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Blog Entries posted by PhoenixRising05

  1. PhoenixRising05
    -Abby and Chelsea arrive home from a day of Halloween shopping. Chelsea looks inside the house and, after making sure Jack is not there, she and Chelsea run up the stairs to Abby's bedroom. After slamming the door, they pull out all of the clothes they bought. Abby comments about how shocked Jack and everyone else will be when they see her in that. Chelsea agrees but says the whole point is for her not to be seen in it by them, and then both girls laugh. Chelsea decides to get out of the house before Abby’s dad and Billie show up. They tell each other bye and that they will meet at the party later. Chelsea runs downstairs and out the back door, just as Jack and Billie are coming in the front door.

    -Billie and Jack discuss what she is going to do about Chelsea. Billie tells Jack that her and Bo have tried their best, but Chelsea won’t listen. Jack tells her he doesn’t know how Chelsea could listen to Bo. Bo is telling Chelsea “Look. Start acting like and adult, and not like some spoiled brat. And now if you’ll excuse me, I have a mafia war to plan out with my underworld father and his henchmen.” No wonder Chelsea isn’t listening, even though she should. Billie asks about Abby. Jack tells Billie that’s all about Jennifer. After the four times he died, Jack tells Billie he now knows how hard it is to raise a child by yourself. After Billie chuckles, she agrees, but also tells Jack to hang in there Abby will turn herself around. She’s nothing like Chelsea. Jack hopes that his friendship with Billie doesn't cause further problems for both their families. Billie says it won't as long as Laura stays out of it and Jack vows to make sure that happens. They call out for Chelsea and Abby but no on answers. Jack says he will go look out back and, right after he leaves, Abby races down having heard the back door slam and thinking everyone was gone. Billie sees her and is stunned to see her dressed in something Chelsea would wear to one of her parties. She asks Abby what she thinks she is doing and says she is shocked to see her dressed like that. Abby asks Billie what she thinks she is going to do about it. Billie responds that she is going to tell her father.

    -Alan is still reeling from his admission of what his father did to his mother when he was a child. Carrie can’t believe it. She just cannot believe that his father was such a monster. She tells Alan that she knows about monsters. Stefano DiMera is her personal monster. Alan says because of everything he has done to her family. Carrie says yes, especially her father. To strip him of everything was just horrible for someone to do. The same type of pain Alan is feeling right now. Carrie tells Alan that she sympathizes with him and what he has to endure all of his life. She asks him if these are the demons that he has also been wrestling with in prison. He says he doesn’t want to talk about his time behind bars right now, but answers there are plenty. These are the very same demons. He just doesn’t know how to get these nightmares out of his head. Carrie tells him that she wishes her stepmother, Marlena, was here. She could help him with his past, and help him shape a new future. Alan wonders if he can still have a future. Carrie says yes, he can, and has an idea on how about to get that started. Carrie asks Alan if he could do her a huge favor and return to Salem, just to check on her family and see how everyone is doing. She can't because she is mroe recognizable and it is hard for her to get around with her pregnancy. Alan looks at her and then walks near the fireplace. After some thought and fully thinking of the risks, he turns to Carrie and says yes, he can go back home to Salem. It can be two-fold for him. He can finally start putting these demons to rest since he can't live in fear of those he hurt his whole life, and at the same time find out what has been really happening to her family since the island tragedy. Carrie just wonders if he would still like for her to be his companion even after he leaves for Salem. He says yes. He has grown very fond of her, and would not want to lose the only real friend he has ever had. Carrie says then it is settled. She tells Alan to be careful. Alan says he will and, after packing up some things, leaves the cabin for Salem. Carrie wishes him luck and thanks him.

    -Sami meets her brother Eric for lunch. After sitting down and ordering, they catch up on what’s been happening with each other. When Sami presses Eric on why he has been hiding his headaches from her, he lies to her and says that they are not as bad as they seem. Eric tells her it’s more stress than anything else, having to deal with Nicole and all. Nicole overhears his words and comes over to join them. She tells Sami that Eric’s lies about whatever is going on with him has added to the problems in their relationship. Sami looks at both of them, says that she is really not in the mood to get in the middle of all their drama, bids Eric a warm goodbye while rolling her eyes at Nicole, and leaves the two of them alone. While walking away, Sami bumps into Greta, who also observes the fighting going on between the two. After Greta says she doesn’t know what Eric’s problem is, she asks Sami if she is going to the Halloween Ball later that night. Sami says no, she has too much going on to party. Besides, she feels none of her family want to be within two hundred feet of her after what she did. Greta insists that she go, especially since all the proceeds are for charity. Sami takes a few steps past her, thinks for a moment, turns, and tells Greta that yes, she will attend. It may go a long way into showing her loved ones that she is finally starting to change her ways, and is serious about turning over a new leaf. After telling her she needs to hurry and find her costume, she bids Greta a warm farewell and both hurry off.

    -After watching his sister leave, Eric turns to Nicole and demands to know why she decided to just walk up and start running off at her mouth. Nicole tells him that she was just concerned about him, and says she’s sorry for what happened, but he isn’t giving her much room to be civil. Eric says how can he, when she spends all of her time at work and hardly none with him. Nicole tells Eric that he will not push this off on her. He is being a contemptible ass, and needs to stop blaming her for how he is acting. Nicole wonders what is it about Brady children that whenever they do something, it’s never their fault. Eric says that’s not fair. He is nothing like Sami. Nicole says really then what does he call keeping some big secret from her since his return and blaming her for how he’s feeling. Eric sits quietly and says nothing. Nicole says exactly. That’s what she figured. Eric then tells her that the biggest reason why he came back home is because he loved her and wanted her to return to Salem with him. But, Eric now says it is apparent that she never wanted that. Nicole tells Eric that he is wrong. Eric stands, tells her it just doesn’t matter anymore, and leaves Nicole alone near the table. Nicole sits down.....starts to cry softly. Eric runs into Greta outside. Greta can see he is upset and embraces him. She tells him everything is going to be ok, as Nicole looks on from inside and bears witness to their close moment.

    -As Celeste plays with Theo back at Abe’s home, Abe comes in from his day at the cop shop. Abe walks over and picks Theo up, and tells him how much he loves him. Celeste stands up, and, while looking Abe holding his son, turns and walks away. Abe notices that Celeste didn’t say a word. He also notices that Celeste is very sad. Abe ask what is the problem. Celeste turns and faces Abe, telling him she still can’t believe that Alexandra turned her back on her, and told her she is nothing to her now. Abe tells Celeste that Lexie didn’t mean that. She is still stinging from the custody battle for Theo. She’ll calm down, and will be back home soon. Celeste says she doesn’t know about that. She feels Stefano’s influence has finally succeeded in poisoning her mind against her family and friends. Abe puts Theo down, walks towards Celeste, and tells her that he will do what he said he would. He will get Lexie away from Stefano and bring her back home. Celeste tells Abe that he better keep that promise, but she sees tragedy on the horizon. And not just for Alexandra, but for everyone in Salem. That could very well start tonight at the ball as she sees revelations and more pain in the near future. Celeste grabs her coat and tells Abe she will see him at Ball tonight, and leaves him to ponder her words.

    -Lexie is shown at the DiMera Mansion, very upset at having lost her son. Stefano walks in the main parlor, and tells Lexie to not worry. Everyone in Salem will pay dearly for what has happened. Lexie wonders aloud:

    Lexie: Now how will you do that, Stefano? The entire town is poisoned against you for all the things you’ve done to the Hortons and Bradys.
    Stefano: It is of no concern what this wretched town feels. All they need to worry about is the wrath of the DiMera Family. I always keep my promises, my dear.
    Lexie: Really? Then who was that that kept telling me that Theo would be right here? Huh? Who was that? A ghost?!
    Stefano: Watch your tone with me young lady. (Grabbing her by her right arm) Remember who I am, darling. I demand respect from my children, especially when they stay in my house!!
    Lexie: (Yanking her arm away) I’m not Tony! You don’t run me, Father. All you can do give me and everyone else your cryptic words and phrases. That crap isn’t scaring anyone anymore.

    Just then, Cassie comes down the stairs.

    Cassie: What is all the yelling for? I can’t even listen to any music.
    Stefano: (Turning back towards Lexie) Cassie is just one element of what I have planned, my dear. I’m already using her as a link between myself and the Brady family. No one is suspicious. Of what is going on, especially your ex-husband and Roman Brady. He’s too mixed up in this war between me and Victor to see what is happening right underneath his nose. So, like I said, leave all this to me. It is under control.
    Cassie: That’s right, Aunt Lexie. Max is falling for my charms and the Brady's still think of me as family. I have him and the whole family eating out of the palm of my hand. Theo will once again be living with you soon.
    Lexie: And you don’t care about ruining Max’s life?
    Cassie: What should I care? My grandfather is one of the most powerful and dangerous men in the world. I’ll take that over being a member of some poor family like the Bradys any day.
    Stefano: Well spoken, my dear. With what Cassie is doing, coupled with my having Steve and Kayla Johnson being held prisoner, things are working out into our favor.
    Lexie: (With a shocked look) You kidnapped Steve and Kayla?! What is wrong with you?! You want Roman and Bo down on your head, not to mention Jack Deveraux?
    Stefano: (Walking to his desk and picking up the paper) Who cares about any of them? Once I have Roman Brady neutralized, the rest of that family will be lost. Then, I’ll take care of Victor, and Salem will be mine and you will have Theo back. Just remain loyal to your adoring father and listen to what he says and everything will work out to your benefit. (Looking at the Halloween Bash ad) Well, well, well. This is perfect. No better place to observe what is going on than a Halloween party for charity. Get your costumes out, ladies. The DiMeras are stepping out on the town! Hahahahaha..........................

    Next Time, On Salem Lives....................

    Just scroll up to Wednesday's episode.
  2. PhoenixRising05
    -Still at Jack’s place, he still refuses to believe Billie’s story of how his daughter was dressed. Jack walks to his front door after hearing ring, telling Billie that she has to be wrong. When he opens the door, Laura and Frankie are standing there. While Jack comments on how stunning Laura looks in her Halloween costume, Frankie wants to know where Jack Jr. is. Jack thanks Frankie for babysitting J.J. on this evening. Frankie tells Jack it’s no problem, but notices that he is not too happy about something. Jack fills both Laura and Frankie in on what Billie told him about what Abby was wearing and how she was acting. Laura then returns the favor, accusing Billie of wanting to remove Abby from the scene so she can have Jack to herself. Laura wonders if Billie has some horrible sick need to steal married men and widowers. Billie is appalled. Laura is shocked she is, seeing as she did the very same thing with Bo. After Billie ignores her, she asks Frankie if he thinks she’s lying about what Abby was doing. Frankie doesn’t see the need for Billie to lie. Jack agrees, which causes Laura to smile, and Billie to get even more upset. Billie warns everyone that they will be sorry if Abby doesn’t receive the proper help to allow her to deal with Jennifer’s death. She leaves, and after she does, Jack runs upstairs to get ready, but not before telling both Frankie and Laura that Billie better not be right. Frankie warns Laura as well, and she stands there alone, hoping her words won’t come back to haunt them all.

    -Abby arrives at the Halloween Bash, and immediately spots Chelsea. The two young ladies meet, and tell each other how splendid the other one looks. Chelsea tells Abby that this night will be amazing, and offers Abby a drink to loosen up. Abby says she won’t have any liquor, drugs, or anything else. She’s just there to blow off steam and have a good time, that’s all. Chelsea tells her to stop being so uptight, and then offers her some meth anyway. She tells Abby that the guys will like her more if she is loosened up, and that will help. Abby, standing there looking at Chelsea, doesn’t know what to do. All she can think of is her father and her mother, who is looking down on her, and what they might say at this moment if they knew what was going on.

    -Back at the cabin on Green Mountain, Shane has just found out through his contacts that Alan is in Salem and frets about what to do. He then decides that placing a call to Roman is what he needs to do. Roman answers at the station and is shocked when he learns Alan is in Salem. He tells Shane that he had no plans other than to do security at the party that night, but now knows he has to keep Alan from making contact with Sami. Roman says he knows she just might shoot him down there again if she saw him. After thanking Shane and hanging up with him, he then calls Abe and tells him that he would really appreciate some extra men at the party that night, and why he needs them there. Abe tells him to get in touch with Lucas and Austin, thinking maybe they could let Victor know and keep an eye out for Alan as well at the party and also look after Sami if she goes to the ball. Abe says that for all they know, Stefano could have sent Alan there himself, knowing the damage it would cause Sami. Roman tells Abe he’s right, thanks him also, hangs up and wonders what would happen if Sami saw Alan for the first time in all these years

    -After Shane hangs up the phone, he turns to see Carrie standing right there, angry as hell. She can’t believe he called her father and told him that Alan was on his way to Salem. Shane tells her that there is no way he trusts him after what did to Sami, and felt that no matter what, her father and her family had a right to know. He also finds it offensive that just because she thinks he’s changed, that everyone should think that as well. Shane ask Carrie if she thinks she’s perfect. Carrie backs down a bit and says no. All she wants is for Alan to check on her family, that’s all. She honestly didn’t think it was a big deal. Shane feels it is, and says that maybe he should be locked up once again. Carrie once again becomes angry. She tells Shane that maybe she should have felt the same way when she found out that he knew Roman was alive and didn’t rescue him, leaving him to Stefano’s good graces. Shane looks at her, silently. She says she figured he would have nothing to say after that. She then demands that he leaves. Shane looks at her, turns, and heads for the door. Once there, he stops and turns back to her, saying that if she is going to leave, the time is now. She asks if he is still going to keep her secret. He agrees, reluctantly, and leaves her still very upset. Carrie now begins to fear how this night will play out.

    -Eric returns to his suite, only to find Nicole there. He walks up to her and kisses her, apologizing for what happened earlier in the day. She also apologizes, saying that she knows how much he’s been going through. He then tells her they both need to get ready for the Ball. Eric picks up the phone and calls Greta, telling her that he is going with Nicole. After hanging up, Nicole informs him that she needs to run an errand for High Style, and that she’ll be right back. Eric kisses her good-bye, and gets ready for the party. An hour later, he’s still waiting for her to return. Eric remembers Nicole telling her she will be all his, but gets angry just sitting there waiting. At that moment, Greta knocks on the door. She tells him she still took a chance and came over to make sure everything was fine, thinking that maybe he would still be there. He says hell yes, they’re still on. She asks what is going on. He tells Greta she acted on good instinct to come over there and that maybe it was meant to be. It’s time for Nicole to stop putting him second, and time for her to learn a lesson. They both leave together.

    -Maggie comes downstairs, to once again face grilling from Julie about attending tonight’s ball. Maggie tells her that she just doesn’t feel like socializing. Julie tells her it will be good for her to get out and be among family and friends. Maggie sits down, sighs, and says ok, alright. She’ll go, if for no other reason than for Julie to stop getting on her nerves about it. Julie thanks her as Maggie goes upstairs to get ready. Julie walks to the front door and yells at Maggie that she’ll see her at the ball. Maggie tells her bye and to not be worried as she will be there. Once outside, she calls Doug, and tells him everything’s a go. Time to save their loved one.

    Next Time, On Salem Lives.......

    (Due to the board being down, two episodes tonight so go right to Friday's episode above)
  3. PhoenixRising05

    After a extensive casting search, the role of Cal's aka faux Roman's (Josh Taylor) psychiatrist has finally been cast with popular actress Terri Garber winning the role. It is reported Garber beat out the likes of Famke Janssen, Leigh Taylor Young, Anna Stuart, Philiece Sampler, and Sally Field. "It was a very tough casting decision but we feel we made the right choice as to who we want to play the role," says HW/EP Tim Lowery. "Ms. Garber is an actress of tremendous talent and it is joy to have her bring our writing to life. The fans opinions weighed heavily along with ours and Terri is who we came up with so I think we will be very successful with her in the role." Garber has appeared in numerous TV series and films including North and South, ATWT, and Dynasty. Garber will debut in mid November. Sources say that her character, DR. Katherine C. Harcourt, is very career-driven and focused and has never found love in her lifetime. She tends to keep her feelings bottled up and underneath the surface and, among those feelings, are feelings of regret and loneliness. It seems more will be going on between Cal and Dr. Harcourt then the usual doctor/patient relationship.

    In other news, look for some of the actresses that lost out on this role to be considered for another new role that is coming up early next year. Sources say one of the actresses listed above already has the inside track and is a heavy favorite for the role but there has been no official comment on the role or the actress at the moment.
  4. PhoenixRising05
    -Alice, Julie, Laura, and Doug discuss the Ball and the plans they have for Maggie. Alice is confident everything will go off as planned while the others are skeptical. Julie says they just need to get Maggie to go to the Ball and they all agree that she should go over to Maggie's and convince her. They wish Julie luck and tell her they will all meet again at the Ball later.

    -Maggie wakes up hung over from her drinking. She slowly gets up and is upset to learn she is all out of liquor. There is a knock on the door and Maggie realizes she better mask the fact that she was drinking. She begins to drink some orage juice and muffin just to cover her breath. She fixes herself up and puts a robe on before answering the door. It's Julie and she asks Maggie how she is feeling. Maggie says not so well and that she had a hard night. Julie says she can tell from Maggie's apperance. She tells Maggie they were all releived when Victor found her last night. Julie tells Maggie she knows Victor and her are close but that moving away from him was for the best right now. Maggie agrees, Julie tells Maggie that she needs to get out more and asks her to join her family and friends at the Horton Halloween Ball. Maggie says there will be too many people there and she can't handle dealing with all of them at once. Julie urges her to come as her family will be there to support her and it's for a good cause. It's a family event Mickey would want her to attend. Maggie says it doesn't matter what Julie says-she is not going. Julie wonders what she can do now.

    -Shane shocks Carrie by showing up to the cabin in Green Mountain. Carrie is surprised as she had been trying to get a hold of him to find out how her loved ones are doing in Salem. Shane says he is in and out of Salem so that is why he is so hard to reach. He says he came by to check on her and asks where Alan is. Carrie says he went out. Shane says it would benefit Carrie if he never returned but Carrie reminds Shane of everything Alan has done for her. He has changed in her mind. Shane is skeptical and urges Carrie to reconsider her whole plan in general and just return home. She is putting her loved ones through hell and they are all trying to find ways to bring her back, including Lucas and Austin who joined in an alliance with Victor in a dangerous war on the Dimera's. Carrie is stunned to hear this but says she can't do anything. She is worried about them and hates them doing that for her but her return would cause more harm then good and she doesn't want that kind of drama around her baby. Shane sees her point and but urges Carrie to reconsider. Carrie refuses and says she will pray Lucas and Austin change their minds and pull away from Victor but she can't do anything about it. She tells Shane she will be gone as soon as Alan gets back from Salem. Carrie realizes what she blurted out as Shane is stunned that she sent Alan to Salem. Carrie says she needed to know about her loved ones before leaving and she could not reach Shane so it was the only option, even though it's risky for Alan. She just hopes he can get around without being spotted but he has a better chance then her with her pregnancy and known face. Shane hopes no one spots him either or there may be a murder to deal with. This worries Carrie, who has milk boiling on the stove and goes to tend to it. Shane decides he needs to warn of Alan's arrival in Salem or there could be major trouble. He decides to call Roman.

