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Posts posted by YRBB

  1. On 6/5/2018 at 12:01 AM, juppiter said:

    I really love your recaps YRBB. Keep them coming. No comment because I really hate this season and these storylines, but I’m looking forward to you getting to season 12.


    Sorry, just saw this. Thank you!! More to come. :)

  2. 45 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    It didn't help that to watch the Ralph story was also like taking a waking nap. Scuttling the Mac/Amanda/Ralph plot was good, though it was also sad, since a story with that much potential and buildup should have been handled a lot better. 


    2002 in general felt lethargic, although it was still classic Y&R.


    The casting left a lot to be desired, but the most disappointing part was that Bashioum didn't get to play it and thus the investment wasn't really there anymore and it didn't come full circle/never felt completed.

  3. I just caught up with the pilot and really enjoyed it. Straight up, good, old-fashioned soapy drama. Wonderful acting. I particularly enjoyed that long family lunch scene/confrontation and Kendall's freakout in the bathroom, after which he cleaned up LOL


    Glad to hear it's already been renewed. I see a lot of potential.

  4. 1 hour ago, j swift said:

    he wasn't that nice to his mother; calling 'Duchess' was rather dismissive.


    Duchess might have been at most slightly sarcastic, but it was a sweet term of endearment.


    1 hour ago, j swift said:

    Finally, the backstory with Mackenzie did not benefit the character.  He was supposed to be a spiritual, caring guy but, he left his pregnant girlfriend for 16 years and never paid child support? He was really a creep


    He didn't know Amanda was pregnant. He instantly assumed his fatherly role when he met Mack/found out the truth.


  5. HBO has greenlit a pilot for one of the five possible GOT shows, the one involving George R.R. Martin.


    "it’s another tale spread across multiple locations and clans: Taking place thousands of years before the events of GOT, the series chronicles the world’s descent from the golden Age of Heroes into its darkest hour. And only one thing is for sure: From the horrifying secrets of Westeros’ history to the true origin of the white walkers, the mysteries of the East, to the Starks of legend… it’s not the story we think we know." 


    Sounds promising!



    Danny is a horrible, nasty human being, so naturally he doesn’t die from his collapsed lung after Val mercifully stabs him. Instead, he nearly gets her into big trouble and then returns to their house as if nothing happened. Thankfully, Val does the only sensible thing and takes the kids and runs to Gary. It looks like the show is done trying to keep them apart.


    Because Danny is a horrible, nasty human being, he tells Bobby that he is Gary's son. It’s too much for the tyke to take, so he packs his things and leaves. Val and Gary decide to finally be straight with the twins and it’s so satisfying to watch: The decision to make Val pregnant all the way back in season 5 has yielded so much story, and it’s great to see it come to an unexpected conclusion 6 seasons later. It doesn’t hurt that Danny's plan to hurt them by revealing this failed. "Can we have a baby brother?" the twins wonder, naturally.


    Greg's reactions to the cattiness between Paul and Anne are hilarious, but one has to wonder how long will Paula put up with it. (Anne keeps calling her 'Paulette,' which I can’t help but find amusing). It’s another satisfying moment when Paula finally snaps, reads Greg for filth in front of all his employees, and leaves in a huff. At some point, Paige calls Anne out for the caricature she seems to be. Very nice.


    Olivia is conning Gary once more. I love that he’s aware of what she’s doing and going along with it in the hopes that she’ll grow a conscience. When Harold calls to apologize to Olivia, she turns to Val for advice. "I can’t believe you’d ask me for advice!" Val disgustingly says. Lechowicks, when will you be done sh*tting on Val?!! Ultimately, in what suddenly feels like Olivia and Harold's swan song, Olivia returns Gary's check and reunites happily with Harold in Miami. Wow, they got a happy ending after all?


    Tom and Anne are surprisingly hot together. Paige is upset about this, but Tom proposes. There’s a fun montage of scenes during which Paige and Tom discuss her refusal to marry him, and it’s rather sweet when Paige changes her mind and accepts (I can’t see it working out).


    Dianne is an annoying thorn on Karen's side but I really loved her frustrated speech about how she’s trying to climb the ladder but keeps getting shot down. It was a nice, different side to her (we can afford those moments for all characters but Val). Suddenly, Karen acquires a stalker. The show has fun making us think it’s someone else at first, plays it for laughs, but it turns out this ain’t no joke – you can tell because the stalker has a wall of horniness.


    I like Danny much more as a drunk. At least the pretenses are gone. It’s also nice to see him suffer. How devastating when this, and Pat’s desire to become a doctor again, collide in a most Knotsian way! Danny running over Pat while "You are so beautiful to me" is playing is a classic scene. Never expected it! I knew Pat died at some point, but always assumed it would be related to her past. As the song keeps playing, you can see Danny screaming at Pat for being in front of his car, a nice detail. What a superb (if sad) twist. Too bad we’re losing Pat (I think, don’t tell me!).

  7. Yes, it really unraveled with his arrival. Even if I hadn't been watching, I could see the sharp decline in interest from my peers between Seasons 6 and 7. It was almost comical how quickly and low it dropped from being constantly discussed to barely there. It was a good indicator of the reaction from the general audience. The show focused entirely on this barely-believable character, excruciatingly slowed the pace down, and refused to just wrap it up. They devoted the entirety of Season 8 to him too (haven't finished), despite considerable pushback and ratings decline. Then they're choosing this time to lose other popular cast members. Yeah, it's really over. 

  8. 46 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Big day for TV! Collider and EW report Andrew Lincoln has quit and will only be in six episodes next season. AMC is prevailing upon Norman Reedus to take the lead. I like him but good luck. Roll it up, folks.


    Nooo! I had a feeling this was coming. And he'll only be in 6 episodes next season?!


    I was going to stick with the show, but now I'm done. For me, there is no Walking Dead without Rick, Carol, Daryl, and Michonne on the cast. Rick is the absolute center. They would have a very hard time doing it without him.


    Season 9 should be the end. It doesn't sound like they're going to end it, but they should.

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