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Blog Entries posted by PhoenixRising05

  1. PhoenixRising05
    Shawn and Mimi "SHIMI" out of Salem!!!

    HW Tim Lowery and EP Ned Yadroc hinted about an exit being announced this week and now it has been confirmed. Jason Cook (Shawn Brady) and Farah Fath (Mimi Brady) will be leaving the show in late August-early September. Cook's exit is by his own accord but Fath was released as the show decided to move in a new direction. The show had no comment other then to confirm both exits and to warn that some more exits may be on the way but nothing like the fake bloodbath of last month. The rumor is that several stars won't make it back from the island and it seems that Missy Reeves (Jennifer) and Kyle Brandt's departures are included in those exits.

    Rumors are also swirling about Deidre Hall (Marlena), Her contract is up next month and the show will not comment on negotiations or her status. Her character's current story also has her fans worried.

    Kepe an eye out-there is definitely more things to come!!!
  2. PhoenixRising05
    Previews and Sneak Peeks for Week of July 10, 2006

    -Marlena does the unthinkable.
    -Carrie and Belle have unlikely heroes.
    -Bonnie has an out of body experience...and a change of heart.
    -Sami and John are trapped.
    -Greta thinks about her father.
    -Lexie is reunited with her father.
    -Ernesto poses a big threat to Patrick.
    -An earthquake rocks the island.
    -The rescue team is reunited with their "deceased" loved ones.
    -Mimi finally confesses all.
    -Bonnie demonstrates a mother's love.
    -Philip makes a shocking request.
    -Cassie reappears.
    -One Salem female manages to leave the island.

    Red Letter Days

    Monday July 10: Carrie and Alan come face to face. Meanwhile, Belle bears witness to how far gone Marlena is.
    Tuesday July 11: After an earthquake traps John and Sami, Sami prepares to make an emotional admission.
    Wednesday July 12: The "deceased" are reunited with their loved ones.
    Friday July 14: All hell breaks loose after Mimi confesses and Bonnie tries to take the fall for her own daughter.

    Next Week: Shawn shocks Belle. Stefano and Ernesto gather everyone together for their "grand finale." Several secrets are revealed leaving many lives changed and destroyed and an aftermath full of chaos.
  3. PhoenixRising05
    Exclusive Interview with New Days Head Writer Tim Lowery!!!

    HW: Head Writer Tim Lowery

    New HW gives exclusive look behind the big things happening at Days!!

    I: Ok-the first question on everyone's mind is why go through this all again?
    HW: Well, when I took over the reigns for Jim Reilly, my goal was to bring back the Days of old. Now I know you can never get that show back but you can get that feel and identity back. I wanted the audience that has been with us for years and years and has passed this great tradition on to the next generation to see the real Days of our Lives. In order to get the show back to this, I needed to clean alot up. I won't use this interview to attack Jim Reilly but the show had so many plot holes never explained and so much was messed up due to rewrites and the like. I knew I needed to do something to bring the show back so I thought up a big umbrella event for the WHOLE cast. No one was to be left out along the primary characters and this way I could bring everyone to one location and bring out some huge secrets and then the show would be on it's way.

    I: But why going the Captive Island route? Why kill people again and go through false press releases?
    HW: Well, we have a big cast. The only way to get everyone there we wanted to was to split them up and leave a small group behind in Salem. That small group would represent characters I felt needed special attention at this time in an effort to move their stories to other levels. Sami and Chelsea were big factors. Those two I focused a great deal on and by blowing the cast apart I had an opportunity to work on them and focus on them more, as well as the rest of the island rescue squad. Once I decided to do this island story, I knew we would have to go the copycat route because the first Captive Island had so many plot holes that were blantant that nagged at me as a fan so I can imagine how others felt. I knew I had to go back and fill in the blanks and this story will do that. You already know about the water supply, Andre, and now the real mastermind. By the end of this month, we will connect all the dots and you will know everything you need to. As for the press releases, the actors and everyone behind the scenes knew this time it was ruse. Unlike the last time, everyone knew. We just needed the fans not to know because, if they did, they would not be invested. We knew this would anger them and we knew once they learned that dead were alive they would be angry we did this but this is the way things needed to go to get the ball rolling.

    I: So that is why the show never spoke out on anything over the last few weeks directly?
    HW: Right. We didn't want to lie to the fans again. We are trying to regain their trust. We opted this time to put out little insider blurbs by way of employees, etc that would somehow get out to the media and get fans talking. Some even talked about actors being upset and such just so people would buy it again. We knew by doing this people would buy into it again. If we had done it like the last time, they may have thought it was happening all over again and someone may have spilled info to the mags or something. We took careful steps and only confirmed things not related to the story. I did feel like we dropped alot of hints like in my first interview saying that we were "going to re-tell a failed story."

    I: Ok so explain how you chose who should "die" and who should "live" in greater detail?
    HW: We knew the previous people that "died" the first time around would have to again. Maggie and Victor were the only ones we wanted to spare because we needed them to be on the rescue squad to build something with them. Bonnie was needed for comic relief and her "dying" would serve nothing. Celeste had to be on the rescue team for obvious reasons. Lexie we needed around to delve into our plans for Sami and to start something new with Lexie. John needed to lead the team with Shane. We wanted Belle on her own and away from Shawn and the others for once because I am trying to take her in a new direction. Hope was needed on the rescue team because she is a cop and we also wanted to add some dimension into the Hope/Chelsea arc to build something. Eric, Nicole, and Greta all just returned and their story is just starting so we threw them in with the rescue crew so people could get comfortable with them again. Those three had no reason to be among the "dead" so we kept them out of that. As for those we chose to kill off, since we knew the fans would hate going through this all over again, we speeded things up and went the mass "murder route" by getting rid of several characters at once like the plane explosion and Jack crashing his car at the wedding. We wanted to get to the island phase of this so that the audience would be spared as much turmoil as possible because this is where things get good. There was really no order to the "deaths." We killed Abe first because we thought it would be like a hint to the fans. Same goes for Jack. Another thing I heard questions about was why include Alice, Julie, etc? Well, they are part of the cast and Francis is capable and she loves working so I included her. Her presence I felt is important since she is always a comfort. I wanted to include everyone because this story will be historic in that it will bring the show back from the doldrums and will give many disheartened fans what they want. I only wish I could have found a way to involved the Salem children too .

    I: Why Ernesto as the real mastermind behind both plots?
    HW: Simple. It could not be anyone else. The SSK story/Captive Island plot was full of trickery and illusions. The ghostly visions were never explained and the explanation behind how the dead looked dead was stupid. It should have been Ernesto and I was shocked when the show went with Tony. Soapnet even aired a episode from the Cruise of Deception story that had the Captive Island logo of a palm tree on Isabella's bed post. Days could have had a blockbuster tale on their hands but they botched it. I am hoping to make this a blockbuster now and now we get to see some of how I feel it should have played out. Ernesto is a guy who would dream an idea like Captive Island up. Stefano would too but this is more Ernesto style. Plus, the first time around Victor was not killed by the SSK and we never got a proper explanation other then "Tony" saying he wanted to collect more "bodies." Ernesto would want Victor and fans will see us explain all this in the weeks ahead.

    I: Why make Tony Andre?
    HW: Because Tony was destroyed and the only way to save the character was to do this. The Captive Island plot destroyed Tony and the Dimeras for me and many fans and I hope to restore it to glory now.

    I: There is a rumor about two more big returns in addition to thsoe we know of. What can you tell us?
    HW: Well, one big one is Shane's stalker who will be revealed by the end of July. She will play a big part in the climax of the island tale once she arrives with Bo's boat. She will also have a presence in one of the show's triangles. The other big return is temporary and only to tie things up. It is something people have been waiting for but both returns will be secrets until the show airs. I like fans to be surprised.

    I: What is going on with Roman? Did Sami learn that he isn't her father?
    HW: This is top secret but I can tell you that Josh Taylor's Roman is not Roman. I can't go further then that. I love the guy and he can act but he has never been Roman like Wayne and Drake. This will be a huge story and Sami will play a huge role in this. It will help mature and redeem her, a process we started with the Lexie scenes.

    I: Why bring back Alan?
    HW: It was time and there is great potential there. It starts off as a Carrie story and then will branch out into sami's redemption story. Paul Kersey will be here for awhille as this story will be a good, solid arc.

    I: What other previews can you give us?
    HW: Well, we have Rex and Cassie returning to tie up story. Rex will play a big part in the departure of one character from the show. You can expect an announcement on that next week. Cassie may stay on board long term but we will have to look at some things first. Some big things happen with Bo, Billie, Hope, and Chelsea. Some real big twists and turns. Patrick plays a part in this too and we will also finally learn about his past. There is a big shock there. The Abby/Max romance will build as Chelsea pushes him away after her rape. Kate and "Roman" get a shock and "Roman" will get his own shock, of course. We will see something big happen with Maggie and her story with Victor is just beginning. Caroline will be drawn into that too and her secret with Victor will be a huge factor. Lexie and Tek will be exposed and this may lead Lexie back to her Dimera days. Expect some good Lexie/Stefano scenes. Sami will be a huge focal point as we mature her a bit. Carrie's baby will be a source of great tension. The truth about Claire will be revealed and this will lead to big things for Belle. Shawn, Philip, and Mimi. Bonnie does something shocking that will show the fans what she would do for the ones she loves. Jack, Jennifer, and Frankie concludes as well in a stunning and emotional way.

    I: What about John and Marlena?
    HW: John has to make a huge decision and may have to make a big sacrifice. The Marlena we know and love is gone and John begins to wonder if she will ever be back. This is a love story and the island climax will have some of this most heartbreaking, emotional stuff you have ever seen between these two and many others. Marlena does some things in the weeks ahead that shows how far gone she truly is. Reading what I have written for them and some of the others, but especially John and Marlena, it is truly gut-wrenching stuff and is both shocking and a real tear jerker.

    I: We know about Missy Reeves and Kyle Brandt leaving-any other casting news? What about Deidre Hall?
    HW: I can't talk about Deidre yet. She is a major part of the show so let's leave it at that. Kyle will be seen in a limited fashion during the summer until his exit at the end of the summer. Missy will exit a little sooner then that. As I said, Eric Winter is returning to play a part in the exit of one actor/actress and another may be behind that person. There will be an announcement on that next week or maybe this weekend. There will be some cast cuts and some additions. You will just have to keep looking out for them.

    I: Thanks for clearing things up and giving us some info. Anything else you want say?
    HW: Your welcome and all I can say is to stay with us from now on because we are going back to the Days you love. There may be some far-fetched stuff coming up at times in the next few weeks but everything as a whole is amazing, emotional, incredible stuff. There is some UNFORGETTABLE DAYS AHEAD!!! I PROMISE!!!
  4. PhoenixRising05




    Fans learned on the Wednesday July 5 cliffhanger show that the mastermind behind the first and current Captive Island is Ernesto Toscano. Charles Cioffi, who was the last actor to play the role in 1990 when Ernesto supposedly "died" with Hope Brady in a explosion over a vat of acid, is once again playing the role.

    Fans also had their predictions confirmed when Carrie and Sami Brady's (Christie Clark and Alison Sweeney)stalker was revealed to be Alan Harris, who is once again being played by Paul Kersey. Alan was last seen shortly after being shot in the groin by Sami.

    It has also been confirmed that Eric Winter and Alexis Thorpe are returning to their roles as twin sibs Rex and Cassie Brady for a limited run. It is widely rumored that Thrope may stay long-term but Winter's return seems set to be short term. Fans were shocked when they heard of Cassie's presence on the island on July 3 and now they know why. Winter is expected to first appear July 11 and Thorpe sometime after.

    For more info on all these returns and more on this big umbrella story Days event, look out for the exclusive interview with new head writer, Tim Lowery, this weekend.

