-Billie and Jack discuss what she is going to do about Chelsea. Billie tells Jack that her and Bo have tried their best, but Chelsea won’t listen. Jack tells her he doesn’t know how Chelsea could listen to Bo. Bo is telling Chelsea “Look. Start acting like and adult, and not like some spoiled brat. And now if you’ll excuse me, I have a mafia war to plan out with my underworld father and his henchmen.” No wonder Chelsea isn’t listening, even though she should. Billie asks about Abby. Jack tells Billie that’s all about Jennifer. After the four times he died, Jack tells Billie he now knows how hard it is to raise a child by yourself. After Billie chuckles, she agrees, but also tells Jack to hang in there Abby will turn herself around. She’s nothing like Chelsea. Jack hopes that his friendship with Billie doesn't cause further problems for both their families. Billie says it won't as long as Laura stays out of it and Jack vows to make sure that happens. They call out for Chelsea and Abby but no on answers. Jack says he will go look out back and, right after he leaves, Abby races down having heard the back door slam and thinking everyone was gone. Billie sees her and is stunned to see her dressed in something Chelsea would wear to one of her parties. She asks Abby what she thinks she is doing and says she is shocked to see her dressed like that. Abby asks Billie what she thinks she is going to do about it. Billie responds that she is going to tell her father.
-Alan is still reeling from his admission of what his father did to his mother when he was a child. Carrie can’t believe it. She just cannot believe that his father was such a monster. She tells Alan that she knows about monsters. Stefano DiMera is her personal monster. Alan says because of everything he has done to her family. Carrie says yes, especially her father. To strip him of everything was just horrible for someone to do. The same type of pain Alan is feeling right now. Carrie tells Alan that she sympathizes with him and what he has to endure all of his life. She asks him if these are the demons that he has also been wrestling with in prison. He says he doesn’t want to talk about his time behind bars right now, but answers there are plenty. These are the very same demons. He just doesn’t know how to get these nightmares out of his head. Carrie tells him that she wishes her stepmother, Marlena, was here. She could help him with his past, and help him shape a new future. Alan wonders if he can still have a future. Carrie says yes, he can, and has an idea on how about to get that started. Carrie asks Alan if he could do her a huge favor and return to Salem, just to check on her family and see how everyone is doing. She can't because she is mroe recognizable and it is hard for her to get around with her pregnancy. Alan looks at her and then walks near the fireplace. After some thought and fully thinking of the risks, he turns to Carrie and says yes, he can go back home to Salem. It can be two-fold for him. He can finally start putting these demons to rest since he can't live in fear of those he hurt his whole life, and at the same time find out what has been really happening to her family since the island tragedy. Carrie just wonders if he would still like for her to be his companion even after he leaves for Salem. He says yes. He has grown very fond of her, and would not want to lose the only real friend he has ever had. Carrie says then it is settled. She tells Alan to be careful. Alan says he will and, after packing up some things, leaves the cabin for Salem. Carrie wishes him luck and thanks him.
-Sami meets her brother Eric for lunch. After sitting down and ordering, they catch up on what’s been happening with each other. When Sami presses Eric on why he has been hiding his headaches from her, he lies to her and says that they are not as bad as they seem. Eric tells her it’s more stress than anything else, having to deal with Nicole and all. Nicole overhears his words and comes over to join them. She tells Sami that Eric’s lies about whatever is going on with him has added to the problems in their relationship. Sami looks at both of them, says that she is really not in the mood to get in the middle of all their drama, bids Eric a warm goodbye while rolling her eyes at Nicole, and leaves the two of them alone. While walking away, Sami bumps into Greta, who also observes the fighting going on between the two. After Greta says she doesn’t know what Eric’s problem is, she asks Sami if she is going to the Halloween Ball later that night. Sami says no, she has too much going on to party. Besides, she feels none of her family want to be within two hundred feet of her after what she did. Greta insists that she go, especially since all the proceeds are for charity. Sami takes a few steps past her, thinks for a moment, turns, and tells Greta that yes, she will attend. It may go a long way into showing her loved ones that she is finally starting to change her ways, and is serious about turning over a new leaf. After telling her she needs to hurry and find her costume, she bids Greta a warm farewell and both hurry off.