    -Austin bumps into Nicole at Salem Place. They catch up on each other's lives. Nicole tries to discourage Austin from his alliance with Victor. Austin tells Nicole it was more Lucas's idea but anything to bring Carrie home is a go for him. He also tells Nicole he has shut down ARC due to financial trouble. Nicole is stunned and feels bad since he signed Highstyle over to her months ago. Austin says he will be fine and asks about her and Eric. She tells Austin she knows he is hiding a huge secret from her and she brought Sami and Greta in to help her but Greta and him seem to be getting to close and her work is taking her away from him, leaving Greta and Eric to spend lots of time together. Eric is blaming her for leaving him alone so much because of work and she is just torn in two directions. Austin knows Greta would never steal Eric from her but Nicole thinks Eric wants Greta in his life and that he is initiating everything. She tells Austin of her situation and how she will have to make a choice between her dream job at her company or the man she loves. Austin tells her she just has to follow her heart and decide what means more to her in life. She will have to make a sacrifice either way and will have to determine if Highstyle is what she really wants and if Eric is the man she is meant to be with and the one she truly wants. Nicole has no clue what to do. Austin tells her to just go talk to him and talk things out and go from there. Nicole realizes she should apologize for their argument and thanks Austin for his help. He wishes he could do more and help out with Highstyle's investors but with ARC gone he has no power. Nicole understands and hugs him. They both agree to see each other more often and maintain their friendship. They say goodbye and part separately.

    -Eric and Greta return to the suite. Greta comforts him and gives him a warm washcloth when he gets another bad headache. He tells Greta his condition is worsening and time is being wasted while Nicole and him are falling apart. Greta tells him he needs to relax and just let things go right now. Nicole will be back and they can work things out. Greta tells him he should be enjoying his time. Eric says he would if Nicole and him were on the right track. Greta insists he doesn't need Nicole to have fun. He could do it without her, especially now, and would be more relaxed as she is a major source of stress right now and that isn't good for his condition. Greta asks if he would go with her to the Ball since Nicole and him are not in a good place right now. Eric thinks about and decides to go. He doesn't have much time left and it is clear he can't rely on Nicole. He tells Greta to go him and get ready and to come back and they will go. He is no longer sitting around and waiting for someone who, most of the time, will never come. Greta leaves to prepare as Eric looks at a picture of him and Nicole and a single tear drips down his cheek as he laments all the time they are wasting.

    -Billie threatens to call Jack in from outside but Abby tells her if she does that,she will regret it. Billie is shocked to hear those words coming out of Abby. Abby tells Billie if she tells anyone, especially her father, about what she saw she will be sure to ruin any chance Billie has of a relationship with Chelsea by further poisoning her mind against her mother. Billie is stunned Abby would say that. Billie says she doesn't care-she is still telling Jack and doing what is right. Abby tells Billie she will also twist everything Billie says to make her look bad in front of everyone, including her dad. She will play it like she is wearing a Halloween costume or something and turn this all on Billie. Billie is stunned and mentions on how the clothes, behavior, and attitude is all Chelsea and that it's like having two Chelsea's. She begs Abby not to go down this road. Abby says she has to go meet her daughter so they can have a fun night. She warns Billie not to mess with her or interfere with her or her family or she will pay her back as promised. She runs out. Billie calls out to Jack, who races inside and asks what is wrong. Billie fills him in and Jack refuses to beleive it. His little girl would never do that. Billie tells Jack she knows what she saw and heard Abby's words. She was acting like Chelsea usually does and was dressed like her too. Jack is upset by this and can't beleive his little girl, who is always helping people whether it be strangers or family and friends and is the splitting image of her mother, would ever do or say what Billie is suggesting. He asks Billie if maybe she was playing a game or it was a costume. He also asks if it was just a way for Abby to make Billie look bad since she made it clear she did not want Billie near their family. Billie doesn't think any of that is the case and tells Jack she was going with Chelsea to a party and that they need to do something before it's too late. Jack says maybe she needs to do something about her daughter but he doesn't have to do a thing about his little girl, who couldn't be more perfect. She has never rebelled except the times when he died. Billie tells him he couldn't be more wrong and he will regret this if he doesn't do anything to help her stop this. Meanwhile, Abby is on her to the party and calls Chelsea to ask for directions. She tells her she is ready for a Halloween night she will never forget!!!

    The screen fades to black and the credits roll.

    On the Next Salem Lives...

    Eric to Greta: I have had enough. You and I are going to that Ball and Nicole be damned!!
    Laura: I know exactly what is going on here.
    Jack: What?
    Laura: Your best friend, Billie, is trying to railroad your own daughter!!
    Julie to Maggie: Please go to the ball. Please!!!
    Maggie to Julie: I am not going and that is that!!
    Roman to Shane: What did you say?
    Shane to Roman: I said that Alan Harris is on his way to Salem.
    Roman: My God....Sami....
    Carrie to Shane: How could you do this? Do you have any idea the trouble you may have caused?

  5. PhoenixRising05

    Abby and Chelsea return to the Deveraux home after the shocking turn of events this evening. Chelsea, still feeling the effects of the night’s festivities. Abby encourages Chelsea to call her mother and tell her that Chelsea is at her house for the night as she has been looking for her. Chelsea calls her mother, Billie, on the phone:

    Chelsea: Aye, Mom. It’s me.
    Billie: Thank God! Where in the blue hell have you been?!
    Chelsea: Look. Just get off my back. I blew off some steam, alright?
    Billie: No, dammit! It’s not alright. You know, you really get on my last nerve with you staying out as late as you do and going missing. I guess nothing fazes you, does it?
    Chelsea: Oh, here we go. I know. I’m supposed to feel sorry about what happened to Zack and everything else. Well, I am. And, I’m also sick and tired of trying to apologize for everything. So......

    Abby is listening to everything on the other phone in her bedroom.

    Billie: So my ass, Chelsea! You haven’t grown up yet. You and Sami Brady sure are family. I wish you two would just jump on your brooms and see who can ruin people’s lives the fastest.
    Chelsea: That’s it. I’m not listening to this. I’m staying here because I’m too wasted to drive home, ok?
    Billie: Fine. I will be by to see you in the morning. Make sure you don’t open your coffin lid before sundown, or you’ll turn to dust. Bye!|

    Billie hangs the phone up on Chelsea. Abby comes upstairs to see Chelsea sitting on the extra bed in her room. Abby is shocked by how Chelsea speaks to her mother. But, having told her that time and time again, Abby has just about run out of patience. Still having not grieved over the death of her mother, Abby turns to Chelsea and says:

    Abby: That’s it. Max and every other guy rejects me. My dad is so busy trying to get in your mom’s pants, he doesn’t even notice me or my brother anymore, especially since my mom died. Well, if you can go all over the place acting like a spoiled brat and get away with it.......
    Chelsea: Hey!
    Abby: Then why can’t I. You going to that Halloween Bash tomorrow night?
    Chelsea: Sure.
    Abby: Well, so am I. No more St. Abby. It’s about time Salem saw the new-look Abby Deveraux.

    -Billie hangs up from speaking with Chelsea and fills Hope in. Hope just rolls her eyes and tells Billie that’s your daughter and she makes sure to deal with that. Billie feels that Hope still won’t give Chelsea a chance. Hope tells her that she has had chance after chance and reminds Billie that she dropped the charges and has been civil with Chelsea because of what she has been through. Hope admits she is sick of always being made out to be the bad one when it was her daughter who killed her son and has gotten away with it. Billie gets quiet and, after a few moments, agrees. Billie tries to apologize when Bo runs up to both of them. Before he asks anything, Billie tells Bo that Chelsea called and is sleeping it off at Abby’s tonight. Bo breaths a sigh of relief. He says that is one crisis averted. Hope then asks about the other crisis. Bo turns and starts walking away, telling Hope to get off his back. Hope tells Bo that he could save many lives if he just walks away from Victor’s mafia war. Billie joins in and tells him she’s right. She also tells him that he doesn’t realize how many people are in danger from this war. Roman now hates Victor’s guts, and Victor is cursing Isabella for ever marrying him. Bo says no matter what he does, Victor is a grown man, and he will do what he feels he must to protect his family. All this constant [!@#$%^&*]ing at him will not change that. Billie asks what about Kate. Bo replies what about her? That [!@#$%^&*] doesn’t give a damn about anyone but herself. Bo then says he’s done with this whole conversation and leaves. Hope tells Billie that if Bo doesn’t get right and fast, he may not live to see the new year.

    -Victor quietly enters Maggie’s home. Maggie, startled, is very glad to see him. After Victor tells her that he has had men and her loved ones looking all day for her, he tells her how glad he is that she is alright. Maggie, still intoxicated but fairly lucid, apologizes for spilling the beans to Stefano, but she was so full of anger and hate she couldn’t help it. And, as she walks closer to Victor, that she cannot go on living in his home and being his friend. Victor protests, saying that they both need that for what they have been through even though he knows deep down this is what is best. Maggie tells Victor even though she values him, his life is very, very dangerous, and she is not a, “Mafia Woman”, as it were. Bo, Austin & Lucas and she doesn’t know how many others have been put in danger for her bug mouth, and she can’t do that again. After she walks away from Victor, he follows behind her, asking if there is anything he can do to change her mind. She says, for now, no. She does ask Victor to keep her drinking a secret. Victor replies that if she can accept the worst of him, which is his dark and revenge-driven side, then he can accept the worst in her, which is her drinking. Victor also acknowledges that he knows she needs something to get through the pain she is feeling. Maggie thanks him for his silence and understanding. She walks Victor to the door, kisses him on his cheek, tells him good-bye, and quietly closes the door. Victor places his right hand on the door frame, and then turns and walks to his car. Once in, he calls Julie and tells her to tell the family that all is well. Maggie is home. And, he asks that Julie watch out for her, just in case anything happens to him. She says yes, she will, thanks Victor, and hangs the phone up quietly, with a very troubled look on her face.

    -Max’s head starts clearing, after his love making session with Cassie. He turns to her while sitting on his bed and speaks:

    Max: Damn! That drink sure does do ya in.
    Cassie: Well, it must make certain things perk up when other things are going down for the count.
    Max: Yeah, whatever. Listen (While standing up and putting his clothes on), this was nice, if awkward...
    Cassie: I guess so (Also getting dressed) . Two months ago, I was your niece. I thought the incest thing was only done on soap operas.
    Max: So did I. But, you are a DiMera, and, even though he doesn’t hopefully have you under his influence, you’re still Stefano’s granddaughter.
    Cassie: I know that. Tell you what. (Walking up to him and hugging him) I’ll keep this a secret for you. I still consider myself family, and that would be wrong if I hurt you over one night’s.......escapades.
    Max: Well, thank you, Cassie. This was nothing and was a misrake. I feel horrible and it can’t happen again, ok?
    Cassie: It won’t. I know we are just friends. I understand. I Promise.

    After they hug again and Cassie leaves, Max closes the door and Cassie says to herself, with a smile:

    Cassie: Sure, it won’t happen again.

    Next Time, On Salem Lives.........

    **Due to catching up on the episodes and posting 3 in a 24 hour span, this episode will not have a sneak peek of the next episode.***
  6. PhoenixRising05



    Carrie to Alan: I just need you to go to Salem.
    Alan to Carrie: Ok...Salem here I come!!


    Clip of Sami walking in costume around the Halloween Ball at the Penthouse Grill and a in costume Alan right behind her.

    Roman to Lucas and Austin: If Sami and Alan come face to face, there is no telling what will happen.



    Julie to Alice: I just hope this plan works and that we can finally get through to Maggie.


    Clip of Maggie coming face to face with Melissa and Sarah and then running into Don Craig's arms.

    Maggie: I can't believe this is happening.



    Billie: Oh my God...Abby!!!


    Kate to Laura: I have brought with me a special guest I am sure you will be interested in.



  7. PhoenixRising05
    When I said this Fall would be powerful, I meant it and November will be the showcase for that," says HW/EP Tim Lowery. "It is an explosive month and a month that will leave you breathless. October was a little slower but November is like a runaway freight train going down a ravine. When the month is over and the dust clears, everyone would've been touched by the shocking events coming up."

    Victor vs Stefano: "The war between these two takes center stage. The Dimera's are a presence in Salem and they want revenge. Victor is looking to strike first and he will find himself walking right into a trap. A cataclysmic event happens around Thanksgiving that will rock several lives as a result of this war. This is where almost the whole canvas gets dragged in to this. Look for the tension between Roman and Victor to reach new heights in the aftermath of tragedy on the island. As for Ernesto, he will be a part of this war down the road but not at the moment."

    Maggie/Victor/Caroline: "Maggie falls apart. Victor is so caught up in the war and his business that he can't stop it. Her family tries to help her but she continues to push them away. She will be visited by a special visitor but even he may not be able to save her. The dynamic between Maggie and Caroline also changes. Caroline will realize the extent of Maggie's issues and will try to help her. Caroline will also realize how much Maggie needs Victor in her life. Look for Lucas to begin to play more of a role here as Maggie's alcoholism reaches new heights."

    Bo/Hope: "Bo and Hope remain distant. Hope will follow him on a mission with Victor and they will both find themselves in the line of fire. Bo will also try to deal with Chelsea's issues despite his trying to distance himself from his family. Look for Bo to continue to be the spark in the feud between Roman and Victor."

    Nicole/Eric/Greta: "Greta continues to be there for Eric as his condition worsens. Greta confides her secret in Eric. Nicole continues to be suspicious of Greta and Eric and will misconstrue yet another Eric and Greta encounter, which will lead to an overreaction on her part. Look for Nicole to finally decide between Eric and Highstyle as the month comes to a close."

    Abby/Chelsea/Max/Cassie: Max and Cassie grow closer. Everyone remains unaware that Cassie is working with her grandfather, Stefano, to help him get his revenge. However, what will Cassie do when she starts to have real feelings for Max? Abby and Chelsea are self-destructing. Max will be privy to it but he may not be enough to put an end to the downward spiral both girls are in. This will be the setup to a powerful story for Abby and Chelsea in December."

    Jack/Billie/Laura: "Laura continues to be a thorn in Jack and Billie's sides. Billie will realize what is going on with Abby and will try to stop it and warn Jack. Laura will make a big mistake and make Billie out to be the enemy trying to destroy their family and Abby goes along with it. Jack is forced to choose between Billie and his family again and he, of course, chooses his family yet again. Bill Horton will remain in Salem and, along with Kate, will try to stop Laura from meddling but even they can't put an end to her scheming. Despite everything going on, look for Jack and Billie to go off on an adventure as the month winds down."

    Carrie/Alan/Sami/Lucas/Austin: "Alan and Sami finally come face to face at the Halloween Ball and it's very emotional. Sami is afraid at first and doesn't buy that he has changed nor does anyone else. He puts up a good front but is he really a new and improved Alan like we have seen displayed around Carrie? Austin, Lucas, and Roman will do their best to investigate and protect Sami but she will take some action on her own to get to the bottom of all this. There will be some tension between Austin and Lucas as they both strive to protect Sami. Look for Will to play a shocking role in this story and for Carrie to remain isolated and outside of Salem."

    Steve/Kayla: "They are HUGE this month. They will be at the center of the cataclysmic event as many of their loved ones will track them down in Australia. Kayla will continue to push Steve to remember his past and tragedy could put an end to that as one of them will be left fighting for life by month's end."

    Abe/Lexie: "Lexie has fully embraced life as a Dimera and will be right by her father's side as he lures his enemies into a trap. She will vow revenge for losing Theo and Stefano promises to help her. Abe will care for Theo with Celeste's help. Celeste will continue to warn of the horrible things yet to come and will try to reach her daughter before it's too late."

    Cal: "Cal's psychiatrist will finally be casted and she will show up by mid-November. Cal will begin therapy but there are hints that this could turn into more then a patient/doctor relationship."

    Roman: "Roman will play a huge role in the cataclysmic event and war story. Look for Roman to continue to re-adjust to his life as he tries to fix the problems his family faces. He will, particularly, try to smooth things over with Sami but will he have good results?"

    ***For this week's Salem Lives Insider and for a major casting announcement, please read below these previews.***
  8. PhoenixRising05

    It's a big week and a big November for Salem Lives fans as several beloved faces are returning to Salem for a unspecified run. "We are very pleased to have all of these beloved actors and actresses back for what we hope is an exciting and rewarding run," says HW/EP Tim Lowery. "We had these actors and actresses here in the summer for the funerals and the door is always open for them. Their presence will greatly benefit the stories we are telling and will give them more weight with our fans." Sources say that all these actors, with the exception of John Clarke, could remain on the canvas through the holidays. In Kale Browne's (Bill Horton) case, he will definitely be hanging around for awhile. "Bill will be here to control Laura and to help out his family," says Lowery. "The other returnees are here for Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) and may or may not stay. They will definitely remain through sweeps but, after that, we'll see. We love having them." As for the return of John Clarke's Mickey Horton, Lowery says that has been in the works for awhile. "We knew we wanted him to make an appearance but not necessarily as a ghost," says Lowery. "The way it is written the fans won't know if he is a ghost or just a vision of Maggie's as a result of her drinking. We like it that way because it's more realistic then having the ghost appear to her after all these months of him being dead. The scenes with him and Maggie are really beautiful so I know the fans will love it as it will give them a sense of closure. When he died, it was BANG and that was it. This will a final goodbye to Mickey that Maggie and the fans deserve to have." Clarke will appear on October 31 and November 1 while the other returnees will return on October 27, just as the Halloween Ball begins.

