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Posts posted by YRBB

  1. On 1/25/2018 at 4:41 PM, Faulkner said:

    Justin has released his duet with Chris Stapleton, which is better than the last single by a wide margin (even if the chorus is a bit repetitive):



    Definitely repetitive but not a bad song and certainly an interesting/impressive video.


    8 hours ago, Faulkner said:



    OK, this was pretty adorable, both song and video.


    I'm still not sure what he's trying to do with all of this, though.

  2. 7 hours ago, OzFrog said:

    (I know the Lauren buried alive stuff was a big one for 1985).


    That didn't happen until March 1986.

    1 hour ago, SoapDope said:

     In the 90's when Spelling came out with Sunset Beach he said he wanted it be like a Bell soap.


    That was either a really bold-faced lie (likely), or he failed miserably! :lol:

  3. On 1/26/2018 at 6:52 PM, Wendy said:

    It was that era - along with the admitted ratings juggernaut of Marlena's possession, IMO, that started Days' long spiral into campy laughingstock.


    I've said this before and I'll say it again -- JER got away with the most audacious storyline he could possibly come up with AND he got higher ratings for it! After that, I'm sure he knew he could get away with basically anything, evidenced by DAYS, PASSIONS, and then DAYS again. What was there to stop him?


    I think Bell's influence on his work was clear and he retained a lot of what seemed to make Y&R successful, which also happened to be classic soap traits. He knew how to build tension and hold interest and I do think he was pretty good at plotting. I also don't agree he didn't have any heart (there have been plenty of moments in my viewing so far but I suppose they get overshadowed by the flashy stuff) but I do think he lost a lot of it overtime.



  4. I adore Leanna in her room, always reading letters and working, and found the uniqueness, inventiveness, and often hilariousness of her scenes, to be true standouts, with a great actress at the center of it. It feels like something only Y&R could pull -who else would dare do something like this? :lol:

  5. 18 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    My apologies. They are doubling down on me at my work places which is making me give massive pushback since I have other things in mind for the New Year in my life so it's taking me a while to adjust to both schedules as well as finding a way to maintain my life schedule and not lose it. lol.


    First listen...meh. lol.


    Second listen...it sounded like Kylie was following everyone else instead of doing her own thing like always. My co-worker is not liking the new JT stuff at all so I was worried maybe this was the same situation.




    Shouldn't have worried. Listen 3 I loved it. And continue to look forward to more. Just worried that I'll have to import it. 


    Good luck with the work/life situation!


    Glad you like it. I think it's very, very charming, and it sticks to you. I still miss disco/club Kylie, though, so I hope it hasn't been completely removed from the album.


    I, too, wonder if the album will be released in the US. Barnes & Noble should have it anyway and I'm sure Amazon can deliver it. With it being a little more country, maybe it will.


    I can't wait for it!

  6. 15 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    Is he about to pull a Beyonce and Fergie and release videos for every song on his cd?


    13 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    I wouldn't put it past JT, though. 


    It doesn't seem like it. He announced before the first single dropped than 4 songs and videos would be released building up to the album release date. 


    Might as well, cos I'm having difficulty imagining this album not flopping.

  7. I'd never seen past Jack's coming out episode ("To Be or Not To Be") so I slowly worked my way through rewatching Seasons 1 and 2 and now I'm finally on new episodes (with the occasional seen episode from the latter seasons).


    The show has its... peculiarities, but Jack's coming out made me cry years ago and it made me cry again. Wonderfully handled, complex human reactions from the cast, and Pacey's involvement and protecting Jack always makes me an emotional mess.


    Andie and Jack, of course, are marvelous and a fantastic addition to the cast. I cannot understand how the show existed without them. With Jack's coming out, the character chemistry took off with the rest. It is magical to see.


    And I can't believe they killed Abby! What a shocker that was.

  8. 4 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    Same. I saw her with the boots this morning first thing and was just like 'yes, my diva, yes!!!' I can't wait until Frida.


    Sounds like she is going to be experimenting with her sound a bit.


    Yeah, I think we're in for some different sounds, but I'm sure she's remained as Kylie as ever LOL :D





    If that's backstage from the album cover, it looks fabulous!




    and here's the track list!




    On 1/12/2018 at 5:26 AM, Taoboi said:



    I am sooooo excited!!! :D

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