  5. PhoenixRising05
    -At the New Salem Brady Pub, Bo talks with Billie, Abe, and Roman, He is worried about Hope back home. They all assure him she is fine. Shawn and Mimi overhear and reminds his father of what he has done to their family. Bo loses his cool and grabs his son by the shirt.
    -Kate notices that Austin is upset and asks what is wrong. He tells Kate that he is worried about Carrie and the baby. Kate understands but notices the look on Austin's face when she talks about the baby. She asks if there is something he isn't telling her. He tells Kate to just stay out of it. Kate wonders what is going on as Lucas asks what she is talking about.
    -Jennifer is confused about what to do about Jack and Frankie. She tells both men not to tell Abby about her confusion and to just let think she chose Jack for the time being.
    -Abby and Max are walking around the rebuilt New Salem on Melaswen. They wonder about those behind back home and about Chelsea.
    -Alice, Doug, Julie, Caroline, Shawn Sr, and Mickey sit at a table and talk about real Salem and about the Dimeras and having to go through this whole plot again. Mickey is worried about Maggie and Caroline is privately worried about Victor.
    -Maggie awakens and Victor is pleased. He is thrilled that Maggie seems to be improving.
    -Chelsea awakens too and seems to be improving. Hope is happy. Chelsea thanks her for saving her life-especially after everything. Hope says that she can thank Zach for this one.
    -Eric, Nicole, and Celeste remain in the cave. They wonder about everyone else.
    -Shane searches the island on his own while trying to avoid island guards.
    -John also searches the island alone and is worried about Belle and Marlena.
    -Belle finally wakes up. She realizes the storm is over and notices the bump and cut on her head. She sees guards and, despite being woozy, realizes she needs to move.
    -Carrie is also trying to avoid guards too while in pain. She notices blood streaming down her leg and fears for her baby as her and sami's stalker remains on her trail as well.
    -Greta and Lexie continue to walk through the maze that is the catacombs, wondering where it may take them. Stefano, Andre, Patrick, Tek, and Bart watch. Stefano is pleased as this will set things up even better as he must meet with his daughter before the ultimate plan is set in motion on the island. Bart reminds Stefano that they need wait for the "other boss man." Patrick and Tek, who are both being covered by guards just in case of a double cross, figure this is the mysterious partner that helped out with the first Melaswen plot a few years ago and supplied the drugs needed to put everything into action on the island and in Salem. Stefano confirms that is the partner but that he is more then a partner. Patrick, Tek, and Marlena (who is overhearing) all realize this "partner" or "ally" may be the real mastermind behind this plot and the previous island plot. Stefano could be merely a pawn as this person may be the true head of thos whole operation. Marlena listens and laughs saying no matter who is in charge she is taking them out too as her revenge plans will not be stopped.
    -Meanwhile, Sami is in the secret file room and has decided to download all the Dimera secrets to a empty disk she found so that she has proof of anything she finds. While the disk is downloading, Sami is searching the file cabinets and reading the hard copy versions of the files. She wonders what she may find.
    -Mimi and Roman separate Shawn and Bo. Shawn says he will never forgive Bo for what he did to there family. He walks off with Mimi. Bo wonders if he can ever repair his family. Roman, Abe, and Billie assure him he will.
    -Kate lies to Lucas and tells him nothing is wrong. Austin thinks about telling Lucas about his sleeping with Carrie but opts against it again.
    -Caroline comes over to Jennifer and sees she is upset and asks what is wrong. Jen tells her how confused she is about Jack and Frankie. They are both great guys. Caroline relates Jen's situation to hers with Shawn and Victor. She tells Jennifer to follow her heart and it will take her where she belongs. Jen asks if Caroline followed her heart. Caroline says what was meant to happen happened. Jennifer thanks her and leaves as Caroline expresses sorrow about the past.
    -Alice, Julie, and Doug assure Mickey that Maggie is fine. Mickey felt earlier that she was in danger but feel better now. he hopes she is being taken care of.
    -Maggie thanks Victor for everything. She would have never made it through everything that has happened without him. Victor shrugs it off. They talk about their kiss and push it aside as nothing. Shane arrives and Victor informs him about what has happened. Shane is carrying a medical kit and tends to Maggie's arm and gives her something for the infection. Shane then helps her up and tells Victor that he will take the two of them to the others hiding in a cave nearby.
    -Hope tells Chelsea about seeing Zach and how he led her to the sap to help her. Chelsea thinks Zach is her guardian angel. Hope agrees and says that the rest of her family is watching her too. Chelsea asks Hope if she meant what she said about her being a part of the family and that they couldn't lose her. Hope says she would never wish death on Chelsea and thinks that she just needs love and someone to steer her right. Hope then mentions her maybe going to see a counselor about her rape. Chelsea lashes out and doesn't even remember saying that to her, She begs Hope not to tell anyone.
    -Marlena is nearly caught by a guard and decides to leave Stefano's control center before being seen. She will be back though to take them all out before beginning her revenge plans for everyone else. She leaves. Patrick and Tek wonder if the other person may be more in control of everything then Stefano. They ask Bart and Bart tells them not to tell Stefano that he told them what he is about too. Stefano is not the boss and neither is Andre. They are not the mastermind of this or the first island plot. This plot was dreamed up by someone else as a revenge plot for his enemies and Stefano got involved and both together put this all into motion. Patrick and Tek are stunned and wonder if they are really working for that person and not Stefano. Tek wonders if they can bargain with the other person and get out from under Stefano's thumb. Stefano overhears and tells Patrick and Tek he feels betrayed by the. He now thinks it is best to contain them as they are loose cannons and, now that he thinks about it, he may not have anymore use for them. He orders the guards to take them away. Patrick mentions how Stefano should not be ordering people around when he is not the true mastermind behind this or the previous plot. Stefano and Andre both look at Patrick and Tek filled with anger at this blow to their ego.
    -Kate asks Roman if he has noticed the guards talking about Philip or Cassie. Roman says no but he promises Kate they will find them.
    -Frankie and Jack talk about the situation with Jennifer. Frankie says he will step aside if Jen wants him too. Jen overhears and is touched.
    -Abby complains anout how the humidity ruins her hair. Max thinks she looks beautiful. Abby is touched.
    -Mimi tries to cool Shawn down and begs him to be civil. They all need to stick together until they find a way out. Shawn promises to try. He decides to go talk to Alice. Mimi goes for a walk as Shawn begs her to be careful. Mimi thinks about Claire's paternity and wonders if her and others may be being punished for her lies. She hopes that is not why Shawn and Philip were dragged into this island mess. She decides once and for all to tell Shawn the truth. He may never see Claire again if they die or never get off the island and he needs to know the truth before something happens.
    -Chelsea tells Hope the details surrounding her rape and Josh's death. Hope feels bad for her. Chelsea begs Hope not to tell anyone. She knows that Hope owes her nothing but nobody can know. It only stays between her, Hope, and Victor. Hope agrees. Shane then arrvies with Maggie and Victor. Shane tends to Chelsea's leg and the infection and praises both Hope and Victor for using the sap. Hope mentions her visit from Zach and knows all their loves ones are watching them from above and will help them. The five of them go off to meet with the others at the cave.
    -Sami in the file room and has not found anything interesting. The disk is now done downloading and Sami realizes she now has all the Dimera secrets on this disk. She realizes the danger she is in. She then decides to leave and as she is closing the file drawers up she notices something. She looks at the file and says, "I wonder what is in this. Maybe I shouldn't wait to see it on the disk. There may be something in here that could help with the Dimeras now or something." She opens and reads the file.
    -Kate and Billie talk about Bo. She tells Billie to take her chance with Bo. Billie says Bo loves Hope and she is not coming between them anymore. She will not set herself up to be hurt again.
    -Lucas confides his worries about Carrie and the baby in Austin. Austin is worried too, especially since the baby could be his.
    -Roman and Abe stand by Bo and tell him everything will be alright. Bo says they need to get off the island so he can get back to Hope. He hopes she is not with Patrick.
    -Shawn talks things over with Alice, Doug, Julie, and Mickey. They all urge him to lay off his father. Shawn says he will be civil until they get off the island but, once back in Salem, he has no reason to ever talk to his father again after what he did.
    -Abby thanks Max for the compliment. They are both bored. He finds a stereo and puts on a song. They talk about how it is one of those cheesy, old fashioned love songs. He asks her to dance.
    -Jennifer tells Frankie how touched she is by his offer to step aside but she loves him and she has to choose between them. They see Abby and Max dancing and Jen and Frankie talk about how they remind them of them when they were young. They wonder if they are falling for each other. Jack notices how seeing this is bring Jen closer to Frankie and he wonders if his plan to put them together may be what makes him lose Jennifer in the end.
    -Shawn Sr notices Caroline alone and asks her what is wrong. Caroline is thinking about Victor and we then see her flash back to her and Victor in the castle when "Tony" (really Andre) was using scents and reminders of the past to force them back together. We then see things get passionate and they kiss. The flashback shifts to another flashback to them both finishing up getting dressed and how no one, especially Shawn Sr given his health problems, can find out they made love. Lives would be destroyed. We then shift back to Caroline, who tells Shawn Sr she is fine and that she just wants to get off this island again and back home where they belong. Shawn Sr agrees as Caroline thinks and worries about Victor and their secret.
    -Hope, Chelsea, Maggie, Victor, and Shane arrive to meet with Eric, Nicole, and Celeste in the cave after they manage to find it. Celeste mentions how Bonnie left them and Greta is not there either. Shane goes back out to look for them, John, and Belle. Celeste says that feels like shocking discoveries and revelations are happening right now that will change lives. There is also great danger. This has everyone worried.
    -John looks for Belle. He hopes she is fine. He wonders if she may have found her mother.
    -Belle is still running away from the guards. She stops to take a breather. She hears someone behind her and as she runs away she turns to see her Marlena. "Mom!!", she yells. Marlena stops and turns around and looks at her daughter and says, "Belle?"
    -Mimi is walking near the force field perimeter and is still sure that she wants to admit the truth about Cliare's paternity. She wonders what will happen when she does. She then looks through the force field and sees someone coming out the bushes. She sees it is not a guard. It is Bonnie!!! Mimi yells, "Mom!!!" A drunk Bonnie calls out, "My baby girl? Is that you?!! Oh, it is. Mama's coming baby!!!" Mimi tries to warn her drunk mother of the force field but it is too late as she hits it and the energy sends her flying against a tree unconscious as Mimi cries out for her mother to wake up.
    -Carrie is still running away from guards as her health deteriorates. She is getting dizzy and is near a cliff-side. She is disoriented and is near the edge. She falls over the edge but is grabbed at the last second by her stalker. He pulls her up and lays her down. Carrie looks at him as her vision is blurred. She stares at him and says, "Oh my God. It can't be you. It can't. I am seeing things." Her vision becomes clearer and she sees the man's face. "Oh my God!! Alan!!!" The camera pans up to reveal the stalker to be ALAN HARRIS .
    -Greta continues to make her way through the catacombs, as does Lexie who also is having trouble finding any way to get out. She wonders what happened to Sami.
    -Sami is still reading the file. We finally see the file name and it reads "Brady, Roman/Black, John-Pawn Project A620." Sami is reading when she gets a shocked look on her face. "Oh my God. This can't be. It can't be true. But...but it is here though. Stefano would not have this here if it was a lie. It just can't be. This couldn't have happened again." We then see Sami point at a picture of Roman (Josh Taylor) and say, "He has to be my father. He just has to be."
    -Patrick's comment has ticked off Stefano and Andre. He orders his men to take him and Tek away but Bart interupts and stops everyone. He says that "the other boss man has arrived." Patrick and Tek, both trying to annoy Stefano, say that it seems the real mastermind and creative genius has arrived. Stefano tells them to shutup and tells Bart to send him in. The person walks in. Patrick looks shocked as if he knows him and Tek appears clueless as he asks, "Who is this?" Stefano says, "Well, for the one person here who doesn't know, Tek I would like you to meet ERNESTO TOSCANO ." The camera then pans up to reveal Ernesto's face as the screen fades to black.
  6. PhoenixRising05
    -John, Shane, and Greta continue the search for Belle. They are soon ambushed by island guards. Greta manages to get away and John asks her to get help.
    -Eric, Nicole, Celeste, and Bonnie are still in a cave awaiting word on the others. The want to know what Celeste meant earlier about everyone being alive. Celeste says that everyone that has died-all their loves ones are alive and on thsi very island. It has happened again. No one wants to beleive it but since it happened once it could happen again, especially with the Dimeras. Bonnie's flask is empty and she wonders how she will get through all this without a drink. Nicole says she has been asking herself that same question. Eric clutches his head in pain. Nicole asks what is wrong and he says it is a mere headache-no doubt from hitting his head. Nicole is still worried about him and him being so secretive. Celeste overhears and warns Nicole that hard days lie ahead for Eric and all those that love him. Nicole asks what she means. Celeste says that Eric's secret will cause much pain for those that love him but that is all she knows. Nicole wonders what is going on and is determined to learn Eric's secret. Meanwhile, Bonnie is bored and without a drink. She is fed up and decides to go see if she can find someone on the island to give her a little something. Surely they wouldn't want to hard a poor, defenseless damsel like her. She sneaks out. Celeste, Eric, and Nicole wonder where she went. Celeste says that Bonnie is on her own journey-one that will lead her to a joyous surprise.
    -Hope is still trying to figure out how to help Chelsea. She uses water from the stream to help the fever but Chelsea is worsening. Hope prays to all her loves ones and to Bo, Shawn, and Zach to help her. She then sees a angelic vision of Zach:

    Hope: Zach!?
    Zach: Mommy! Mommy? Chelsea is sick!
    Hope : I know sweetheart but mommy doesn't know what to do.
    Zach: You have to help her mommy, You can do it!!
    Hope: Honey, I don't know what to do. Mommy is trying.
    Zach: Mommy you can do it. You can! You can!
    Hope: I wish I knew what to do but I will keep trying for you and for your daddy.
    Zach: Daddy loves you mommy and he misses you.
    Hope : I miss him too big guy but he is with you and your brother and everyone else we love now. You all all angels and you will watch down on us.
    Zach :I'm an angel mommy but daddy is with you and so is Shawn.
    Hope: No, honey, daddy and your brother are with you.
    Zach :Mommy you have to help Chelsea. She's my big sister and I love her.

