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Posts posted by YRBB

  1. 5 minutes ago, amybrickwallace said:


    That is so creepy and scary. Too bad that Dateline: To Catch a Predator didn’t look inside their own building!!😠😠😠😠😠


    Yes! And the completely straight, casual, serious way in which he says it... not even pretending to be joking or something. My God, he must have done this all the time. Veira's silence said so much.



    In a charming opening scene, Paula acts smitten with Greg after realizing they’re only there to make Paige, who’s dining with Christopher at a nearby table, jealous. Their scenes remain charming throughout – what a departure from the previous episode! Greg invites Paula to the Sumner office party – there’s a great shot of Greg seen in the distance, with Paula's legs in the forefront – and he begins to see her as something more than a tool to annoy Paige with. Still, during a talk at a restaurant later, one can’t help but get the feeling Paula recoiled just a little when Greg kissed her cheek (neck?). If she’s interested, she doesn’t seem to be there yet.


    Meanwhile, Paige meets a new luvah in a way that would only happen on a Lechowick show: She’s showing a client to her car, when she overhears a couple arguing and breaking up. The man, who is tall, muscular, and sexy, of course, hands her a bag of fancy pantyhose, that clearly his ex won’t be using, and walks away. Paige wears them. How kinky. Of course, she runs into the man again and he shows how heartbroken he is by hitting on Paige. It doesn’t work but, guess what? He’s a guest at the Sumner party! Before long, there’s elevator sex. "These elevators really get a workout," Greg hilariously comments. "I can’t believe this is all a coincidence" Paige says as she’s getting ready to sleep with Tom Ryan in her apartment… uh oh. Tom Ryan literally rides her. When she wakes up, he’s no longer there.


    The Sumner office hijinks continue. Let’s see if I can get this right: Mort kicks up his [!@#$%^&*]-meter a notch by making sure Michael knows Bob is bringing his cousin to the party as his date. Michael asks Polly out. Polly tells him she has a date but he later overhears her asking Harvey out. Thing offers to go with Michael to the party. Polly is without a date because Mort arranged for Harvey to have to work. Mort is stunned to see gorgeous Thing on Michael's arm. Mort asks Paige to dance and gets shot down. Mort hits on Polly but Harvey returns on time. Mort decides Bob’s cousin is next but Bob’s cousin is only his third cousin, so she kisses him and they realize their love for each other, while Mort seethes. Fun!


    Following their evening of kinky role-playing, Michael and Thing come to realize they’re attracted to each other. Is Michael going to sleep with every woman that comes to stay at that house?!


    Despite Val taking him back, Danny is at Amanda's, upset that their one-night stand was just that. Meanwhile, Gary is upset that Danny is always around, whether he’s visiting Val or Amanda, and wants to go away with her. He tells her not to tell Danny, which is of course exactly what she’ll do. Danny continues to romance Val and the show plays cutesy, romantic music while they kiss – um, he’s cheating on her and is a douchebag. Are we confused here, Show?


    Ginny is exonerated when the money Jeri stole is found in Baylor’s home. Wow, that’s a great twist. Baylor sees Mack and Frank and asks them to represent him, assuring them he’s innocent. "I love the law," Mack tells Karen, who squeezes in an appearance a few minutes before episode’s end, and he can’t stand knowing that Baylor is guilty. But Ginny, while creepily going through her dead friend’s jewelry, finds the $17,000 that supposedly was taken by Baylor in the jewelry can! Oh, this is great.      


    Loser of the episode: Mort because, well, he’s Mort and rightly nothing goes right for him.


    Winner of the episode: Bob, who finds love, even if she’s his third cousin. That was actually kinda sweet.




    On 11/29/2017 at 7:30 AM, Cat said:

    Was it the oversight of David Jacobs and Lawrence Kasha which provided Knot's Landing's best SLs and steered the ship?


    I think their presence was paramount in keeping things going. Eventually, you will notice who the Lechowicks liked and who they didn't. It pretty easy to imagine how things would have gone from there without the Executive Producers overseeing it. 


    On 11/29/2017 at 7:30 AM, Cat said:

    I am also feeling a little nervous about going into S9. I am worried that after eight excellent seasons, the quality will start to drop. Please tell me it won't! :lol:


    Season 9 will do some of the best stories/moment you've seen in the entire show... and some of the worst. It's an incredibly frustrating season. The highs are very high and the lows are in the depths of hell.


    STILL, like Soaplovers said, the worst of KNOTS LANDING still remains pretty damn good (I cannot comment for after Season 11) and, when I say 'lows' I mean in the show's context, compared to other stories and seasons.

  4. What is disgusting here is several posters' decision to defend Lansbury's comments simply because you like her so much and refuse to accept she's wrong. There is no taking out of context comments that basically amount to "rape is wrong, but don't wear that skirt!" If you add a "but" after stating that women should not be assaulted or raped, it nullifies the entire previous statement. If a man made those comments, you'd be calling for his head. And :lol: at her shaming the internet. Do people overreact, swiftly and often? Yes. But welcome to 2017, Angela! Don't bother quoting me. Shame. 



    10 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:


    Indeed. Here are some more horror stories:




    God. And I have the feeling we're not even hearing the half of it.

  5. 8 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Angela Landsbury's mentality is in a time-warp.


    That is, without a doubt, the case. She's coming at this with an outdated, ancient mentality. I can understand why she's saying these things.


    What the journalist said is not the problem here. Unfortunately, the problem is that this kind of opinion is what many have been fighting against and, once more, it is validated. Just because it's Lansbury and she's old doesn't mean it should be shrugged off. It shows, once more, how much work needs to be done.



