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Posts posted by YRBB

  1. OMG lmao :lol:


    Taoboi been liking the songs and you've been hating nonstop and now you finally like one and Taoboi's like "meh"??? Too funny for words!


    I'm not listening to the new one. At this rate, there will be hardly any new songs left. :P I'll just wait for the album in 5 days.

  2. I'm not making a decision on how I feel about the Reputation era songs until of course I've listened to the whole album, but boy does she still have selling power. LWYMMD peaked at #1, Ready for It at #4 and now Gorgeous debuted at #13! 



  3. The premiere was really good. Some great Andrew Lincoln stuff, even if I'm not 100% sure how I feel about the flash-forward. Then again, considering the theme of hope and getting back to being yourself, and fighting for something, it fit. They had a strong sense of hope for the future, of people coming together and making it work.


    Gabriel getting stuck with Negan was a great twist. I'm curious to see what they did with that.

  4. On 10/27/2017 at 8:31 AM, DRW50 said:

    I remember how shocked I was when that man went through the window. It was a strong glimpse of the complex crime stories that the Lechowicks would favor here and elsewhere. And it was interesting, although I think we're going to get to Mack bellowing DIRTY COP DIRTY COP DIRTY COP soon, unless we've already gotten to that. Hate hate hate hate hate. 


    The story is indeed very promising. He hasn't done that yet, although I'm sure this is going that direction. So far, it's been all about a dirty lawyer lol


    On 10/27/2017 at 11:09 AM, Khan said:


    One word: money.  It was probably cheaper to hire a new actor than to keep employing Harris, whose salary probably had increased with each season (as most actors' salaries on long-running series tend to do).


    Anyway, that's my theory.


    On 10/27/2017 at 11:12 AM, DRW50 said:


    I think that is why they let her go, so you're probably right. 


    Oh, without a doubt both Harris and McCashin were fired to free up the budget. But it's clear they had the least use for them anyway. Other than the loss of the actresses/characters, the problem was that Val still needed that dynamic in her storylines, hence the sudden appearance of Ginny as a dime-store replacement.


    I do, think, however, that she's a little stronger now with the beginning of this story. It's solidified her a little bit. 


    22 hours ago, Soaplovers said:


    Do you think Abby would have fit in at the Sumner Group?  She wouldn't have had the interesting history/dynamics of working with both Gary/Karen... but her and Sumner would have been interesting in a different way.. plus her and Paige as well.


    Well, she was at Sumner Group for a good portion of Season 10, so I think, if they had truly been interested in writing for her, it wouldn't have been a problem. If Abby fit in at such diverse places as Knots Landing Motors and Lotus Point, then SG would have been fine.


    17 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    I don't think the Lechowicks understood Abby's character (as I think Donna Mills suggested as well) - there was something very mechanical about her last season, up to her last episode, which was much better thanks to the "Abby scale" scene and her finally cutting the cord with ungrateful Olivia. I think they also had a really hard time covering up that they loved Paige and likely vastly preferred her to Abby. 


    I think Abby was too complicated a character for them, as she always did plenty of scheming, but had a great deal of vulnerability to her. They didn't seem to understand that. The only other woman on Knots who was more complicated was Laura, and they ditched her too.


    While I loved her final storyline (and probably the only brilliant story they ever gave her), it was clear they weren't feeling her as soon as Season 8 started. I swear, it felt in season 8 that she would show up for a scene or two an episode and then disappear. But it was nothing compared to the evilness of her season 9 story.


    From the beginning, it was clear they "got" and liked Greg, Paige, and Karen, and Mack to a lesser extent. And it was equally obvious they didn't have as much interest for Val, Gary, Laura, Lilimae, and Abby. And they really didn't get Ben. It's a shame that they didn't recognize the drawing power those characters had. I'm only glad Jacobs and Filerman were still around. I am fairly certain they might have gotten rid of all of them (instead of most of them) if they could.



  5. Well, now that it's out, we can watch and decide. I thought it's a marvelous video. Teasers/trailers can be very misleading. The effects were GREAT.




    Wasn't she filming something on a London bridge? I kept expecting it to show up lol Maybe another video.