    Zach begins to run away. Hope chases after him.

    Hope : Zach!! Zach don't go!! Zach!!

    Zach disappears and Hope finds a tree with some weird-looking leaves on it. She flashes back to the last time they were on Melaswen and Tony used some sort of sap to help Jennifer who was bleeding out. Hope wonders if she can find that sap and it may help Chelsea by stopping the blood. She would then just have to deal with the infection. Hope realizes that Zach visited her to remind her about the sap by leading her to the tree. She thanks Zach and says she promises to save his sister. Hope soon returns to Chelsea and extracts the sap from the branch of a special tree and gives it to Chelsea orally. She prays it will work.
    -Victor continues to try to save Maggie. He is helping the fever along with stream water but she is failing. Maggie begs Victor to just let her go to Mickey and all her loves ones but Victor won't give up. Maggie is needed on earth so she can continue to help others and brighten the lives of everyone she meets. Victor also recalls when Tony helped Jennifer by way of the sap when they were on Melaswen the last time. He tells Maggie to stay put and he will be right back. Victor soon returns and is able to extract the sap and he gives it Maggie and hopes for the best.
    -Lexie tries to break through the cave wall to get to Sami. Meanwhile, sami makes her way down the staircase and finds herself in some catacombs underground. Apparently, this is to serve as an emergency escape route for the Dimera's in case something should happen like the last time on Melaswen. She makes her way through the catacombs and still can't find a way out. It is like a maze. Meanwhile, Lexie finally gets through the same door Sami did. She finds another torch and begins to make her way through the catacombs.
    -Greta searches for help and tries to make her way back to the cave where Eric and the others are but gets lost. She finds a hatch on the ground near a rock and wonders what is is. She opens it and finds it leads into the catacombs. A curious Greta enters wondering where and to who this may take her.
    -John and Shane manage to defeat the guards on their own and now worry about Greta and hope she can make it back to the others. John decides that Shane and Him should split up in order to avoid getting caught and to cover more ground. They keep on contact by radio as they split up.
    -Greta makes her way through the catacombs and hopes she has not made a mistake. She decides to turn back now and go get John and Shane to tell them about what she found but she is lost and can't find the way she came. She realizes she must keep going and, with torch in hand, makes her through the tunnels.
    -Lexie is making her through underground too. She doesn't realize she is on camera nor do Sami and Greta. Bart sees it and tells Stefano and Andre. Stefano says leave them be-as long as they don't find the secret rooms down there with my secret files there is no harm. In fact, they will just walk into his trap and he will be reunited with his beloved daughter who he has great plans for.
    -Sami, who manages to get temporarily out of the camera's range, is frustrated as the tunnels go on and on. She bangs her hand against a wall and the door slides open to reveal a hidden room full of books, a desk, a computer, and file cabinets. Sami enters the room and the door closes. The camera doesn't notice her get in the room nor does anyone else. She walks around the room and opens the cabinet. She realizes she has found the Dimera secret files and sees there is a file on all Dimera enemies past and present-including the Brady's. She searches on the computer and learns that all the Dimera secret files are also available on the computer also. She wonders what she may find among the files and decides to check them out as the screen fades to black.
  7. PhoenixRising05
    -Lucas worries about Carrie being out in the jungle. Alice, Mickey, Doug, Julie, Caroline, Shawn Sr, and Kate reassure them that it will be fine. They are shocked when Roman and Austin return empty handed. Roman explains how the guards found them and brought them back. Lucas is worried about the baby. Austin nearly spills the beans about his tryst with Carrie and how her baby could be his.
    -Shawn and Mimi discuss Philip. They assume he is on the island too but have yet to see him. Kate overhears and she beleives he is on the island but is being held hostage. He may be with Cassie. Shawn admits he is stunned that whoever is behind this would even go to such lengths as bring Cassie there too. Mimi is reminded of Rex and thinks about him. Bo, Abe and Billie tell Kate that they will find Philip. Roman reassures her as well. Bo thinks about Hope and is worried about her. Jennifer and Billie assure him that Hope is fine. Shawn lashes out at Bo and claims his father doesn't give a damn and has shown it by supporting Chelsea for months. Bo says they need to put their differences aside and fight to get off the island. They will work through this when they get home. Shawn walks away in rage as Billie and Jennifer remind Bo that he is just protecting his mother and that once she forgives him he will too.
    -Frankie and Jack find it ironic how they all ended up beleived dead on an island like he was. Frankie tells Jack that he will keep his promise and step aside to let him be with Jennifer. Abby overhears and thanks Frankie. Jack doesn't think it is that easy as Jennifer fell in love with Frankie. Jennifer overhears and agrees saying she loves both of them but Jack is her husband. Abby is happy her mother has chosen Jack and leaves to talk to Max. When Abby leaves, Jennifer tells both Frankie and Jack that she is confused and still doesn't know who to be with.
    -Caroline leaves Shawn Sr's side and goes to get a drink. She sees a bottle of Chardonay and speaks of a special night that should have never happened. She tells herself that no one can ever know the truth and vows to make sure no one does. Shawn Sr asks her if something is wrong. She lies and says no and they go over to the others.
    -Max and Abby talk about everything going on. Abby tells Max that her mother has chosen her father. Max tells Abby not to count Frankie out yet. There is obvious tension but Max tells Abby they should just not talk about it and let Jack, Jennifer, and Frankie get through it. Abby tells Max she would have never made it through Josh's death and all this without him. She reminds Max that he saved her life back at the wedding when the car her dad was driving hit her. Max says it was nothing but Abby thanks him and hugs him saying he is a great guy and that Chelsea didn't know how good she had it. They wonder what is going on with Chelsea back at home.
    -Hope tries to help Chelsea. She has torn a piece of her jacket to use as wash cloth and is dipping the cloth in a small stream to try to cool Chelsea's fever. She starts to say that the Bensons and her mom and dad are calling to her from heaven. Hope tells her not to give up. Chelsea again says she has nothing to live for. She has lost everything-her adoptive parents, her real parents, a good part of her real family, Abby, Max, her virginity-she has nothing to live for. Hope asks her what she means by virginity-she beleived that Chelsea had not slept with anyone. Chelsea then admits she was raped and says that she watched Abby's boyfriend, Josh, got killed when they accidentally interupted a drug operation. She then begins to feel pains in her leg and passes out. Hope begs her to wake up. While unconscious. Chelsea has a dream about the night of Josh's death and her rape and begins to cry out in her sleep for help and for her parents. Hope holds her and says she is here. Chelsea's eyes open and she beleives Hope is Billie and she smiles and says "mom." She apologizes for all the horrible things she did and says she is happy she got her miracle and her mother has come back to her. Hope begins to cry and thinks about Zach. She realizes maybe she was wrong about Chelsea and that all she is is a girl wanting to be loved and who has lost so much. Hope holds her and rocks her back and forth.
    -Victor tries to help Maggie who is feverish. The cut on her arm is starting to appear infected and she is still losing blood. Victor begs her to hold on. Maggie dreams about Mickey calling to her in heaven with Tom, Alice, and all her deceased loved ones. Victor begs her to come back. Maggie wakes up but is delusional and belives Victor is Mickey. She reaches out and kisses him. Victor is stunned and so is Maggie when she realizes Victor is not Mickey. She apologizes and asks Victor what is wrong with her. Victor tells her that her cut is infected and she is losing blood. Maggie asks if Victor thinks she is dying. Victor looks at her and vows to save her-he will not let her die that easy. Maggie thanks him as Victor begs her to fight this and tries to figure out what he can do.
    -Sami and Lexie are still in the cave. They discuss the past and their blackmail of each other. Lexie recites all the sins of Sami's past and Sami does the same to Lexie. Lexie says she has always been a hateful bitch and always will be. Sami says the same about her:

    Sami: Well, at least I am not an adultress.
    Lexie: I make mistakes Sami that I am not proud of but I own up to them and grow from them. All you do is repeat them over and over again.
    Sami: I can't help it, Ok.
    Lexie: Aww, here comes the poor Sami routine. Cry me a river.
    Sami: Lexie I have been through hell. I didn't have my parents growing up and was raised by John.
    Lexie: You were lucky Sami. John is a wonderful father and you know that he loves you and Eric.
    Sami: Yeah and I loved him too until I caught him and my mother getting it on behind my father's back.
    Lexie: Sami, people make mistakes. Your mother and John share a great love.
    Sami: Yeah, look where it has gotten her. Kidnapped, brainwashed-the list goes on. Now she snapped and it's all because of him.
    Lexie: Do you listen to yourself? How is this John's fault? If anything, it is my family's for putting her through hell.
    Sami: Well, your right Lexie. You keep saying how hateful I am but, if you think about it, your family made me who I am. If it weren't for your father keeping my mother and father away, I would have never grew up without my parents. John would have never fell in love with my mom and I would have never had bulimia. Everything stems from that Lexie. I honestly think people forget the hell I have been through. Rape, my eating disorder, everything with my parents and John, countless wedding disasters that were my fault but still horrible, losing my son for years, nearly dying for a crime I did not commit-I am surprised I am not in the cuckoo's nest by now.
    Lexie: Quit making excuses Sami and just take responsibility for your actions.
    Sami: Yes Lexie the lies and deceit are my fault but the only reason I turned to them was because I had lost so much in my life when I was a good little girl. I was always trying to be good but Carrie always got the attention. Everything I did never lived up to her. I never even had Eric with me to get me through my rape and eating disorder. My brother was the one person who acted like he gave a damn (as she tearfully confesses) and he was out of my life for years while I was in hell. Carrie had Austin and my parents put her on a pedestal and they still do just like everyone does to Belle too. I make mistakes but it was everyone else who made me this way. Let me ask you Lexie-if Theo was older and he had caught you with Tek and then had been through things like I have-how do you think he would turn out?

    Lexie then has a dream of Theo turning into a rage-driven, evil young man after catching his mother cheating on Abe.

    Lexie: It doesn't matter Sami-Abe is gone and I am certain of that even with an empty casket.
    Sami: I am just trying to get you to understand Lexie. I know I have screwed up alot but I can't help it. My life has been nothing but one bad thing after the other and, even when I am good, I lose everything. I was good when I was with Lucas and Kate framed me and I was left alone to deal with it. No one beleived me and the great John Black even turned his back on me, as did Princess Belle. Do you see what I have to deal with?

    Lexie looks at Sami as tears well up in her eyes.

    Lexie: I understand.
    Sami: What?
    Lexie: I guess so much has happened between you and me with Brandon, Tek, and everything else that I just let my hatred of you overcome compassion for another human being. I guess hearing everything you have been through laid out helps me understand and then just thinking about what would have happened if Theo was older and had found out something like that. I can see why you went down this path Sami and why it has been so hard for you change. My family really is to blame. They started a chain of events that made yoir life spin out of control.
    Sami: Are you joking? You really understand. I mean, you are on my side with this.
    Lexie: You do need to take on most of the responsibility Sami because you have destroyed lives but I guess I understand your motivation for doing some of the things you do and for continuing to do them. Have you ever sat down with your family and told them this?
    Sami: I have doen everything but spell it out. They always say I am wrong or overreacting or something. Don't you remember my long speech at Lucas and my wedding about this? They may love me but their actions don't show it like they do for Carrie and Belle. I mean, look, when my mother had amnesia she never even looked at me or paid any attention to me. She did for Belle.
    Lexie: Well, why didn't you just approach her?
    Sami: Because she had amnesia. The last thing I wanted to do was just call or show up and frighten her by being this stranger up in her face calling her "mom." Things like that-that is why I have never been able to become the person everyone wants me to be and, just when I succeeded because of Lucas, Kate set things in motion and everyone just abandoned me and I was back at it again.