    In other casting news, the role of Cal's psychiatrist has finally been cast after an extensive search and sources hint an announcement will be made tomarrow. Sources also say that the fans should also expect an announcement concerning a major recast of a popular character and that the situation will be very reminicient to the Robert Kelker-Kelly/Peter Reckell incident in 1995. "No comment," says Lowery.
  9. PhoenixRising05
    Week of 10/22/06 Edition


    Get ready to see a different and very disturbing side to Abby this week on Salem Lives when she decides to make several changes to her lifestyle...and her look. "It is shocking what she does," says HW/EP Tim Lowery. "I don't think the fans will believe how much she changes in the aftermath of all that has happened in her life. She is determined not to be a doormat or the goody two-shoes that gets tossed around because people know she won't do anything about it. She wants to let loose and not worry about others or people liking her anymore. It's now about her only." The happenings being referred to her here is the death of Abby's mother, Jennifer, and that fact that she doesn't have her mother there for her during a difficult time. "She has people there for her like Frankie and her family," notes Lowery. "However, with everything happening with her and Max and all the heartbreak she is going through with that she needs her mother and she isn't there. That is void no one can fill, not eve a grandmother or a best friend." The growing closeness of Jack and Billie is not helping matters either. "Laura really poisoned her mind against Billie and that plays a big role in this change in Abby," previews Lowery. "Ultimately, Laura is going to wish she hadn't done that but she did and Abby now sees Billie as a threat to her family and to the memory of her mother and that is wrong." So, what exactly does Abby change? "She changes her look," says Lowery. "Her hair is done up to make her look older and like a movie actress, she wears alot more makeup, she dresses a lot sexier, and her attitude is incredibly negative and [!@#$%^&*]y. Basically, she is the splitting image of Chelsea in look and behavior." The first display of the new Abby comes when Billie catches Abby going out in her new get-up. "No one has seen Abby and Abby wants it like that because she doesn't want to deal with anyone," previews Lowery. "Her father and Frankie are out and Chelsea is waiting for her at the party they are going to so Abby gets dressed and prepares to leave without worry of being caught. She forgets that she told Billie that Chelsea was at her house the night before and she shows up to see Chelsea and is shocked by Abby's apperance and the atittude she now posesses." Billie and Abby get into it and she ends up getting fed up and runs out. "Billie is already worried about Chelsea since she is not at the house and now she is worried seeing Abby acting like Chelsea," laughs Lowery. "Jack comes home and she tells Jack about Abby but he doesn't beleive her. She tells Frankie to and no dice as neither man buys that Abby would ever act or look like Billie is describing. Laura then shows up and takes advantage of what is going on by making it look like Billie is trying to cause problems for the family so Billie is at a loss as to what to do." By week's end, Laura is making Billie look really bad in the eyes of Jack and Frankie while Abby is partying with Chelsea. "Jack and Billie end up going to the ball together and end up getting into a fight because Billie won't stop mentioning Abby," says Lowery. Laura has Billie right where she wants her but, little does Laura know, her actions could send Abby down a shocking path. "Laura is going to regret turning Abby against Billie and making Billie look bad while Billie was trying to warn the, about Abby," promises Lowery. Looks like she may be regreting it sooner then she thinks since Abby is on the verge of dipping into the world of drugs and alcohol, especially after seeing Max with Cassie yet again. "It's a whole lot of drama unfolding," teases Lowery.


    Maggie finds herself face to face with several returning loved ones this week on Salem Lives when the Horton's big plan to help Maggie is revealed and put into motion. The week begins with Victor finding Maggie and trying to make things right. "Victor apologizes for the fight they had and Maggie accepts," previews HW/EP Tim Lowery. "However, she no longer wants to see him because she feels she is a screwup and that she will interfere and Victor doesn't argue with that because he agrees. He just doesn't want to say it so he makes it known he still cares about her and she can contact him for anything but that he feels it will be best since he doesn't want her getting hurt by getting in the way of his plans." Victor covers for Maggie with her family and says she is fine and then goes back to his revenge planning while Maggie continues to get hammered. "Victor knows he can't stop her from drinking and he realizes that without him being there for her she will need to get through her heartbreak somehow so he decides to leave her by and to just keep an eye on her," says Lowery. "He will make sure she doesn't lose total control so it's one of those things where Maggie accepts the worst in him, which is his dark side and all his desire for revenge and destruction, and he accepts the worst in her Maggie, which is her drinking. It's a reciprocal relationship." The next day. Julie comes over and pushes Maggie to come to the Horton Halloween Ball. "Maggie is hung over but covers with Julie by saying she just didn't sleep," notes Lowery. "She questions why Julie is pushing her to go to the party but decides to go because she knows they won't give up until she agrees to go. Plus, it will get them all off her back so they don't suspect her drinking and she feels she needs the drinking with everything she is going through and with no Victor to rely on." By week's end, Maggie arrives at the party and fans will finally learn what the Horton's have been planning these past few weeks to help Maggie. "Maggie arrives and everything seems normal enough until she is shocked by the appearance of her daughter Melissa," previews Lowery. "Then, Maggie comes face to face with Sarah and begins to get overwhelmed as all the guilt and pain she feels over Mickey returns and she makes a run for it...only to run into the arms of her former flame, Don Craig." Maggie is overcome with emotion as Julie, Doug, Laura, Alice and some other family members gather around her and try to get through to her. "She begins to lose it and the Horton's feel like their plan has worked and that Maggie is going to finally met them be there to help her," says Lowery. But...is that really the case?


    Carrie makes a stunning request of Alan this week on Salem Lives when she asks him to return to Salem and to see what is going on with her loved ones. The week begins with Carrie continuing to ask Alan about his past. "He continues to avoid the issue," says HW/EP Tim Lowery. "He already told her about his childhood and that is more then he would ever tell anyone so he isn't ready to go into what happened in jail so he just wants to drop it." Carrie lets it go for now and the duo then discusses what they are going to do next now that he has healed from his injuries. "Alan asks Carrie when they ae going to do what she told Shane and leave the cabin but she tells him she can't go anywhere yet," previews Lowery. "She wants to know what is going on with her loved ones first before going anywhere since she doesn't know what has happened with them since they were searching for her in the area a few weeks back. She asks Alan to go into Salem and check on things for her and he is stunned she would ask this given his history with her family and what would happen if they caught him being around them. Carrie knows of the risk and consequences but there is no other way with her being pregnant and more recognizable to more people and Shane not being around or in contact so she begs him." Ultimately, Alan agrees to go to Salem for one day to look into things to make Carrie happy. "He makes her promise that they will leave the area as soon as he returns with word and she agrees," notes Lowery. "He is really concerned about getting out of the area because of his past and the risk of getting caught." By week's end, Alan arrives in Salem while Shane pays a visit to Carrie. "Carrie is kind of ticked because she sent Alan out to Salem with all the risks involved and then here comes Shane to check on her," laughs Lowery. "Shane tries to convince her not to keep going with her charade but Carrie won't back down." At the same time, Alan is looking for Carrie's family and friends and learns of the Horton Halloween Ball so he comes to the conclusion that they all must be there. "Alan is quite happy because now he can be in costume and there is less chance of recognition," notes Lowery. "He doesn't have to worry about hiding in bushes and stalking people. He can just be in costume, walk around, collect info and then leave." If only it were that easy but it's not and Alan may learn that firsthand when Lucas, Austin, and Roman learn that Alan Harris is at the Ball and on a collision course with Sami. "The suspense is really building and the fans will be on the edge waiting for it to happen." But...will it?



    Actress TBA (Dr. Katherine C. Harcourt): The role of Cal's (Josh Taylor) psychiatrist has been cast and will be officially announced tomarrow. She will debut in mid-November.

    Jed Allen (Don Craig), Alli Brown (Sarah Horton), and Lisa Trusel (Melissa Anderson): These former faces return on October 27 and will remain on the show at least through November sweeps. Rumor has it their stay could extend through the holidays possibly as well.

    Kale Browne (Bill Horton): Brown returns to the role on October 27 when Bill shows up Salem to help keep Laura (Jaime Lyn Bauer) in line at Kate's (Lauren Koslow) request. Sources say that the actor will air through the holidays.

    John Clarke (Mickey Horton): The original cast member, who exited from his role this past summer when his character was killed in an explosion, is back in a vision to Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) on October 31 and November 1.

    Rumor Mill

    -Look for Steve and Kayla's story to really heat up next week.
    -Expect to hear which major actor is being recast a la RKK/Peter Reckell in the next two weeks.
    -Stephanie Johnson is rumored to be making a return before the end of the year in the form of Shayna Rose, who took over the role this past summer.
    -It is looking like Jensen Ackles short-term return as Eric will finally come to an end by year's end. No word on Arianne Zuker's status as Nicole. Will Eric die?

    Previews and Peeks into Week of 10/23/06

    -Victor and Abby cover for Maggie and Chelsea.
    -Max wonders if he made a mistake.
    -Hope tries to convince Bo to leave his alliance with Victor.
    -Abby makes a big change.
    -Carrie makes a stunning request of Alan.
    -Lexie learns of Stefano's plans.
    -Celeste predicts that revelations and more pain are in store at the Halloween Ball.
    -Billie sees another side to Abby.
    -Nicole and Eric have it out
    -Shane tries to get through to Carrie.
    -Laura has Billie where she wants her.
    -The Horton's put their plot to save Maggie into motion as the ball gets underway.
    -Nicole finds herself stood up.
    -Kate has a surprise for Laura.
    -Lucas, Austin, and Roman get a huge shock.
    -Maggie is ambushed by her loved ones as some beloved faces from the past return.
    -Sami is on a collision course with Alan.
    -Lexie and Stefano's presence causes tension at the ball.
    -Abby reaches her lowest point.

    Red Letter Days!!!

    Tuesday October 24, 2006: Abby makes a big change that stuns Billie.
    Friday October 27, 2006: The Halloween Ball begins as several beloved faces return to help Maggie and Sami and Alan are on a collision course with each other.

    Next Week: Will makes a new friend. Bo turns in his badge. Maggie gets a special visitor. Abby continues to come between Jack and Billie. Sami and Alan close in on each other. Nicole confronts Eric and Greta. Steve and Kayla continue to make inroads.
  10. PhoenixRising05
    -Steve is sitting in the cell with Kayla. Both seems exhausted as it is hard to sleep in the cell. Kayla tells Steve that she is surprised he stopped pacing and gave up on looking around the cell for a way out that wasn't there. Steve says it's a habit of his for years. In every cell, he paced and kept looking for a way out. It's like cabin fever and it's hard to stand being in a closed in place for that long like he has. Kayla undersrands but tells him the time would go by faster if they talked about things, like their past together. Steve looks at Kayla and realizes she is never going to let up so he asks her to tell him everything she knows about his life. We then see a series of flashbacks as Kayla tells Steve about the first time she met him and their first kiss along with every milestone in their relationship leading up to his "death." Kayla notices Steve has a tear in his eye when she has finished telling him everything. She asks Steve if he remembers any of it. He says he hasn't but it all felt familiar for some reason and it seems like a magical story based on where he started out and where he ended up prior to his "death." Kayla tells him it was magical and that she hopes their family finally gets their happy ending. She assures Steve that they won't give up and that he will remember everything, no matter what it takes.

    -Bo has gone back out looking for Chelsea and Austin and Lucas are out searching for Maggie with Victor's men. He is extremely worried about her and decides to call in more help in hopes of finding Maggie before something bad happens. Victor calls the Horton house where Julie, Alice, Doug, and Laura are still talking about the Halloween Ball. Julie answers the phone, which relieves Victor. Victor doesn't beat around the bush and tells Julie he needs her help and that Maggie is missing. He explains the fight he had with Maggie and takes responsibility for what has happened. He offers his apologies. Julie knows he meant well and says that she will get everyone together and be right there. Julie fills the others in. Alice tells them to go quickly and to call her with an update. They arrive to meet Victor and Doug and Laura immediately attack him for causing Maggie's disappearance. Julie says that it is not the time to assign blame and that Victor is not to blame. Maggie is in a really bad spot and needs help so her fight with Victor was hardly the only cause. Victor still feels bad but Julie tries to convince him that it will all work out and that he isn't the only one at blame here. Most of it goes on the Dimera's. Victor agrees and says that he will get his revenge on them. Julie says she worries about Victor and his revenge. Victor does not wish to discuss the matter and says time is wasting. The four of them set out to begin searching.

    -Maggie is nearly hit by a car in a major intersection. The car asks if Maggie saw him. Maggie remains silent and walks away, only to break down in tears a mile later. She says she has nothing to live for and that she just wants to be with her husband. She begs God to take her now as she is nothing but a screwup in a nuisance in people's lives. She realizes she does not have the guts to kill herself and Mickey wouldn't like that or most of what she is doing. She sees a grocery store nearby and says that if it isn't her time to die then she needs something to ease the pain and to deal with the guilt she is feeling. She walks into the store and purchases several bottles of liquor. She returns to her house and hesistates a little before taking a sip from the bottle. She then recalls Victor's words to her earlier and stares at a picture of Mickey. She recalls his death and her wanting to stay behind on the island and begins to blame herself again for Mickey's death. She starts downing the alcohol and later finds herself hammered. She is completely out of it and is halfway passed out on the couch when something knocks on the door several times and then lets themself in...

    -Bo is looking for Chelsea when he feels like he is being watched. He turns to see Billie and Hope behind him. They tell him they have come to help him search for Chelsea. They just couldn't stay out of it and Hope agreed to come along. Bo is not happy with this. Hope tels him to stop wasting time because he knows he isn't going to stop them from helping him. Bo reluctantly agrees to let them stay but doesn't want them in danger too. Hope and Billie insist they are trained cops so danger does not worry them. Bo says that it should because Chelsea could be in a whole lot of it. Billie asks what Bo means as Chelsea is only likely to be walking the streets. Bo says that is dangerous enough but something else could be up. Hope asks what he means. Bo says there is a possbility that the Dimera's may have Chelsea as a way of getting revenge. Billie is worried and Hope asks Bo if he has any proof of that. Bo insisits it's a hunch. Hope asks Bo if he thinks Chelsea has been kidnapped because of his teaming up with Victor in this war. Bo stays silent. Hope asks him if he has realized now that pushing his loved ones away and becoming allies with Victor was wrong.

    -Max is at his place (the Deveraux garage apartment) and is alone. Frankie is out and he has been drowning his sorrows following what happened with Chelsea and Abby earlier. There is a knock on the door and he beleives it could be Chelsea or Abby but it's Cassie. She says she wanted to drop on by to visit. She sees how upset he looks. She asks if he is ok. He tells her everything that happened and how he has let both Abby and Chelsea down. Cassie assures him he hasn't and that everyone makes mistakes. It was all meant to be and he can't live in the past. She tells Max he needs to stop worrying about others and to start worrying about himself and his needs. Max is really out of it and agrees with Cassie. He says he is sick of being hurt and he needs to do something for him for once. Cassie is happy he agrees. He tells Cassie that he is hurting right now and he needs someone to be there. He reminds Cassie that she always seems to be there when he needs her lately and he sees her as a friend. Cassie is pleased. He also tells her that her beleiving she as a Brady gave her time to grow as a person and become a lovely woman. She is definitely not the Cassie that he heard about. Cassie recalls Stefano asking her to remain close to the Brady's and to get closer to Max. She tells Max she isn't perfect. Max says that he likes her because of that and that he really needs her right now. He asks her if she will stay with him and be there when he needs her again like she has been. She says she will and they look into each other's eyes and kiss. Meanwhile, Abby is in her room at home and recalls what happened with Max. She wishes she has caught him at the garage before he left because she wants to make things right and tell him how he feels like she should've a long time ago. She just hopes she is not too late. She looks outside and sees his light on in the garage apartment. She is happy he is finally home and decides to go over and talk to him.

    -A high and strung out Chelsea ends up at Abby's and passes out on the doorstep. She eventually wakes up and knocks on the door. When no one answers, she decides to try out back to see if Abby is back there and can't hear that someone is at the door. She ends up meeting Abby in the backyard. Abby is appalled to see how bad Chelsea looks and asks what happened. She tells Chelsea she took meth and drank alot and needs a place to stay. Abby tells Chelsea she can't keep partying and living on the streets from place to place. She tells Chelsea she is calling Billie but then remembers what is going on with her father and Billie. She isn't sure she wants to deal with Billie right now. Chelsea looks up at Max's apartment and yells out to Abby that someone is getting action up there. Abby asks what she is yammering about and is shocked by what she sees in the window of the garage apartment. It's Max and Cassie kissing. Things are getting heated and they begin to tear each other's clothes off. Cassie tells Max to take her and that he knows he wants to. Max then begins to kiss her aggresively and their clothes fall to the floor as they both fall on the bed. Abby, with tears streaming down her cheeks, gently says "Oh...Max. No. Max...no..." as Chelsea looks on and her eyes begin to well up with tears despite her current state. Abby then says that it's over and any chance of Max and her is gone. Chelsea says that any chance of Max and her was finished months ago and that this puts a final nail in it. Abby turns around in tears and, even through the drugs and booze, Chelsea realizes her friend needs her and that deep down she needs Abby. They embrace and comfort one another while Cassie and Max make passionate love in the apartment above.

    The screen fades to black and the credits roll.
  11. PhoenixRising05
    -Laura is thinking out loud what to do about Jack and Billie when Hope arrives and is shocked to overhear what Laura is saying. Laura explains to Hope she does not feel bad about what she is doing. Hope tells Laura that they have always been close friends and it's no big deal even if something more does happen. Jennifer and Billie were friends and she knows Jack and Billie were close. If Billie could make him happy and she seems to, Jennifer would be happy. Hope implores Laura not to let her hatred for Kate blind her. Laura insists it's not. Hope knows that Laura is trying to protect her family but she tells Laura that Jack needs to move on and it can't always be about what she wants or approves of. She is not Jack's mother nor can she tell him what to do. She understands Jack and Laura are close but she is only going to make things worse and tear the family apart by scheming to mess things up. Laura asks hope if she wants Billie with Jack to make sure she stays away from Bo. Hope admits she isn't worried about that. She understands they have a daughter and that occupies them and she knows Billie and Bo are through. Laura asks if she is sure. Hope says she is sure and that Billie is the least of her concerns. Laura asks how Bo is. Hope says she wishes she knew because she hasn't seen or talked to him and she is very worried. Laura assures her it will work out but Hope isn't so sure. Hope admits she has a feeling things are only going to get worse.

    -Billie arrives at the Kiriakis mansion and asks if Bo is there. Henderson says he is and that he will announce her but Billie just plows her way in and walks in on Bo, who is looking over some papers. He asks Billie what she is doing. Billie tells him his daughter needs him and that it is up to him to decide what is more important-revenge or family. Bo asks what is going on. Billie fills him in on what happened last night and how Frankie and Abby had to save Chelsea. She tells Bo that he can't remain isolated anymore. She doesn't know what is wrong with him but his family needs him. His daughter needs him more then ever. Bo says he is doing what he has to do and what is right. Billie tells Bo he can't justify avoiding his family and being isolated from them. The choice is his and their daughter needs both of them before it's too late. Bo recalls learning about Chelsea's rape and being in the hospital after she was raped again. Bo tells Billie he will go with her to start a search. Billie thanks him and says he is doing the right thing and acting like the Bo Brady she knows and everyone loves. No tells Henderson he is leaving and to tell Victor what is going on. He tells Billie to call Hope and tell her to call the station and get some units out to search. Billie asks why he can't call. Bo admits he would rather not risk calling the station and talking to Roman or Abe and having to argue back and forth. Billie agrees. Bo tells her to call once she has done that and they will meet up later and compare notes. They wish each other luck and go off in separate directions.

