-Greta, Eric, Nicole, Mickey, Celeste, Bonnie, and the police bodyguards reach the 4th floor. They begin to look for Alice and Maggie.
-Maggie fights to break free but the mystery assailant won't let go. Mickey then bursts into the room and gets Maggie out of the assailant's clutches. A fight ensues and Mickey is dropped to the ground. The assailant prepares to bludgeon Maggie with the whiskey bottle but Mickey steps in again and takes the hit for Maggie. He falls to the ground bleeding. The assailant hears people coming and takes off. Bonnie and Celeste catch a glimpse of the assailant and notice the Salem Stalker mask. Celeste says that the assailant is pure evil. The two women are joined by Eric, Greta, Nicole, and the bodyguards and they race inside to find Maggie tending to Mickey. They race to get a doctor. Greta sees Alice unconscious on the chair. Maggie explains she passed out after drinking her coffee. Greta breaks down in tears and says Alice doesn't have a pulse. A doctor and a nurse arrive. They check Alice's pulse and pronounce her dead. Everyone in the room breaks down into tears, even Nicole. Nicole says she was a good woman who never judged anyone. Eric comforts her. Bonnie says the same and says she knows Alice will make the perfect angel and will watch over them all. Maggie gets emotional too but is worried about Mickey, who is rushed to the ER.
-Caroline tries to calm Chelsea but she won't listen to reason. She has lost so much and her own grandfather is responsible for her rape and Josh's death. Caroline says Victor did what he did for his son but Chelsea won't listen and just runs away from Caroline too.
-Nico shows up again and has big news for Victor. He explains to Victor that the two men who raped Chelsea and killed Josh the night of the drug operation were not hired by Victor for the operation-they wer e working for the mastermind. Victor asks how Nico knows. Nico explains a few of Victor's men tracked them down and they confessed and later shot themself to protect the mastermind behind everything. Chelsea and Caroline overhear. Chelsea apologizes but still blames Victor partially since he planned the dru operation. Victor understands and promises to make it up to her. Nico informs Victor that there is no news on Philip. Nico leaves as Victor is still very worried about Philip since the caller claimed he would get back at Victor for his betrayal and threatened Philip's life.
-Caroline and Chelsea say goodbye to Max's body. Chelsea admits she really cared for him and thinks they may have had something special. They leave as the body gets taken to the morgue.
-Eric, Greta, Nicole, Bonnie, Celeste and Maggie race to the ER to learn of Mickey's condition, They run into Chelsea, Caroline, and Victor and tell them of Alice's death and what happened to Mickey. One of the police officers who was with them comes downstairs and tells them Alice was poisoned with a drug that caused her body to shut down. Everyone is stunned that someone would want to kill Alice-the nicest woman you will ever meet. We then see flashbacks of Alice's life. They all pray that Alice is at peace and pray that Mickey makes it. Caroline fills everyone in about Max. Eric comforts his grandmother.
-Victor gets a phone call. It's Nico. He tells Victor that he has bad news. They found Philip. Victor asks how that could be bad news. Nico explains Philip is dead. They found his body. It appears he was shot to death and the body was thrown in Salem park in hopes it would be found. Nico says he must have been nearby Salem this whole time. Victor is stunned and outraged as tears well up in his eyes. He hangs up on Nico and blames himself for his son's death.
-The doctor comes out to meet Maggie. He tells Maggie that Mickey didn't make it-there was just too much bleeding and he wasn't strong enough. Maggie breaks down and is comforted by Caroline. Caroline notices Victor upset and goes to him. Bonnie comforts Maggie and says Mickey was a good man who always saw the best in people-including her. She thanks God she had time with him. Maggie and Bonnie embrace. Greta then comes over to help Maggie as Maggie says Mickey is with all of his friends and family now and will meet his lovely mother up there. She blames herself since he saved her but Greta urges her not to blame herself. Maggie vows to find the person who is killing all of their loved ones.
-Celeste is with Eric and Nicole and predicts death is not finished yet. Eric and Nicole look on, worried.
-Caroline tells Victor of Mickey's death. She asks what is wrong. He tells her about Philip and blames himself. Everyone else overhears and apologizes to Victor for his loss. Victor and everyone else vow to learn who is behind this. Caroline takes Victor aside and promises to be there for him like he is always there for her. She hopes Victor doesn't lose it and go down a dark path of revenge. Victor says he will avenge these deaths-especially his son's. Caroline names all those who have died already and wonders how much more loss they can all take. She then sees Shawn SR out of bed and he has heard everything. He sees Caroline and Victor embracing and heard about all the deaths, including Frankie and Max, and Chelsea's death. He gets worked up and then collapses to the floor. Caroline, Victor, Eric and everyone else rush over to help Shawn SR who is in alot of pain and then loses consiousness. Caroline begs her husband to survive-she can't lose him too.
-Meanwhile, outside, Maggie and Alice's mystery assailant wearing the Salem Stalker mask is walking down an alley. The mask is taken off...IT'S MARLENA!! "It's good to be back in Salem," she says with an evil laugh. "Like Celeste said, death has come to Salem and is not finished yet and it is all in the form of me. They all deserve to drop like flies and meet their maker for what they did to me. Too bad Mickey got in the way. It wasn't quite his turn yet but no matter. Morgan Island, Mickey, and Alice were just the beginning of all the hell and destruction I have in store for all of my so-called friends in Salem. When I am through with them, they will all pay!!!!" Marlena then laughs hysterically as the screen fades to black.
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