    Sami turns away in tears.

    Sami: Sometimes I cry at night and wonder when I will ever have my dream come true. When will I have the dream I had as a little girl where I sat at the table with my family and we were all happy? I never got to have the happy life kids have growing up. I came back to Salem and went through hell while other girls my age were meeting boys and taking them home to mom and dad. All I want is a man to love me and for my family to be happy but that is nothing more then a pipe dream. My family is a mess and I will end up alone because God knows my secret will come out even if you don't tell. God, my life is such a joke!! (Sami sits down and cries) When am I finally going to get happiness? When are people ever going to understand me and love me? (continues to cry)
    Lexie: (walks over and sits down and embraces her) I understand Sami. Finally, I understand. I just think I needed to listen and let the hate and ill feelings go.
    Sami: (looking at her) You really mean this?
    Lexie: Yes, I do. It took me awhile and I get it. It's just too bad others haven't. Maybe someone could have helped you.
    Sami: Well it is too late for that. My life is already screwed up.
    Lexie: It is never too late. Things can still change.
    Sami: Yeah right. How?
    Lexie: Maybe I can help. If I can just see the side of you I just saw, then maybe others can too. If they just listen like you forced me to just do, maybe things will change. Maybe they will understand. After all, a few minutes ago I hated you and now.
    Sami: Now what?
    Lexie: Now I see what you want people to see and I understand.

    Sami gets up and walks off.

    Sami: I don't understand what you think can be done.

    Sami then leans on a the cave wall and fall through a door of some kind. The door then closes behind the cave wall. Lexie runs over.

    Lexie: Sami! Sami!

    Sami is on the other side of the wall and is banging on the wall to try to get out. It doesn't budge and she looks around and sees a staircase in front of her. She grabs a lighted torch and makes her way down to see if she can find a way out as the screen fades to black.

  8. PhoenixRising05

    Days fans learned last Friday that Carrie Brady (Christie Clark) was alive and on Melaswen. On the Friday June 30 show, they learned she was not alone. That's right-Days has pulled another ruse and is bringing back all the presumed dead faves that have died in the past few weeks. This is said to be the reason why the show did not comment on the happenings of the past few weeks. Turns out there was no casting bloodbath-at least not yet (cast changes will be made this summer though) and that all the actors from the first victim James Reynolds (Abe) to the last victims Caroline and Shawn Brady (Peggy McKay and Frank Parker). Brock Pierce (Josh) will not be returning as his character has been written off and is really dead. Days fans should tune in for THE BIGGEST TWIST OF ALL THIS WEDNESDAY JULY 5 BEFORE DAYS BREAKS FOR WIMBLEDON. IT IS HUGE!!! (keep an eye out this week for promos and previews of this huge Days event).

    In other news, no word on the status of Kyle Brandt (Philip), who announced he was leaving in April but signed to finish up story. Fans know that he was one of the characters beleived dead but was not revealed alive on June 30. Days has no comment. Melissa Reeves, who also announced her intentions to leave, is set to depart this August. The show has moved her exit up for story purposes so look for a dramatic exit later this summer.

    No word also on John Clarke (Mickey), who only returned short term to finish the character's run. Days says the character will be featured in a limited fashion for the time being but won't elaborate at this point.

    Deidre Hall (Marlena) rumors continue to fly as the charcter continues to descend into madness. Days fans should look for Marlena to completely lose it in the weeks ahead, which will lead to a huge conclusion in this story by mid-summer. Hall's contract is up in August and there has been no comment on either front about her status yet.

    Fans should also watch out on Wednesday July 5 for the reveal of Carrie (Christie Clark) and Sami's (Alison Sweeney) stalker.

    Also, be on the lookout for an exclusive interview with the HW of Days (me LOL) about all the recent happening on the show. The show will finally put a rest to rumors and give you the answers you want to know to why go back to Melaswen, why make Tony Andre, etc. This interview will contain info to wet your appetities for the rest of the summer.
  9. PhoenixRising05
    Announcer: 3 years ago they all began dying one by one...(clips of SSK victims)


    you learned they were alive (clips of SSK victims on Melaswen).

    Soon they were rescued only to find themselves back less then 2 years later (clips of the Captive Island escape and rescue)

    Now learn who was REALLY behind it. It is NOT who you think (clips of Tony and Stefano are shown).


    A shocking rescue (clip of Carrie falling and her stalker rescuing her).

    Carrie: Oh my God. YOU!!!



    Caroline: No one can learn the truth.
    Sami (in the island catacombs) It can't be.


  10. PhoenixRising05

    "The summer is going to be amazing," says Executive Producer Ned Yadroc. "We held our previews until now because we wanted to shock the audience and we did. Now it is time to give them a glimmer of what is to come, which is extraordinary. By the end of the summer, lives will changed and things will never be the same in Salem. Fans should look at a return to the Days of old by the Fall and they will know what I mean when we get to that point."

    Mastermind/Island Plot: The mastermind behind Captive Island and the current chaos in Salem is revealed on July 5. "We knew the fans hated the end to Captive Island and felt there were plot holes and that it was contrived, " says Yadroc. "Fans will get all the answers and will learn how far this thing goes back. This thing even stretches into the 80's and it will be a huge reward to fans who followed the show over the years and followed the stores from 2003-present. The mastermind has a huge vendetta against a good chunk of Salem and is in partnershp with the Dimeras. I think fans will love the Dimera's not being behind this or Captive Island. It is someone that should have been revealed as the mastermind in 2004-it is the best and really the most obvious choice for me as fan. It is predictable but it makes sense and that should make fans happy. The island plot concludes in mid-summer with huge battles, deaths, revelations, and much more. It will be epic."

    John/Marlena: "They are at the center of everything this summer, especially the island. The love between Marlena and John is what is needed to save Marlena. Fans will see how far she is gone when she attacks a few of her own children. It is very emotional and John will have to make an agonizing choice. There will be a powerful, dramatic standoff that will leave fans in tears," says Yadroc.

    Austin/Carrie/Lucas/Sami: Carrie and her baby are in peril and are saved by a man from the past. Carrie and Sami's stalker is revealed on July 5 and this will be the start of a huge story. Carrie's baby will play a huge part in this story. Meanwhile, Austin hides from Lucas the fact that he slept with Carrie and could be the baby's father. Meanwhile, life endangering events on the island change Sami and her relationships with others. "The relationships between Sami/John and Sami/Lexie will be hugely affected," shares Yadroc.

    Abe/Lexie/Tek/Celeste: Lexie and Sami's relationship begins to change on the island. "Abe will learn about the affair by time they leve the island and that will take all of them into their next story once they return to Salem," Yadroc reveals. One of them does not make it back to Salem. Celeste will become a huge part of the Carver's story in the Fall.

    Belle/Shawn/Mimi/Philip: With Brandt leaving, this foursome has big days ahead. "The truth about Claire is revealed on the island. This will not end the way fans think it will. Expect a stunning twist. As for Philip, you will see him this summer but it will be limited until the actor leaves for good by summer's end," says Yadroc.

    Jack/Jennifer/Frankie: "With Missy Reeves leaving, fans can look for a stunning end to this tale. Also, look for Shane's mystery stalker to play a huge part in this story once she arrives on the island by way of Bo's boat."

    Abby/Max/Chelsea: "Fans started seeing a triangle here after Josh died and now they will get one. Abby and Max bond and the climax of the island story brings them closer. Chelsea will deal with her rape and will learn a stunning secret her self. Whether she tells anyone else that secret is the big question."

    Bo/Hope/Billie/Patrick: "Chelsea will admit to everything she did to Bo and Hope upon returning to Salem. Why you ask? Let's just say it has to do with that little secret only she knows. Patrick's past will come out as the fans will learn a stunning secret about his past. Billie will move out of this story by the end of the summer and will move into a new story of her own. Bo and Hope will try to patch things up but this is far from over."

    Maggie/Mickey/Victor/Caroline/Shawn Sr: "Maggie and Victor forge a bond on the island and grow close. Caroline and Victor have a secret that comes out and that will change everything. The climax of the island story will be the beginning of huge story for these vets. Maggie makes a choice that she will have to live with for the rest of her life and that will send her into a huge story."

    Nicole/Eric/Greta: "It is obvious Eric is hiding something and it becomes apparent something is wrong with him. Nicole and Greta team up to discover what is going on. Greta's father will be revealed as well."

    Misc.: Kate and Roman learn a shocking truth. Roman will also face the reveal of a life-altering secret. Look for two former young stars to turn up on the island this summer. Bonnie makes selfless move. Shane comes face to face with the woman who arrived with him and stalked him and is stunned by her identity.
  11. PhoenixRising05
    Sneak Peeks for Week of July 3, 2006

    -John, Shane, and Greta get ambushed during their search for Belle.
    -Celeste warns Nicole about Eric.
    -A feverish Chelsea admits to Hope she was raped.
    -Victor and Maggie get close.
    -Caroline is reminded of the secret Victor and her are keeping.
    -The bond between Abby and Max grows.
    -Austin nearly tells Lucas about his tryst with Carrie.
    -Lexie and Sami find common ground.
    -Greta, Sami, and Lexie unintentionally find their way into the island's catacombs.
    -Patrick, Tek, Andre, and Marlena learn that Stefano may not be in charge after all.
    -Belle comes face to face with Marlena.
    -Mimi sees her mother.
    -Carrie's health worsens and she is rescued by a shocking face from the past.

    Red Letter Days

    Monday July 3: Maggie and Victor kiss!!!

    Wednesday July 5: BIG CLIFFHANGER SHOW. MUST SEE!!!

    Next Week: Carrie has a shocking knight in shining armor. Sami and John are trapped. Mimi confesses. Bonnie tries to save Mimi's marriage. Philip makes a stunning request. Loves ones are reunited as the rescue team learns that everyone is alive.
  12. PhoenixRising05
    -Tek and Patrick await meeting with their boss. They beleive it is Tony sicne Stefano is dead. Patrick worries that no matter who it is him and Tek will never be out of the messes they are in.
    -Stefano waits with Andre. A Dimera guard tells him almost everyone has made it to shore. Stefano is pleased. He also alerts him to the fact that Carrie and some other prisoners are still MIA. This angers Stefano and he orders the guard to find them ASAP before they find John or some of the other new guests. Stefano and Andre are unaware that Marlena is watching them nearby. "So Tony is really Andre. I should have known he was far too evil and supervillain-like to be Tony. I wonder where the real Tony is. Oh well, no matter. I will just take care of them both and then all the other fools who have arrived on the island that need to feel my wrath," Marlena coldly says. Marlena hides when Bart arrives to ask Stefano if he is ready for Tek and Patrick to come up and finally learns that they are still working for the big cheese-meaning Stefano. Stefano agrees and orders Bart to go get them. Stefano and Andre laugh at the thought of Tek and Patrick learning that Stefano is still in charge.
    -John and Shane find Celeste, Bonnie, Eric, and Greta in the cavern. He asks where Belle is. Eric tells him he went looking for him. John and Shane run off to find her. Celeste feels that all the others are in danger. Eric wants to go out there too but feel faint and nearly passes out. Greta and Nicole don't want him going nowhere. Greta agrees to go out in place of Eric to help find Belle and the others. Eric doesn't want her in danger but Greta doesn't let up and just takes off. Eric tries to go after her but nearly faints again. Nicole says she wants to know what Eric is hiding. Eric says he is being completely honest-he just must be hungry or it is from hitting his head so many times lately. Nicole worries as Celeste looks on and quietly predicts, "Eric is hiding something-something devestating that will cause so much pain for many of his loved ones."
    -Belle lies unconcious in the woods with a gash across her head as the storm worsens.
    -Hope revives Chelsea and she drags an unconcious Chelsea with her to the side of a cliff. It gives them some shelter. Chelsea seems hypthermic and Hope uses her jacket to warm her. The gash in her leg appears infected. Chelsea is semi-conscious and she asks Hope:

    Chelsea: if she is going to heaven to be with her family.
    Hope: Not if I can help it.
    Chelsea: Why do you care so much? I killed your son and made your life a living hell. Moreover, why did you save me from the shark and everything else?
    Hope: I am not heartless Chelsea. Your Bo's daughter and I can see some of him in you. I would never forgive myself if I didn't try to save you. It is what Bo would want. It is what Zach would want.