-After watching his sister leave, Eric turns to Nicole and demands to know why she decided to just walk up and start running off at her mouth. Nicole tells him that she was just concerned about him, and says she’s sorry for what happened, but he isn’t giving her much room to be civil. Eric says how can he, when she spends all of her time at work and hardly none with him. Nicole tells Eric that he will not push this off on her. He is being a contemptible ass, and needs to stop blaming her for how he is acting. Nicole wonders what is it about Brady children that whenever they do something, it’s never their fault. Eric says that’s not fair. He is nothing like Sami. Nicole says really then what does he call keeping some big secret from her since his return and blaming her for how he’s feeling. Eric sits quietly and says nothing. Nicole says exactly. That’s what she figured. Eric then tells her that the biggest reason why he came back home is because he loved her and wanted her to return to Salem with him. But, Eric now says it is apparent that she never wanted that. Nicole tells Eric that he is wrong. Eric stands, tells her it just doesn’t matter anymore, and leaves Nicole alone near the table. Nicole sits down.....starts to cry softly. Eric runs into Greta outside. Greta can see he is upset and embraces him. She tells him everything is going to be ok, as Nicole looks on from inside and bears witness to their close moment.
-As Celeste plays with Theo back at Abe’s home, Abe comes in from his day at the cop shop. Abe walks over and picks Theo up, and tells him how much he loves him. Celeste stands up, and, while looking Abe holding his son, turns and walks away. Abe notices that Celeste didn’t say a word. He also notices that Celeste is very sad. Abe ask what is the problem. Celeste turns and faces Abe, telling him she still can’t believe that Alexandra turned her back on her, and told her she is nothing to her now. Abe tells Celeste that Lexie didn’t mean that. She is still stinging from the custody battle for Theo. She’ll calm down, and will be back home soon. Celeste says she doesn’t know about that. She feels Stefano’s influence has finally succeeded in poisoning her mind against her family and friends. Abe puts Theo down, walks towards Celeste, and tells her that he will do what he said he would. He will get Lexie away from Stefano and bring her back home. Celeste tells Abe that he better keep that promise, but she sees tragedy on the horizon. And not just for Alexandra, but for everyone in Salem. That could very well start tonight at the ball as she sees revelations and more pain in the near future. Celeste grabs her coat and tells Abe she will see him at Ball tonight, and leaves him to ponder her words.
-Lexie is shown at the DiMera Mansion, very upset at having lost her son. Stefano walks in the main parlor, and tells Lexie to not worry. Everyone in Salem will pay dearly for what has happened. Lexie wonders aloud:
Lexie: Now how will you do that, Stefano? The entire town is poisoned against you for all the things you’ve done to the Hortons and Bradys.
Stefano: It is of no concern what this wretched town feels. All they need to worry about is the wrath of the DiMera Family. I always keep my promises, my dear.
Lexie: Really? Then who was that that kept telling me that Theo would be right here? Huh? Who was that? A ghost?!
Stefano: Watch your tone with me young lady. (Grabbing her by her right arm) Remember who I am, darling. I demand respect from my children, especially when they stay in my house!!
Lexie: (Yanking her arm away) I’m not Tony! You don’t run me, Father. All you can do give me and everyone else your cryptic words and phrases. That crap isn’t scaring anyone anymore.
Just then, Cassie comes down the stairs.
Cassie: What is all the yelling for? I can’t even listen to any music.
Stefano: (Turning back towards Lexie) Cassie is just one element of what I have planned, my dear. I’m already using her as a link between myself and the Brady family. No one is suspicious. Of what is going on, especially your ex-husband and Roman Brady. He’s too mixed up in this war between me and Victor to see what is happening right underneath his nose. So, like I said, leave all this to me. It is under control.
Cassie: That’s right, Aunt Lexie. Max is falling for my charms and the Brady's still think of me as family. I have him and the whole family eating out of the palm of my hand. Theo will once again be living with you soon.
Lexie: And you don’t care about ruining Max’s life?
Cassie: What should I care? My grandfather is one of the most powerful and dangerous men in the world. I’ll take that over being a member of some poor family like the Bradys any day.
Stefano: Well spoken, my dear. With what Cassie is doing, coupled with my having Steve and Kayla Johnson being held prisoner, things are working out into our favor.
Lexie: (With a shocked look) You kidnapped Steve and Kayla?! What is wrong with you?! You want Roman and Bo down on your head, not to mention Jack Deveraux?
Stefano: (Walking to his desk and picking up the paper) Who cares about any of them? Once I have Roman Brady neutralized, the rest of that family will be lost. Then, I’ll take care of Victor, and Salem will be mine and you will have Theo back. Just remain loyal to your adoring father and listen to what he says and everything will work out to your benefit. (Looking at the Halloween Bash ad) Well, well, well. This is perfect. No better place to observe what is going on than a Halloween party for charity. Get your costumes out, ladies. The DiMeras are stepping out on the town! Hahahahaha..........................
Next Time, On Salem Lives....................
Just scroll up to Wednesday's episode.