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Brothers & Sisters: Discussion Thread

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When I meant balanced, I meant, you have the repulican story, the GAY (liberal) relationship of Kevin and whoever it is at the moment, the fact that the Walkers seem to be half Dems, half Repubs, etc etc. That's what I meant by balance. Some shows, the show beats you over the head with what to believe; this one, I think we get even doses of everything. Unlike All in the Family, for instance, where we learn that liberal is right, no matter what. Archie's stupid, Meathead and the "little girl" are wiser because they're libs. That's what I meant.

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I don't mind the republican storyline as much, but if they invite Bill O'Reily on I will be pissed. The only thing that would make me stop watching is if Sally Field left the show. I really liked tonights show, but I wish nora would stop listening to her friend, she always gives her horrible advice. Love nora dating her teacher, thats about the only thing her friend was right about.lol I'm glad kevin/the soap star are over they just weren't in the same place in life. An please tell me rebecca doesn't sleep with Sarah's husband next week, thats a storyline I could do without.

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Haha - this show is NOT too republican. There is more Democratic propoganda more than anything...seriously, watch every episode and you'll see it.

Anyway, loved last night's episode. Sad for Kevin/Chad...

I loved Nora's storyline, except I hate that the professor was having sex with his younger student. That creeps me out, so I hope Nora stops pursuing him. Loved how Kidder was back though.

No Tommy, Saul, Holly tonight?

I'm really enjoying Justin and Rebecca's friendship, and the way he's going to have this protective role over her. I'm really liking Rebecca - and I loved that shot of her next to Mr. Walker's picture - they really look alike!

Finally - really enjoyed watching Sarah and Kitty together tonight. These sister scenes are really needed - I loved them all. Oh and I'm rooting for Kitty/Senator M. - they really sold me tonight.

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It was an ok show not one of the best it certainly had its moments.

Kitty and her sister drunk love it.

The Senator and Kitty love it. I find it funny that Rob is playing a republican when he is all democrat in real life.

The sister Rebecca is going to be a pain the ass. I see it coming and really hoping She does not sleep with the brother in law will not like that at all.

I love Justin and Kevin, more of them please.

Upset about Kevin and Chad but patiently waiting for the Senator brother being played by Eric Winter.

I love the mom played by Sally Field she just rocks. I dont like the professor and want Treat back. I see her character and Rebecca really getting along.

Next week looks good one family against the other. That is going to rock.

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I'm already in love with Eric Winter as the gay brother. Man that guy is hot and he plays gay pretty well ;)

LOL at the 'CGN = common gay name' --- and how funny that my ex is named Jason!

Anyway, great show so far...this game night thing is gonna be great.

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Hilarious episode!

I love how the families keep trying to one-up each other.

"Well Donna, I'm just not as gay as you!"

"Ohhh, we don't have one of those!" - the mom, referring to illegitimate daughter Rebecca :lol:

Oh and Eric Winter is realllly impressing me. I can't get over how attractive he is in this role.

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