    -Chelsea walks the streets of downtown Salem, still hung over and recovering from being high the previous night and early morning. She sees some guys she knows in an outside alley near a convenience store. She asks what they are doing. They recognize her as Chelsea Benson and they smell the booze on her. They ask her if she has been partying. She says she has and that she is looking for more fun and asks if they have any ideas. She is handed something and she asks if it's meth. The young man nods. Chelsea looks at it and says that this is what she meant by partying and that this is excellent. She hopes to have the night of her life as the guys promise she will.

    -Max is having a beer at his garage when Cassie comes in and asks if he wants company. He asks why she always shows up when he is a mess and is hitting the bottle. She says she has radar. She tells him how she was at Theo's custody hearing and fills him in. Max asks if she is happy her aunt lost Theo. Cassie lies and says it was right considering being a Dimera is dangerous and unsafe. He asks if she feels scared. She lies again and says she does and that she would rather not be a Dimera. Max tells her she is not a Dimera and that she isn't even close. She is still a Brady from what he can see. He embraces her as she secretly sports an evil smirk. Abby walks in and slams down a wrench to get their attention. Max asks what she is doing there. She says she had to talk to him but didn't realize he was busy. Cassie leaves and says she will let them talk.

    -Max asks what is wrong and if Abby is going to yell at him again. She tells him she is. She asks what is going on with Cassie and him. He tells her nothing and that it seems they are friends. Abby asks what he means by "seems." Max clarifies by saying a friendship is developing. Abby sarcastically says she is happy for him and that his spending time with Cassie is keeping him from being there for people he says he cares about. Max reminds Abby he already apologized for the Chelsea incident and doesn't know what happened. Abby asks him to admit he hung on her and then, once he admits it, they can work through it. He denies it again and reiterates he doesn't know what happened. Abby tells him Cassie happened. Max tells Abby not to blame her. There is nothing with her and she had no reason to answer his phone and hang up. Abby can't beleive he is supporting Cassie and ignoring everyone else. She tells Max they needed him last night and he let them down. Max apologizes and tells Abby about his talk with Chelsea earlier. Abby tells him it is too late for him to do anything for Chelsea and that he has had his chances. Max reminds Abby that she was with him all summer when he backed away from Chelsea and asks why she didn't try to convince him to keep pursuing Chelsea to find out what was going on. Abby says she shouldn't have to do a thing. If he cares, he would do it on his own and he has shown of late he doesn't. He is with Cassie everytime she turns around and is turning into a person she doesn't recognize. She tells Max she is done wasting her time and energy. She can't look at him and never wants to see him again. He tells her she is overreacting and wants to know if there is more to this. She recalls talking to Frankie about how she feels about Max. She lies and says there is nothing else. His behavior of late disturbs her and that is it. She then walks off angry as Max wonders what is going on. Abby gets in her car and cries, wondering why she keeps lashing out and making things worse instead of opening up to him about her feelings. Seeing him with Cassie just infuriates her so much and she can't get angry anymore. She needs to do something and to tell Max how she feels like Frankie told her to. She decides to go back in the garage and talk to him to make things right. She goes back in but the garage is locked and Max appears to have left the back way. Abby is disappointed and hopes she hasn't blown her chance. Cassie is watching nearby and says that Max is on his own and right where her and her grandfather want him.

    -Eric and Greta have returned from the hospital outside of Salem and are awaiting word from the specialist about the tests he ran on Eric. Greta tells Eric to think positive and have faith. Eric says it is hard when every single test he has had has been negative. Greta holds his hand as the phone rings and Eric answers. He has short discussion and seems unreactive at first. He then slowly hangs up and Greta asks what happened. Eric says nothing is changed and that he could die any day now. He is running out of time. Greta comforts him. Eric says he is running out of time and Nicole isn't even there. He returned to Salem to be with her and his loved ones and she is more worried about work then anything else. Greta urges Eric to tell them all. It is the right thing to do. Eric refuses and says he would rather die alone then have people feel sorry for him. Greta says he won't day alone-she'll be there and she promises she isn't going anywhere. Meanwhile, Nicole is at another business meeting and seems frustrated. She keeps thinking about Eric and how long the meeting has lasted already. She tries to close up the meeting but the client and his advisors can sense Nicole wants to end this and they all feel insulted by her desire to choose whatever she has to do over the overseeing of a potential blockbuster deal. Nicole apologizes but notes that the meeting has gone on for long enough and it's late. Nicole asks if she can at least make a phone call. All in attendance approve. She calls the suite. Eric has fallen asleep on Greta's lap and she is watching TV. She answers the phone. Nicole is stunned to hear her and asks what is going on. Greta lies again and says she is only doing what Nicole wanted and is trying to figure out what is going on with Eric for her. Nicole doesn't buy it but pretends that she does. She asks to speak with Eric. Greta says he stepped out but that she will tell him that Nicole called. Nicole thanks her and hangs up. Greta gently runs her fingers through Eric's hair as tears stream down her face. She says she feels so helpless and hates all this. She wishes there would be a miracle but knows that there won't be. She just hopes he is at peace with all this and that everything works out the best it can in the end. Nicole returns to her meeting and is asked if everything is ok. Nicole says it is and that she can stay as long as they need her now. She doesn't need to be anywhere or with anyone.

    -Victor asks Maggie how she could do such a thing is reveal details of what him and his allies were planning. Now Stefano knows something is coming and lives are in more danger then before, especially his life and the lives of Bo and everyone else involved with his efforts to purge Salem of the Dimera's and any other threats to the happiness of all of them. Maggie says she is sorry and hates the Dimera's so much. Shehas the fight with Caroline and had a blowup on the stand when she attacked the Dimera's verbally. She was just losing it and was out of control. Victor says sorry won't cut it and that all his plans are ruined now. The surprise factor is gone and it is back to the drawing board. Maggie says she will make sure it will never happen again. Victor reminds her of her reputation as a gossip. Maggie says that is in the past and she is definitely not the same woman. Victor says he can't take a chance. Lives depend on it including Bo's, Lucas's, Austin's, and his own as well as the lives of everyone in Salem. He can't have blowing something by blurting something out. Maggie promises it will never happen again. Victor says he will make sure it will never happen again and he tells her he is finished. He wants her out. She doesn't understand and asks what he means. He angrily tells Maggie that he is not going to take a risk and have her ruin everything. He wants her out of his house and out of his life. A crying Maggie tells Victor he doesn't mean that. He coldly stares at her and says he does. He says he wants it done immediately or he will arrange for her stuff to be moved out. He then walks away as Maggie reminds Victor they are friends and that she needs him. She continues to yell to Victor she is sorry and that she needs him. She screams he can't do this and that she thought they were friends. She crumples to the ground and screams for Victor to come back and that she can't go on without him. She needs him. She takes hold of a park bench and breaks down in tears.

    The screen fades to black and the credits roll.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Bo: Where the hell are you Chelsea?
    Billie to Hope: Bo is looking for Chelsea.
    Hope to Billie: Let's hope this means the Bo we know is coming back to us.
    Sami to Lucas: I just don't want anything to happen to you.
    Carrie to Alan: Open up to me. Just tell me!!!
    Alan to Carrie: I can't!!! You don't understand!!! You don't understand what I have been through.
    Julie to Alice: Everything is all set and, hopefully, this will lead to the breakthrough we have been waiting for with Maggie.
    Victor to Lucas: I can find her and I need your help. I said some things I regret and now I am worried about what she may do.
    Maggie: I don't want to live. Take me!! I want to be with you Mickey!! Take me now!!!
  12. PhoenixRising05
    -Everyone is stunned by what is going on with Maggie ans Caroline. Roman and Hope tell Maggie and Caroline to calm down. Maggie is outraged at Caroline's words. Caroline apologizes saying she had no right to say that. She just doesn't think what is going on with Victor and her is right nor does she think Bo, Lucas, and Austin teaming up with him is wise. Maggie tells her that the conversation is over and she doesn't wish for it to go any further. Caroline apologizes again but Maggie walks off. Julie goes after her but Maggie tells her she doesn't wish to talk. Caroline apologizes to Alice. Alice makes nothing of it and says they all are concerned about Maggie and everything that is going on. While outside, Julie bumps into Victor who was hoping to catch the end of the hearing. Julie fills him in and he is pleased that Theo was kept out of Dimera hands. Julie tells Victor they need to talk. She asks him about what is going on with him, Bo, Lucas, and Austin and says that her family is concerned about the welfare of Bo and Lucas and all of them as a whole. Victor says they are fine and doing what they must. He does not want to discuss it. Julie changes the subject to Maggie and asks what his feelings are concerning her. Victor explains that Maggie has become a dear friend and nothing more. Julie tells Victor she considers him a close friend from their many times together. Victor feels the same. Julie asks Victor if there is nothing else going on and explains to him what just happened with Caroline and Maggie. Victor explains they are just two friends who grew closer by being there for each other and that is all. Doug is helping Alice to her car so Julie tells Victor she has to go but she would like to keep in touch more. Victor says he would like that and tells her to call to make arrangements. She asks him to be careful and kisses his cheek before going off to leave with Doug and Alice. Julie tells them both she is still very worried about Maggie and everything going on. Alice tells her to be patient because they have their plan that is in motion to fall back on.

    -Lexie and Stefano are on their way out when they pass Roman and Hope, who are talking. Lexie gives them both a cold stare as she leaves. Hope tells Roman she is very worried now that Lexie has embraces being a Dimera again. Roman says it seems they have alot to worry about. Hope agrees and wonders when all the madness going on in Salem is going to stop. She doesn't know how much more their families can take.

    -Abe and Celeste arrive home and Abe embraces Theo. Celeste knows that he is happy but warns Abe she has a feeling that the worst is yet to come. He asks what she means. Celeste says she has no details, only that she has this vibration that worst things are ahead for all of them. Abe says he hopes she is wrong and everything will work out. Celeste worries about Lexie and tells Abe they must get her away from Stefano. Abe says he is willing to help but their marriage is finished. Celeste understands but she needs his help before Lexie is lost to them for good. Abe says he will help for Theo's sake and because it is time Salem is rid of the Dimera's and their influence.

    -Abby is sitting out back when Frankie arrives. She asks how court was and he fills her in. He asks if she has heard from Chelsea. She says she hasn't and doesn't care. She has enough for herself to deal with. Frankie asks if she is talking about Max and she nods in agreement. He urges her to talk to Max and try to work things out. Alot has been going on lately and he thinks alot can be fixed by a long talk. Abby doesn't think so but Frankie tells Abby it won't hurt. Abby agrees to talk to Max and see where things go. Frankie is pleased and says she won't be sorry. Laura arrives him soon after. Abby walks in and can see Laura is angered by something. She asks if Laura is ok. Laura tells Abby that Jack and Billie worked things out and she knows it isn't right and has to put an end to it. Abby is angry too and asks what else they can do. They already explained their side to the story. Laura says she isn't giving up-not when it comes to her family. Abby says she will help in any way she can because she wants to protect their family too. Laura hugs her and is happy to hear her say that.

    -Jack tells Billie he is really happy that everything is settled. She agrees. He notices she is worried and asks what is wrong. Billie says there is still no word on Chelsea and she has some friends at the station looking for her because it would be worse if she looked and found Chelsea. He asks Billie if she wants him to go look. Billie says he needs to go back to work. Jack laughs and says he had forgotten that because it has been so long since he has been on a schedule. He has a deadline to meet. He tells Billie to call if she needs anything. She embraces him and says she will and runs off. Billie says it's time for her to take some action and makes a phone call to Bo and tells him there is a problem with their daughter that needs immediate attention before it's too late.

    -Max is walking the pier and has a bad headache from a hangover. He bumps into a disheveled girl and is shocked that it's Chelsea. She is clearly out of it and he can smell alcohol on her breath. She also seems strung out. He asks her why she is doing this to herself. She says no one wants her and she is nothing but a dirty whore. She doesn't deserve love from anyone. Max says none of that is true and that she is just buying into what Jason and Barry said to her. He tells Chelsea he is sorry for not being there for her. he knows he should've never walked away from her over the summer when she was pushing him away. He should've known there was a reason and he is sorry because he knows she needed him and now he knows she needs him more then ever. She has been through one traumatic ordeal after another and he heard what happened last night. Chelsea tells him that if he cared about her at all he would've never abandoned her for months when she needed him and he would've came last night when Abby called for help. Instead, he never questioned why she was pushing him away and he hung up on Abby. Max explains he never hung up and doesn't know what happened but admits he screwed up over the summer. Chelsea was pretty insistent that they take a break but he should've never backed off and forced her to open up to him. He is sorry for everything that has happened. Chelsea says she wanted him to stay away from her but that she still hoped deep down he wouldn't back off. She would then know they had something but now she knows they don't and never will. She doesn't want anything from him and wants him to leave her alone. He begs Chelsea to let him help her. She tells him he had his chance and it's too late. She pushes him and knocks him over and tells him he can go to hell. Max chases after her but loses her. He is afraid for what may happen to her next.

    -Eric is at his and Nicole's hotel suite when Greta arrives. She asks if Nicole is there. Eric says sarcastically she had another business meeting. Greta apologizes and says she knows that upsets him. He changes the subject and asks what she wants. Greta says she was hoping no one would be there because the specialist is here. Eric isn't sure he is up for it but Greta says the sooner Eric sees him the sooner it's over. Greta tells Eric that the specialist could find something to give him hope. Eric says he could also put the final nail in his coffin. Greta tells Eric that the specialist has arranged some tests at a hospital on the outside of Salem since Eric doesn't want anyone to learn of his illness. Eric thanks Greta for making that arrangment. Greta asks Eric if he is going to leave Nicole a note saying he went out. He tells her he isn't because she probably still won't be there when he returns. They leave. Eric meets the specialist and they shake hands. He tells Eric he hopes to give him better news. Eric says he doubts it but it won't hurt anything to check things over. They head for the hospital.

    -Lexie and Stefano leave the courthouse as Stefano continues to promise that they will get Theo back and will get revenge. Lexie says she hopes so. They bump into Maggie who says the only ones that are going to be getting revenge are the people of Salem thanks to Victor and his team. Stefano asks what she is blabbering about. Maggie tells him that Victor and his men along with Bo, Austin, and Lucas have teamed together to rid Salem of the Dimera's and all those that have inflicted pain and suffering on Salem for years. Stefano laughs and says that he isn't scared. Maggie says he will and vows that they will pay and sooner then they think. She blurts out she has already seen them all working with maps and blueprints of Stefano's various lairs and properties. She tells them that Victor and his allies are already at work plotting to take action against him so revenge is coming and she knows it will be sweet for all the pain that has been caused because of the Dimera's. Victor comes out from behind and screams out Maggie's name and asks what she thinks she is doing. Maggie is shocked to see Victor as Lexie and Stefano laugh. Stefano thanks Maggie for her help and tells Victor he will never destroy him anyway. Victor gives Stefano a cold stare as Stefano wishes them good day and leaves with Lexie. Maggie is about to say something but Victor interupts and asks why Maggie did this. Maggie apologizes as Victor asks her how she could do this to him.

    The screen then fades to black and the credits roll.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Abby to Max: I don't even want to try anymore. It's not worth my time. I don't want to see you again.
    Billie to Bo: Your daughter needs you so it's up to you to come through. What will it be, Bo?
    Chelsea: Meth huh? Sounds like just what I need.
    Laura: I won't let Billie get her claws into Jack.
    Hope: Laura! I can't believe you!!
    Greta to Eric: I am here for you. I am not going anywhere.
    Nicole: Greta's up there again. What is going on with you two, Eric?
    Victor to Maggie: I want you out!! Out of my house and out of my life!!!

  13. PhoenixRising05
    -The whole courtroom reacts to Abe winning custody of Theo. Stefano, Lexie, and Cassie are stunned, Roman, Cal, Shane, Hope, Sami, Caroline, Billie, and the Horton's all congratulate Abe. Lexie asks Stefano what happened. Stefano declares this an outrage and wishes to appeal. Judge Fitzpatrick explains that Theo just wouldn't be safe in the Dimera environment and is better off in a more normal and stabile living situation. Lexie orders an appeal but Judge Fitzpatrick tells her that no appeal will be heard as the case is open and shut. Theo remaining in Abe's custody is the logical decision and any judge would see that. unless they were bribed. Lexie quietly asks Stefano if he did anything to ensure they would win the case. Stefano lies and says he tried talking with the judge but, obviously, it was to no avail. She would not accept bribery and would not bow to threats. Lexie wonders if bribery and the threats made things worse on their end. Cassie overhears and waves for Stefano to come over to speak with her while everyone is distracted. She asks why he lied to Lexie. He was with her during the court recess and never went to see the judge. Stefano says he had to lie because Lexie can't find out he did nothing to help her. The truth is he needed her to lose Theo to make her turn completely to the Dimera's. She has now turned against all those she loves and is now where she belongs-with her family. Stefano vows to get Theo back at some point but stresses that this needed to happen this way for things to line up the way he wants them. He urges Cassie to return to her seat so no one sees them speaking.

    -Abe asks Judge Fitspatrick when a visitation arrangement will be settled. The judge says there will be no visitation at the moment. The court wishes to monitor Lexie and her home life before making any decisions. Her being connected to the Dimera's and living in the middle of that firestorm concerns her, especially with Lexie nearly dying. Abe asks that the judge consider that Lexie is a good mother and should be able to see her son. The judge says that once they acquire enough information to make sure it's safe and proper, she will be able to see him. It may be under supervision, however. Lexie is devestated. Cameron apologizes for the loss in court. Stefano blames it on her and says she didn't do enough. Cameron says that there wasn't a whole lot to be done. They had all the negativity on their side with his family's name. It was just too much to overcome. Stefano says that if she was a better lawyer she could overcome it. Cameron gets fed up and walks off saying she is done working for him or any Dimera. She leaves. Abe tells Celeste he didn't want Lexie to lose Theo completely. Lexie lashes out at him and vows revenge on Abe and everyone in the courtroom. She tells her mother that she is disgusted with her and that she is no longer her daughter. Celeste explains that she wasn't taking sides but her pleas fall in deaf ears with Lexie. Judge Fitzpatrick reminds Lexie that Abe was being very civil given the circumstances and trying to help her. Lexie is furious and will not listen to reason. She vows that her and her family will get their revenge and she will get her son back no matter what she has to. Stefano reiterates that promise as they both leave. Outside the courtroom, Lexie begs Stefano to help her as he is the only person she has left in the world to help her. He promises that he will an grins as he thinks about how everything is falling in line. Abe thanks Frankie for his work and he leaves. Abe comforts Celeste and assures her that Lexie and her will work things out. Celeste tells Abe she isn't so sure and fears her daughter may be lost to all of them.

