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Posts posted by YRBB

  1. 12 minutes ago, Mitch said:

    Emma taking a mean crap (and you KNOW she did)


    13 minutes ago, Mitch said:

    I have always wondered why they didn't incorporate the bathroom into the eavesdropping storylines with someone taking a dump and as they wipe they hear who their real daddy was!







    Good news: Val finally realizes who Danny really is. Bad news: The way we get there once again elicits eye rolls and requires a lot of patience.


    Val continues to be patient with Danny and, briefly, it looks like we’ll be stuck in this merry go round for a few more episodes. Thanks to an incredible array of coincidences (Danny happens to take the slide away from the kids, he drops his wallet and Val happens to find the pictures in them, Val happens to knock down just the right boxes so she can discover Danny's yearbook), Val learns Danny beat and raped a woman named Christine.


    In the meantime, we’ve got some fun C-story stuff with Karen and her talk show exploits, as well as Linda proving how fantastic she is at her new job and sticking it to Michael. Greg is out of the hospital and rudely flirting openly with Anne right in front of Paula, while there’s some fun stuff with Karen and Paige attempting to get a cease fire between Mack and Tom.


    Val does all she can to get out of the house and away from Danny, but she doesn’t play it convincingly enough. While she waits for Mack in his office, Danny shows up (and Gary happens to call her back right at that time) and realizes he’s been made. The mask finally drops and he attacks her. Despite it all, it’s a thrilling scene, and even more shocking when it’s revealed that she stabbed him. In a totally iconic moment, Danny falls to his knees. Val looks down, bloodied hands, in horror. Danny looks up… "you bitch," he spits out.



  3. Anybody watched the Season 2 premiere?


    It gave me all the tense action/answers I wanted and set up a ton of new stuff for the future.


    Interesting how you spend the first season feeling so empathetic towards the hosts but then season 2 begins and they are just as mercilessly murderous as the guests. It's kind of shocking seeing Dolores like this. Maeve is more awesome than ever. Loved her making Lee undress completely, the same way the hosts were always forced to.


    What are the hosts up to? The door? The tiger (shades of LOST, in a good way)? Really fantastic stuff.





    God, that title could apply to almost everyone in this episode!


    Anne coming back is such a wonderful little twist – too bad you pretty much figure out this will happen because the ‘Previously On’ heavily features her all of a sudden. Still, her visits every season are always fun and welcome (and this may be a longer one than usual). Anne continuously surprises characters on the show throughout the episode: First Paige and Tom, interrupting their sexy time, then Mack, and finally Greg.


    It’s a great episode for Nicollette Sheridan. Anne's return elicits a lot of fun, creative acting from Sheridan, and Paige is never funnier than when she makes digs at her mother’s expense: "He’s too young for you mother," she says about Tom, apropos of nothing. "Is this a PTA meeting?" she asks when she comes home to find Mack and Anne together.


    Sheridan’s cold beauty is never more on display than it is here. The episode somehow captures it really well – she’s an ice queen, but a very beautiful one. The interesting part, of course, being when we see cracks on that veneer: After Mack tells Anne all about dirty, filthy, stinking cop Tom, Anne gives Paige her full support in continuing to date him. Disgusted, Paige decides to leave Tom. Whether Anne meant her advice sincerely, or she very deftly reverse-psychologized her daughter, it is left up to our interpretation.


    This mother-daughter relationship is written with a lot of complexity – I particularly liked that little line of Anne's about Greg, "You used to date him, didn’t you?", knowing full-well that she did. If only this complexity was also given to, you know, people like Val.


    Danny just announces to Val that he’s talked to a lawyer about adopting the kids. Thankfully, Val isn’t all dewy-eyed about it (with these writers, you never know). Furious when Val wants to think about it, Danny takes the kids out, knowing Gary is on his way to spend time with them. Gary finding out about Danny's adoption plans prompts a wonderfully acted Gary/Val scene: Gary follows Val at the library, where she’s doing research, and you can just tell Val is shaken by the mere sight of him. Gary touchingly pleads that they finally tell the twins that he’s their father and set things right. For once, Val doesn’t defend Danny and finally, finally, Danny begins to crack. Hearing Gary brought up again, Danny loses it – he yells at Val, throws a magazine at her, and scares her. Seeing Danny freak out, and the horrified realization on Val's face, is so utterly satisfying. I never wanted to see Val in this situation, but the story has been so incredibly frustrating, it’s a relief that it’s all finally coming to light. The question is, how bad will things get before they’re resolved?


