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Posts posted by YRBB

  1. 29 minutes ago, Wendy said:


    I think - had they had better writing - they maybe could have worked. (I thought they had chemistry in Susan's early years.) But then, the writers were different, Abby was a factor, and they were admittedly a mess. For the record, it doesn't last long. But they remain friends.


    That's good to know. I'm not seeing a lot of chemistry in the present and it feels a little forced. I'm glad they don't end up hating each other's guts.

    7 minutes ago, Vee said:

    I know Martin talked about how she and the writers felt there was nowhere else to go with Lucy as a character. She was certainly seen as an annoying youth-oriented "Scrappy-Doo" type by the audience and critics when she first arrived, and in her second and final season was mostly irrelevant til she got killed off. But her death became a seminal moment.


    If I remember correctly from when I first watched, it did feel like she came on board and suddenly it was all about her all the time. An exaggeration, but considering she was a little annoying...


    Considering I was mostly too young the first time around for this show, all this backstage reasons/info is very fascinating.


    I agree that Lucy had run her course by the time she was stabbed.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Vee said:

    I just felt they could not remotely compare to Doug, Carol, etc.


    I agree about Carol, but Doug? They tried to make him a tortured man but I never felt it took off. IT's like he was meant to be this very complicated man, but I would not care for him if not for Carol. Perhaps I need to rewatch.


    7 minutes ago, Wendy said:

    Alas, you can "thank" Eriq LaSalle for Corday/Greene (in a roundabout way). While he says he had no trouble with Alex Kingston, he felt finally having a successful relationship with a white woman sent a bad message, hence their split and Cleo-Bot, Michael Michelle, coming on.


    6 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Oh, I know it was him. I was being polite. I can't believe they couldn't have found a better love interest for him if they'd absolutely had to change things - they could've put him back with Jeanie Boulet. But I never got over the Corday thing.


    Oooooooh! I did not know about this! It always struck me as weird that they ended Benton/Corday when it was really working and they had really good chemistry. And then Corday/Greene just... happened. The only reason I care for the couple is the actors.

  3. Abby Lockhart sees all y'all's shade and...

    Image result for abby lockhart gifImage result for abby lockhart gif


    8 hours ago, Vee said:

    killing Lucy Knight (though that two-parter is still incredible)


    Perhaps one of THE most shocking moments of TV. Deserves to be rewatched.




    8 hours ago, Vee said:

    I kind of detached from the show once it became all about Abby, Luka or Carter's drug addiction or romantic foibles.


    35 minutes ago, Wendy said:

    After that came the wreck of Luka/Abby/Carter. And, no thank you.


    I can see how the big focus on those three could rattle some, but I am loving it as I properly watch for the first time. I'm willing to follow where the show is going, provided they keep me entertained.


    The show did become more soap opera by season 6 -- and therefore, more addictive and entertaining than ever. After 6 or 7 seasons, I think that's why they were able to keep interest going for several more years. The key is not to let the stunts become too much, which I will have to keep watching to find out.

  4. I'm halfway through Season 8 and I love it more than ever. Honestly, I'm finding the middle years just as great, if not greater, than the early ones. The only character I miss is Carol. Doug never clicked all that much, not in the way some of the others did. 


    I adore Maura Tierney and Abby. Abby's supposed to be annoying at times, just like Weaver has purposefully annoying traits.


    I think her coming out story, so far, has been done very well.

  5. In case your childhood hasn't been ruined enough, you randomly see this from the Hercules of the 90s:



    And before you say who cares, many people love(d) him and have fond memories of the show. Also, what an IDIOTIC tweet.


    But do ready the replies/comments. They hand him his ass! :lol:

  6. 21 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:



    LMAO The gif that will never stop giving!


    27 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    I think guys get it now, though. People don’t skip leg day as much as they did 10-20 years ago when you’d see big bulky torsos on chopsticks.