    -Cassie says goodbye to Caroline and Cal and leaves. Cal congratulates Abe and leaves. Shane is called away and gives his best wishes to Roman as he leaves. Sami says she is leaving too and Abe thanks her for her support. He hopes they can put the past in the past. She agrees. Roman comes over to her and says he is proud of her for helping Abe. Sami gives him a cold stare and asks if someone was talking before walking away. Roman yells out that she can't ignore or avoid him forever. He exists and is not giving up on her. Sami doesn't listen as she walks away. Roman talks to Eric and asks how he is. Eric says he is ok but could be better. Roman says he wants to get to know Eric again and wants to try to forge a relationship. Eric says he'll see as he doesn't have much time on his hands. Roman tells him that they need to call or talk more. Meanwhile, Sami bumps into Nicole. Sami asks Nicole if she found out anything about Eric's secret yet. Nicole says she hasn't but that he has been spending alot of time with Greta. Sami warns Nicole to be careful and to find out what is going on without being caught because being caught could end up destroying Eric and her anyway. Nicole understands. Greta asks Eric how he is doing. Eric says he has very little energy and can feel his time running out. Greta admits to Eric she called the specialist she knows and he is coming in. Eric is angry and reminds Greta that he said no. Greta begs him to see the specialist. It can't really hurt or damage anything even more. She begs him to humor her. He reluctantly agrees and says he will see the specialist. She is very happy and embraces him, which Nicole sees. She tells him she will call him when the specialist arrives and leaves. Nicole returns to Eric. He asks if something is wrong. Nicole lies and says that nothing is wrong and that she just wants to leave. He agrees and they take off.

    -Hope overhears Billie talking to Kate on her cell about Chelsea and asks if Billie has found her yet. Billie says she hasn't. Hope explains she just talked to Judge Fitzpatrick and had the charges against Chelsea for Zack's death formally dropped. They decided it was best not to go through another hearing given all Chelsea and the family has been through. She tells Billie that Chelsea will have to do a large amount of community service and be on probation. Billie says she is ok with that and thanks Hope. She wishes she knew where Bo was. Hope says they all wish they did. Jack walks over and asks to speak with Billie. Hope leaves. Jack says he is done covering the hearing and thinks they should talk now. He asks if everything is ok between them and if things can go back to the way they were before everything happened with Abby. Billie tells Jack that things can't be the same because they both have to be there for their families and need to give that factor consideration. Jack says they can still be friends since that is all they are and be there for their children and family. He would hate to lose their friendship. Billie agrees. Jack asks if they are ok. Billie says they are and they embrace as Laura watches and overhears. Laura tells herself she won't let this happen and will have to think of another way to stop it. Alice, Doug, and Julie join her. Doug says he will go get the car. Alice tells Laura she is wrong to interfere and Jennifer would not want that. Julie says she has already told Laura this. Laura says she is just looking out for Jack. Alice asks Laura if she is sure about that because it seems like Laura is looking out for herself since she doesn't want Kate's daughter getting involved romantically with Jack. Laura says that is not the case, although it does play a part in it. She just feels like Billie should not be involved with Jack at this juncture. Alice and Julie warn her that her plotting could backfire.

    -Maggie calls Victor and asks if she can pick up anything for him, Bo, Lucas, and Austin on her way back. He says no and she hangs up. Caroline overhears and asks Maggie how long she plans on playing hosue with Victor. Maggie says she is not playing house. Caroline reminds Maggie of when she pushed Victor away because she was becoming too dependent on him and she didn't want things to get too complicated as they were both vulnerable. She asks what happened to make Maggie change her mind. Maggie says that Victor and her are friends and that they shouldn't have to stop being friends. They help and comfort one another and there is nothing wrong with that because they care about each other. Caroline tells Maggie if she cared for Victor she would put an end to his reverting back to his old ways to get revenge. Maggie says she approves of it because something needs to be done. Too many lives have been destroyed and lost already and it's about time action was taken so she supports Victor and his cause. Caroline is stunned and says that Maggie will be sorry when someone gets killed. If she cared, she would put an end to all that. Maggie asks for Caroline's problem is. Caroline explains that she just doesn't think what is going on with Victor and Maggie is right and she does not like how Maggie is standing by while Victor destroys his life and the lives of Bo, Lucas, and Austin. Maggie thinks Caroline is lying and that she has been afraid since day one that something more could be happening between Victor and her. Caroline denies it but Maggie claims she knows that is the case and that Caroline feels guilty for causing him pain. Caroline tells Maggie that none of those accusations are true but wonders if Maggie is developing more then friendly feelings for Victor. Caroline tells Maggie that her husband is gone and Victor is right there for her at all times. She adds that Maggie has been walking around him like some late in life whore and asks her how long she thinks it will be before she uses her pain and suffering over Mickey's death to get Victor into bed. Maggie is stunned that Caroline would go to that extreme and attack her verbally. She slaps her and calls her a [!@#$%^&*] as Roman, Hope, Alice, Julie, Doug, Abe, Celeste, and Laura watch.

    The screen then fades to black and the credits roll.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Julie to Victor: How do you feel about Maggie?
    Maggie to Stefano and Lexie: Justice will be served and revenge will be had. Beleive my words Victor is already working on destroying you all.
    Victor to Maggie: Maggie!!
    Greta to Eric: This could give you some hope.
    Eric to Greta: Or it could be the final nail in my coffin.
    Max to Chelsea: Please, Chelsea. Don't let it be like this. Let me help you. Please!!!
    Celeste to Abe: I hate to say it Abraham but the worst is yet to come.

  14. PhoenixRising05
    -Sami has gotten up early on this morning. She has decided that maybe if she can cook Lucas a huge breakfast, he would not start his day off being so mad at her. Sami talks to herself:

    Sami: All the times I’ve told him and everyone else how much I’ve changed, I then go and do something really damn stupid. When will I learn?

    Lucas walk in the door at that moment.

    Lucas: The question of the new millennium. Yes, Sami. When will you learn? It hasn’t happened yet.
    Sami: Look, Lucas. I made a major mistake telling Lexie to say that to Carrie. It was mean and cruel.
    Lucas: Obviously your two favorite words.
    Sami:(Rolling her eyes) And I have tried to make amends for what happened. I even cooked you a big breakfast this morning.
    Lucas: Ah, splendid. Not only have you once again manipulated my life from behind the scenes, you’re now trying to poison me with your 19th-century cooking. Do yourself a favor. Take this crap to Joliet State Prison. I’m sure the cons would love it.
    Sami: You don’t intend to give me a break do you?!
    Lucas: I’m giving you the very same break you give everyone else. I defended you and your feelings every time you decided to cuss people out, tell your mother how much of a slut she was, tell her and your sisters how much you hated them and wished they burned in hell, and even tell Roman that he will never be your father. That man has been through hell, but as per usual, the only person you ever consider is yourself. Maybe we are now sick and tired of you. How does it feel to have your entire family finally turn their backs on you?!

    Sami has nothing to say to Lucas. Tears are streaming down her face at this point. All she can say is:

    Sami: Remember Lucas I am trying to change. I gave up Will until I could show you all that I am serious. I will prove to you all that I can be what you all want me to be. Someone that my loved ones can be proud of.
    Lucas: Well, I hope that happens but we've all been down this path with you before and the same old Sami showed up yet again eventually.
    Sami: She won't this time. Now enough about me. I heard Austin and you have been quite busy.
    Lucas: What do you mean?
    Sami: I heard about your involvement with Victor as a way of getting Carrie to come back here.
    Lucas: Yeah, so?
    Sami: So...look you may get on me all the time and all but I still don’t want any harm to come to you. You and Austin are Will’s father and uncle, and with this war that is going on......if you don’t accept anything else, just, please, be careful.
    Lucas:(After a brief pause) I’m touched. I’m used to hearing you go back off. Maybe some of that sunk in. Maybe. (Walking towards her) We’ll be careful. Stopping Stefano and his family is top priority. I gotta go.

    Lucas walks over to his breakfast plate, takes some quick bites, looks at Sami, smiles, drinks his orange juice, and heads out the door. Sami just hopes that, even through his anger, he heeds her words.

    -Carrie is sitting next to Alan, as he finally opens up about his past. He explains how, even as a high school jock and BMOK, he still was very distant from his father, who only expected perfection from Alan. He and his mother were very, very close, but, it was like a morgue once his father walked through the door. That is how he remembered living, until one day, when his parents got into a huge argument. He heard the bedroom door slam, and then heard his mother crying out for her father to stop it. Alan banged on the door over and over, but it was no use. His father then opened the door, Alan gave him a look of absolute hatred, and his father left them, never to return. He had just sexual assaulted his mother, and that had stuck with him from that day on. It is also where he grew his hatred of women from. Carrie explains to Alan that she was just looking to find out what happened to him while in prison. She had no idea he went through all that so early in his life. Carrie held him at this point, because Alan was crying his eyes out, just like a little boy.

    -Billie runs into Hope and tells her she has been trying to call her with no answer. She tells her that Bo is looking for Chelsea. She is pleased to hear that Bo is looking for her. It may mean that he has stepped back from his need for vengeance where Chelsea and his family is concerned. Billie feels there maybe more behind his anger. He was mad, but seemed more so when he found Chelsea had been raped. Hope tells Billie that she noticed that off top. And his anger scared her. Something is behind his recent actions, Hope tells Billie. And when this is hopefully over, she intends to find out what it is.

    -Doug, Julie, Laura, and Alice are at the Horton house discussing final plans for the Halloween Ball the next night. They are looking forward to putting their plan into action to help Maggie. They conversate about how it will be good to finally get Maggie away from Victor and back in the loving arms of her family. Julie tells Doug that she knows Victor means well, but with Maggie having such a hard time accepting Mickey’s death, the last place she needs to be is in the middle of this blood feud between him and Stefano. She could do something that just may put herself and everyone else in danger. Doug concurs, and says that the Halloween bash can’t get here soon enough. He loves Maggie too, and feels she is putting herself in danger staying at the Kiriakis Mansion. Alice, who has been listening, assures both of them that all will be well and that even if this plan fails they won't give up. They just need to have faith. Laura agrees and reiterates they they all need to hope for the best and that this doesn't backfire and push Maggie even further away.

    -While the Hortons are busy with their plan to save Maggie, she is wandering the streets, once again looking for a bottle of liquor to drink. The temptation has returned and so has the guilt that had left her since moving in with Victor. She feels she has just made a huge mess of everything. She holds herself responsible not only for Mickey’s death, but also for blurting out Victor’s plan to his arch enemy. She can’t even see in front of her to recognize the intersection she’s about to walk into.....

    -Bo makes it back to the mansion, and informs Victor & Austin that he still can’t find Chelsea. Lucas arrives while they are still discussing the matter. Victor asks Bo a very disturbing question:

    Victor: Do you think Stefano has had her kidnapped?!
    Bo: If I find out he has her, I’ll kill him myself. She doesn’t have one damn thing to do with this!
    Lucas: Yeah. And neither did Lexie at first and look what happened to her.
    Victor: Are you holding me responsible for her injuries, Lucas?
    Lucas: No more responsible than anyone else. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    Austin: Sounds like you’re talking about Maggie, not Lexie.
    Victor: Which brings up something I have to tell you all. She’s gone, and I don’t know where she is. I kicked her out after that blunder with Stefano, and have had men out all day looking for her. I hope no harm has come to her.

    Bo turns and looks at his father.

    Bo: Victor, I told you she should have never been in this house in the first place. Now her life may be in danger, thanks to you.
    Victor: (Turning towards Bo) Let me tell you something, boy. Don’t EVER question my motives. She’s my problem, and I’ll handle it.
    Austin: I hope you can, because what she did may have put all of us in danger.
    Bo: That means one thing. It's time to kick this war to the next level and end it before many more lives are destroyed.

    The screen fades to black and the credits roll.

    Next Time, On Salem Lives....

    Victor to Julie: There is something I need to tell you.
    Julie to Victor: What?
    Victor: Maggie is missing and I need your help.
    Billie to Bo: Hope and I are here to help.
    Bo to Billie and Hope: The hell you are!!
    Maggie: I wish I had died tonight. I have nothing to live for and all I do is screw up and ruin the lives of those I care about. I don't deserve love from anyone. I don't deserve to live.
    Steve to Kayla: Ok Kayla. Fine. I am ready to listen now. Tell me everything.
    Cassie to Max: Take me. You know you want to.
    Abby (with Chelsea behind her and tears in her eyes): Oh...no. Max. No...

    ***This was the first episode my wonderful co-HW Roman (known in the blog as Patrick L. Ewing) wrote so I just wanted to add this here and say what a wonderful job he did. He will be writing much more in the future as him and I continue our successful partnership. I just wanted the fans to know as I have been writing the daily episodes and Roman deserves kudos so I will give him my props on a job well-done and I hope others will too. It is not easy to do this everyday and for him this is a big deal so I wanted to praise him and look forward to seeing his writing in the future. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.***

  15. PhoenixRising05
    Announcer: ON SALEM LIVES...


    Clip of Max.


    Clips of Abby, Chelsea, and Cassie.


    Clip of Cassie and Max kissing in a car while a stunned Abby and Chelsea watch with Abby in tears.

    Abby: It looks like Max has made his choice.



  16. PhoenixRising05
    Week of October 15, 2006 Edition


    Victor loses it this week on Salem Lives when he kicks Maggie out of his mansion in a fit of rage which, ultimately, leads her back to the bottle. The week begins with Maggie lashing out at Stefano and Lexie after Theo's custody hearing. "The hearing is over and Lexie has lost Theo so Maggie is rubbing it in," says HW Tim Lowery. "She really hates the Dimera's because of the island and Mickey's death and she is just laughing in their face saying there is more suffering for them to come." Maggie then makes a huge error-an error that she gets caught in the act of making. "She says that Victor and his crew are planning their revenge and that the Dimera's will be no more," previews Lowery. "She then blurts out that Victor, Bo. Austin, and Lucas are already looking over maps and blueprints of Stefano's various properties and lairs and that they are going to strike. The worst part is that Victor hears everything and is just furious." Lexie and Stefano leave and Victor just loses it on Maggie. "He tells her in the middle of his temper eruption that he wants her out of his house and away from him," sighs Lowery. "She runs off in tears and he isn't bothered by it until much later when he can't find her after he goes off to look for her." By week's end, Victor organizes a search party to find Maggie while Maggie is tempted by her past demons again and hits the bottle hard...again. "Things are definitely turning ugly," hints Lowery.


    Chelsea and Abby are on a collusion course with Max and Cassie this week on Salem Lives and the results leave heartbreak and devestation in it's wake. The week begins with Max bumping into a down and out Chelsea. "She is drunk, high, and just totally out of it," says HW Tim Lowery. "When Max runs into her she isn't even coherent." Max tries once more to let him help her and to give their relationship one more chance and Chelsea refuses. "She brings up how they are over and he had his chance," previews Lowery. "She mentions how he didn't even care to find out what was going on with her and, basically, says he abandoned her. Max reminds Chelsea how she pushed him away but even he knows that he gave up and screwed up big time." Chelsea then runs off and her downward spiral worsens when she accepts meth from a bunch of friends from school. Meanwhile, Abby and Max end up having a fight after Frankie once again convinces Abby to talk to Max. "They have a major falling out," sighs Lowery. "They both feel horrible about it but don't have the courage to go find one another to fix it." A disappointed and guilty Max then hits the bar and ends up seeking solace with Cassie. "Cassie is there in front of him once again and he is getting hammered," says Lowery. "Max normally would never just jump into bed with a girl but he is so vulnerable and just looking for some confort somewhere. He is lost and is so out of it and Cassie has seemed to always be there recently. He needs a friend and gravitates towards Cassie and calls her a friend for the first time, which makes Cassie feel good too." At week's end, passions ignite for Cassie and Max just as both Chelsea and Abby decide to look for Max and talk things out. When they find Max, what they see will not only continue Chelsea's cycle of destruction but will send Abby down a shocking path as well. "Chelsea will get much worse and what happens to Abby will stun everyone," promises Lowery. "The situation with both Abby and Chelsea will get very serious...and disturbing."

    Rumor Mill

    -Look for the upcoming Horton Halloween Party to showcase the return of several Horton's and a major face off as one woman comes face to face with an infamous face from the past.
    -Expect a major recast of a current character in the coming weeks. Think RKK/Peter Reckell.
    -An announcement regarding Cal's (Josh Taylor) psychiatrist is pending.
    -Jaime Lyn Bauer (Laura) may be sticking around a little longer.
    -Patsy Pease" return as Kimberly has been postponed for a bit. Look for the actress to reappear before the end of the year, however.

    Previews and Peeks into Week of 10/16/06

    -Lexie vows revenge.
    -Celeste tells Abe the worst is yet to come.
    -Maggie and Caroline have it out.
    -Laura is shocked to see Jack and Billie have worked things out.
    -Nicole witnesses another Eric and Greta close encounter.
    -Julie and Victor have a heart to heart.
    -Maggie makes a huge mistake.
    -Victor loses it.
    -Eric shocks Greta.
    -Chelsea and Abby send Max into Cassie's arms.
    -The Horton's prepare to pull a fast one on Maggie.
    -The search is on for Maggie.
    -Lucas is touched by Sami's concern.
    -Carrie and Alan discuss his past.
    -Maggie gives in to temptation...again.
    -Steve finally gives in to Kayla.
    -Max and Cassie turn up the heat.
    -Abby and Chelsea's hearts are broken.

    Red Letter Days!!!

    Monday October 16: Lexie vows revenge after losing Theo. On this same day, Maggie and Caroline go at it!!
    Wednesday October 18: Maggie bears witness to Victor's rage.
    Friday October 20: Max and Cassie heat up as a heartbroken Chelsea and Abby watch.

    Next Week: Abby makes a big change. Billie sees another side to Abby. Carrie makes a stunning request of Alan. Lucas, Austin, and Roman get a huge shock. The Horton's put their plot to save Maggie into motion. Maggie comes face to face with several loves ones from the past. Lexie learns of Stefano's plans.
  17. PhoenixRising05
    -Judge Fitzpatrick officially opens the hearing. The judge asks if the demand on both sides is for full custody. Lexie stands up and says yes while Abe reluctantly agrees, saying he wishes they could compromise. Lexie says there will be no compromising. She wants her son. Frankie informs the judge that Commishioner Carver has several people that wish to speak on his behalf. She allows it.

