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Posts posted by YRBB

  1. And for this thundery Wednesday, August 02, 2017, some grey sweatpants hotness!





    On 8/1/2017 at 8:08 PM, vetsoapfan said:






    Oooooh Loooooooord!

  2. 56 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    Toyah was a rare and wonderful, intelligent young heroine in her first run. Did you see any of it?


    Unfortunately, I haven't. I'm certainly feeling the need to sit down one of these days and look up her old scenes/episodes.


    41 minutes ago, TimWil said:

    Georgia Taylor's always been wonderful


    I found her amazing from the first scene I ever saw her in. 



    Image result for leave britney alone gif


    I have discovered so many vids because NBA and others post them. It's the reason why eventually I'll get to see more of GUIDING LIGHT. 


    Thanks to everyone who uploads and/or posts.


    19 hours ago, KMan101 said:

    I don't comment on dead soap threads 


    @KMan101 Well, start doing so!!


    Image result for the fuck gif

  4. 16 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

    There's still there YRBB.


    Great, thanks! Can you link me to any private/hidden ones (here or in DM) please? I can only find a handful (unless that's all there is).

  5. On 7/27/2017 at 5:59 AM, Elsa said:

    The show was canceled here in Greece several years ago. We are too poor to afford US soaps these days. 


    25 minutes ago, kalbir said:

    What was the last storyline that aired before cancellation? If the ending was 2005 or earlier episodes, then you were spared LML, MAB, JFP, Pratt.


    Maybe it's me but I always got the impression that B&B is a bigger draw in most of Europe than Y&R.


    LMAO @ too poor!


    The show was canceled in Greece somewhere in mid-2004 episodes. AFAIK, it was due to low ratings, although it had been doing well until then. Seems the Greek audience was only willing to put up with half of 2004 before calling it quits! They don't know how lucky they are.


    B&B was still shown until recently (maybe it still is, only on summer hiatus right now). They got up to well into the 2010s. But Y&R has held its own pretty well too, despite long periods of pre-emptions/breaks.

  6. Just heard this for the first time. Occasionally, a new singer/group transports me back to those years as a young teenager and that feeling of discovering/listening to my favorite pop stuff. That magic that's hard to describe. And the video is fun too!



  7. 6 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    I have all the individual sets. I was hoping for a blu ray release of Dynasty. I hear they are/have remastered all the seasons.


    I don't think we will ever see the movie. I think that's what you are referring to? It sucked and I am sure they are trying to forget it ....LOL


    I have them too, which is why I am likely to give this a pass, unless I find out on sale for 30 bucks or something. 


    Yes. Movie, miniseries, whatever. lol In any case, most of the show sucked too. That's surely not a reason why they wouldn't release it. I wonder if it's a rights things, or maybe they don't think it'll sell.

  8. 20 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    I can see them writing him out. He's not a Dingle so he's expendable. Dingles are the only ones with job security on this show. Plus, they tried to write him out once before when they faked his death. 


    Eeeh. Never writing him out was perhaps an exaggeration, but he's good looking, straight, male, and a character that can create problems and drama. He also fits the bad boy gone good-ish soap trope. Why would they throw that away? (Although soaps have done worse, of course). His chances of sticking around are not bad, at least.


    Wasn't that just a fake-out for a few episodes?  

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