jack/Jen's final episode was bland, as were alot of her other episodes.

Neckles ... despite being a JERk stooge, he was a capible script writer. I remember many times thinking I was watching a SLG episode when it turned out to be one of his. He's not a big loss though, but he deserves more credit than he's being given.

The rest are mediocre and forgettable

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I believe Roman is useless. The fans don't want him with anyone but Marlena and that's never going to happen. John and Marlena are way too more popular than Roman and Marlena ever were.

I wish Josh Taylor wasn't Ken Corday's best friend because Josh Taylor's contract could be the one getting cut instead of Renee Jones maybe. I mean, there's nothing wrong with Roman being on the show. I have no plans to get rid of Roman on As Days Go By (my blog). He's just police prop/Sami's father. I find him usefull in that way.

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I guess my question with Corday has always involved creative control. There was that big, hairy controversy with Reilly coming back and then NBC renewing Days, and the question of Corday relinquishing his creative control was all the rage. Now, I'm not someone who works in the industry, but from the many Corday interviews I've read, he seemed to imply that he was the one shaping the show. He was the one with the vision of how Days was going to be. First it was going to be teen time, and then he was arranging for Heather Mills McCartney to make a cameo. It was always something with him. So maybe it was an inference on my part, but it sure looked like he had major input on direction of the show and storylines. And when Storms tried to come back, HE said there was no room for her (hooray!!).

So, maybe things are different than they used to be, or maybe he had an inflated view of what control he really had. In MY opinion, I feel much, much better with notion that Hogan--an emmy-winner writer--is really, truly able to create his vision with his own team and without being encumbered by Corday. Just my two cents.

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