    -Alice, Hope, Billie, Caroline, Roman, and Shane explain how long they have known Abe and how great of a father he is. They admit concern about Lexie being a Dimera and Theo's safety, citing the attempt on her life, but they do feel that Lexie should still be able to see her son and spend time with him as much as possible. Maggie then asks to take the stand and throws her support behind Abe. She explains all the horrors the Dimeras have put so many through and Theo should not be exposed to that. Maggie lashes out and says that all the Dimera's should burn in hell. She tells everyone that Lexie doesn't care about any of them. She is sitting on Stefano's side and has made her loyalties clear since she moved into the Dimera mansion. She tells Stefano that he will pay and so will his family. Judge Fitzpatrick warns Maggie not to issue threats. Maggie apologizes and returns to her seat behind Doug, Julie, and Laura.

    -Laura is called to the stand to explain the psychological effect on the child depending on which parent gets custody. Laura says she feels usually that the child is better off with the mother but she just ins't sure it's safe so her support is for the father to obtain custody. Lexie lashes out saying Laura has no idea what she is talking about. The judge orders her to remain silent. Frankie then calls Sami up to the stand. Sami explains how fondly she thinks of Abe and how she grew up thinking of him as an uncle and still does. She looks at Lexie and Stefano and remembers his warning to her. She tells herself she can't be afraid. She tells the court that Abe is a wonderful father and Theo belongs with him. She agrees that it just isn;t very safe for him to go with Lexie and she really isn't sure if Lexie is in the state of mind to raise Theo right now. Lexie lashes out and says that Sami's opinion means nothing based on her history and calls her a [!@#$%^&*]. The judge orders order and warns Lexie that another disruption will give her a ticket to jail. Lexie quiets as Cameron warns her to cool it. Sami returns to her seat with Eric, Nicole, and Greta.

    -The judge then asks if Celeste would like tp speak as the maternal grandmother of Theo. Celeste says she will only say that both Lexie and Abe are wonderful parents and that she doesn't want to take sides. She cares about Abe and loves her daughter. Judge Fitzpatrick asks Celeste if she thinks Theo would be safe with Lexie. Celeste says he would be safe being cared for by Lexie but by himself or just being around the Dimera influence could make him a target and put him in danger. She also fears him becoming like Stefano just like so many of his children have, including her daughter. The judge thanks her and calls Abe to the stand. Abe explains how much he loves his son and many of the things they have done together. We then see some flashbacks of Theo and Abe playing and him reading to Theo. He also notes that Lexie is a wonderful mother and he would never take Theo away from her completely. He wanted joint custody but she wanted all or nothing and he needs to protect his son from harm and from the Dimera's so he needs to go for full custody. Cameron asks the judge if she may ask a question. The judge grants her request. Cameron reminds Abe that he is a cop and the commishioner to boot, meaning that could put Theo at risk too. Abe insists that Theo is always kept safe and watched and he would do everything in his power to protect him. The Dimera's are not only a red flag for danger for others and for themselves but also are a bad influence and he can't have his son grow up like them even though those that grew up away from them still ended up being sinister (looks at Lexie) . He just asks the judge to be fair and keep the child first in all this. He leaves the stand.

    -Stefano steps up and explains how much his daughter loves Theo and that he will be well taken care of and safe. He is in no more danger with them then he would face on the street. Frankie brings up Stefano and his family being a bad influence and says that no one can trust a word he says, based on his history, so his words lose credibility with him and all those that know him. Stefano laughs and tells Frankie he is only trying to help his daughter and say his peace. The judge tells Stefano he may step down.

    -Lexie is asked to take the stand and makes an emotional plea to hold on to Theo. She apologixes for all her mistakes and tells the judge she has lost so much. Frankie asks her if she can promise Theo will besafe and secure. Lexie vows to protect him and give her life for him but reminds Frankie and the court that Theo is in just as much danger with any one of them. If something is meant to happen, it will regardless of the whereabouts. Lexie then says there are a few things she feels the court must know about her soon-to-be-ex-husband. Lexie stares at Stefano, who nods his head in approval. She explains Abe's past and his temper. She brings up his relationship with Faye and the son, Brandon, that resulted from that. She tells the court of his shooting Larry Morris and, later, Brady Black. She also claims Abe pushed her away and emotionally abused her while he was blind and impotent and that even continued after the blindness was cured. She claims if people are trying to say Theo is not safe with her and that she is unfit, then Abe has just as much on him too as he has a hot temper and all these things suggest he exhibits questionable behavior too. Ahe is humiliated Lexie would bring all that out, especially about his impotence and their private life. He lashes out at Lexie for that. Lexie tells Abe she is going to do whatever it takes. The judge tells Lexie that while Abe has said he was partly responsible for pushing her away due to his actions, Lexie still did the deed and lied. The judge also tells Lexie that the Larry Morris and Brady Black case are well-documented. Roman and Cal stand up and say Abe had nothing to do with that and it was an accident. Same goes for Larry and the Faye/Brandon thing as both Sami and Nicole rise and state that Abe has really done nothing wrong but push away his wife and start the whole mess they are going through today. The judge agrees and says she knows all that too and tells Lexie that all those past occurances have nothing to do with what is going on. They came off as desperate and displayed nothing but hatred and disdain for her husband, someone she said she loved for years. If anything, it made her see Lexie in an even worse light. Lexie says she did love him but that things changed. She just wants her son. Judge Fitzpatrick returns to her quarters to contemplate her decision.

    -Abe asks Celeste if she has had a vision. Celeste says the same on as before where he is upset and people seem to be unhappy. Abe is worried.

    -Billie asks Jack if he has acquired any inside informatiion. Jack says he hasn't but that Stefano has gone MIA, meaning he could be doing a little shady handiwork to make sure things go his way. Billie worries that is true and that Abe will lose.

    -Lexie tells Cameron that she is worried as their scheme to play dirty backfired and made her look bad in the eyes of the judge. Cameron says things could still work out and they just need to hope. Lexie says she can't hope-she feels like her hopes of holding on to Theo are slipping away. She notices Stefano is gone and figures he went behind the scenes to help. Cassie comes into the hallway outside the courtroom and sees Stefano. Stefano says he just needed to walk around a bit as he is cramping. Cassie wants the real answer. Stefano says he needed Lexie to think he went in to see the judge to help. Cassie asks why. Stefano insists she will see and returns to Lexie. Lexie says she knows he went to help her and asks how it went. Stefano says they will see soon enough as the judge returns with a decision. Everyone rises and is seated. Judge Fitzpatrick tells both Abe and Lexie and their counsels to rise and she reveals she has decided to award full custody to...ABE CARVER!!! Everyone is thrilled for Abe as a stunned Lexie is stunned and held by Stefano.

    The screen fades to black and the credits roll.
  18. PhoenixRising05
    -Doug and Julie bring Alice to the courthouse. Laura meets up with them and asks why they are there. Alice explains that she is speaking on Abe's behalf. She has always been close friends with Celeste. Laura explains she is there as a psychiatrist and to also seak for the best interests of the child. They all agree it will a tough decision as they care for both Lexie and Abe but it may be best for Theo to live with Abe based on the Stefano factor and the fact that she almost died because of her connection to Stefano. They are all stunned when Maggie arrives. Alice, Julie, and Laura embrace her and are very happy to see her. Maggie explains that she came to make sure the judge rules in favor of Abe. She insists the Dimera's must pay and she wants to make sure they don't destroy any more lives. Julie says they are all so happy to see her. Maggie explains she would never have come if not for wanting to see the Dimera's lose this case. Laura asks Maggie if she remembers that this is Lexie losing. Maggie insists that she is a Dimera and that she should pay. She says that Mickey's blood is on the hands of that family. Julie and Laura are disturbed. They go off to a corner and admit they are both worried about her. They head back over and ask how she is doing at Victor's. She says she is doing much better. Julie asks if she wants to join them later at Alice's for coffee but Maggie refuses. She says she is busy and doesn't feel like it. Julie whispers to Alice that she is worried. Alice reminds her of their plan and asks Julie to have patience and hope for the best. Hope arrives and is also pleased to see Maggie. They embrace. Hope asks Maggie how Bo is doing and if he is coming. Maggie explains that Lucas, Austin, Victor, and Bo are busy. Hope is stunned that Bo wouldn't even come to show his support. She asks Maggie to watch over him as a favor. Maggie says she will do her best.

    -Billie asks Jack if he really wants them to spend time together again. Jack says it shouldn't even be an issue as they are friends. Billie says they should talk later as people are starting to arrive and she sees Laura is here. Jack agrees that they shouldn't cause anymore tension or drama and he needs to go interview some people anyway. He says he will talk to her later. Billie is pleased that Jack and here are working things out. Hope sees Billie and asks why she is there. Billie says Abe asked her to come. Hope says she would've came anyway but that Abe wanted as many character witnesses as possible since it is him against the Dimera's. Billie says that it is going to be difficult because Lexie and Abe are on opposing sides. Hope agrees but says she is supporting Abe because of Stefano and Lexie alreayd nearly died herself because of Stefano. Billie agrees and thinks Theo is safer away from that. Hope asks about Chelsea. Billie tells Hope what happened the night before and how Abby and Frankie had to save her. Hope is shocked. Billie says she doesn't know what to do and that she needs Bo. Hope says they all do. Meanwhile, Laura comes over to Jack and asks how he is. Jack says he is fine but busy trying to acquire some information on the custody case since this is a big story dealing with the commissioner and the Dimera's. Laura agrees but wanted to make sure he was ok after what happened with Billie and Abby. Jack says he is fine and happy as a clam. Laura is suspicious and wonders if something is going on that he isn't saying.

    -Roman arrives with Caroline, Frankie, and Shane. Cal arrives behind them. Roman is stunned to see him. Cal says he still remembers being Roman and still considers Abe a good friend, along with Lexie, so he came for support. Caroline hugs him and is happy to see him. Shane and Roman explain they are there to speak for Abe and to make sure the Dimera's go nowhere near the baby. They do care for Lexie still despite everything she has done with Carrie and Austin and all but they feel Theo is best with Abe. Caroline and Cal agree. Frankie goes into the courtroom. Nicole and Eric arrive and say they came to support Abe. Greta also arrives too and says she is there as support as well despite not knowing both Abe and Lexie well. Cal sees Laura and calls her over to talk to her. He asks if the shrink she was sending for to treat him has called yet. Laura says she has had something happen to delay her but that she will be in Salem very soon. Cal thanks Laura for doing this and says he is looking forward to remembering the past, good or bad, and moving on. Caroline bumps into Maggie and says she heard Maggie is living with Victor. She asks how they are both doing. Maggie says she is doing much better thanks to Victor and Victor is just fine so Caroline has no reason to worry about him. Caroline says she is worried because of Bo, Victor, Lucas, and Austin all working together on bringing down the Dimera's and all the crime in Salem and she thinks that is reason to worry. Maggie says all is well and that Caroline need not concern herself. Maggie walks away while Caroline seems unsettled with the conversation.

    -Abe and Celeste arrive in his car. Abe says he checked in with the sitter and everything is fine. He assures Celeste everything will work out fine. Celeste tells abe she doesn't think so. She had a vision and he was upset and everyone was in a outrage. Abe hopes she is wrong and that everything will go well. Celeste asks Abe how he thinks Lexie will react to so many of her friends siding with him. Abe says it will get ugly and may push her towards Stefano even more.

    -Cassie calls Stefano from in the courthouse and says that many of the Brady's and Horton's are there. Stefano orders Cassie to sit with the Brady's so no one will learn she has embraced her Dimera heritage. Cassie understands and goes over to Caroline and embraces her. Stefano asks Lexie outside the courthouse if she is ready and willing to do what is necessary. Lexie says she knows she will have to do whatever it takes and play as dirty as possible to win. She knows she is going to lose Abe but she can't lose her son. Stefano says he will do whatever he can to help. They enter the courthouse and everyone gives them a cold stare. Lexie goes over to meet with her attorney, Cameron Reese. Abe is stunned to see her, as is Roman. Cameron tells Abe he has one hell of a fight on his hands. Abe says it won't be the first time he has battled her and he warns Cameron he will fight with everything he has and not give up his son. Cameron says they will see about that. Frankie warns Abe to keep his emotions in check because, with Cameron and the Dimera's involved, it could get very ugly.

    -Sami arrives and realizes she is late. As she is about to walk in the courtroom, Stefano stops her. Sami tells him to stay away from her. Stefano says he has a friendly warning for her. He tells Sami that she will pay for bringing Lexie down with her in their little scheme and he will be sure to help Lexie personally get revenge on her. Sami asks if that is a threat. Stefano says it is a promise and welcomes her to life as a Brady. He admits he used to respect and like her as she wasn't the average good-hearted Brady but now she has become a target just like the rest. He walks off smiling and tells her he will see her inside. A frightened Sami enters the courtroom where Eric asks if she is ok. He knows when something is wrong with her. Sami lies and says she is fine and can handle it.

    -Lexie looks around the room and sees no one sitting on her side of the courtroom and all her friends sitting on Abe's side. Lexie lashes out saying she now knows where their loyalties lie. Hope stands up and begs Lexie to understand. They want her to be with Theo but it's her family and Stefano. She almost died herself because she walked into a trap meant for Stefano. Hope asks Lexie if she wants that life for Theo. He is much safer with Abe. Lexie says she knows what is going on. She knows they all hate her because of her involvement with Sami in the sceme to break up Carrie and Austin and she all knows no one ever forgave her for her actions in regards to Zack and the baby switch. Hope says what happened with Zack was in the past and she knows that Lexie made a mistake sleeping with Tek and that the whole scheme with Sami stemmed from that. Billie stands up and tells Lexie they just think Theo is better off staying with Abe. Celeste tells Lexie to leave the Dimera's and work something out with Abe. She may even be able to fix her marriage. Abe insists that isn't possible but that they can work something out. He hopes that Lexie sees him as a good father, just like he sees her as a good mother despite everything. He doesn't want full custody but wants to share it providing she breaks with her father and the Dimera's. Lexie says that is never going to happen, especially not now that she sees they are all against her. She has lost everything from her marriage to her job and while she is partly to blame, it is not all her fault. She is sick of being a loser and that is what she will be without embracing her birthright. She was wrong to give that up and to deny herself of being a Dimera. She is where she belongs and tells Abe to prepare for a fight and tells everyone in the room that they are now her enemies just like they are her father's. She will make them all pay for their betrayals and for their actions. Sami looks on frightened as Cassie looks on secretly pleased and proud. Celeste and Abe are appalled. Abe whispers to Celeste that he will do what he didn't want to do-he will have to go for full custody to protect Theo from the Dimera's. Celeste agrees he needs to do what he must and then asks for God to help her daughter. Stefano whispers to Lexie he is proud of her and assures her they will win and she and their family will have all the success and happiness they deserve. Judge Fitzpatrick then enters as everyone rises. She calls the court to order and tells everyone to be seated and officially begins the hearing.

    The screen then fades to black as the credits roll.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Maggie: Abe Carver deserves his son and the Dimera's deserve to burn in hell!!!
    Sami: I don't think Lexie is in the right situation to care for and protect Theo like a mother should.
    Lexie: No one gives a damn what you have to say you [!@#$%^&*]!!!
    Abe: Your honor, please. I love my son. Do the right thing and keep Theo with me.
    Lexie: There are some things I feel should be told to the court your honor and I am sure you will find them rather interesting.
    Stefano: Everything is going exactly as planned. It is only a matter of time before Salem feels the full wrath of the Dimera's.

  19. PhoenixRising05
    About two weeks ago in the SALEM LIVES INSIDER, there was mention of a casting call for the role of Cal's (Josh Taylor) psychiatrist. Very few ideas were received and, through collaboration with my co-HW and others, we now have a narrowed down list of actresses that seem best suited for what we are going for (for the casting call please go to the 9/24/06 edition of the Insider). Please PM me or post who you think is best here. The age is not as important as who can play the character best. The casting call had an age for a woman in her mid 40's-early 60's but I have now stretched to a range of mid to upper 30s-late 50's so go for that age range when choosing from the list. The character is a world-renowned psychiatrist who has never found love. She is career-driven and romance is not a priority with her. Work is her middle name and she is strong-willed and feisty to say the least. Here are the final list of actresses being considered so please choose one and PM me or comment here in the blog:

    Sally Field
    Victoria Principal
    Terri Garber
    Phileice Sampler
    Anna Stuart
    Famke Janssen

    Famke I picked because she is a fave of mine and she oozes sex appeal and the rest are excellent options as well. Please PM and post comments by Sunday at 6:00 pm and I will announce the chosen actress later that evening. Thanks for the input and I look forward to the results.

  20. PhoenixRising05
    -Austin, Lucas, Victor, Nico, and Bo are all looking over maps and property blueprints. Victor says they need to be well-informed to prepare for their attack on Stefano. He does not want to make a mistake like the last time. Bo asks if that is a confession. Victor smiles and says that is in the past and they need to move on if they are going to accomplish anything. Maggie comes downstairs and says hello to everyone. Lucas embraces her and asks how she is doing. She explains she is better not being around the memories and not around the whole family. Lucas reminds her to call if she needs anything. She asks why Lucas and Austin are there and they fill her in on their plan to bring Carrie home. Lucas beleives Maggie will be against it but she explains she is on Victor's side too. Things need to change and after all the death and destruction on the island, including Mickey's death, Stefano and all those who have hurt them need to pay. Lucas is happy she understands. Maggie walks over and starts looking and messing up the order of the blueprints and maps. Maggie asks what they plan to do. She asks Victor if he is going to blow up something else like he did the warehouse. Victor urges her to keep quiet about that as the more that speak about it the more likely it is of him going down for it. She apologizes. Bo asks Victor if he can talk to him for a moment.

    -Bo takes Victor into the den and says he needs to warn him. He knows he is only helping Maggie out and that they have grown close but she has always been a gossip queen and nosy and they don't need her blowing their plans or interfering. He reminds Victor of what she just did going through the materials they were looking at. Victor agrees it is a risk having her around but she has no place else to go and they have become good friends. He promises Bo that if things get out of hand he will put an end to the living arrangement.

    -Lucas tells Austin he is surprised Maggie accepted them joining Victor. Austin once again asks if he is sure they are doing the right thing. Lucas says this is the only way to clean up Salem and make sure Carrie feels safe and secure enough to come home and stay in Salem. Maggie overhears and thinks it is a brilliant idea. Lucas says it is their only shot. Bo and Victor return. Victor kindly asks Maggie to leave them be as they have business. She understands and says she will be upstairs. She says goodbye and leaves. Victor tells Bo that everything is just fine. Bo warns him once again to keep an eye on her because one slip-up could endanger their lives and the lives of others. Victor is sure it will all be ok and tells them all they need to get back to researching and planning. They all sit down and begin to discuss plans and strategies against Stefano and all their other enemies.

