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DAYS: Sheffer "Interview" in TV Guide (Spoilers)

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Re: Mimi/Bonnie/et al

Mimi has really pushed this custody agreement to the hilt. Philip has seemed (thus far) to be fairly okay with Shawn/Mimi raising his child (essentially, giving up all rights). I'm really thinking that Mimi is going to die and, possibly as part of her will, will leave custody of the baby to Bonnie. With Shawn out of the picture (I'm predicting that Shawn/Mimi will be broken up by this point), Philip will have a change of heart about the baby and will want it back. Has the surrogate who's carrying the baby been introduced or cast? IMO, that new female character might play a *huge* part in this storyline (possibly providing a new love interest for Philip) especially if this young woman turns out to be as gold-digging as Bonnie. Bonnie and the girl could team up to use the baby, but then the woman falls for Philip and turns the tables on Bonnie. This could actually turn into a good Kiriakis storyline while also pushing Philip out of the Shawn/Belle orbit. In any event, I predict that Mimi Lockhart is toast.

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I think the 10th off the show will be Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Brady). With Chelsea causing the near-death of Hope, this will be the reuniting of Bo & Hope story as well as the exit story for Chelsea. I hope so. I wish that DAYS would state that Chelsea was a con-artist, maybe hired by Tony and/or Stefano.

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OMG, PLEASE don't get rid of Chelsea, 'MISS "Days of Our Lives," as far as I'm concerened, thank you VERY much!!! <_< I love that !@#$%^&*]!

Anyway, just had to get in my props.

As for Bonnie, I can't imagine how she could get over losing Mimi (if she died) fast enough to revert back to being a golddigging !@#$%^&*] who would use the baby for her own fortune. I just don't see that happening. Even for Bonnie it wouldn't work.

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I'm surprised they decided to get rid of Patrick and Mimi and KEEP Bonnie. But then again, Judi's one of the most talented actresses in daytime, she's been wasted on DAYS for the past 3 years, so maybe HS will give her the material she deserves and turn her character in to more than a cariacture.

I'm happy Judi's staying on. I have faith in her ability and confidence that HS will give her the storyline that an actress of her caliber deserves.

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If there is one actress at Days Hogan is interested in it is Mary Beth Evans. He has been in love with her, as an actress that is, not in any offscreen sense that I know of, since she started as the recast of Sierra at ATWT. When he was there, he and ATWT went out of their way to put her on contract, use her more often, and go so far as to steal her out of her thankless contract role at OLTL as Paige Miller. He loves her and I'm glad he'll be utilizing her.

I am also thrilled that he seems to want to do a "Katie" on Sami. Katie was a character at ATWT who started off directionless and annoying to a lot of people when she was brought in in the previous creative regime. When he took over he gave her a point. Sami, while always popular, is in desperate need of a point. As much as I like Ali Sweeney and see Sami's potential the character has driven me up the wall for a long time. The character has to grow up, stop acting like a twelve year old whose parents just split up, and grow into a whole person. I am thrilled if Hogan is going to be the one to do that.

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These spoilers have taken some away some of my enthusiasm for the incoming new HW. Stephen and Mary Beth as Steve and Kayla give some of daytime's most subtle and layered performances. Harnessing this team of thoroughbreds to John and Marlena is a mismatch. Alison can handle screwball comedy, but Bryan I am not so sure about. I am disappointed that after 13 years, the man Sami finally lands is a Mama's boy who compares her unfavorably to a clone of her sister. The males in Salem need to be written as stronger and smarter, but the same is true for the females. Judi Evans is a great actress, but I don't see that the character of Bonnie is needed, particularly with Mimi and Patrick gone. I assume that her stay in town will involve the Phimi baby, but I was hoping that both those scrambled eggs would just disappear. Hopefully, these spoilers will be better than they sound. :huh:

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Why are people asssuming Judi is safe? Just because one spoiler involving Bonnie is mentioned, doesn't mean she is in Hogan's long-term plans for the show. We know Patrick and Mimi are definitely out. The smart money says Bonnie will follow them out the door. Matt said around 10 characters are being cut. Since Shawn is not one of them, the current list is only 8.

Josh Taylor won't be out, though, and we all know why.

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Not everyone wants the show to go back to "Teens of Our Lives" again. If you ask most DAYS fans who they want to see, it's not the younger characters. They're needed, but they shouldn't drive and dominate the show.

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