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Posts posted by YRBB

  1. I also wanted to say, Kelly's eating disorder has been very well handled so far. I really liked that it started so simply: Kelly talked about loving being at the spa and that she didn't feel self-conscious about her body, but then all it took was one careless, thoughtless individual to mention working on Kelly's "problem areas" and the seed was planted. For once, the character truly felt like a teenager. For the next few episodes, there have been subtle hints of Kelly avoiding food, eating very little, etc. Very good.


    2 hours ago, Huntress said:


    Speaking of relationships... what I found really weird was that Brenda called Donna "her best friend" shortly before leaving the series. I don't remember them ever having a meaningful conversation. Did Donna ever voice her opinion about Dylan being torn between Kelly and Brenda? I don't think so, and neither did Donna take sides for anyone.

    Another "friendship" I didn't get was Donna and Dylan. Every scene only the two of them shared felt weird – thank God there weren't that many. There was one instance in early season 5 where Donna tried to convince Dylan to return to college and I was like "Okay, and why exactly should Dylan listen to your advice?"


    Really funny that you'd bring this up, since in the last couple of episodes I watched (Season 3), these were mentioned/addressed. In one episode, Donna called Brenda her best friend. I was like, huh? Granted, Brenda and Kelly weren't really on speaking terms at that time.


    At some point, Donna found Dylan at the Peach Pit and I was stunned those two characters were alone in a scene. It felt like they hardly knew each other. In the latest episode I watched, someone mentioned Donna and Dylan having nothing in common. 



  2. 12 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Yesterday I had a dream where Gary learned that Mack was secretly involved in criminal activities while hiding behind a badge. In a confrontation, Gary dropkicked him, and he stood trial. Mack, of course, got away with it, and the storylines went on. 


    If the last 4-5 seasons had included a scene of Gary dropkicking Mack it would have filled me with immense pleasure, and improved on most of their stories too.


    LMAO. Not gonna lie, I would have loved to have seen that!


    3 hours ago, KMan101 said:

    Keep the recaps coming @YRBB ! I'm enjoying them and realizing it's been way too long since I've watched Knots.


    Thanks! I'll be doing more soon!

  3. Whoa. "The Child is Father to the Man," the episode with Jack McKay's funeral, was a stunning classic. Who knew BH would make me cry?


    I was recently thinking that Luke Perry was probably the show's best actor, and this episode proved it. Was he ever up for an Emmy? His performance in this episode would totally deserve it.


    It was vert sweet to see the Walshes rally around Dylan and take him in. Kelly not knowing what to do and everything coming out wrong. David making the right choice. Heartwarming in a way Melrose couldn't (and probably shouldn't) be.


    What a shocker that Christine works for the feds and that ending with Dylan comforting his 13 yo self was very, very touching. This is it, I don't think the show can ever top this.

  4. OMG! Jack McKay's car just exploded. This is so early 90s MELROSE, I can't take it! :lol:


    All joking aside, I think they have found a great balance between bland Beverly Hills (Cindy, Brenda, and Donna take a self-defense class) and exciting Melrose (fancy yachts, the yacht staff are evil, Jack dies in a car explosion!). Lots of fun. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Khan said:

    Rick Hawkins!  HA!  I totally forgot that shout-out to "Mama's Family"!  (Hawkins was the show's producer; KL story editors Chuck Bulot & M.J. Cody served similar functions at MF.) I think it wasn't too long afterward when MF's writers returned the favor, so to speak, by having Thelma say there was more skulduggery going on at the Harper house than on KL.


    I didn't know about this. Very sweet. Of course, Rick was murdered.... :lol:

    Gary desperately tries to explain his bizarre soapy life to the authorities. After trying out several ways to locate Sally's friend, he begins to lose hope. Mean-while, the show has changed its format: The episode opens with a new scene, then cuts to the opening credits. This is where things get weird: In the middle of the goddamn credits, they stop to do a recap, before returning to the music. As if that weren’t a bizarre choice to begin with, they’ve already shown us new material, so the recap that’s meant to catch you up comes after that. I appreciate their return to the original music and their attempts at originality, but here they are breaking the wheel and attempting to reinvent it for no reason.
    The race to Rick Hawkins’ mailbox continues! Honestly, I’m not even sure why it matters, but the whole thing reminds me of a Shakespearean comedy with twins gone dramatic (only, in this case, the twins are replaced by keys). You know this is Lechowick work because tires go flat, steering wheel bolts mal-function, and we get a whole scene about an elderly couple reporting their truck stolen (complete with comedy bits). Also, everyone’s jogging. Paige trapped in a dirty bathroom while Ted breaks through the door (insert your own, "Heeeeeeere’s Ted!" joke) is absolutely great. In the end, Ted gets away with what he thinks is everything and Paige and Greg believe him dead after his truck is found in a lake (great production work here).
    Winner of the episode: Greg's muscular abductor, who is hilariously serious about playing Monopoly.
    For once, Mack and Karen take a backseat to the action. They’re preparing a barbecue and Mack acts all awkward when Paula's name is brought up. He might as well put a sign on his head.
    I really enjoyed the Danny/Val stuff. Everything in Val's house has turned pastel (Bliss Colby's bedroom could not compete!) and she’s beginning to fall in love with Danny, unexpectedly. She makes several speeches about it in the episode. Oh, you just know it’s all going to go very, very bad. I really liked the ocean scene (it always feels right when Val is there) and what a surprise ending: Val breaks things off with Danny, so what does he do? He asks her to marry him!
  7. 23 hours ago, ~bl~ said:

    If that exists it is somewhere on Facebook and only members can read it, so I would be interested in that information.