    Chelsea begins to cry and begs Hope to just let her die. Hope defantly yells:

    Hope: No! This family can't take another loss and you are part of this family. You have hurt me and you have done some things but you are still Bo's daughter and my stepdaughter and no matter what has happened I am not going to stand by and let you die-whether you like it or not.

    Chelsea gives up disagreeing as Hope tries to figure out what to do to help her and her infected leg.

    Chelsea: You don't know what to do. Do you"
    Hope: I will figure out something or get help.
    Chelsea: From who? Everyone else could be dead.
    Hope: Well, you must not know them all like I do-especially John. Knowing him he is on this very island already looking for us.
    Chelsea: He may think we are still out to sea. You may as well leave me to die and be with my family and friends in heaven, if that is where I go.
    Hope: Despite what you did, you will go to heaven Chelsea. That is what Zach would want and God knows he is a good reference. But you aren't goin nowhere-your mother and father would not want me to let you give up that easy. You need to fight.
    Chelsea: For what? I have no one left.
    Hope: You have me and I am here whether either of us likes it or not.

    Chelsea is stunned and then passes out again. Hope begs Chelsea to wake up and wonders what she can do to save her.

    -Victor makes it shore with Maggie. He takes her to a cave. Her arm is losing alot of blood and Victor fears it can get infected. He begs Maggie to hold on and promises her he won't let nothing happen to her. Maggie stops breathing and Victor revives her. Victor prays to Caroline, Mickey, and all their dead loves ones to help him save Maggie and to spare her. He says he never expects favors from God since he made many mistakes in the past but he begs him not to take another life. Victor begs Maggie to fight and wake up.
    -Carrie is still being chased by island guards. She is also still in pain from her baby. She keeps moving to get away from the guards
    -Sami pulls Lexie up and they make it shore. It seems she was pulled down by seaweed. They seek shelter and find it in a cave. They argue a few times but thank each other for saving each other's life. They wonder if anyone else is alive. Lexie says that no matter what Sami and her will have to work together to survive, just like they have been thus far. Meanwhile, Sami's stalker is revealed to be alive from the crash and on the island. The stalker watches Sami and Lexie in the cave and then hears a noise and hides. Carrie walks by and that was the noise the stalker heard. The stalker, who was also interested in Carrie (quick reminder flashback of the stalker watching both Sami and Carrie on Morgan Island), goes off to follow Carrie and also tries to avoid the guards.
    -Greta joins John and Shane to search for the others. John is worried sick about Belle, who continues to lie unconscious under the branch during the storm.
    -Patrick and Tek make their way up following Bart and walk into Stefano's study. They see Andre and thinking he is Tony they figure he is the boss. "Tony" then tells him he is Andre and is not their boss. Stefano then reveals himself and reveals that he is still very much their employer. Patrick and Tek are both stunned and worried. Marlena watches from a distance laughing and vows to bring them all down and get her revenge on everyone on this island.
    -Carrie continues to run away from the guards. She then bends over in pain again as the stalker watches. She discovers she is bleeding and thinks she may be losing her baby. Meanwhile, two men who aren't guards are searching for her. We see their faces-its ROMAN and AUSTIN !!! We then are taken to what looks like the Brady Pub. A very much alive Lucas arrives with Kate and asks if there is any word on Carrie, Austin, and Roman. Bo turns around and says no. We also see Billie, Alice, Mickey, Jennifer, Julie, Doug, Caroline, Shawn Sr, Shawn, Mimi, Abe, Jack, Max, Abby, and Frankie all there and all alive. Caroline says she hopes Roman and Austin find Carrie and that help comes soon just like it did the last time they were though dead and were on Melaswen. Alice says they just need to keep the faith and pray. The scene then shifts to Celeste in the cave. She quickly jumps up after seeing a vision of all the dead alive and sitting at the pub and says, "Dear God-it's happened again!! They are alive!!" Eric asks who is alive. Celeste looks at him and says, "They all are." The screen then fades to black.
  13. PhoenixRising05
    -John and Shane reach the island and meet up with Belle, Celeste, and a very drunk Bonnie. Bonnie comes on to Shane but John backs her off and accidentally knocks her over. Celeste warns that this is just the beginning of the danger they will face. John orders the ladies to get out of the view of the cameras and hide somewhere. Shane and him have to go look for the others. Belle worries about John. John calms her and tells her to go with Celeste and Bonnie. Belle and Celeste help Bonnie up and go off to find a safe place to hide out. John and Shane head back in the water.
    -Eric, Nicole, and Greta make their way to shore after a struggle. Eric gets a headache and nearly passes out but calls it nothing. Greta and Nicole worry. Belle, Celeste, and Bonnie find them and give them the orders to come with them to hide. John wants them out of sight. Belle decides to go tell John they found Eric, Greta, and Nicole and tells the others to gto ahead. Eric doesn't think she should go off alone but Belle insists that Eric stay back and help the girls. He reluctantly agrees and Belle takes off to find her father.
    -Victor continues to help Maggie while at sea. She is still bleeding. A shark heads for them after smelling the blood. Maggie panics but Victor promises they will be ok. He swims and drags Maggie with him as fast as he can.
    -Sami and Lexie also try to lose the shark on their tail. Lexie finds a case full of flares and flare guns and has an idea. She fires the flair gun at the shakr right before it gets to Sami. Sami thanks Lexie as Lexie says Sami dying would be the easy way out in regards to her punishment. Sami deserves to suffer through life on earth. Sami is annoyed. The storm and waves continue to worsen and they both decide to head towards shore and they swim off.
    -Hope and Chelsea also try to dodge the shark. Hope wonders if she still has her hidden gun attached to her leg. She learns she does and takes it out and fires at the shark several times. Hope and Chelsea get away and battle the storm and the waves. Hope struggles to keep Chelsea afloat with her. They finally make it to shore where Hope discovers Chelsea has lost consciousness and has no pulse. She tries to revive her.
    -Sami and Lexie are nearly to shore when Lexie gets caught on something and goes underwater. Sami turns back and sees her foe drowning. She hesistates but decides to help her. She goes underwater to save her.
    -Victor and Maggie can't get away from the shark. The shark then mysteriously turns away and leaves them. Victor learns that the shark discovered the pilot's dead body and has been appeased with that. Maggie is now unconscious and Victor realizes he needs to get her to shore and to some help fast. He quickly swims to shore.
    -The storm worsens and John and Shane can no longer search. They return to shore and take cover and hope the others somehow make it to shore.
    -Eric, Greta, Nicole, Bonnie, and Celeste find a cavern to hide in. Bonnie passes out while fighting with Nicole over her flask (she has more then 3 and hides them all over her body and Nicole wanted her to share) and Eric catches her and lays her down. Celeste feels evil around them and warns that danger, death, and destruction are imminent as well as shocking revelations. This worries them all.
    -Belle searches for John and still can't find him. Lightning strikes a tree and a branch breaks off and falls right on top of Belle, knocking her unconcious and to the ground. The screen then fades to black.
  14. PhoenixRising05
    -The plane is in a nosedive. Shane and John try to help the pilot but he alerts them to help everyone get life vests on. John and Shane tell everyone to prepare for a crash landing and to get their life vests on. They all begin to pray as the plane hits the water and is torn apart on impact sending everyone flying out of the plane.
    -Stefano and Andre are told that the plane went done are pleased. "Just as I planned. Now all our guests need to just get here and the party will begin, " Stefano says. Andre and him smoke cigars and await the arrival of all their guests, including Patrick and Tek. Andre reminds Stefano about Marlena. He says she is still in Salem and he doesn't want her on the island yet-not until he executes his plants for revenge first. He doesn't need her little plans getting in the way.
    -Tek and Patrick's boat arrives on the island. Bart, who has security teams looking all over for Carrie on the island, greets them and takes them to a cave. He moves a rock, which turns out to be a secret entrance to a underground lair. Bart leads them into a room and asks them to wait there for the boss to see them. They are surprised to see Bart and now figure they are working for an escaped Tony since Stefano is dead. Bart assures them they will soon find out. Tek and Patrick are both worried and anxious and just want to get all this over with.
    -Meanwhile, Marlena is also off the boat and is hiding in a wooded area on the island. She still plans to double cross Stefano and says she just needs to wait for her chance to find his lair and secretly enter it. She now plans to take care of him and his minions first, as well as his secret partner, and then once John and everyone else gets there get the last of her revenge. She avoids some guards and sees them enter a secret tunnel. She decides to wait a bit before going in to make sure she enters undetected. She sees a storm moving her away and decides to enter the tunnel now for cover. She enters it and decides to lay low for a bit for fear of being detected by Stefano and his men.
    -A storm moves in and that means rough seas. John and Shane are holding on to a peice of wreckage. They hope everyone else is ok. The see an island up ahead and figure it is Melaswen. Shane says they need to get to shore and set up a secret base and then find the others, if they are still alive. John agrees. The two men fight the storm and high waves to get to shore.
    -Victor and Maggie hold onto wreckage too. The seas are rough and Maggie's arm is bleeding badly. Victor's uses part of his shirt as a bandage and vows to take care of her and get her to safety. The waves get higher the storm gets worse and Victor struggles to hold her and himself above water.
    -Nicole and Greta struggle to stay afloat. Greta can't swim and needs rescuing, Nicole rescues her and says she remembers Eric saying that she couldn't swin. He learned that when he went to Paris with her. Greta says Eric had to save her then and admits she is shocked Nicole saved her now. Nicole says to never mention it and Greta sarcastically says that Nicole has a heart. They grab onto wreckage and fight the storm and waves to look for Eric. They see a body floating-it's Eric. They grab hold of him and realize he is not breathing. Nicole does mouth to mouth and he comes to. He says he was swimming one minute and just passed out. Nicole and Great ask why he passed out. Eric says he must have hit his head during the crash-he hit his head before coming back to Salem too so maybe he has another concussion. Nicole and Greta worry and don't buy it. They all hold onto to the wreckage and battle the storm and high waves.
    -Belle, Bonnie, and Celeste all make their way to shore. A drunk Bonnie thanks Belle for saving her. Belle says she is a good swimmer so it's no big deal. Celeste thanks Belle for helping her to but is worried about Lexie and everyone else. She knew the danger was great but she never knew they would be thrown into something like this this quick. She warns more danger is ahead as Belle and Celeste hope for the best for everyone else as Bonnie drinks away from her flask.
    -Sami and Lexie swim to some wreckage and grab hold. The begin to bicker and dream about each other dying and not being able to explose the other. The storm and waves get worse and they struggle to hang on. Lexie then sees a shark but Sami won't beleive her. She turns around and sees it coming right for them.
    -Hope sees a struggling Chelsea fighting to stay afloat. Hope swims to her and tries to help her but Chelsea won't take her help. Hope says she though Chelsea could swin. Chelsea says her leg is bleeding and hurts real bad. Hope grabs hold of debris and begs Chelsea to let her help her. Chelsea begs Hope to let her die and be with her dead family members and friends in heaven. Chelsea then passes out from blood loss. Hope grabs her and hold her up while holding on to the debris. She sees the blood coming from Chelsea's leg and realizes she needs to get her to shore and to some help ASAP. She then sees a shark nearing them and with all the blood from Chelsea's leg it is attracting it even more. Hope begins to swim as fast as she can while pulling Chelsea along but the shark is closing in as the screen then fades to black.
  15. PhoenixRising05
    -The plane has taken off and is on its way to Melaswen. John is talking to Shane about their plan once landing. Shane says they will all need to stick together and head for the center of the island as the nerve center is likely in that vicinity. Meanwhile, back in Salem, we the woman who was watching Shane. She is at the docks and is near the Fancy Face III. She gets on board the boat and takes it out and prepares to sail out. We see on the map she is using that she has an island in the caribbean circled-Melaswen.
    -Lexie and get into an all out catfight after she once again blames Lexie and her family for all this. Belle urges Sami to calm down. Lexie and Sami both remind each other of the blackmail they have on each other. Lexie says it makes no difference now and then remembers Abe's casket being empty and she wonders again if he could be alive. She decides not take any chances and realizes Sami and her are at a stalemate. Sami realizes her secrets can't come out either even despite all the deaths since that would prove those leftover that are alive and well right about her.
    -Lexie asks John and Shane if this could be a repeat again of the Captive Island plot. Celeste wonders if that is what her vision with all the shadows before they left may have meant. Both John and Shane beleive it is highly unlikely as the Dimera's would not go that route again. Lexie reminds them that there is a mysterious partner working with her family and what if that person was somehow the real mastermind behind the Salem Stalker/Melaswen plot and is also behind all this since both plots are connected. John and Shane refuse to speculate and decide to wait and see what they find out on the island.
    -Maggie and Victor talk about Mickey and Caroline, their lost loves. They both agree to stick together and help each other through everything. A strong bond between them is forged.
    -Belle confesses to Hope her feelings for Shawn and tells her how she nearly stopped Shawn and Mimi's wedding. Chelsea hears this and calls Belle a slut. Bonnie is entertained by this as she continues to drink from her flask and watch all the goings on between everyone. Hope defends Belle and says Shawn is the love of Belle's life just kike Bo was her's. That type of love is neverending and if Shawn and Bo were still alive they would no doubt find their way back to the men they love. Chelsea lashes out at Hope and says that she has lost everything and that once she gets her revenge on the Dimera's for what they did she is coming after her. Hope tells Belle she fears that girl is out of control.
    -Both Greta and Nicole separately interrogate Eric on his time away from Salem and why he chose to come back with Nicole in toll. Sami and Belle get in on it too and Eric lashes out at all of them and tells them it is not the time or place to discuss this. John agrees and urges the women to back off Eric and wait until things calm down. They all agree. Greta, Nicole, Sami, and Belle all feel uneasy about Eric's secretive behavior.
    -Sami and John argue about Marlena. She tells Shane to keep John away from her as he will only make things worse. Shane ignores her citing her history and her irrational behavior towards John. John says if he needs to give his life for Marlena he will. Anything to save her. Sami hopes that is true and privately says if wouldn't be a tragedy if it comes to that. Meanwhile, it is revealed that Sami's stalker is also on the plane. He is hiding in the cargo hold and lifts up the door to take a look at her. Sami feels as though she is being watched but things it is only because it is an ISA plane and there are cameras everywhere. This has her worried that somehow her conversation with Lexie was caught on tape. She decides not to worry-if the truth comes out most of those she loved are dead anyway. The stalker then puts the door down and ducks back in the cargo hold.
    -On Melaswen, Andre and Stefano sit and smoke cigars while listening to opera music. A Dimera employee runs in and tells Stefano a plane has shown up on radar. Stefano says, "What a unexpected but welcome surprise. I wasn't expecting more guests this quick. They may be smarted then I thought. I should learn to never underestimate John Black. I just wonder how they figured this out so quickly. No matter. Prepare for their arrival as we originally planned." The employee asks Stefano if he is sure he wants to handle it that way. He agrees and says to go ahead with the plan and then laughs, along with Andre. The employee goes into a control room and says, "It's time." The employee hits a blue button and a small missile is sent at the plane and it makes contact. Everyone on the plane is shaken up and asks what has happened. Celeste warns that the danger has begun and the pilot then alerts everyone that they have been hit by something. The screen then fades to black.
  16. PhoenixRising05
    -Shane arrives at Salem Airport and awaits a taxi to the police station. A mysterious woman watches as he gets in a cab.
    -John and Hope give chase as Marlena races to get away. She heads for the docks.
    -Celeste is following John and Hope along with Bonnie, Chelsea, Maggie, Victor, Belle, Sami, Lexie, Eric, Nicole, and Greta. Celeste reminds them all of her vision and insists they all need to be there with John and Hope as there discovery will lead to all the answers they seek. They all give chase to follow John and Hope.
    -Tek and Patrick wait for the boat at the docks. They see it in sight as it slowly makes its way to the docks. Once it arrives, they board and it prepares for departure. Just then, Marlena sees the boat leaving and sees Tek and Patrick on board. She jumps on just as it begins to move. John and Hope see her jump on and through binoculars John watches as the boat takes off. The name of the boat is "The Vendetta" and John sees Marlena on board it but also sees Patrick and Tek inside the boat's cabin. Celeste and the others arrive just as John tells Hope who is on board with Marlena. Hope and Lexie are shocked as is Belle, who doedn't beleive Mimi's brother would be involved in this. Sami beleives Tek is capable of anything and that Lexie is probably working with him. She tells Sami to shutup as John quiets them both. The harboar master comes over to them and asks what is going on. A frustrated John demands that the harbor master give him answers this time. He wants info on this boat named "The Vendetta" as John beleives this may be one of the boats involved in the drug operations. The harbormaster becomes difficult but Shane shows up and orders him to tell everything he knows or face prosecution as both him and John are ISA and Hope is a cop. Shane says the station told him where they all were. Everyone joyfully greets him and welcomes him home. The harbormaster agrees to talk after John and Shane vow to protect him and his family from Dimera retaliation.
    -Sami continues to be watched by her stalker from a distance. Shane is also being watched by the mysterious woman who was watching him at the airport.
    -John calls the worker who helped him and Hope from the water treatment plant to come down to give more info. Shane informs everyone that Melaswen is most likely involved as there has been movement in the Dimera organization and ISA intel has tracked "Tony" to Melaswen. It is likely with Stefano dead for sure he has taken over the empire. Shane also confirms that Tek and Patrick are Dimera employees. He just discovered this now through a spy in a former Dimera run area and was told both were working under Stefano and were blackmailed by way of things in their past. They were both paid money and given special benefits. In Tek's case, Stefano helped put him through police academy and provided what was needed to get him into the ISA. Stefano saw this as a benefit having someone inside the ISA. That is why Tek left so many women as he was always moved based on assignment from Stefano. He needed money to take care of his mother, who was ill and crippled. His father was deceased. As for Patrick, he was always a con and it was easy for him to accept employment from Stefano at first. Stefano provided him with financial help which is how he kept going all these years after leaving home. They still don't why he left home or what Stefano has on both men. They do know once Patrick grew to like those in Salem like Hope, Jennifer, Billie, etc things got difficult and that is why he has changed sides so much. He is conflicted and both men want out now. With Stefano gone and them probably working for "Tony," they figure it is the best time but it seems they will never be out of the organization as long as someone is heading it and knows about their pasts. Hope and Lexie can't beleive they were decieved by the men. Celeste comforts Lexie as John does to Hope. Bonnie is devestated her son works for the Dimera's and Chelsea is shocked about Patrick as well.
    -The man from the water treatment plant arrives and John and Shane begin to interrogate him and the harbormaster about "The Vendetta." Both men give the same info-it is the main boat involved in transporting the drugs used in the water supply back and forth. John asks the harbormaster where all the other drugs go that aren't dumped in the water supply. The harbormaster says they are taken to an island in the caribbean owned by the Dimera's. The drugs orginally are made by a company in Europe that flies under the radar. The worker from the water treatment plant says that the Dimera's keep the identity of that company and their mysterious partner in all this a secret, as well as all the employees who assist the Dimera's and work for their mysterious partner. The harbormaster beleives the Dimera's may be the overall mastermind in this plot or in the plot back in 2003-2004. This stuns everyone. Shane calls an officer and makes arrangements for both men and their families to be put into protective custody. Before the men leave, John asks the name of the island. The men say it is hard to pronounce. John asks if it is Melaswen. The men agree that is it and they are taken off for protection. John and everyone else now sees everything being pieced together as Marlena gave them the break they were looking for.
    -Meanwhile, on the boat, Patrick and Tek are awaiting arrival on the island to meet their boss. They still are unaware it is Stefano or that Marlena is on the ship. They are also unaware that they were spotted on the ship. Marlena watches them and appears happy. "They saw me and now my beloved John and that pathetic Hope-less will lead all those fools into my trap. Funny-good ole Steffy thinks it's his trap since he believes he is control. Well, he's not and once they all arrive on the island I will destroy him and his legacy too just like he destroyed my life. I will now get my revenge on the Dimera's and everyone in Salem who has wronged me and no one can stop me. I have those two idiots to thank for this since the boat came to get them and everyone saw me get on with them and now they will walk into a trap I never even planned," she says coldly and then begins to laugh in an evil way as she watches Patrick and Tek worry about what may be ahead.
    -John and Shane realize they need to get to Melaswen to find the answers they need. Hope and the others want go too. Both Shane and John insist it is too dangerous. Hope reminds John that they all need to stick together and are a team in this. John, realizing he has no choice, agrees to let them come with but they all need to unite and work together no matter what the differences. Celeste then has a vision of several shadows of different people on an island sitting around in what looks like the Brady Pub and they seem like they are waiting for someone or something. Then there is a loug BANG and fire and agonizing screams. Celeste tells everyone of this vision and it intrigues everyone. Celeste warns that they journey will be one of great discovery, one of joy, and also one of loss and life changing events. John says that regardless of what is going to happen they need to go and they need to go now. Victor reminds everyone that his security team and Nico will take care of the kids. John tells everyone to go pack and a specialized ISA jet will be fueled and ready to go to take them to the island. Everyone leaves to pack and Shane makes plants for the jet as John says, "I'm coming Doc. I just hope it isn't too late to save you and to end all this...once and for all." The screen then fades to black.
  17. PhoenixRising05
    Previews and Teasers for Week of June 26, 2006

