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Heroes / Heroes Reborn: Discussion Thread


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I do think Nikki was really human and very relatable as a "downtrodded" mother sort of way. However I do feel for Tracey. I feel for her because of the fact that she is alone and has no one who really cares for her. She is so isolated and alone and she is soo scared and depressed. I think I feel more for her then I do for Nikki because of the fact that this woman has no one at all to support, help or love her. I think they have done a great job introducing her character and developing her so far. She isn't in your face. She is barely on but when she is on we slowly grow to relate and understand her.

The only draw back to this is that I feel that they killed off Nikki/Jessica (who was a character we had ties with for two seasons) who was a main character and they just killed her off for no reason. Kring just gets too kill happy.

I think he has charisma and I think he is able to play likeable roles really well. However I don't think he does well with depth at all. He is fine with the stuff they provided for him in season one.

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This episode was the worst for me. I watched an hour of this and felt nothing afterward.

We don't know why Future Claire is so bitter.

We don't know why Angela gave Sylar up for adoption.

We don't know why Present Peter really needed Sylar's power. Seeing how something "ticks" doesn't necessarily mean that he can prevent the Butterfly Effect, which is ALREADY a ball that's rolling.

We don't know what the hell is the point of Matt in Africa. Some random gibberish about a "spirit walk" does not equal a story. We found out in one episode that Matt somehow falls in love and forms a family with Daphne, and watched Daphne die.

I can understand that Season 2 lacked "adrenaline", but this is the complete opposite end of the spectrum because this adrenaline-paced churning through plot is leaving no time for the character development and introspection that I loved in Season 1.

Linderman's ramblings make no sense. I can't figure out the relevance of any of Mohinder's quotes and monologues.

Season one had adrenaline but we KNEW the destination: Save the cheerleader, save the world. Sylar's the bad guy, everyone had to come together and play a part to prevent Sylar's victory and Claire's potential death. With Season 2 with the virus, we could see the bigger picture in that Claire needed to be saved to continue on and be a key to a potentially deadly virus. Season three..... IS she saved if Sylar took her ability to not die? They are playing this confrontation as "Claire's rape" and it's turned her darker, but the whole episode that just aired didn't even feature Present Claire, it featured Future Claire who is mercilessly trying to kill (and torture!) her uncle Peter.

All the jumping from the future to the past to the present isn't making for storytelling to follow easily, when you have several versions of the same characters overlapping in different times. Future Claire killed Future Peter, but Present Peter who was in the future traveled to meet Future Sylar and took his ability (but still had to ask? Since when?!) in order to be able to go to the past and prevent the butterfly effect from sabotaging the future.

At least in previous seasons when an episode was told "out of time", set in the future or the past, the entire episode and all its characters, were told in that time in a bubble, and the episode stood alone, as foreshadowing, or an explanation through flashback of what led the characters to the point they are at. But jumping back and forth through time with half the episode taking place in the present, and half in the future is just too confusing. And seeing Mohinder being a mess under a dark cloak in this future can't help but remind me that in Season 1's future episode, Mohinder was a very-well-put-together advisor to the president... who turned out to be Sylar... who had killed Nathan and held office under Nathan's identity. But NOW the future is that Mohinder's a mess in seclusion, Peter kills Nathan because of "the hunger" and Sylar is a susie homemaker with Mr. Muggles and a little son named after Noah Bennet?! HUH?!

Matt can see the future by listening to a set of old headphones? WHAT?!

Some of the Heroes were born that way, and others were MADE?! WHAT?!

Tracy was one of three triplets, all experimented on and separated at birth, Niki, Tracy, and Barbara?! What the hell happened with Jessica, who I thought was always supposed to have been Jessica's twin, looking like her (in a picture of them as young girls) and born around the time Niki would have been born (according to Jessica's headstone). So Jessica was an adopted sister?! Who the hell is Barbara?! Is she the next role for Ali Larter when the producers tire of Tracy and kill her off too?

Hiro's mission for Angela involves digging up Adam Monroe who KILLED his father and plotted to kill Angela?! Who in hell out of any of them would think it was a good idea to dig him up?

In the beginning, I loved Heroes because everything seemed DELIBERATE and carefully plotted. You knew the end result, the fascination was the journey of getting there, and the twists and turns along the way. By now, Heroes seems made up as it goes along, and I don't know WHAT we're supposed to be working towards. Save the world? Prevent the formula halves from coming together? Get the formula halves together to reverse Mohinder's condition or cure Maya? Stop or reverse the butterfly effect and go back to before Sylar took Claire's ability to heal? Save Daphne from dying in the future? Re-capture all the released prisoners from Level 5? Take down The Company? What is Nathan's story again? Stay in office or not stay in office? Continue trying to be president, or give up politics? Sleep with Tracy or don't? Is Nathan going to sleep his way through all the Ali Larter characters?

There is no clear objective this season just a jumble of mysterious agendas and ever-changing rules and I have no idea who or what I'm rooting for.

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You make some very good points!

I think Kring gets "too kill happy" partly because of an advice Damon Lindelof gave him: Don't be afraid to kill people off. And I totally agree with it and that's one of the reasons I started that thread about character saturation.

As for Milo, I just think he kind of over-acts in a terrible sort of way. His grimaces, the way he pronounces his lines... It's all so silly. Instead of believing in his quest or whatever, you can't do anything else but laugh.

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Also, one of the most stupid things about the episode was Peter fixing Sylar's watch. He did it way to quickly and the whole rambling by Sylar thus made no sense. In three seconds he was able to determine how stuff works. Yeah... :rolleyes:

If Peter can absorb other people's abilities, why can't he absorb Sylar's instead having to figure it out how it works? He has amassed so many powers and abilities, it's absolutely ridiculous. And how come he can't heal after being in Claire's proximity? If she can't die, he can't either.

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My theory is that if Peter had Sylar's ability to "see how things work" he could prevent too much damage from happening with the Butterfly Effect. He could see all of the possiable solutions to all of the problems they are having in the current time line and fix them in a way.

Season two was horriable because it just sucked all around and had horriable story concepts and idea's. Hiro in Feudal Japan was a horrid storyline, Peter in Ireland was a stupid storyline, Claire and West was a stupid storyline, ect. This season we have good stories that work in theory but it isn't translating as well on screen. But I would take season 3 over season 2 any time.

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