    Yes, it's much better, I agree. People are at least more aware of it. Which is what makes it even more of a headscratcher when you see those chicken legs! Instant turn-off!

  7. 5 minutes ago, sheilaforever said:

    I know. I have all the B&B books and some cast infos from way back, but rarely do I have the day player infos from back then unfortunately.


    But someone here on the boards has always been very knowledgable about this stuff, so I'll keep my fingers crossed!


    OK! lol Hopefully someone knows.

  8. 7 minutes ago, sheilaforever said:

    I don't think that the Polish broadcaster skipped the first year. I assume they did double episodes for a while and maybe therefore the ep number is way off from the original numbering. That said: the given episode numbers ("odc") are not always correct either as there sometimes (rarely though) consecutive episodes numbers but there isan episode missing... e.g. #1054 is Moda na sukces odc.839 while #1056 is Moda na sukces odc.840 on YouTube. It's nonetheless amazing to have 90% complete years online from so far back, though. Previous to some deletion purges, there were even more episodes, I believe, but now on some occasions 5 eps or so are gone.


    I'm currently watching June 1991 episodes and my love for Julie Delorean is alive again. The actress was great!



    EDIT: burning Qs for the history buffs

    Does anyone know the actors played Ruthanne's ex-husband Mitch Owens and/or her children???



    Interesting. I guess that would make more sense, considering the show was a big hit internationally from the beginning. Good to know about the odc numbers occasionally being off as well. Just trying to get the lay of the land before getting into it! But, yes, it is pretty cool to have them available in semi-English lol


    I looked at the B&B book for you, but unfortunately it only lists Ruthanne.

  9. 10 hours ago, Dr Neil Curtis said:

    They ruined that character with that 90s return. 


    Since I've never seen Flannery in the role, I can't really agree or disagree. I like her well enough, though, without the context of her previous incarnation. I just can't take her very seriously as a doctor.

    10 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    Do you mean JLB Laura? I am trying to remember if she was ever used as a serious psychiatrist. I remember when they had her practice it was to do the poison paint story.



    Yes, JLB. She's been counselling Marlena during the possession story a little and continuing to act as a doctor. Only you get the sense she's about to break down in tears at any moment.


    Thanks for the episodes.

  10. The album grew on me A LOT after the first time I listened to it. I like all of the singles a lot more than I did initially and, some of the songs, like Sauce and especially Higher Higher I think are fantastic.


    Towards the end things get really boring and repetitive, at least lyrics wise -- did he really need 4 songs in a row about raising chickens in a farm? Or a whole song about his baby boy?

  11. Everything from Donna's disastrous prom, to the "Donna Martin graduates" and Commencement episodes was fantastic. There was something sweet and genuinely touching about the graduation. I felt they really allowed the audience to get nostalgic and grieve the end of the high school years and a show that's changing. Very well done.

  12. I thought it was an average performance at best. Yes, he gave it his best -- high energy and he really tried.


    But he was almost a back-up singer to his own songs for at least the first half of the performance! He kept doing background vocals lmao. 


    The sound was horrible, especially in the beginning.


    The Prince moment, like said above, invited unflattering comparisons.


    Didn't he rip off Janet's clothes during the "I'm gonna have you naked by the end of this song" line? And he stopped here RIGHT before that and yelled stop. More shade.


    And that outfit he wore? Oh, geez. The best thing was the jacket and he got rid of it early on LOL


    At least he covered his big hits/favorites. The best part was definitely the selfie kid.


    Everything else was just going through the motions and I didn't feel the crowd was all that interested....

  13. 14 minutes ago, YRfan23 said:

    No problem! :)  

    I kind of feel bad I haven't binged all those episodes yet...I've sort of jumped around....I can sort of tolerate the voice over...haha

    It's the closest thing to having those full complete years though!


    That's very true. And, once you get used to the voiceover, you mostly can understand everything they say. I really should get on it too.

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