    -John and Hope chase after Marlena, who leads them to the key to getting the answers they seek.
    -Celeste has a strange vision.
    -Maggie and Victor forge a bond.
    -Salemites experience rough skies on their search for answers.
    -Fate forces enemies to work together to survive.
    -Sami feels like she is being watched.
    -Carrie's condition worsens.
    -Tek and Patrick meet their boss.
    -Marlena plots to double cross Andre and Stefano.
    -A HUGE TWIST changes everything.


    Monday June 26: Shane returns as a mysterious woman watches from a distance. Meanwhile, Marlena gives John and Hope the break they needed.

    Wednesday June 28, 2006: The plane headed for Stefano's island crashes forcing unlikely alliances to be forged in order to survive.


    NEXT WEEK!!!

    Carrie goes over the edge and is rescued by a shocking face from the past. Belle comes face to face with Marlena. Hope and Chelsea fight for survival. One of the biggest twists in Days history occurs on July 5, 2006 as Stefano is part of a shocking revelation.
  18. PhoenixRising05

    Fans learned on the June 23 episode that Carrie Brady (Christie Clark) is veru much alive and still very pregnant. Rumors are circulating that she isn't the only one and that fans should make the episode on Friday June 30 a MUST SEE as a big twist will occur that day. Could this just be Captive Island Round Two?

