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AMC: Megan Mctavish's E-mail Doesn't Work/Is She Gone?/Sweeps (Merged Threads)

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Megan needs to leave but I agree with those who said Frons is the main problem. Look at the travesties all 3 of his shows have turned into. Allowing three bad writers to sit at the helm of the shows is madness. Someone needs to kick Frons out on his ass and then Guza, Higley, and McTavish will be next on the network's [!@#$%^&*] list. They are doing nothing for the network but driving away fans in droves.

I have a question for all of you: what would you change about the show besides having a new headwriter?

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I love how this thread keeps going and going and going!! :lol:

I do think ABC needs to clean house. They need to get rid of Frons, McT, and Carruthers. They need to change some of the script writers and breakdown writers. That is my AMC hope for 2007.

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Does it even matter if McT is out anymore? I don’t know. Low ratings used to be good in bad times because you hoped it would mean changes would be made. Not anymore. It seems they’ll let a show slide enough without making changes, and then cancel. But I think maybe we should all watch. I know this means nothing if you aren’t being checked by Nielsen, but I think we need to support the show until this cancellation rumor goes over. If AMC is saved that means that it would at least have a fighting chance; some opportunity. We know that no one is ever really dead on a soap. Chances are slim, but maybe Cady McClain (and Julia Barr as well) would eventually come back. Yeah, I know I’m grasping at straws here, but what else can I do? I feel rather numb. This is all like a bad dream.

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She's not going. Word has it she has already re-signed (her contract is up in April but I think they take care of these things early in case they do have to get a replacement).

Sucks, but it doesn't even really matter anymore. Megan or not, AMC is so screwed.

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