    So much great stuff! Such a good season so far. Aunt Virginia is put to some good comedic use following Jeri’s murder. Can you imagine how difficult she would be as a witness? Well, she’s worse! It all clearly is heading towards Ginny being accused of Jeri’s murder, but it barrels on with such conviction and such fun that you don’t care.


    Greg takes Paige's games and uses them against her by piling on so much work, she doesn’t have time for anything else. Consummate professional that she is, Paige responds by doing her job. Meanwhile, surprisingly, Greg and Paula (who’s still arguing with Karen over wanting Karen's husband’s penis) run into each other. Holy randomness! The two begin to spar in a way that’s obviously meant to be sexy, only we’ve never really seen Paula behave like this before, have we? Greg would never give her a second look, unless she suddenly develops a Paige-like acerbic tongue that catches his attention and matches his wit – and so she does. Yet, I can’t deny, this could be fun. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, they do with it. Karen and Paula make up, only for Karen to find out Paula's going out with Greg.


    It’s not the only Greg-surprise Karen gets this week. She learns that Michael's bought himself a fancy smancy watch and, in a way that recalls the Karen of seasons 1 or 2, mercilessly makes fun of Michael for the extravagance. A few million dollars have not changed Karen for-the-people McKenzie. It’s not all fun and games, though, when she realizes Michael was inspired to get the watch by Greg. I loved that little realization.


    Val and Amanda officially meet or re-meet or whatever, after which Danny goes crying to Amanda and spends the night with her. The next day, he finds Val waiting for him outside his apartment. She forgives him. Val is given a big speech to explain this but, honestly, it all screams plot point. How did she reach this point? How and why did she make this decision? I didn’t get a good enough answer, BUT… I’ll reserve judgment as long as the plot that results from this is good.


    Mack ends up with the theory that Mark Baylor killed Jeri and warns that he will put him away. Instead, you guessed it, aunt Ginny is arrested! Mack gives good shock-face freezeframe.


    Winner of the episode: Mack, for getting his drive back.


    Loser of the episode: Paige, for not seeing this coming.






  7. 15 hours ago, ChitHappens said:


    I KNEW Sophia Bush's exit "because she wanted to" was leaving a lot unsaid. It just didn't make much sense -- until now. How horrible. She's been a part of 2 hit series and BOTH came with highly abusive, harassing men. Ugh.


    19 hours ago, Vee said:



    Oh, man. I love Dream. What a horrifying experience. I guess the BSB are canceled. 




    Nick Carter denies rape with the type of "this was 20 years ago!" bullsh!t you'd expect.

  8. Finally watching season 2 -- halfway through and really enjoying it. Bernthal is great, and Elektra is very interesting so far. They've also done some really good romance as Matt and Karen begin dating. Let's see how the second half goes.

  9. 23 minutes ago, I Am A Swede said:

    If this project get off the ground



    Ask (?) and you shall receive!


    Amazon orders MULTI-season pick-up of the series... but it will be set BEFORE Fellowship of the Ring!


    This is a lot to process. It all depends on what, and how, they do it.


    I'm thinking they could do young(er) Aragorn, if they can find a great actor for the part. We can see Sauron's exploits after his fight with Gandalf and during the building of his army/amassing power in Mordor. There are so many options.

  10. The Telegraph says Amazon and Netlfix are in a bidding war over the rights which are so expensive HBO had to tap out. Insane!




    On 11/10/2017 at 6:13 AM, I Am A Swede said:

    I agree that there are so many other stories from Middle-Earth they could tell, instead of doing another version of The Lord of the Rings. You have the legend of Túrin Turambar, the story of Beren Erchamion and Lúthien Tinúviel and so many others. But I guess they aren't as famous or well-known as LOTR and therefore less interesting.


    I think those wouldn't attract as much interest/attention (not saying that's right) and, with when they're talking $250 million, I don't see them going for the less-known.


    That being said, there is so much backstory, appendixes, characters not previously used, etc. that they can re-do the trilogy AND add more stuff.


    Except Tom Bombadil. Even before the first movie I thought it wasn't filmable and I was glad he was never included. I can't see anyone getting it right, if it's even possible.

  11. Friends,

    I'm writing to respond to the accusations made by Scott R. Brunton. I want to assure you all that I am as shocked and bewildered at these claims as you must feel reading them.

    The events he describes back in the 1980s simply did not occur, and I do not know why he has claimed them now. I have wracked my brain to ask if I remember Mr. Brunton, and I cannot say I do. But I do take these claims very seriously, and I wanted to provide my response thoughtfully and not outof the moment.

    Right now it is a he said / he said situation, over alleged events nearly 40 years ago. But those that know me understand that non-consensual acts are so antithetical to my values and my practices, the very idea that someone would accuse me of this is quite personally painful.

    Brad, who is 100 percent beside me on this, as my life partner of more than 30 years and now my husband, stands fully by my side. I cannot tell you how vital it has been to have his unwavering support and love in these difficult times.

    Thanks to many of you for all the kind words and trust. It means so much to us.

    Yours in gratitude,


  12. Well, LWYMMD and RFT? were good preparation for the different sound of a lot of the songs. I think, overall, the songs are better than the early samples suggest but it is very R&B-tinged and I am not here for that. "Getaway Car" is my fave following my first listen of the album, but that's no surprise since it's closer to her older sound.


    Generally speaking, I don't see why she had to go this direction. It was very possible, once she went  pop, that her output wouldn't be as steady as when she was country (popular mainstream success is notoriously difficult) but I didn't expect it to happen so fast. It's like she's going through some PTSD following her character decimation and we're witnessing it in album form.


    I will have to listen to it, of course, more times and see how I feel then. I can't believe a lot of these songs were co-written by Max Martin and Shellback. It doesn't feel like them at all. I'm sorta glad I've never listened to the 1989 bonus tracks. At least I can go back to those and they'll be brand new.

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