    -Billie arrives at the courthouse for Theo's custody hearing. She is there to support Abe and realizes she is early. She bumps right into Jack, who is covering the story for The Spectator. They say hello and explain what the other is doing there. They both try to say goodbye but Jack turns around and tells Billie he can't do this. They are friends and nothing more and this is wrong. Billie says it is really what is right. She still can't find Chelsea and he has issues with his family. Their families need special attention right now without interuption and distraction. Jack says they are only friends and that there are no distractions. He agrees to talk to Abby and Laura and make sure there are no problems. Billie refuses saying they need to think about their families. Jack mentions how they are adults and have a right to do as they please as long as they obey the laws and then Jack lists all Billie has done for him and she returns the favor. Jack asks if she would at least come by a few times a week instead of always being around everyday. Billie says they shouldn't see each other at all but Jack refuses to agree with that and admits he was wrong last night to even want to do that. He tells Billie there is nothing to worry about and that they are only friends. Billie is reluctant but Jack begs her to let him have his "old" friend back." She agrees and they embrace. Jack reminds her that he will take care of Abby and Laura.

    -Max is outside the Deveraux garage sitting in a lounge chair when Frankie comes over and taps his shoulder. Max jumps as Frankie asks where he was last night. Max insists he was busy. Frankie asks if it was with Cassie. He says it is none of his brother's business but then Frankie guesses Cassie. Max stays silent. Abby then interupts the discussion in frustration. She tells Max how she called him last night to ask him for help. She explains how Chelsea got drunk and high and was going to have sex with two guys. They reminded her of her rapes and she screamed and began to say "No!" She had wanted the sex before but changed her mind now. Abby didn't have Bo's number on her but did call Jack, Billie, and later Frankie them man who saved her and Chelsea. She tells Max she called him and heard music, like from a bar, in the background for a second and then a hangup. He explains he never hung up on her. Abby lashes out at Max telling him Chelsea needed him again and he let her down and that she needed him too. She put her life on the line to help Chelsea and he was nowhere to be found. He hung up on her and went about his business. He has been so upset of late for abandoning Chelsea over the summer without ever asking or trying to find out why she was pushing him away and now he abandons Chelsea again along with her. Max insists he has no idea what she is talking about. Frankie asks if his friend, Cassie may know what happened. Max decides to give her a call to meet them for answers.

    -Cassie arrives and asks why Max wanted to see her. He explains Abby's claims and then asks if she picked up his phone and hung up when he went the bathroom at the Pub last night. Cassie lies and says she did nothing of the sort. She never even knew Max had has cell until he came back and asked her if anyone called. Max asks her if she is lying. Cassie acts offended and says she has no reason to lie. She would never just hang up his phone since it could be an emeregency. Abby wonders if she is lying to but Cassie denies everything and says she has nothing to gain. Frankie says that she had Max to gain. Cassie says she still considers herself a part of the Brady family and they feel the same way. She has changed alot and Chelsea does feel like family to her as she still feels like a Brady. She doesn't care for her but would never want to hurt her. Max says he beleives Cassie. Abby is stunned and says that means that Max did hang up. Max says he has no clue what happened but he did not hang up. He never even got a call last night. Abby gives up and says it doesn't matter as it is too late to change anything. Max asks where Chelsea is. Abby explains that no one knows. She then tells him in a sarcastic tone to have a nice day just like he had a nice night while Chelsea and her were in danger and it could've been much worse if Frankie hadn't come. Max apologizes and says he wants to find out what happened. A disgusted Abby walks off. Frankie tells Max and Cassie he doesn't know what happened but warns them that if they continue to hurt Abby they will have to deal with him. Frankie leaves. Max apologizes to Cassie for the interrogation. She understands and says she does need to go as Theo's custody hearing is soon. They say goodbye. Cassie privately breathes a sigh of relief as her and her grandafather's plans were nearly ruined. She needs to make sure no one catches on until their plans are in full motion. Meanwhile, Abby goes in the house and admits she does beleive Max and that he did not hand up. She thinks Cassie had something to do with it but isn't sure. She lays on her bed and begins to cry, wondering why everything is such a mess and when she and her family will finally find happiness.

    The screen then fades to black and the credits roll.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Stefano to Sami: I have a warning for you Samantha.
    Abe to Celeste: It will all work out for the best.
    Celeste to Abe: No, darling. It won't.
    Stefano to Lexie: Are you prepared to do what is necessary?
    Lexie to Stefano: Yes. I am going to play as dirty as I need to and do whatever it takes to hold on to my son.
    Hope to Lexie: Just please understand...
    Lexie to Hope: I understand completely and now I realize what is really going on. I hate you all!!!

  21. PhoenixRising05
    -Cassie follows Max out of the Pub. Max yells at her and tells her to just leave him alone. She refuses and tells him that he is drunk and she will help him get home. He asks her why she is always hovering around him lately. She admits she likes him and is attracted to him and and she is still close to the Brady's. They will always be like family to her and she is just trying to help. Cassie recalls Stefano asking her to use her closeness with the Brady's and to also get close to Max to aid in his upcoming plans and tells Max she likes him alot and is trying to be a friend. He tells her that from what he hears about her she was never the friend type. She asks what he heard exactly. Max says he heard she was very man-hungry. She laughs and says that being a Brady softened her a bit but that she still has the wild and crazy Cassie in her. She teases Max and says that he may get to see that someday. Max smiles and Cassie then helps him walk as he begins his way home.

    -Jack is stunned by Abby's words, as is Billie. He asks her why she is saying all this now. Abby reiterates what Laura told her earlier about it being too soon and about JJ and their family needing Jack. Abby says she is also worried about Billie taking advantage of her promise to her mother about caring and helping with thier family. She asks Jack if he is sure Billie isn't using him to make Bo jealous and she reminds him of her past with Bo and Hope. Jack says Billie has always been a family friend and that he is well aware of the mistakes she made that she regrets. Abby says she appreciates all Billie has done with helping their family and getting her dad back to work but she just doesn't think this is right. Billie tells Abby she understands but says she is not taking advantage of anything and is not using Jack. Abby says she is not the only one that feels that way. Jack asks what she means. Abby says that everyone around them will agree with her. Jack asks if this means her grandmother. Abby mentions that she knows grandma doesn't like him being around Billie but that she has nothing to do with her feeling like she does. Abby looks at Laura, who whispers a "thank you" to Abby for not saying they talked and causing some family drama. Billie does see Laura's whisper to Abby and both woman give each other a cold stare. Jack says he needs to talk to Abby alone. He asks Abby why she is so bothered now by this as Billie has been around alot for weeks. Abby says that JJ really needed his father tonight and that just put everything in perspective. She also can't see being related to Chelsea and her family. Jack insists him and Billie are only friends and that nothing else is going on. Abby tells Jack she doesn't want anything to go on and that is why it needs to stop now. She tells Jack she just doesn't feel comfortable and righ about this right now. She hopes he understands. Jack says he does.

    -Billie stands near Laura while Abby and Jack talk. They both remain silent until Billie tells Laura she knows she had something to do with Abby turning on her all of a sudden. Laura doesn't answer and then Jack and Abby return to them. Jack says he needs to talk to Billie. Billie tells Jack she already knows what he is going to say and she accepts it. Jack says it is for the best and she is still his friend but they should just avoid each other for the time being. Billie says it's fine and that she doesn't want any trouble. She doesn't understand why this is an issue as they are only friends but he needs to put his family first so she is fine with it. She admits it is hard as he has been a comfort to her. He feels the same way and apologizes for all this. She did so much for him and he feels this is wrong. Billie understands and tells him they are friends and they need to do what is right. She is willing to go with this. He thanks her for understanding, as does Abby. Abby also fills Billie in on what happened with Chelsea earlier. Billie and Jack feel awful that they turned their phones off. Abby cites that as another reason for why she thinks Jack and Billie's relationship is wrong. Jack tells her to cool it but Billie agrees. She needs to be there for her daughter too and she was wrong to try to block all that out tonight just so she could relax and have fun. It was selfish and she hates herself for it. Her phone should've been on. Jack tells her not to blame herself. Billie wonders why Bo didn't answer his phone and figures it has something to do with his issues. She says she will have to thank Frankie for helping and then asks Abby how Chelsea is. Abby says she was shaken because she was reminded of her rapes but she chose not to come home with Frankie and her and just ran off. Billie is both furious and upset that she is MIA again. Abby tells Billie that Chelsea was encouraging the guys and didn't say no until she recalled her rapes. She was willing to go that far with both men and was incredibly drunk and high. Billie is worried sick and says she needs to go. Jack thanks her again for everything and for her understanding. Billie looks at Abby and then at Jack and says they need to do what they need to do and that maybe it's for the best for everyone. She then glances at Laura, who seems pleased by the look on her face. She then walks off. Abby hugs her father and thanks him. Jack mentions to Laura that she should be pleased. Laura says she just wants what is best but that she learned her lession about interfering. Jack is happy about that and says he wants them all to know his family comes first. Abby thanks him and hugs him as Laura looks on smiling. Meanwhile, outside, Billie tells herself she is doing what is right but knows Laura used Abby because Jack wouldn't listen to her anymore. She doesn't want to cause trouble so she will just leave them alone and worry about her life and family from now on. She calls Chelsea, whose phone is off, and wonders where she is.

    -Steve is still trying to find a way out of the cell and is frustrated. He once again blames Kayla and her yapping for delaying their escape long enough for them to get locked up. Kayla apologizes but thinks they should take advantage of their time alone to help him remember his past. Steve says he has no interest in that and says he doesn't even know if he can trust her. She could be a spy sent on by Alamain or that Dimera person to mess with him. Kayla insists she is not a spy or minion and that she is his wife and the mother of his daughter. Steve says he doesn't remember any of that. All he knows is that she is familiar to him but that is it. He reiterates that his only focus is on finding a way out of the cell. Kayla says that someone will come looking for her and will find them. She has brothers that are cops and everyone knows she was only going to be away for a short time. They will come looking. Steve says he doesn't feel like waiting as he has been locked up for over a decade while she has been for a short time. Kayla urges him to stop wasting his energy as there is no way for them to get out on their own. He may as well put his energy into remembering his past. Steve says he already heard so much from her about their past and nothing rang a bell. Kayla then says that maybe she has to show him his past, rather then tell him. He asks how she plans to do that. She then pulls him into a kiss. He pulls back and looks into her eyes. She tells him she loves him and that this is what they had, what they still have, and what they will always have. Steve then grabs her and kisses her without pulling away. He pulls away, eventually, and wonders why he responded to the kiss with one of his own. Kayla says he felt their love and now he knows she is no spy or minion working for the Dimera's or Alamains. Steve admits that there was a connection there and that he knows now she is not on the bad side but he doesn't remember anything but being in captivity, who has held him captive, and what his name is. Kayla says he felt the power of their love and that was a start. They will continue to progress and she will help him along. He says he hasn't remembered anything in years. Kayla explains that is because he has been alone and locked up for years. They will get out and she will help him remember. They will make much more progress once they get out because she can walk him down memory lane but talking will help too. She tells Steve she is a doctor and would know. He isn't so sure but Kayla reminds him that he felt something and that he kissed her. That is a sign that she has gotten to him and that they are going somewhere. Steve says that maybe it is but his goal and focus is on escaping. He goes back to examining the door as Kayla vows not to give up. She is going to keep working on him, whether they are locked up or free, and she is more determined then ever to get the man she loves back now that she knows he is in there based on the kiss. She vows not to give up until their family is back together in every sense of the word. The screen then fades to black and the credits roll.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Bo to Victor: I am warning you Victor. Maggie being around here can only lead to trouble.
    Austin to Lucas: Are you sure we are doing the right thing?
    Abby to Max: I called you last night!! You hung up when Chelsea needed help...when I needed help!!
    Max to Abby: I have no idea what you are talking about.
    Max to Cassie: You aren't lying to me are you?
    Jack to Billie: We can't do this. I can't do this.
    Billie to Jack: What?
    Jack to Billie: Not seeing each other...it's wrong.

  22. PhoenixRising05
    -Greta is walking the pier and bumps into Hope. They both ask how the other is doing. Hope says she is worried about Bo and informs Greta of what is going on with him. Greta asks Hope about Victor's past before he learned of Isabella. Hope tells her he was ruthless but had his supporters. She says that Julie became a friend of his when they all got washed up on the island following the Loretta sinking. Caroline also supported him. After he learned of Isabella, he promised her he would change and he did. Her death really transformed him into what he was currently, at least until lately when he decided he wanted revenge. Hope asks Greta why she is asking so many questions about Victor. Greta lies and says she just wants to a get a handle on who Victor is since Bo seems to following the same path of revenge is Victor and she just inquired for the sake of conversation. She chooses not to share with Hope that she wants to learn a little more about Victor because he is her father. Hope asks how she is. Greta mentions having a friend with an illness that is said to be terminal. Greta explains she found a specialist that could help but her friend won't see him. Plus, he is hiding his illness from his family and friends and she is the only one that knows he is ill. Hope asks if it anyone she knows. Greta lies and says it is a friend from Paris. Hope tells her that it is best not to interfere but that it can't hurt to bring the specialist in and just make her friend see him. Greta asks Hope if she can do that. Hope stresses that it's Greta's choice but if she cares for this person she must do what she can to help regardless if he gets angry with her or refuses. It could end up saving a life. Greta agrees and says she will do that. She thanks Hope for the talk and wishes her well with Bo. Hope says she hopes Shawn was here. He is her only child left, except for JT who isn't really her's biologicallyand isn't even in Salem, and she could use someone by her side right now. Greta recalls talking with Chelsea about Hope being her real mother and contemplates telling her but decides it isn't her place. She hugs Hope and they say goodbye. After Hope leaves, Greta calls the specialist and asks him to come to Salem afterall.

    -Nicole gets out of the shower. Eric tells her they need to talk about all their problems. Nicole is tired and thinks they should talk in the morning. Eric makes a comment that she may be working again in the morning. Nicole takes it as sarcastic and tells Eric she gave up alot to stay in Salem and she needs to have a career too. Eric approves but says they need to spend time together too. He feels distance between them, as well as tension. Nicole agrees they have problems but they can work through them. She agrees to make a better effort to manage her time better and balance things out. Nicole asks Eric why he doesn't go back to work as a photographer or go freelance like he was previously. Eric says he just wants to enjoy life and relax. Nicole says he is acting like he could die tomarrow. Eric is bothered by her saying that and says that life is short and anyone can die tomarrow and that is why he wants her to start thinking about their relationship more. Nicole agrees and says they will get through this. Nicole remembers what her secretary said about having to make a choice and she opts not to tell Eric of her impending decision. Eric says he wants to stop fighting and just enjoy each other. They kiss and make love. While Eric is asleep, Nicole gets up to answer emails on her laptop and do some work. Eric sees her, which Nicole doesn't notice, and begins to understand Nicole's work is beginning to consume her. He wonders if they can deal with this before he says goodbye for good. He loves her and wants to spend his last days with her and may never get the chance if this continues. Eric thinks about what they do to fix their shaky relationship.

    -Laura and Julie are having tea at the Deveraux home. Laura thanks Julie again for watching JJ earlier. Julie asks why Laura went to the Penthouse Grill anyway. Laura swears Julie to secrecy and explains her scheme to keep Billie and Jack apart. She says it's not just about her history with Kate but she just feels it is too fast and that Billie is wrong for Jack. She also feels Billie is taking advantage of her promise to Jennifer to take care of Jack and the family so she can have Jack. Laura says she nearly destroyed Bo and Hope and she is worried about what may happen to Jack. She even wonders if Billie is losing Jack to make Bo jealous. Julie admits Billie did alot of bad things and that she doesn't care for her but thinks Laura is wrong to interfere. She explains to Laura that she is acting just like Kate and that the more she tries to tear them apart, the worst she looks to Jack and the more closer Jack and Billie will get. Julie thinks that Laura needs to let them live and explore things on their own. Laura reluctantly agrees, especially after her plan at the restaurant failed badly. She also reminds herself that Jack and Billie are only friends right now and, hopefully, it won't be more. Julie tells Laura that only time will tell. Julie realizes she has to go. She embraces and says goodbye to Laura and warns her again about interfering. Julie leaves as Laura prays nothing comes of Jack and Billie.

    -Chelsea is shocked to see Abby in the motel room. The two guys laugh saying that they will now have one girl for each of them. Abby tells them to back off. Chelsea tells Abby she never should've come. Abby says she needed to help her and couldn't just stand by and watch her get hurt. One of the men pins Abby against the wall and says that she will be a fun little goodie. He begins to kiss her as the other guy goes back to Chelsea. Both men begin to kiss the woman and remove their clothes when Frankie burst through the door. He throws the man off of Abby and to the floor, punchiing him in the process. He picks the guy off Chelsea and throws him against the wall. Both men scurry away as Frankie asks if both girls are ok. Abby thanks him for coming so fast after she called. Abby explains to Chelsea that after she couldn't reach Max or either of their parents she called Frankie. She thought the police would make things worse and even more dangerous with all the sirens. Frankie says she did the right thing as he was in the area and it seems they lucked out he was close. The cops may have never made it in time. He asks Chelsea if she is ok. Chelsea says she is fine and that she just needs to pick better men. Frankie thinks she needs to stop with the out of control behavior. Chelsea explains everything she has gone through and is going through and says no one will make her do anything. She was reminded of her rapes when the two men were on her and there would've been no problem if she wasn't reminded by the two men by what they said and did. Frankie warns Chelsea she is always going to be reminded of what she went through everytime she is with a man in bed but she has people in her life who will help her get over it. Pushing people away will only make the problem grow. Abby agrees and asks Chelsea to come home with her and Frankie. Chelsea refuses and says she doesn't want love or attention or her family and friends pitying her. She knows she is a whore who destroys people's lives and who is wanted by no one. She just wants to be left alone. Frankie and Abby try to reason with her but she runs out. Later, she calls up an old friend from high school and asks if she can stay with her for the night. The friend agrees and Chelsea heads there as she refuses to go home and face those that love and care for her.