    23 hours ago, slick jones said:

    I'd like to see them, YRBB! 



    OK, great, thanks for responding! I'll probably do them in a separate thread, otherwise they'd be hard to find, but I'll start posting soon.

  8. 8 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Ah the "Sally's friend" storyline. This was when you could really tell that the show had no idea what to do with Gary or Valene, but I have to admit I enjoyed it. Ted's own personal charm carried most of Gary's material anyway (even that can't salvage saying "tidal energy" 5000 times). Looking back I also wonder if this was thrown together due to the show having to run away from a story with Pat and Gary. 


    Is that poor Pat in the shot? Don't get me started on her...


    I honestly think the Lechowicks would have written Gary and Val out by now if it weren't for Jacobs and Filerman. Ted is literally carrying the entire storyline. I'm guardedly enjoying "Sally's friend" but I'm ready for it to move on. Was the show seriously going for Pat and Gary? I thought Pat's crush was just a running gag. 


    Yes, that's Pat. She had only one scene but she was hilarious as she teased Gary about Sally's friend. Too bad she wasn't in almost half of Season 10. I always enjoy her scenes and have accepted her as part of the cul-de-sac, despite that initial story.

  9. I started Season 11. Figured I'd bore everyone with my reviews as I watch. :lol:




    Back to the cul-de-sac! Here’s the key, there’s the key, where’s the key? Paige quite possibly makes her stupidest decision ever by choosing Ted. Ted takes that goddamn key from her, and then Greg takes the key from him, but it turns out Paige has the REAL key and Greg hired a muscular goon for nothing. It’s all quite fun, and includes a quick scene with a funny, good-looking sleaze.




    Mack, Karen, and Paula are stuck doing their comedy routine as Karen gets released from the hospital, Paula gets dropped off, and Mack confesses all but, guess what, Karen's in the back of the car, so she didn’t hear! OK. What was once really funny in the ending episodes of the season now feels tired.




    Val fears the worst when Danny cancels their date because he’s sick. Understandable, considering her history. She pays him a surprise visit and is ecstatic to find out he’s indeed sick. She runs away when Danny offers his peen. While he’s sick?! Come on, dude. Chicken soup is good but it doesn’t work that fast.




    Meanwhile, Gary is caught in an endless succession of high angle shots and coffee-pots obscuring faces. Both Val and Pat teasing Gary about Sally's friend was very funny but this, too, feels a little tired. This aired after a several-month break, and it’s all still the same. But, at least in this case, we see some exciting movement when yet another disembodied voice (OK, kinda) attacks Can’t-See-My-Face in her apartment and Gary is left stupidly yelling on the phone, "What’s your number? What’s your name?!" I can’t tell if he’s worried or shocked he's finally getting a freezeframe.





  10. 2 hours ago, yrfan1983 said:

    My library has the e-audiobook for Jeanne’s book, so I listened to it.


    It was fun reading all these! I read the book a few years back and really enjoyed it. Some of the stories that stuck were being told to sober up and, if she did, her job would be waiting for her,  the Peter Bergman one, and the 'break' with MTS, but I'd forgotten a lot of the rest. Of course, I will never forget when she directed people to watch a Y&R video I uploaded years ago. I gasped and couldn't believe it. I never had the chance to meet her, but this was our connection. :wub: I loved that she threatened to quit if both responsible parties didn't pay for their actions. I think it was only her who could have gotten away with that.

  11. Also returning:




    On 8/3/2017 at 4:28 PM, YRestlessfan said:

    ^^^Thanks for posting that. Every pic I have seen of them, they look fabulous including the link you just posted.


    You're welcome!

    On 8/3/2017 at 8:29 PM, KMan101 said:

    YAY! And this season got upped to 16 episodes! Although I'd kind of have preferred they kept it shorter but as long as the quality is there ...


    Yeah, I do hope they haven't jumped the gun with a longer episode order AND a second season if they can't maintain the quality. Fingers crossed!

  12. I love Gary. He can be an idiot, self-destructive, & his own self's worst enemy, but I've always had sympathy for those kind of characters. It was the dark side of a nice person, and I think Shackelford played it wonderfully.


    He and Van Ark had once-in-a-lifetime 'longing' chemistry. Their years apart, loving each other silently, were wonderful.


    He also had great 'together' chemistry with Mills (as in, I would never care to see them pining for each other but they were a great, soapy, sexy couple). They remained together for so long if you think about it and things went mostly well, the occasional arguments etc. aside.


    I can totally see why he'd be considered a catch. Abby wouldn't know of his bad qualities until she knew him too well, and in the meantime she did have feelings for him (like Donna and Ray on DALLAS). What she saw in him? A good-looking, sexy man, her possible ticket out of mundane suburban life, then definitely her ticket to big riches. She also found it relatively easy to manipulate him. And, finally, that d!ck. Not surprised at all she'd go after him.


    Joan did a TV movie "Psycho Wedding Crasher". They mentioned KNOTS a little bit (how nice that it is STILL being shown somewhere in the world, in this case UK). And the clip of her playing evil and psycho is kinda fascinating.



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