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Posts posted by YRBB

  1. I'd say that perhaps this song is a bit of a chance, even if I don't believe they're expecting it to be some big chart topper. 


    I like Try This, or at least most of it, but I think she went too far with it musically. 


    I agree M!ssundaztood is her most brilliant work, and I don't think she can top it. On the other hand, she would not still have a career if not for I'm Not Dead, and I think she kept fine-tunning it with Funhouse and The Truth about Love, the latter of which I found great. I'm hoping she's continue that with Beautiful Trauma.


    I didn't know about her and Linda Perry. What was that all about?

  2. The fast pace (people traveling back and forth to the ends of the world at the blink of an eye, when it would usually take episodes, if not seasons) is such a huge reward and payoff for the years of loyal viewing to their slow, deliberate pace. I am just so excited!!

  3. So many tense moments!


    I'm glad Jaime and Bronn are alive. The dragon on top of the rock and everyone beneath was such a powerful shot. Such complexity in Daenerys' actions. I don't like what happened with Randyll and Dickon, but I understand it. I had completely forgotten they were Sam's father and brother! :lol: Speaking of Sam, his exit from the citadel was surprising but makes sense.


    Jaime & Tyrion together again! And Cersei knew!


    Cersei's pregnant! Whoa, was that a shocker! Imagine if she gives birth to a dwarf just like Tyrion? And that warning to Jaime not to betray her again....


    Gendry! My God, another shocker! My, what a fine, king-like man he's grown up to be. Him walking up to Jon and straight out telling him who he is, and their bonding over being bastards, and sons of best friends was perfect. Beyond perfect.


    Of course I cried when Jorah and Dany reunited. Shut up.


    That scene where Drogon let Jon pet him was so goddamn beautiful. My heart. And so massively important. Notice how they sneaked in a little bit of history to set it up and then it was interrupted.... It (seems) we finally have the answer!!


    Littlefinger, that little piece of sh!t, looked so evil as he observed Arya, his plan having worked. Arya and Sansa will have a tough time beating him.


    Never in a million years would I have predicted Jon, Davos, Gendry, Hound, Jorah (yay, mention of Commander Mormont!), Tormund (he asked about Brienne!) and Brotherhood all working together. Ever. There's something very right, poetic about Jon back beyond the wall. It feels like it's coming full circle again. It will surely not go well, but boy I can't wait to see it!


    Only 2 episodes left. :( 

  4. Part 10: So many stunning moments. Not showing the Miriam attack, and yet still horrifying. And she was still alive when he was done! So that's why we had to endure the [!@#$%^&*] cop -- he's working for Richard. Richard attacking Sylvia and Johnny added to it was nightmarish -- the classical music playing while the bear light-bulb kept repeating the same thing over and over... Janey seeing Cooper half-naked and being turned on, that hilarious expression on his face while they had sex. And Candie made me laugh soooo hard when she freaked out about hitting the Mitchum brother. Albert and the morgue lady were very sweet. Laura! Ben still an ass. And the chilling words from The Log Lady. A real sense of things coalescing. Just wonderful. OK, I'm done. 

  5. The first single surprised me. It's very in-tune with the times, politically, which I think is probably one of the reasons she wanted it released, and it grows on you. Mostly, I think she's using it as an appetizer. It's been 5 years since her last album, this feels like a warmup before they bring out the big guns (Martin, Kurstin, Antonoff, etc.). 

  6. Just witnessed Part 8. Just breathtaking. From mankind's evil was born an even greater evil. I never expected we'd get so many answers on the creation of Bob and all. While visually, artistically, and cinematic-ally stunning, they could have edited down just a bit. After 8 minutes of explosions and fireworks, it became a bit too much, and that wasn't even halfway through the sequence. But it's relatively easily forgivable. The golden globe with Laura's face, and the lady's love and affection for it, were so touching and wonderful. Of course one of the results was a half-spider, half-frog with cockroach wings. I must admit, I was slightly sad Cooper Doppelganger wasn't dead!

  7. Phenomenal. Sansa and Arya finally back together. I loved how Arya held back a little bit at the beginning but they both came to a better understanding of who they are now and, by the end, she hugged her sister again much more warmly. And Brienne/Arya fighting was wonderful, not to mention Podrick congratulating Brienne on all she's done. Both the reunion and that made me cry.


    It's sad to see Bran the way he is now, but understandable. Acquiring the powers he has now, that's bound to mess you up for  a little while, and that goodbye scene with Meera really underscored that. I don't know where all this stuff with the dagger is leading -- might have been a full circle thing, since it took us back all the way to Season 1 -- or this will come into play later. Either way, I do hope Littlefinger ends up dead.


    Dany and Missandei chatting about sex briefly was a welcome little moment.


    The end battle -- they manage to top themselves each time. Naturally, it's cool to see one of the dragons in battle for the first time, but they played both sides: The devastation caused was massive. They did not shy away from the effects of being burned alive. I loved Bronn's continued greed but, despite that, he literally rode to Jaime's rescue at the last second, still loyal and a friend. I hope neither one is dead. I wonder if 

    Jaime might somehow end up with Tyrion/Dany, maybe as a captive


    All the dragon fire was cool and all but the REAL fireworks were between Jon and Dany. Goddamn, I would not have been surprised if those two tore their clothes off in that cave and went on each other. My ideal scenario has always been those two ending up together/working together to rule.

  8. I'm back :D On this rainy Monday, August 07, 2017, some sledgehammer hotness!





    14 hours ago, vetsoapfan said:

    Just to tide the thread through the weekend until YRBB returns....some weekend hotness.











    I love me some weekend hotness! :lol:

  9. 14 hours ago, TimWil said:

    I'm afraid it seems to be.


    That breaks my heart. I really, really hope it's not that. We've just had that, in a major way, by the same producer and I don't like older, legendary characters being disposed of via such illness. It's ageist and it feels like it's done so they can be written out (because that's always what it leads to) without causing too much of an uproar. Ugh. I'm hoping it's some bad reaction to medication or she's a drunk or whatever. Rita's presence is comforting, a link to the glorious past, and as far as we know, the actress is still capable and willing. I still miss Emily. I really don't want to see Rita end that way and off the show.

  10. I'm glad you commented. I was too lazy to write it all out.


    26 minutes ago, Vee said:

    I didn't think Cersei would be able to handle the Iron Bank but she managed to put forth a strong argument. Great scene between Headey and Mark Gatiss.


    I thought it would be a disaster too but Cersei did indeed prove she's just like her father, which was probably the point. 


    Olenna's end was marvelous. What a great ending scene. That little smile she gave Jaime. I thought he'd lose it and stab her with his sword. (I also need to gush about the production values once again. Highgarden, which we might never see again, was so beautiful. That balcony of Olenna's, the castle that we briefly saw as Jaime walked through it, it was all peak medieval fantasy design. Just gorgeous).


    I thought for sure we'd see Jorah infected or something and suffering. I guess maybe the shorter episode order could have affected that lol

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