    Amanda and Chester drive off and thus resumes yet another succession of scenes in which Gary tries to reach/find/call/locate Amanda and everything in the universe stands in his way. As a final recourse, he goes to Val's so he can ask for Amanda's number. The whole thing goes spectacularly badly, since Danny is there, and long story short, Danny ends up admitting that he’s married to Amanda! I gasped. Gary is written as particularly weak here – he tries to punch Danny and hurts his hand on the door. Ok, but really?


    On the other hand, we see some strength in Val that we haven’t witnessed in a long time. Val quickly ends things with Danny and refuses to return his calls or allow him to explain. Eventually, she decides to hear him out – and in one of her most thrilling moments ever, tells him to leave her alone in no uncertain terms. It’s obvious this won’t end there, but it’s exciting to watch Val react to Danny's betrayal the way you expect her to.


    Danny, to prove his … well, I don’t know, tells Amanda where to find Gary. Amanda shows up at the ranch with Chester, and the two spend a long, romantic day actually talking to each other face to face.


    There is a return to the feeling of neighborhood in this episode. I really love the scene with Mack, Karen and Val just hanging out outside at the cul-de-sac, talking, groceries moved from car to house, and then Ginny's arrival with the hilarious news of her arrest.


    Paige is resolved to make Greg squirm and wait and get jealous – as much as possible. The hilarious part is, she succeeds. Greg is waiting and squirming and peeking through windows and is making a fool of himself – to our viewing pleasure.  


    The Ginny stuff is so unexpected. The initial scene of the story throws you right in: Ginny visits a couple people with the twins. One of those people, Jeri, taking advantage of the distraction the twins provide, steals money from a safe. It’s a genuinely wtf moment. Next thing we see, a police car pulls up at the cul-de-sac and you think you know where this is going: Ginny will somehow end up taking the blame. But it quickly proves to be so much more than that. Before long, there’s a whole case that draws Mack and Frank in, a mysterious-corporate-evil-figure that lurks in the shadows, threats of jail and trial. By the end of the episode, I’m really hooked. I particularly liked that bedroom scene with Mack and Karen, where you see the passion and determination return to him – he knows something fishy is happening and he will find out. It feels the character has purpose again. Unfortunately, poor defender of retirees everywhere Jeri gets thrown out a window to the pavement below.  


    Winner of the episode: Val, for finding her strength and determination again.


    Loser of the episode: Evil corporation representative/lawyer Mark Baylor. Despite his endless efforts and his main adversary ending up with her blood splattered all over the pavement, he somehow comes across as a bigger loser.



  7. I think this may have been my favorite episode so far. The "heads up, Puerto Rico?" I died. The kid was very good and I agree, Hayes has been turning in some very touching stuff without getting too corny. Emmy Emmy Emmy.


    I nearly died at two gay actors IRL playing too gay characters trying to be straight and failing. I ain't gonna lie, that kiss-off was hot.


    I liked that this episode picked up the harassment arc that they started in the first episode and morphed it into Grace's horniness. It was very much a B story, but fun nonetheless. 


    22 hours ago, dm. said:

    I guess I'm in the minority of liking Will and Grace; they're not the most entertaining, but I don't dislike their scenes.


    Oh, I love them. They can be funny but also annoying. Likeable but also infuriating. They are so utterly real and recognizable, versus the fantastical Karen and Jack (who also have recognizable, human traits but stretched to the extreme). You can't do the show with only Will & Grace but you also can't do a show with only Jack & Karen. It would be too much and grow stale very fast. That balance and back and forth gives it something special. It's one of the reasons why the show worked so well.


    22 hours ago, KMan101 said:

    it feels like Karen and Jack are getting better focus.


    IA. I don't know how exactly to put it but I think they see them as less the wacky sidekicks and more of equals now. I'm sure, to a certain point, they already knew they were a huge draw, but it feels like the stories they're giving them are meatier, with more importance.

  8. 12 minutes ago, vetsoapfan said:

    I'm glad that you like at least some of the pictures I post. Everyone's taste is so different, and I do tend to gravitate towards posting images I personally find sexy, but I still want everyone else to get an occasional tingle too, LOL!


    Oh, I pretty much like all the photos you post, although I tend to select my personal favorites & it cuts down on those huuuuge quote bubbles that just repeat tons of pics over and over again (which drives me crazy! lol). 

  9. 9 hours ago, vetsoapfan said:

    I've always thought Perry was a very solid actor, and boy did I have the hots for him back in the day.


    1 hour ago, KMan101 said:

    Personally I think he's very underrated. He turned in some good work.