    -Frankie and Abby discuss Chelsea in the car as he drives her home. Abby says that Billie will freak when she hears what happened and that Chelsea ran off. Frankie asks what happened with Max. Abby fills him in on their talk earlier and how he hung up on her when she called him to help with Chelsea. She says the cell phone was picked up and she heard a click so he hung up. Frankie is stunned and can't beleive Max would be like that. Abby agrees and says that she plans on telling him what she thinks of him. Frankie says he will speak with him too and is sure there is more to it. Abby disagrees and tells Frankie that Max may not be what anyone thought he was. They arrive at the Deveraux home. Frankie heads for the garage apartment and says good night to Abby. She tells him the same and enters the house. Laura is there when she enters and she gets an idea to do what she wants without her getting her hands dirty. Laura tells Abby they need to talk and sits her down. Laura explains to Abby her concerns about her father and Billie and how she feels it is too fast and Billie is taking Jack away from being there for JJ and his family through their mourning period that they are still going through. She reminds Abby of what Billie did to Bo and Hope and asks if they can even be sure Billie isn't using Jack to make Bo jealous. She also tells Abby she beleives Billie is using her promise to Jennifer to take care of the family to snag Jack for whatever reason. Abby insists her parents and Billie have always been close friends and that she likes Billie and doesn't see what the problem is. She tells Abby to just think about what she said. Laura ackowledges that Billie has done alot for Jack and his family and brings up arranging for his return to his job at The Spectator. Abby cites that as a reason for not thinking Billie is a problem. Laura says it is too quick and she asks Abby if she wants Jack and Billie to get closer and someday marry. She reminds Abby that she would be united with the Roberts/Reed families, including Chelsea, and there would be all kinds of tension and turmoil. She urges Abby to think about everything she said and goes to make tea. Abby contemplates what Laura said. JJ begins to cry upstairs and Abby goes to tend to him. He won't stop crying. Laura comes in and can't get him to stop either. Abby says that her father always can get him to stop when he makes some funny faces at him and sings some weird song he thinks of. Laura tells Abby that Jack should be there but he is with Billie. They are still going through a difficult time and she tells Abby it is too fast and this proves that. Abby begins to wonder if she may be right as Laura whsipers that JJ's crying couldn't come at a better time.

    -Jack and Billie are playing a car racing game at the arcade. She beats him 3 out of 5 and says it appears she has won the battle of the arcade games. They both laugh and he congratulates her. He says he wants a rematch though. They turn in their tickets and Billie sees a a purse up on the high shelf that Chelsea may really like but she doesn't have enough tickets. Jack asks the employee how much the purse would be and offers to buy it. Billie insists he doesn't have to do that. Jack says he lost the arcade battle and he owes her for everything she has done for him. She tells Jack he has done so much for her by helping her take her mind off her troubles. Jack says it's reciprocal and gives the employee the money for the purse. Billie thanks him and says that Chelsea likes this style of purse to put with her everyday outfits. Jack says he can't understand all the different categories of outfits women have but says he doesn't have the energy to talk about. Billie thanks him again and gives him a small kiss on the cheek. They smile at each other and agree it's time to go home. They hate to end such a fun night but Billie says they need to return to reality sometime.

    -Jack convinces Billie to come in the house for a nightcap. Billie is afraid Laura might be there but Jack says he doubts it after what happened earlier. He convinces her to come in and they both turn their cell phones on once they enter the Deveraux house. They realize Abby called both of them by seeing their missed calls list. Abby and Laura hear them come in upstairs and bring a screaming JJ down with them. Jack hears them come down and asks why JJ is screaming. Abby says he wanted his daddy but he was busy. Abby gives Billie a cold stare that stuns Billie. Jack calms JJ, who quiets, and asks Abby what she meant by that. Abby says that she has no choice but to say something and she tells Billie to stop messing things up with their family and to leave her father alone. Billie and Jack are stunned as a subdued but satisfied Laura looks on with a small smirk. The screen then fades to black and the credits roll.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Max to Cassie: Just leave me alone!!
    Cassie to Max: Not a chance.
    Abby to Jack and Billie (with Laura in the room): It would be best for everyone if she just stays away from us!!
    Jack to Billie: There is only one way to go from here...
    Billie to Jack: You don't need to say a word. I know exactly where this is going.
    Kayla to Steve: I guess I will just have to show you what we had.
    Steve to Kayla: Now how do you plan to do that?
    Kayla to Steve: Like this... (grabs Steve and kisses him)
  23. PhoenixRising05





    Clip of Kayla kissing Steve.



    Abe: How could you do this? I never thought you could sink so low.
    Lexie: I will do whatever it takes to keep my son.


    Stefano: The Dimera's are back and here to stay!
    Lexie: I will destroy you all!!
    Cassie: They all won't know what hit them.


  24. PhoenixRising05
    Week of October 8, 2006 Edition


    The Dimera's make their resurgence known in Salem this week on Salem Lives as Stefano, Cassie and Lexie serve notice that a new era has begun for their family. The week begins with one Dimera, Cassie, stirring up trouble for Max. "Abby called Max to help her rescue Chelsea and Cassie took the call and just hung up the phone," sums up HW Tim Lowery. "Cassie lies to Max and says no one called and Abby and Chelsea both end in danger." The next day, Abby confronts Max and lashes out at him for his ignoring her. "Max doesn't have a clue what she is talking about," previews Lowery. "He says he knows nothing of any phone call. This leads Max to question Cassie, who lies again. Max doesn't see why Cassie would hang up the phone as he sees Cassie as still a Brady in his eyes since his family still accepts her." Abby runs off angry but privately admits to beleiving him. "She beleives him but is still angry about him being more interested in Cassie then her," says Lowery. "She just doesn't understand what she has that she doesn't." Little do Max and Abby know that Cassie is actually helping Stefano behind closed doors. "Stefano knows the Brady's still care and accept her and Cassie wants in on the Dimera empire so she is willing to do anything-even betray the family she once thought her's," says Lowery. "She is attracted to Max so that makes it easier but she is just doing as Stefano asks to fulfill his plans."

    Cassie isn't the only Dimera stirring up trouble-Lexie and Stefano are causing mayhem on their own as Theo's custody hearing begins. "Lexie knows she will have to play dirty and give up Abe to keep Theo," previews Lowery. However, she still is reluctant and so is Abe, who even has a change of heart and decides to offer joint custody to Lexie. "He just thinks the woman he loves is still there so he gives her one last chance and the benefit of the doubt," says Lowery. "He knows their marriage is over but there is a child involved and he just hopes she sees him as a good father just like he sees her as a good mother." Things get messy though when pretty much all of Salem shows up to support Abe or speak on his behalf. "They all try to explain to Lexie that Abe needs more help as she has the Dimera name on her side but Lexie takes it to mean they have all abandoned her because she is a Dimera and because they never got over what she did to Hope and the whole baby switch fiasco," previews Lowery. "She gets angry and denounces all of them and makes an official proclamation that she is a Dimera for life now and that she wants to be the woman that took Zack from Hope because that woman was successful and not a loser. She just starts to doubt all of them and all of Salem is rocked because this adds to the Dimera presence." Stefano stands by her and, during a talk with Sami, warns her that she will pay for admitting what Lexie did for Sami. "Sami is scared stiff because Stefano tells her that he will make it his personal mission to see her suffer," says Lowery. By week's end, the custody hearing is in full swing and gets nasty as Lexie pulls out all the stops. "Poor Abe is playing it fair as usual and Lexie is pulling out his past with Fay, his temper, and his shooting Brady and Larry Morris," sighs Lowery. "She even claims he emotionall abused her during his blindness and impotence, which she talks about publicly. He is humiliated and it is heartbreaking." The judge then rules on custody and all of Salem finally realizes the Dimera's are back in full force. "The scariest thing is they know about Stefano and Lexie and what they are capable of but Cassie is like the phantom menace and no one knows she is working against them too," laughs Lowery. Actually, the scariest thing is that the trouble is just beginning...


    Laura steps up her plans to keep Billie away from Jack this week on Salem Lives when she enlists Abby in her scheme. "She is talking with Julie who is not exactly a supporter fo Billie because of Hope," says HW Tim Lowery. "However, Julie warns her to let Jack figure everything out on his own as trying to stop him from being with Billie will only make him want to more. It makes Laura look worse and worse is her point." Laura agrees to back off, realizing that Jack and Billie are only friends at this point and that Julie is right. However, Abby returns and Laura gets an idea. "She begins to think to herself what would be if she found a way to keep Billie away from Jack and not get her hands dirty," previews Lowery. "It is then that she uses Abby and has this talk with her where she suggests that Billie is pushing Jack to move on too fast, that he is not home with JJ right now when he should be and she is not with her daughter when she should be, Billie is using her vow to Jennifer to snag Jack and is disrespecting Jennifer's memory, and on and on." Abby buys into all this and confronts Jack and Billie when they return. "The big shock is that she comes right out with it in front of her father," says Lowery. "She just reiterated everything Laura told her and no one can even get a rid in. Jack realizes that Laura is not the only problem and that Abby is not ok with this so he talks with her and tells Billie they should keep away from each other for now." Billie agrees and then has a moment where she realizes what is going on. "Abby mentions not being the only one that feels the way she does and Billie looks at Laura and just knows she said something to Abby," says Lowery. Billie says nothing of it and leaves but not to worry JILLIE fans, this is far from over. "The next day, Jack and Billie meet up at the custody hearing and things already kinda get back on track," previews Lowery. However, don't expect that to last long with Laura and Abby around.


    Kayla turns to a more aggressive method to help Steve remember his past this week on Salem Lives when she kisses him and he kisses her back. "They are still in the cell and Steve is still impatiently waiting for rescue," previews HW Tim Lowery. "Kayla just keeps telling him someone will look for her and find them but Steve is just blocking her out." Kayla once again suggests taking their time in captivity as an opportunity to discuss his past and try to recover his memory but he once again has no interest in anything but escaping so Kayla goes to more hands on measures. "She decides to show him how much she loves him and to show him his past rather then tell him so, while he is yelling at her, she just jumps at him and kisses him," says Lowery. "He pulls away at first and then she says she loves him and he looks into her eyes. It is then that he just gives in and kisses back and things get heated...until he puts the brakes on." Steve tells Kayla it's not right and then goes back to not thinking about his past yet again. "The good thing is that the kiss erases doubts he had about whether she was a Dimera spy or some nutcase," laughs Lowery. "He had no idea she was telling the truth but feeling what he does with that kiss he realizes he had something with her and that this is something he needs to explore so Kayla does make some progress." Hearing that should be music to Steve and Kayla fans' ears.

    Rumor Mill

    -Word is a major TV and film star may have won the role of Cal/faux Roman's psychiatrist. Check back for an announcement this week. A former Days and PC actress is also rumored to be up for the role.
    -One actor may soon be out and his character recast a la RKK/Peter Reckell.

    Comings and Goings


    Marsha Clark (Judge Karen Fitzpatrick): The judge returns to weigh in on Theo's (Kavi Faquir) custody hearing on October 12 and 13.

    Rolonda Watts (Cameron Reese): The tough as nails lawyer returns on October 12 and 13 to represent Lexie (Renee Jones).

    Previews and Peeks for Week of 10/9/06

    -Nicole grows suspicious of Eric and Greta.
    -Greta takes action to help Eric.
    -Frankie plays hero.
    -Chelsea hides.
    -Abby lashes out at Max.
    -Cassie has Max fooled.
    -Greta questions Hope about Victor.
    -Eric and Nicole's relationship is on the rocks.
    -Jack and Billie share a tender moment.
    -Kayla kisses Steve.
    -Laura uses Abby against Billie.
    -Victor, Bo, Lucas, and Austin plot against Stefano.
    -Victor is warned about Maggie.
    -Lexie and Abe go to court.
    -Stefano warns Sami.
    -Lexie turns on Salem and plays dirty.
    -Theo's custody is decided.

    Red Letter Days!!!

    Tuesday October 10: Steve and Kayla kiss!!!
    Friday October 13: Theo's custody is decided as Abe is humiliated, Lexie plays dirty, and the presence of the Dimera's is felt full force in Salem.

    Next Week: Carrie and Alan discuss his past. Lucas is touched by Sami's concern. Eric shocks Greta. Chelsea may send Max into Cassie's arms. Abby's heart is broken. The Horton's prepare to pull a fast one on Maggie.

  25. PhoenixRising05
    -Billie checks her messages and sees that Abby has not called with word on Chelsea. She is getting worried. Jack tells her to relax and that everything will be fine. He is sure Abby will find her. Billie sees her cell battery is low so she must turn her phone off. She asks Jack where they are going. Jack says he has a surprise that will help both of them keep their mind off the turmoil in their lives and help cap off a great night.

    -Abby has searched almost every night club. She arrives in the one Chelsea was in previously and asks the bartender if he has seen her. She shows a picture of her and says it is important that she finds her. The bartender says he saw her earlier and that she left with two men. He urges Abby to check out some motels as Chelsea seemed very friendly with the men. Abby asks if she was drunk or high. The bartender says he doesn't know so he can protect himself from getting arrested for selling drugs and giving alcohol to a minor. Abby decides to start searching motels.

    -Max is at the Brady Pub drowning his sorrows. He hates that he hurt Abby and hates what he did to Chelsea. Cassie arrives and asks him to perk up and have some fun. Max tells her to shutup and get the hell away from him.

    -Nicole asks Eric and Greta what is going on when she finds them in the suite together on the bed. Eric says that Greta tripped and they both fell on the bed. He claims that she pulled him down with her. Nicole seems ok with the explanation but asks to talk to Greta alone. Eric worries about what they may discuss so he eavesdrops. Nicole and Greta go outside the suite and Nicole tells Greta she knows what is going on and why she has been spending so much time with Eric.

    -Jack surprises Billie with a visit to an arcade. Billie says she remembers being in one as a teen. It used to be where she picked up boys. Jack laughs and says he never once stepped into an arcade until Abby had to go to a birthday party at one. He ended up having more fun then her. Billie forced Jack to play "Dance Dance Revolution." Jack somehow wins and brags to Billie that she was beaten by a novice. Billie says she only played once before and it when Chelsea was with some guys and Billie followed her. She played the game so Chelsea wouldn't see her. Jack thinks that was clever. They then decide to play laser tag. When they come out later, Jack is upset that Billie won. Billie tells Jack that it seems they are even so far. She thanks Jack for this as it is just what she needed. He says he needed it too and is having a blast. Between this and dinner, they have had a fun night. Billie says it's isn't over yet. Billie thanks him for being such a good friend. Jack says he is only returning the favor. They embrace.

    -Abby has searched a few motels and is sick of searching. She wonders where Chelsea could be. Meanwhile, Chelsea in in the very motel Abby is at. The two men she met are kissing her all over her neck and body and she seems to be enjoying it. One of the men then stops. Chelsea asks what's wrong and the man says he has to get some protection. His friend says he needs to as well. They race out to get some as a high and drunk Chelsea waits patiently.

    -Nicole tells Greta that she has been suspicious of all of the meetings Eric and her have had. Nicole says she has caught them talking alone so many times but now she is sure she knows what it is up. Nicole says she thinks Greta is helping her to find out what Eric is hiding. She did ask Greta and Sami for help so Greta is merely doing as she was asked to by her. Greta lies and says she is right. Greta mentions that she knew something was up with Eric the day they all learned John was Roman and she had a long talk with Eric at the station. Nicole remembers that as the first time she saw them talking together alone since they all returned to Salem. Greta says that she got the sense something more was going on so when Nicole asks for Sami and her help, she agreed. She still cares about Eric and says she would never take him away from Nicole. Nicole says she knows that and realizes that now. She should've remembered Greta has strong morals and would never do anything like that. She thanks Greta for the help and tells her to get back to her when she learns anything. Nicole returns to Eric and apologizes for thinking the worst when she walked in. She goes in the bathroom to change. Eric thanks Greta for everything and keeping his secret. He complimets Greta on elaborating on her lie and making it more realistic. She still thinks it is wrong to hide his secret and not see the specialist but she will go along with his wishes. Greta wishes him good night and Nicole, who is finished changing, good night. She leaves. Nicole tells Eric she doesn't want to fight anymore and just wants to focus on them and enjoying the evening. Eric agrees and tells Nicole that they shouldn'y waste precious moments arguing. They kiss as Nicole recalls the decision between Eric and Highstyle she will seemingly have to make. She chooses not to tell Eric of the decision she needs to make and makes no mention of it. Eric and Nicole then make love.

    -Abby is walking around the motel when she sees two men, obviously drunk, yelling up to a Chelsea in a room on the second level. Abby wonder if it is her Chelsea. The men enter the room and jump right on Chelsea. Chelsea kisses them both and begins to make love to both of them at the same time. Abby takes the stairs to the second level and can hear Chelsea making love to them from outside the door. She is appalled she is having sex with two men at once. The men are all over her as Chelsea is all over them. She then begins to have flashbacks of both of her rapes as the hands all over her remind her of Jason and Barry. She quietly begins to say "No" and then, eventually, starts to yell out "No!!!" with tears in her eyes. She starts to beg them both to stop as she doesn't want to do this with them anymore. One of the guys says it is too late to stop now and the other just tells her to relax and have fun. Abby can hear Chelsea screaming "No!!" and for the men to stop. She decides to call for helo. She tries calling Billie but her phone if off and her father's doesn't have a charged battery since he has barely used it since her mother's death. She ultimately decides to call Max.

    -Cassie asks what Max's problem is. He says he is hurting the people he cares about. He hurt Chelsea when she needed him most and now she is a mess and thinks she has no one and he hurt Abby, who he didn't know liked him in a romantic way, by dancing with Cassie the other day. Cassie tells Max he had no idea Abby would be hurt and, as for Chelsea, it is hard to trust her and know what is going on there so he can't blame himself. Max says he does blame himself. He just tells Cassie to leave him alone. Max asks Lisa for another drink. She reminds him one more and she is cutting him off. Max decides he needs to go to the bathroom and tells Cassie she better be gone when he returns. Lisa goes into the back room for supplies. Max has left his cell phone in his jacket on the bar. Cassie hears Max's cell phone ring and sees on the caller ID shows it's Abby. She knows Stefano needs her to spend time with Max in a effort for her to stay close to the Brady's and she kinda likes Max as she sees him as very sexy. She doesn't want anyone to interfere in her plans. She picks up the phone and quickly hangs it up without saying a word to Abby. Abby wonders what happened but decides she can't waste time and call back. Chelsea needs help now. Max returns and asks why Cassie is still there. Cassie says he left his stuff at the bar and she didn't want anyone to steal it while Lisa was in the back room. Max thinks that is only an excuse for her to hang around some more. He asks why she hangs around him recently of late. She tells him she thinks he is sexy and she likes him. Max tells her to join the fan club. He checks his cell and asks if she heard his phone ring at any point since it was right on the bar with his coat. Cassie lies and says no. Max decides to turn his phone off so he won't be bothered by anyone else as Cassie smiles.

    -Abby realizes someone else she can call for help that won't cause more issues with Chelsea to develop. She just hopes it isn't too late. Meanwhile, both men are all over her as Chelsea yells for them to stop and quietly says while her hands shake "It's happening again...all over again." The men tell Chelsea to stop screaming and fighting them and to just do her job as a whore. Chelsea recalls her rapists calling her a whore and begins to scream louder for them to stop. The men just keep going. All of a sudden, the motel room door opens and Abby yells for them to stop and get off Chelsea. The men are caught off guard by Abby while Chelsea is stunned to see her. The men asks Abby what she is going to do to make them stop. One of the men says that now they each have a girl to party with. A nervous and fearful Abby looks at a shaking and afraid Chelsea as the men move closer to her. The screen then fades to black and the credits roll.
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