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Posts posted by YRBB

  1. 2 hours ago, Toups said:

     could I be getting my rock album already? 


    Well, sources have described it as 'pop-y' which would suggest there's elements of... something else in there. So you might be partially lucky LOL Of course, I doubt she'd go too far away from 1989's pop.


    3 hours ago, Toups said:

    And it looks like the first single is a whopping 8:47 long! 


    That's crazy! 


    Interesting note about possibly making the announcement a little earlier than expected because of that leak. It struck me as weird that she'd have the 3rd part of the teaser and then immediately after blurt it all out.


    I wish people would settle on what tomorrow night means? LOL Thursday 12:01AM or Friday 12:01AM? :lol:

  2. It's happening! 


    The song is being released 'tomorrow night' 



    And this looks to be the album cover. "Reputation" is a great title, considering what's been going on with her public image the past couple of years.



    And it's out November 10!



  3. 4 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    Yayyy!!! I've been wondering how you were enjoying the fabulousness that is Katherine Pierce...and you stumbled into Klaus. :D


    Katherine is always great when you see her. She even did something nice recently! 


    Klaus I could take or leave initially, but I've been liking him more and more as the season progresses (I'm halfway through). They are subtly building his character as more than the all-powerful asshat. 

  4. 11 hours ago, Toups said:

    And Us Weekly (which to me is a semi-tabloid, so I can't totally believe what they're saying) is exclusively reporting that the new single will drop on the 25th.   Yeah, I heard about "Timeless."   Jason Lipshutz, an editor at Billboard, wrote "Timeless" on his twitter today - that tweet was deleted.  


    I saw that August 25th article too. It would make sense. A good week of build up before the release.

  5. I've been really enjoying Season 3. The show is the perfect example of a maturing, involved plot-driven show that nevertheless bases/roots all these plots in their characters, so it works. Elena and Damon getting closer has been fascinating, and the Klaus stuff really works. I am not crazy about Tyler or his woes, but overall it's in a very good place.

  6. What does it mean??? This is really great marketing.




    On 8/18/2017 at 9:00 PM, Toups said:

    I hope she doesn't just drop the entire album. I want her to stick with what's worked - doing tons of promotion and releasing the album in late October.  


    Also, rumours of her first single/video will have to do with "time"/ a clock......though rumours about her music are usually wrong. 


    I somehow doubt she'd release the entire thing at once. She's very popular and all, but I think promoting it well and allowing the single to succeed first has worked nicely for her.


    The strongest rumor so far is that it's called "Timeless."

  7. Sigh. So much stress. So much sadness.


    I have to praise the incredible direction. They've just earned at least a nomination if not the Emmy. The incredible landscapes they featured, that inspired opening shot of equating the Dragonstone table to the hills and mountains beyond the wall, and of course the battle/effects. Top notch. Hard to believe it's TV.


    I wasn't crazy about the Arya/Sansa stuff, although it's very soapy. The good thing about it is it's of course based on their characters and comes out of their year-long conflict as personalities, and also how they've grown. I guess I'm anxious for Littlefinger's manipulations to be revealed/end, but I fear this may become worse. I suppose the story's doing its job.


    Tormund talking about Brienne, Jorah and Jon having their one-on-one, the zombie bear, the Hound and Thoros having their moment, all that stuff was great. And of course Dany riding in with her dragons and Viserion's heartbreaking death.


    Dany crying over them made me cry but I think playing the attraction beat at that moment (Jon and Dany making goo goo eyes at each other) was the wrong time.  


    Some twat from hell spoiled on Facebook days ago that one of the dragons turns into a wight (he caught that unfriend real fast) but it was still such a horrible , horrifying moment. The war just got worse. 

  8. Hello lovelies! Sorry I've been MIA -- I've been out and about celebrating my birthday. Thank you for keeping it going! :D


    For this beautiful, sunny Sunday, August 20, 2017,  here's some park hotness!





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