    He certainly did. Perhaps being on a cheesy teen soap made people automatically dismiss the acting of the cast.


    1 hour ago, KMan101 said:

    His performance after what happened to Toni also gutted me.


    That is actually the very first episode of BH I ever saw as a kid and I still remember how heartbreaking it was. A lot of it was down to Perry.


  10. On 10/13/2017 at 8:44 PM, vetsoapfan said:

    Keeping the thread alive....







    TEW MUCH! :wub:


    Thank you for your valiant efforts in keeping the thread going! Hotness Never Stops!

  11. On 10/13/2017 at 10:25 AM, DRW50 said:

    I remember how it seemed like Danny went to psychoville in the blink of an eye. 


    The Sumner Group is one of the most underrated parts of KL in the late '80s and early '90s - it's one of the things that kept me interested as I had less and less time for characters like Mack and Karen. I sometimes wonder if they created that setting to compete with LA Law, as that was it's main timeslot rival. Either way, it was fun and exciting and fresh. It's interesting to compare it to Lotus Point (which I also enjoyed) in how they were written. 


    I'm just sorry Laura never got to be a part of it. 


    The 'funny' thing is, we saw him in private moments before (for a few seconds after Val would exit) and he seemed normal. But I guess things are starting to get complicated now, so the psycho's coming out. Besides, they kept him a pretty much empty slate up until now, so they could fill those holes with anything they want & it's not like it would contradict anything we've seen so far as viewers.


    You are right about Lotus Point vs Sumner Group. Lotus Point was the embodiment of early/mid-80s soap opera business. Big, dramatic, dark colors, melodramatic. SG really feels much more late 80s. Lighter, more pastel, even slightly more professional  lol I miss Lotus Point, and the fact that it brought so many characters together, but I think the show moved on with the times in a way. 


    On 10/13/2017 at 10:40 AM, DRW50 said:

    I also wanted to say I'm so glad you put that little shot of Frank on his guitar. Frank and Larry Riley were also a very underrated element of the last years of Knots Landing and in adding some freshness to a group we were beginning to know a little too well.  


    Now that I'm seeing these again I'm reminded of how many episodes those seasons had. I think it was like 27, 28, 29 at one point, wasn't it? These days dramas struggle to even produce 20.


    That was my favorite from all the screencaps. It's never a bad scene when he's in it. Now, if only Patricia could get a little more to do....


    Yep, the show put out 3 seasons of 30 episodes before settling around 28 or 29. This one has 29!


    On 10/13/2017 at 10:48 AM, KMan101 said:

    I hated her early on but man ... the turn she takes lol


    Y'all are driving me crazy. I can't wait. So far, I imagine the stabbing in PSYCHO (complete with music) every time that thing opens her mouth.

  12. 18 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:

    I just watched it, and I enjoyed it. If you were coming into this expecting anything other than about 85% CW and 15% original Dynasty, then you were destined for disappointment from the very start. I truly hate the fact that "reboot" has become a catch-all term for any and every time an older series comes back. This is a reimagining - a remake with huge and deliberate differences in tone, mood, etc. They absolutely should have called it something else and gave the characters new names to avoid any comparisons to the original series, but it is what it is.

    The pace was a lot more comfortable than I thought it would be, and I knew my girl Liz Gillies would deliver in the (lead?!) role of Fallon. In true CW fashion, she's the star of the show, and that's just one of those adjustments that, if you were expecting anything otherwise, then this probably just isn't for you.

    The one and only "Why is it not like the original?" nitpick is the location. I'm pissed that we're missing out on what could have been some gorgeous Denver cinematography, and yes, "Denver Carrington" just has that ring to it...


    Yes. Thank you. I honestly can't take some complaints seriously if the viewer didn't even watch the episode or already hates it on principle no matter what. This was a CW soap from the very beginning, and in that context, they did it fairly well.


    Also, let's please get rid of that myth that the ratings tanked. They did NOT. RIVERDALE, which is now considered a huge hit, started off with the same numbers and slipped MUCH lower in its first season. Again, these are CW ratings. The premiere was considered mediocre in terms of ratings.

  13. Good episode this week. They dealt with Leo (and, I'm not going to lie, he's good eye candy) and now hopefully they can move on and create a nice, fun new character/romance for Grace.


    The Karen stuff was particularly good.

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