    Also on June 23, Fans learned that Tony is really Andre. How did all this take place? Fans will have to keep tuning in as the truth behind this and many other mysterious happenings won't be revealed just yet.
  19. PhoenixRising05
    -Alex/Stefano calls Tek and Patrick, who are still looking for Marlena. He orders them to go to the docks and await the arrival of a boat that will take them to meet him. It is time for them to meet who they have been talking too. Tek and Patrick are happy they are being taken away from searching for the demented Marlena. Meanwhile, Stefano snickers and laughs at the fact that those two idiots don't know they are still working for him unknowingly.
    -Marlena is now outside the police station. She peers through a window and sees John talking to all those assembled at the station. She sarcastingly praises them all for figuring some parts of the "mystery" out but says there is no way they will stop her plot for revenge. Marlena says she will sacrifice Stefano if need be since his only use to her is his assistance in destroying those who wronged her. "Stefano is not in control. I am and once his purpose to me has been fulfilled, he will face my wrath as well," she says coldly.
    -John calls the ISA and is told Shane is on his way. Hope and John both inform everyone they need to wait for his arrival and until they get more info before acting on anything since it seems the Dimeras are involved.
    -Lexie reminds everyone about Melaswen being in her name in terms of ownership since it was property of the Dimera's. Lexie wonders if that somehow plays a part in all this and maybe that is where the ships are taking the drug shipments that were not dumped in the water supply or maybe that is where they are coming from? John isn't sure since the harbormaster said nothing but anything is possible since this all goes back to that time period. Lexie asks John to contact any source he has who can help them determine whether Melaswen was completely destroyed after the captives escaped. John tells Lexie that since she is a Dimera she may be able to use Dimera employees to help. She just needs to make sure no one gets tipped off, especially Tony since he is out there. Lexie makes some calls, as does John.
    -Maggie asks Victor if maybe some of his underworld contacts will help. Victor agrees to try and goes off to make a few calls.
    -Hope reaches out to Chelsea and tells her despite everything she feels really sorry for her. She says that Zach now has is daddy and big brother up there in heaven with him. Chelsea lashes out at Hope and claims that she is happy Billie and Bo got punished for hurting her. Hope defends herself but calls Chelsea a lost cause. Great goes over to talk to Chelsea and says that Hope is a kind, gentle woman and that Chelsea should be lucky she was reaching out to her despite everything with Zach. Chelsea tells Greta to stay out of her face and walks off. Greta comments on how no one can get through to that girl. Hope agrees.
    -Nicole asks Eric about what he did before they met up in Salem. He hasn't said a word about it since they have been back. Eric says they will talk once things calm down and goes over to help John. Nicole wonders what he is hiding and questions Sami about Eric. Sami says he did photography assignments in places like Africa, Paris, etc but other then that she knows nothing. He visited their grandparents in Colorado alot. Sami, Nicole, and Greta (who overhears them talking) are very worried about him.
    -Sami and Lexie nearly come to blows after Sami blames Lexie and her family for destroying everyone's lives. Sami claims that Lexie may be a spy and telling Tony everything right now. Lexie lunges for her and is stopped by Hope. Lexie reminds Sami that she had a blossoming relationship with Tony at one point and also reminds Sami of her work for Tony as Stan. Sami clams up.
    -Bonnie continues to drink away and asks Celeste if she senses anything else. Celeste feels the evil nearby (Marlena watching them) and feels that the answers they seek will begin to be discovered very soon. Bonnie rolls her eyes and goes back to drinking (and watching and cheering on the Sami/Lexie fight which happens at this time).
    -Victor and John come up with nothing but Lexie manages to get a Dimera employee to tell her that there was some rebuilding done on Melaswen a few months after the volcano eruption. This piques everyone's interests as they wonder if that could play a role in the drug operations and everything else. John goes outside to get some air while waiting for Shane to arrive. Hope goes with him.
    -Tek and Patrick wait at the docks for the boat to take them from Salem. They are nervous and hope not to get caught by anyone. They are anxious to meet their boss. Patrick comments on how so far he seems even worse then Stefano as whoever their boss is continues the trend of holding their lives and pasts over their heads (not knowing they are still working for a very much alive Stefano).
    -Back at the police station, Celeste yells out and gets everyone's attention. She says she has had a vision. John and Hope are close to unlocking pandora's box. No one knows what she means. Celeste then runs out to find John and Hope as all the others follow. While Sami runs out, we see her and Carrie's stalker once again appear and continue to follow her.
    -John and Hope look up at the stars and ask all their late loved ones to them figure this all out. Marlena is nearby and watching them and realizes she better get away before being seen. She needs to lay low before putting the rest of her plant in motion. As she moves to get away, John catches a glimpse of her and yells out, "Doc?!!!"
    -Meanwhile, on a island somewhere, Stefano is sitting in his study listening to opera when he gets word from Bart that a few of the prisoners have made their way outside the secured area. Stefano says to send people out to take care of it and make sure no one reaches the outer areas of the island. There is something there no one can see. He is then alerted by another henchmen that who he asked for has arrived. Just then, Tony walks in. Stefano says, "Ah...ANDRE. How good to see you again after so long!!!" Andre looks on gleefully and shakes Stefano's hand and says, "Long time no see. It is so good to the familiar face of my uncle yet again." They both laugh and smoke cigars as the opera music blares through the room.
    -At this same time, somewhere on the very same island, we see Bart leading a team of masked men dressed in black (wearing the same uniforms of those who worked on Captive Island in 2004) with a palm tree on their sleeve. Bart orders them to find those who have left the secured area so that the boss doesn't have their heads. Nearby, we see a woman watching them. She begins to run away but then hunches over in pain trying not to scream for fear of being heard. When she tries to get up, her face is revealed and the woman is ...CARRIE BRADY who is alive but in a good deal of pain. She fears for her baby and says she needs to get away so she slowly continues on her way as Bart and the guards near. The screen the fades to black.
  20. PhoenixRising05

    Show insiders have comfirmed that Thaao Penghlis is back as Tony. He will turn up on the Friday June, 23, 2006 episode and will be a pivotal part of story this summer. However, some insiders beleive that Tony will be revealed to be Andre as a way to redeem the character of Tony after the last few years of character destruction. Fans should tune in June 23 to see what is in store.

    In addition, word is the mysterious someone who appears with Shane (Charles Shaughnessy) when he turns up next week is a female. Expect this to be a familiar face whose identity will be revealed sometime this summer.

    Rumors are also circulating that Days is trying to land a major star back for a few shows for a huge reveal that will shake up the whole show. It has also been confirmed that two faces from the past will be revealed as part of the show's Wimbledon cliffhanger on Wednesday July 5, 2006. One of the faces belongs to the mystery man that has been stalking Sami and was stalking Carrie prior to her demise and the other is said to be a part of the mastermind plot.

    Rumors are also circulating that not all of the cast casualities in recent weeks are permanent. Word is that some if not most are still alive and that the show is indeed retelling the Captive Island story and is filling in all the plot holes left behind aftet it flopped. Expect a few huge twists on the June 23 episode and HUGE ONE ON THE JUNE 30 EPISODE. Is it possible that they may ALL be alive again? Fans should tune in over the next two weeks to see what is real and what is not as this is just the beginning of HOT SUMMER DAYS!!!
  21. PhoenixRising05
    -Victor and Maggie are at the airport with Greta. John has sent them to check out where Jack found the car rigged to crash. Greta points out where they found it and the three begin to interview airport employees and workers. Maggie and Victor talk about the loss of the people they love as they comfort and support each other.
    -At the police station, Chelsea waits with Sami, Belle, Lexie, Bonnie, Celeste, Eric, and Nicole. Sami can't beleive Will and the other children are at Victor's mansion being guarded by Victor's security personal and the Salem police. Lexie insists it was the best way to keep all of them safe since there is no telling what this mastermind would do. Sami comments on how Lexie's family is probably behind it so she should know what they are up to. Lexie lunges for Sami but Celeste stops her. Belle tells Sami to back off as does Eric. Nicole claims Sami doesn't know how to back off and Sami gets mad and lunges at her. Eric reminds all of them of the deal they all made-they need to all get along enemies or friends. They all need each other to piece this whole thing together. Everyone agrees to behave better. A nervous Bonnie takes out a cigarette which annoys everyone. Nicole asks her to put it out as does Sami and soon everyone else. Bonnie throws a fit and takes out a flask and downs its contents.
    -John and Hope go through some files at the docks. They are trying to track the drug shipments that will thrown into the water supply since 2003 and are using the one Victor was forced to orchestrate to trace everything. They find it odd that the harbor master was unable to provide any info. John says he is probably being paid off by the Dimera's or whoever is responsible since he seemed rather nervous during questioning and has been MIA since Hope and him began searching through ship logs and the like. John and Hope are unable to find any info so they head to the Salem water treatment plant for information.
    -Chelsea asks Bonnie if she has anymore of what she is drinking in that flask. She has lost everything and needs something to get her through this. Bonnie takes out another flask and says she does not share unless it is a hunk of a man with abs of steel. Chelsea walks away. Belle and Lexie try to reach out to her but she refuses and tells them both to back off. She tells Lexie that the Dimera's have screwed up her life and her family's lives enough and that if they are responsible for this she will make sure they pay. Belle tells Lexie she knows that it isn't her fault even if the Dimera's are responsible. Lexie says she knows how her family operates-she acted like a Dimera before. She knows they are responsible in some way-it just fits. She continues to wonder where Tek is at and about Abe's empty coffin.
    -Eric tells Nicole he will do whatever it takes to avenge the deaths of his family and friends and claims he has nothing to lose. Nicole asks what he means by that. Eric says nothing and answers no further as Nicole remains suspicious.
    -Chelsea and Sami bump into each other on accident and end up in a fight when she calls her a slut. Eric breaks it up and reminds everyone again to get along. Lexie blames Sami for always stirring up trouble. Eric tells everyone to cut it out and just behave. Lexie and Sami give each other the stare down.
    -Celeste isolates herself from everyone. Bonnie, still drinking, walks over and asks if she senses something. Celeste says she hasn't in awhile but she knows the danger is great and that the worst may be yet to come.
    -Maggie, Victor, and Greta come across nothing. Nico arrives and tells Victor that airport security has camera footage of something suspicious. They visit the airport security department and watch the video. They see a man dressed like an airport employee pull up in the car and pretend to drop his wallet under the car. He seems to be reaching under the car for it for quite some time and picks it up and then walks away from the car, leaving it open and out where someone could easily see the door open with keys hanging in the ignition. Jack and Greta enter the picture seconds later and the man is nearby watching as Jack jumps into the open car with Greta in toll. Victor admits the man looks familiar. Nico says the same but neither can place him. Victor asks if he can take this video with him citing it is for an ISA investigation headed by Shane Donovon and John Black. He is given permission and they head for the police station. Victor tells Nico to stay at the mansion and monitor the security of the children. They are to be kept safe at all costs.
    -John and Hope are upset when no one at the plant is able to help them. They check with security and a furious John finally snaps when he notices how secretive the security guard is being. John grabs him and tells him if he knows anything he better be out with it or he may just need a new face. The guard admits he can help but is afraid. He adds that those responsible have taken great steps to cover everything up. John says he will make sure that no one comes after him or his family if he tells them what he knows. The guard says he has footage and shows him camera footage of men dressed in black dumping drugs into the water supply. The guard says there is alot of footage but all of it but this video was confistgated by those behind all this. This tape is all he has because he kept it just in case he could ever turn it in for some reason and bust them. John asks who is behind it all. The guard says the most recent dumping was done by mostly men hired by Victor Kiriakis. John says he is aware of that. The guard says that some were not working for Victor but were planted amidst Victor's hired hands to make sure everythign went smoothly. John and Hope remember what Victor said about Chelsea's rape and Josh's death and those that did it killing themselves when caught by Nico and realize those must be the men the guard is talking about. The guard says all other times before the hired hands were not Victor's but a mixture of employees from two crime organizations. One is unknown as they have taken great lengths to remain that way as it appears and the other is a well done crime conglomerate in Salem and worldwide. They appear to know the details and identity of the other organization but won't tell or even hint at it. John and Hope ask the guard about the crime organization involved he does know about. The guard says he will tell them.
    -Maggie, Victor, and Greta arrive back at the station and share what they discovered at the airport. Victor then overhears a police officer talking about a major development that may affect the investigation John, Hope, and Shane are working on. Victor demands to know what it is. John walks in with Hope and says he already knows. It's Tony Dimera-he has escaped from solitary confinement and is on the run. The person they found in the cell was not Tony and they don't even know when the switch was made or if Tony was ever there. John says there wasn't even any camera footage to show when he escaped or anything so they covered that up but John mentions what Hope and him discovered, including the camera footage from the plant. Victor relays what he and Maggie, Greta, and Nico learned too. John says one of the orgnanization behind the drug dumping is unknown but the other is the Dimera organization. John says they are disguising the boxes the drugs are in. Everyone is not surprised as John says, "All this means only one thing-the Dimera's are behind this." Victor says that is why he must have recognized the man at the airport in the footage-he probably saw him work for Stefano or Tony at some point. Lexie looks on as Hope comforts her and says it isn't her fault. Chelsea claims it is and so does sami but Hope tells them both to back off. Celeste says she feels the Dimera presence and she feels evil is closing in. She says they need to figure everything else and stop them before it is too late. Everyone looks on worried and promising to stop the Dimera's and avenge the deaths of friends and family as John vows to stop them too and help Marlena-no matter what it takes. The screen then fades to black.
  22. PhoenixRising05

    As previously reported, 6 more exits were expected at Days this week. 4 were expected on the Monday June, 19, 2006 episode and two more reportedly happen tomarrow. Here is the latest exits that occured on the June 19, 2006 episode:

    Alice Horton (Francis Reid): Quite possibly the most shocking death/exit of all. The actress had been "killed" off in 2004 by her very own donuts but was revealed alive like many other beloved characters in the SSK plot. This time, however, she met her maker for real by poisoned coffee. Insiders report she will still make appearances on holidays and the like as a angel. Reid took the news in stride and was happy to still be a part of the show in some capacity. Reid was the last original cast member and began her run on the show 40 years ago with the show's first episode in 1965.

    Mickey Horton (John Clarke): The actor, who returned in May for a limited run to tie up loose ends after John Ingle (who replaced Clarke in the role) left, is out. The show decided to write out the character permanently and brought Clarke back to close things out. It is said that this is also being done to free up the character of Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) for a new storyline in the works. Clarke retired from the show previously in 2004 and the character of Mickey has been a presence on the show since it began in 1965.