    Linda starts working at Sumner Group with a new outfit and a new personality. No, seriously, it’s like the writers finally figured out the direction they want to go with her and couldn’t make it more obvious. She is dismissive towards Eric and, when Michael rejects her, she loses it. Eric decides it’s time for him to go back to work and shares a goodbye scene with Karen. It’s really touching as he chalks it all up to experience and Karen pulls him in for a hug. I hope we get to see him again.


    Speaking of Karen, her talk show shenanigans continue: She’s getting great ratings and is starting to get recognized when out. A new associate producer, Jeff Cameron, is brought in, and there’s a lot of fun back and forth as he seems to manipulate both Karen and producer-from-hell Dianne. Later, we are shown Dianne and Jeff sleeping together and it almost sounds like all of this was cooked up by both of them, but earlier it was clearly Jeff that was pulling both of their strings. OK, I guess.


    I love Mack's dismissive attitude towards Greg: Following last week’s batshit insane ending (Robert, suddenly looking scrumptious and sexy, climbing into Greg's hospital room and injecting him with cameride), Mack tells Paula he doesn’t care if Greg suffers. Paula questions how those two were ever friends. Karen insists on taking Paula out so she can have a change of scenery. There’s a very interesting vibe in this scene: There’s something very … 90s about it. It’s also an amusing scene: Paula spills her guts out about being in love with Greg, while Karen is continuously interrupted with complimentary champagne, adoring fans, and requests for autographs. By highlighting the unusualness of Karen's situation so obviously, they manage to make it more palatable, more real. I could do without the silly, self-aware “Oprah better watch out!” lines, though.


    Paula soon returns to Greg's side, who still can’t speak. Well, no worries, Anne arrives with flowers and shocks the poor geezer into speaking once more! Poor Paula.


    Winner of the episode: Frank, who stops Tom and Mack's fight, and tells Tom: "You’re leaving. Bye!" with such sass. Oh, Frank. So funny. So succinct.


    Loser of the episode: Danny. Always. Always.

  5. 1 hour ago, Huntress said:


    "Golden" debuted at #1 in the UK and in Australia, and at #3 in Germany.


    My favorite songs are "Dancing", "Stop Me From Falling", "Music's Too Sad Without You" and "Every Little Part of Me".


    😍😍😍 That's great news! Thrilled she got another #1!


    I haven't listened to the album yet, except for Dancing, Stop Me From Falling, and Golden. I gotta do it soon!

  6. You're welcome. They're easily top 5 most shocking TV moments, let alone ER!


    I just saw Benton's last episode. I didn't know it was coming, I wasn't ready! 😭😭😭 But they gave him a great exit (even if I'm not sure he would have won custody). The way they focused on him and Corday (such chemistry), that wink he gave her when he said "it's had its moments" and then that heartbreaking final scene with Carter.... Sigh. In one episode, they showed everything that made Benton so great. What an exit! The show is a little less rich without him. ☹️

  7. I really like the point about Carter being a great choice for a drug addiction because he's one of the last people you'd think would have it. 


    That's such great drama. It was the same way with Karen's addiction on Knots Landing. Such an unexpected development, and it made it all the better.

  8. An oral history of Lucy and Carter's stabbings, with Kellie Martin, Noah Wyle, and the guy that played the psychopath that stabbed them. Really great stuff (shocking to see Martin now) and Wyle even admits at some point that he was an ass to Martin! Watch the video but obviously the article goes into much more detail.


    Fascinating stuff. I still get goosebumps. I just love that ER getting on Hulu is making it seem like the show is back all over again!


    Continuation starting in 3, 2, 1....

    On 3/11/2018 at 8:09 PM, dragonflies said:

    LOL guess what? I started it all over again, I'm on Season 4 AGAIN :lol:


    You're nuts! :lol:

  9. 9 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:


    I'm so glad you're enjoying it - I've rewatched it several times. I have what I'd consider a very good knowledge of the Royal Family (given that The Queen is my Queen it's only right that I should)...and this show has just made me respect and revere her more than ever. 


    It also provided me with a greater understanding of Princess Margaret and how she wound up in the position that she did at the end of her life. 


    I really am. I've done a couple more episodes since, and it continues to stun. The fog episode had me gasping for air! :lol:


    Really cool that it's providing you with a greater understanding of events and history you already know. I think that's fascinating and a tough thing to pull off.

  10. Finally started this last night (first two episodes) and it. is. glorious!!


    They even made me cry an episode and a half into a new show, with characters we barely know.


    Amazingly produced, wonderfully acted. And Matt Smith's bum on constant display! What's there not to like?

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