    Max Brady (Darin Brooks): This exit came as a shock as the actor was well-received and well-liked. He was also in a relationship with Chelsea Brady (Rachel Melvin). It is not known why Brooks was axed other then show insiders maintaining they want to focus on a much smaller cast.

    Philip Kiriakis (Kyle Brandt): This exit was expect as Bradnt had announced his exit a few weeks ago. It is shocking nonetheless as many thought the show may bring back Jay Johnson to reprise the role or recast the role yet again since the character is embroiled in the Cliare paternity story. However, two of the major players in that story (Shawn and Mimi Brady) are already out so that may have played a role in killing the character off. It is said this will lead to major story for Belle (Martha Madison) and Victor (John Aniston). Brandt's voice was last heard on the phone with Victor on the June 16, 2006 episode as that was his last official airdate.

    Fans should expect two exits tomarrow to wind down the end of the casting exodus. Now the question is why keep who is left? What happens to who is left? Who may return? All those questions and more will be answered soon. Show insiders assure fans to just hang in there as their patience will be rewarded.
  23. PhoenixRising05

    Days started it's HOT SUMMER DAYS with a bang on Tuesday June 20 and Wednesday June 21. Peggy McKay and Frank Parker were the final two cast members cut from Days. They join the many vets and stars-21 to be exact-to be axed. This does not include Brock Pierce (Josh) who was written out but not as a part of cast purging. Parker last aired on June 20 and McKay on June 21.

    In other news, Days is bringing back one of it's biggest stars. Charles Shaughnessy (Shawn Donovan) is returning to the show. He has already begun taping and will first air June 26. The return is short term and expected to last through August. Shane will aid the residents of Salem in their major investigation. Expect to see a mysterious someone turn up with Shane when he is first seen.

    Wayne Northrup is also back as Stefano Dimera. When last seen, Alex had just been revealed to be Stefano and it was beleived that he was killed along with Abe Carver (James Reynolds). Fans learned on June 21 that he is alive and well and has Tek, Patrick, and Marlena in his web of deceit. Might he be the mastermind?

  24. PhoenixRising05
    -Everyone learns that Caroline was poisoned by the same drug used to kill Alice. John says all these deaths were setup in one way or another and are all connected. If this goes back to 2003 with the Salem Stalker and the fact Marlena is off killing people, John is sure the Dimeras are involved. He calls the ISA.
    -Victor says an emotional goodbye to Caroline, calling her the great love of his life. Sami, Eric, John, Hope, Belle, and Maggie all say goodbye. Maggie tells Victor she knows how he feels. She lost Mickey too. They comfort each other.
    -Lexie asks Celeste if she has sensed anything else. Celeste just says the danger is great and that they need to get this all figured out before tragedy strikes again. Bonnie freaks and wonders when it will all stop. She vows to avenge her Mimi and wonders where Patrick is. Hope wonders the same and Lexie wonders what happened to Tek too. They never could find them on Morgan Island. Hope wonders if Bo was right and Patrick worked for the Dimeras and he helped plan all of this. Lexie wonders if Tek had a hand in this too.
    -Meanwhile, Patrick and Tek are now in Salem looking for Marlena. Tek calls someone on the phone and says Marlena is out of control and that he and Patrick want out of all this. They never signed on for this. Tek hangs up and tells Patrick the boss won't let them out. If they don't follow orders, they are dead themselves either through revealing their pasts or through actual death. Tek and Patrick both agree that this is all too much. They never signed on to see all this death and they can't beleive that their boss is behind this and is letting Marlena do what she wants because it just goes along with what he wants. Tek regrets helping to brainwash Marlena on the island but says he was only following Stefano's'Alex's orders before he died. It was his last ditch effort to get revenge on John and Marlena and have Marlena but then Marlena went and killed him and is now killing anyone she can and Tek thinks his mind control tactic was what put her over the edge as she has been through alot in her life and has been brainwashed and mind controlled too many times. It was too much and his ISA tactic may have been too much for her on top of all that. Patrick wonders why they are letting themselves be forced to work for this boss. They have never seen him. Tek warns that if this guy is letting Marlena run amok and is enjoying it then he is even sicker then her. Tek also warns that based on the last time they seen Marlena (when she caught them trying to run from her and everyone else on Morgan Island) she is more out of control then they though. They, or anyone else, may never be able to stop her or control her. Patrick admits he was scared when she faced off with them at the marina on the island. Tek says they are lucky she just took their boat and ran off because she was on a mission to get to Salem and kill even more beloved Salemites. Tek says there is no telling what Marlena or their boss has in store next.
    -Marlena watches everyone at the hospital and says, "It is time to go before I am seen. I have done enough here for now. Time to hide for awhile and plan for my next victim." She runs off.
    -Sami asks Eric why he came back and is back with Nicole. Nicole and Sami come to blows when Sami says she isn't right for Eric and that sami was not right for Austin or Lucas. Eric begs them to get along. Sami asks how Highstyle in LA is doing. Nicole says good but with Austin gone who knows. Nicole says she really cared about him. Sami says the same about him too and about Lucas. Greta comes over and agrees about Austin and says she liked Lucas too and Billie. They have lost so much. Sami and Greta are both shocked to see Nicole showing emotion over Austin.
    -Sami again asks Eric about why he returned. Eric says he needed to be with his family and just felt like being home. He admits it may have been a feeling as look what has happened. He walks away as Sami doesn't but it. Greta and Nicole say the same thing and wonder why he came back with Nicole in toll.
    -John tells everyone he has enlisted Shawn and the ISA's help. Shane is coming to Salem to aid the investigation. Everyone admits they want in and want to help no matter what it takes. John thinks the pros and police should handle it but Victor tells John they have all lost too much. They all want to be a part of this. Maggie agrees and says they all need to unite together-both enemies and friends. There has been too much loss and together with all differences aside maybe they can get to the bottom of this. John doesn't fight it anymore and agrees and makes everyone promise to behave and to forget about the past and just focus on finding out who is behind everything and getting to the bottom of all this. John, Maggie, and Victor agree. Victor and Nicole look at each other as Nicole looks at Greta, Sami, and Eric and agrees. Sami looks at Lexie and John and still agrees. Belle agrees. Celeste and Bonnie agree. Hope looks at Chelsea and agrees. John reminds them all they need to stick together and protect one another. This is a great test and this is for all they have lost-including those they loved. The fact that Marlena is involved too means alot and they need to be prepared for what is ahead. Everyone agrees as John says to himself, "I am going to try to save you Doc. I just hope it's not too late for you to be saved."
    -Meanwhile, Marlena is on the pier and her phone rings. She answers, "Well, if it isn't the man who thinks he is my boss. Don't you know by now no one controls me anymore?" She then tells the caller, "Don't worry. Those that you wanted dead are. You are just lucky who you wanted dead I wanted dead because your orders mean nothing. I am only doing this for me and your help is making things much more convenient." She then thanks him for the Salem Stalker mask and comments on how this time these deaths are for real. She then says, "I can assure you there is more death to come but not now. I must wait and lure them in and your plan to trap them is perfect just as long as you let me finish off who I have to or there is no deal. This whole thing is for me not for you. " She then says she won't let his other employees, Tek and Patrick, stop her and doesn't understand why he has sent them after her. "Those two are a nuisance and why you are using them is pointless. They just get in the way and if they ruin my plans I will dispose of them too. You are helping me but this is about me and if those two get in my way your help be damned those two will be dead. I have been wronged for the last time and no one controls me anymore-least of all you STEFANO." The camera then pans up to show Stefano/Alex on the phone talking to Marlena as he says, "I understand. If you do see Tek and Patrick make sure they don't know they are still working for me. I don't want them to know that just yet." Marlena agrees and says, "Just as long as you let me do what I have to do and keep them out of my hair." She hangs up and Stefano/Alex laughs and says, "Just as long as your own plans go along with mine, my dear, you can do whatever you want. Once you do everything I am using you to do, you will be mine and I will have had my revenge." Stefano then plays some opera music and smokes a cigar and laughs as the screen fades out.
  25. PhoenixRising05
    -Maggie goes in to say goodbye to Mickey. We see flashbacks of them together. Mickey is taken to the morgue.
    -Maggie comes out to find everyone in chaos over Shawn Sr collapsing. The doctors try to revive him but he dies. Victor comforts Caroline. Caroline knows it was just too much for him to handle. Eric blames Victor for his grandfather's death since he always has caused trouble. Victor blames himself too but Caroline reminds everyone that he found out about Frankie and Max and that likely put strain on him and his heart. The doctor confirms his heart gave out. Maggie and Caroline embrace and mourn their husbands.
    -Eric tells Nicole how much his family needs him now. He is glad he is there. When he leaves her. Nicole wonders why he wanted back to Salem in the first place. Greta overhears and wonders herself.
    -Celeste tells Bonnie she fears one more death tonight. Bonnie is worried as is everyone else.
    -John. Hope, Sami, Lexie, and Belle arrive outside the hospital. They all hope they have the strength to tell everyone what has happened. They have heard about what happened at Jennifer and Frankie's wedding and are hoping that everything is alright. They enter and are reunited with everyone there. Sami, Belle, and John are shocked to see Eric and they all reunite. Hope, John,Sami, Belle, and Lexie learn about all the deaths in Salem. Hope is devestated and can't beleive all she has lost. She accidentally blurts out that Bo and Shawn are dead. John reminds Hope that is not how to tell everyone. John then tells everyone about Bilie, Carrie, Austin, Lucas, Roman, Kate, and Mimi being dead. Chelsea is devestated and refuses comfort from anyone. She blames Hope and says she did this to her mom and dad. She just needed to stay out of their business. Hope says she couldn't save them. Chelsea says the wrong people died again and the bitch lived to see another day. Hope is stunned by those words. Hope and Caroline comfort each other over all the deaths they have been through. Sami and John comfort Caroline over Shawn Sr' s death. Caroline is distraught over all the losses in her family. She begins to feel faint. Victor gets her water. While gone, Victor breaks down in tears over losing Bo, Shawn and Philip and vows to avenge them. He is even upset about Austin and Lucas as he felt they were like sons. He vows to find this mastermind and get revenge. He brings Caroline the water which she sets down next to her. Victor informs John, Hope, Lexie, Belle, and Sami about what Nico and him discovered. John admits that Marlena was the one who blew up the plane and killed Abe and Alex/Stefano. John says he thinks Tony may be behind this as Stefano is now dead. Lexie mentions how Abe's coffin was empty as John says they will look into that. Everyone is stunned about Marlena. Chelsea says she will kill that bitch. Caroline reminds them all about forgiveness. John says Marlena is sick and he wonder if Tony or some other Dimera is controlling her again.
    -Meanwhile, nearby, Marlena watches and says, "You wish someone was controlling me. Not anymore. You all will pay for everything."
    -Belle is devestated over Philip's death as Victor tells her and everyone else that he must have been near Salem. They were led to Morgan Island as a trap. The mastermind made sure Victor didn't let them know by using Philip and threatening him. Belle is comforted by John and Sami.
    -Eric and Sami are with John and support Marlena. They tell everyone they need to find Marlena and get her help. Bonnie says they need to lynch her as she keeps killing everyone-this time for real. Lexie even admits it is hard to forget what Marlena has done this time. John urges them to remember the Marlena they all love-not the one who has snapped due to mind control and brainwashing over the years. Celeste warns everyone that it is not over-it is only just beginning. One more will die tonight and great danger lies ahead for those left behind. Just then, Maggie gets a phone call from the mastermind/mysterious caller. Maggie reminds everyone it is the same person who called before as Victor reminds everyone that is the person who talked to him. The mastermind tells Maggie that a wife will soon be reunited with her husband and family. Maggie wonders if she is marked for death and she relays the message sent by the mastermind after he hangs up on her. At that moment, Caroline clutches her chest and collapses. A doctor rushes out and pronounces her dead due to poison. Everyone is stunned. Victor holds Caroline in his arms and says the bastard will pay. Eric and Sami comfort each other and John and Hope do so as well commenting on how great she was. John helps Victor up and both of them together vow to avenge all the deaths and to get to the bottom of everything. Celeste, Bonnie, Lexie, Sami, Eric, Greta, Maggie, a reluctant Nicole who only goes along with Eric, Hope, Belle, and even Chelsea all agree to join up and put aside differences. Celeste says they need to hurry and put everything together because the danger is great and more death may be on the way.
    -Marlena laughs as she watches and says, "Your horror is just beginning!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
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